Profile photo for Mike Scott
  1. I have never burnt out. I always had more to give. I have been exhausted but could always rise to a challenge. I believed in myself and my capacities.
  2. I always have a reward in mind. Usually a small daily reward and a weekly reward that is bigger and better than any of my favorite wasting time behaviors.
  3. I get up at 0600 PDT year-round and that solid get out of bed time starts my daily schedule consistently. And I plan it the evening before. That way I rise as an employee with little discretion and start on my tasks as written out the night before. If I do these two parts well then all is right
  1. I have never burnt out. I always had more to give. I have been exhausted but could always rise to a challenge. I believed in myself and my capacities.
  2. I always have a reward in mind. Usually a small daily reward and a weekly reward that is bigger and better than any of my favorite wasting time behaviors.
  3. I get up at 0600 PDT year-round and that solid get out of bed time starts my daily schedule consistently. And I plan it the evening before. That way I rise as an employee with little discretion and start on my tasks as written out the night before. If I do these two parts well then all is right with my world.
  4. I never plan more than 40% of my free time. That leaves both cushions for problems and interruptions and space for opportunities and adventures.
  5. Reward time, catchup time, and entertainment. Catchup time if a task takes more than the original plan allotted. If unused time remains it gets added to my reward time. I read about an hour of fiction as part of my wind-down time before bed. Other reading tends to wind me up and mess with my sleeping. I don’t need new thoughts, ideas, experiments, etc to keep me awake at night. Life should have some joy in it every day if possible.
  6. Humor. As long as I can still laugh at myself, others, and the world I am in great shape. Rule 1. Never trust a depressed person with the Nuke button. Rule 2 if I can’t laugh it is time to get very far away from me for your own safety.
  7. I once worked 4 20-hour days back to back. Slept on the lunchroom floor, bathed in the bathroom sink, and changed into clothes my wife brought to me. Was I tired? Yes, Was I sleep-deprived, Yes, could I have done it another day? yes. They had a driver take me home. It was for the survival of a tech startup. It died later. Would I say I was burned out? No. I could still do more.
  8. Burned out is when you can’t do anymore. Never been to that level. What if I didn’t want to do more? We called those Mondays. It was rare that I wanted to go to work on Monday. (or any other day of the week). Fishing was nearly always more attractive than going to work. Not wanting to do something is far different than not having the capacity to do something.
Profile photo for Bee

Burn out can happen for a variety of different reasons to anyone at any stage of their life BUT the outcome is unfortunately the same… Exhaustion.

When dealing with ‘burnout’ you have to look at it as if you are burning the candle at both ends. There seem’s to be no ‘rest & recovery or time out’ mentally, emotionally, physically etc so your whole well being ends up effected.

How do you prevent it? Try this;

  • Start your day with 20–30 mins just for yourself ( not the kids, wife, roommates, coworkers, spouse, family etc) - meditation or mindfulness- journal, writing out goals or feelings, sit with y

Burn out can happen for a variety of different reasons to anyone at any stage of their life BUT the outcome is unfortunately the same… Exhaustion.

When dealing with ‘burnout’ you have to look at it as if you are burning the candle at both ends. There seem’s to be no ‘rest & recovery or time out’ mentally, emotionally, physically etc so your whole well being ends up effected.

How do you prevent it? Try this;

  • Start your day with 20–30 mins just for yourself ( not the kids, wife, roommates, coworkers, spouse, family etc) - meditation or mindfulness- journal, writing out goals or feelings, sit with yourself and breathe deeply with intent of what you want to achieve for yourself that day and how you want to feel
  • REST- Your mind first - This might sounds obvious but when someone is struggling with burnout , normally the mind is in overdrive so even if you rest your body your mind can still be racing. You need to rest the mind from the chatter and daily pressure’s of life that may have caused this moment. Relax into the NOW and give yourself 5 - 10 minutes where you visualise you are in a round protective space where time has stopped still. Put on some relaxing music or not , but just remind yourself that the world does NOT need you for those 10 minutes.
  • EXERCISE, CHANGE EATING HABITS & SLEEPING HABITS - Hit the gym, hit the spa, hit the punching bags and sweat out any stagnant energy or restless mind energy you may have. Burnout can also mean you feel physically tired and mentally awake in overdrive. Start by changing your eating habits to a healthier whole food diet. Take out any stimulants such as coffee, energy drinks and start drinking more water and healthy herbal teas to flush out your system.
  • TAKE A TRIP - Go away for a few days but the longer you can get away the better. Head to another country and just be with yourself. Recenter yourself and get in tune with your feelings and emotions. TRY a Wellness retreat, The on demand staff and full array wellness professionals make the retreat a smooth ride when it comes to healing yourself from burnout. It is almost like the MOT for life instead of cars. Now , I’m not saying that all of your burnout will be gone, it does depend on the severity of your symptoms but this is a great place to start the reboot that people need and afterwards are quite grateful they had.

These are just a few ways to start with the ‘burnout recovery’. I’m sure you will see plenty of other great ways on here and I strongly advice you be kind and gentle with yourself in this moment. There is a reason this is happening for you and the outcome of your journey may be deeper than just ‘burnout’ .. stay positive and this will not last.

Coach Bee xx

Profile photo for Seema Shah

Workplace is where we spend more than half of each day.

Is this true for you? Work is worship!

Enjoy your moments at work.
Sometimes this is easier said than done!
Why am I saying this ?
Because work pressure increases, deadlines are near and work is not complete, workload is not balanced, teams are not efficient, interpersonal relationships may not be smooth, teams may have people management issues, lack of motivation etc....
People may face burnout at work...........

So I would avoid burnout like this:

  • Love the work and every task at hand. Tasks have to be done, then why not do them h

Workplace is where we spend more than half of each day.

Is this true for you? Work is worship!

Enjoy your moments at work.
Sometimes this is easier said than done!
Why am I saying this ?
Because work pressure increases, deadlines are near and work is not complete, workload is not balanced, teams are not efficient, interpersonal relationships may not be smooth, teams may have people management issues, lack of motivation etc....
People may face burnout at work...........

So I would avoid burnout like this:

  • Love the work and every task at hand. Tasks have to be done, then why not do them happily!
  • Bring in some life in work through innovation of monotonous activities
  • Do things differently , break monotony
  • Forget the past so that current relations and work are not affected
  • Work smart and not hard, find out ways and means of speeding up work
  • Focus on work, a task at a time. take short breaks and start afresh
  • Avoid working beyond a specific threshold.
  • spend breaks with positive people. The break time needs to be rejuvenating and should never seep away your energy.

Some more inputs:
Prepare a time chart for various activities and work as planned. Manage your time else the time will manage you!
Imagine being a bonded slave of TIME............ I would not like to be in this position.
Check out the
four mantras below to reduce burnout to zero: Ask yourself:

  • Can you do it faster?
  • Can you do it differently?
  • Can you do it better?
  • Can you multiplex?

The key is to improve efficiency and doing tasks with same quality.

The last critical advice:
Do not carry your work home.

Profile photo for Quora User

GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK!!! You have to find a balance. You need to truly understand Your body. The body knows what it needs and it tells You. Headaches, sadness, hunger, anxiety, pains and aches, these are all things that Your body is doing on purpose so You can listen to it and act accordingly. Your body is very intelligent. You just have to learn how to listen to it.

Profile photo for Sven Dirks

I see to it that I get enough sleep. Being a care giving relative, a volunteer of 23 years and still a full time employee my life is rather busy, to put it mildly.

As long as I see to it that I get a good nights sleep on most nights I am fine, I guess.

Profile photo for Sav

I don’t think that’s realistic but knowing that whatever you’re going through will pass is a simple solution because we’re more than that.

I want to build a rocket ship but I don’t have the money.

I want to draw, but I don’t have all the tools or knowledge.

I want to write but I can’t just see the beauty in it, I need to try it and in different ways.

You might not know what you’re capable of and that’

I don’t think that’s realistic but knowing that whatever you’re going through will pass is a simple solution because we’re more than that.

I want to build a rocket ship but I don’t have the money.

I want to draw, but I don’t have all the tools or knowledge.

I want to write but I can’t just see the beauty in it, I need to try it and in different ways.

You might not know what you’re capable of and that’s beautiful, but it’s ok to rest. But I just feel so stupid.

I want to know everything and I’m reflecting on the way I think. Is that power there once I think about I believe so because now I know.

It’s not faith all alone, but it’s strength in faith. Faith and strength. I don’t know if this is the beginning of something new or something I’m always trying to start when I’ve been here forever, or a really long time… (past life)

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know something but only because then you can learn and then you can understand.

I can’t move past the fact that all these I don’t know I don’t kno...

Profile photo for James R. Twine

How do you protect yourself from burnout?

Simple - know when to say “no” out loud to someone and “fuck it” in your mind. But you have to be able and willing to say it in the truest sense of the words. People often forget that “no” is a perfectly valid and appropriate response to a request. Going along with that, knowing when to say fuck it I can be cathartic and relieves you of the worry over saying “no.”

For example, you have been pulling all-nighters for the past couple of weeks and both you and those around you are beginning to feel the effects of the additional stress.

Then some higher-up com

How do you protect yourself from burnout?

Simple - know when to say “no” out loud to someone and “fuck it” in your mind. But you have to be able and willing to say it in the truest sense of the words. People often forget that “no” is a perfectly valid and appropriate response to a request. Going along with that, knowing when to say fuck it I can be cathartic and relieves you of the worry over saying “no.”

For example, you have been pulling all-nighters for the past couple of weeks and both you and those around you are beginning to feel the effects of the additional stress.

Then some higher-up comes in at 6:30 PM Friday evening and, demonstrating more of those clearly superior planning skills that got everyone into this situation in the first place, asks that inevitable question:

Can you work this weekend?


But we have a customer deadline!

“I am acutely aware of the deadline. No.”

What the Hell, Jacobson? Aren't you a team player?

“Considering I have been working nights and weekends while most of the managers/supervisors/directors seem to be checking in from home every now and then, you really think that is an appropriate thing to say to me? I need this weekend to myself. My answer stands - no.”

You have to be willing to commit to what is best for your mental health and avoid burning out. Will the entire project go South because you take a weekend for yourself? Probably not. Will people be unhappy? Likely - but it is not your job to make everyone happy. Will they live? Yup. The sun will still come up tomorrow. So, fuck it. Do what you need to do to be able to give it your best effort cone Monday.

Profile photo for Eric Zhang

Learn your limits.

Do this by either burning out once, or by incrementally pushing yourself harder and harder.

There are 168 hrs in a week.

Don't skimp out on sleep. Allocating 50 hrs/week or about 7hrs/night will allow the body (adults) to wake up without needing an alarm clock or coffee.

There is a limit to productivity. For work that requires thinking or learning, most people max out at 60–70hrs/week including weekends. For the brainless stuff, pushing past 80hrs/week is possible but it will quickly become obvious that you’re pushing too hard.

Give yourself a break. This leaves roughly 50–60 hrs

Learn your limits.

Do this by either burning out once, or by incrementally pushing yourself harder and harder.

There are 168 hrs in a week.

Don't skimp out on sleep. Allocating 50 hrs/week or about 7hrs/night will allow the body (adults) to wake up without needing an alarm clock or coffee.

There is a limit to productivity. For work that requires thinking or learning, most people max out at 60–70hrs/week including weekends. For the brainless stuff, pushing past 80hrs/week is possible but it will quickly become obvious that you’re pushing too hard.

Give yourself a break. This leaves roughly 50–60 hrs/week or 7–8 hrs/day to pursue other things. It’s time for hygiene (brushing, toilet, regular showers), eating healthy food (and cooking it!), exercise (AHA recommends 40min cardio 5x/week), making time for friends and hobbies. 7–8 hrs/day may seem like a lot, but for most people with 9–5 jobs, you squeeze it out in small chunks before, during and after work.

Most people try to cut time from sleep and breaks to increase productivity. Burnouts inevitably happen sooner or later depending on how hard you squeeze, and how stubborn/determined you are.

Your body will take time to adjust to changes in healthier sleep or caffeine habits.

Staying balanced is key.

Profile photo for Mike Scott

Burnout is a far overused term. Most people are not burned out. Most are just tired of the routine, bored, unenthused, and want something different.

Look up a clinical definition of burnout and see that it is rare.

Do something fun every day (just an hour). And 8 hours a week beyond that energizes you. What gets me pumped up might bore you to tears. What you like might drive me crazy. Earn your rewards. Kids in college claimed burnout on less than 3 hours a day of studying. Or working 4 hours a day 5 days a week and claim burnout. Older folks just laugh at them.

I once worked 4 days straight 20 h

Burnout is a far overused term. Most people are not burned out. Most are just tired of the routine, bored, unenthused, and want something different.

Look up a clinical definition of burnout and see that it is rare.

Do something fun every day (just an hour). And 8 hours a week beyond that energizes you. What gets me pumped up might bore you to tears. What you like might drive me crazy. Earn your rewards. Kids in college claimed burnout on less than 3 hours a day of studying. Or working 4 hours a day 5 days a week and claim burnout. Older folks just laugh at them.

I once worked 4 days straight 20 hours per day. Was I tired? Yes. Was I burned out? No. I could have grabbed my fishing rod and gone to whatever water you would drive me to. A couple of days off and everyone was back at work again.

Not feeling like doing studies, work or routine items is not burnout. And you are not up and functioning after 2 days off from being burned out. And of course, we checked our shorts to know if we were boys or girls. Times were simpler then.

Profile photo for Kira Leskew

Burnout starts with beliefs about life that aren’t true, namely that you have to do everything with effort, and that you have “earn” well-being. I have been burnt out and I have coached and trained several hundred people on the topic of burnout. Always, the core seed is unworthiness, whether people are aware of it or not.

That being said, the way back to wellness is a combination of cutting schedules, focusing on priorities, lots of rest and (for most people) easy meditations. If schedule cutting is done properly, most people get more done in 3 hours of work per day that they were getting done

Burnout starts with beliefs about life that aren’t true, namely that you have to do everything with effort, and that you have “earn” well-being. I have been burnt out and I have coached and trained several hundred people on the topic of burnout. Always, the core seed is unworthiness, whether people are aware of it or not.

That being said, the way back to wellness is a combination of cutting schedules, focusing on priorities, lots of rest and (for most people) easy meditations. If schedule cutting is done properly, most people get more done in 3 hours of work per day that they were getting done in 12+ hours that they were doing before. I generally train Entrepreneurs, and executives, where this is seen as normal.

If you look at high performance science, the mind works differently when relaxed, and top performers do different tasks and get the work done in different ways, which means that they work far less hours than others. These people put a high premium on their personal feelings of well-being and they rarely feel like they have to earn anything or prove their value or worth to anybody. They know if.

I have found that when I teach people to cut schedules, to change the negative mind to positive (which is a big part of recovering from burnout) and to heal the part of themselves that doesn’t feel worthy, they not only recover from burnout, but have dramatic increases in performance in less time and feel fulfilled in their personal lives as well.

Profile photo for The Yellow Spot

Take a step back – We often find ourselves running to stay ahead of ourselves that we seldom realise that we have come too far and are completely exhausted. Its time to take a step back. We don’t need to always compete. If possible, take a sabbatical. If not, take a few days off. Do what you really want to do, it could also include just relaxing and doing nothing for a while.

Appreciate – Multitasking if the new trend, remember you have done it already. Feel proud about your achievements. The self-pride and self-love will ease your burnout. It’s like gently applying cold water on a burn.


Take a step back – We often find ourselves running to stay ahead of ourselves that we seldom realise that we have come too far and are completely exhausted. Its time to take a step back. We don’t need to always compete. If possible, take a sabbatical. If not, take a few days off. Do what you really want to do, it could also include just relaxing and doing nothing for a while.

Appreciate – Multitasking if the new trend, remember you have done it already. Feel proud about your achievements. The self-pride and self-love will ease your burnout. It’s like gently applying cold water on a burn.

Prioritise – Once you feel a little relaxed, start slowly with the most important thing on the agenda. Focus on one thing at a time. No harm in even changing your style of working.

Balance is the key to life – Work hard but also add some smartness to the style. You will realize that you have more time for yourself. Work hard, enjoy hard.

Include Breaks – Ensure you take breaks and relax from time to time. This way you will not reach your second burnout. Remember ‘All Work No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy’.

Profile photo for Quora User

You have to find the rules that work for you and then enforce them. No one is going to know your limits, triggers and blind spots. Figure out your program and take all steps you deem possible and necessary. There will be constant adjustment.

There will be people who will resist, especially in employment or academic situations. Luckily there are now provisions made for people susceptible, such as pe

You have to find the rules that work for you and then enforce them. No one is going to know your limits, triggers and blind spots. Figure out your program and take all steps you deem possible and necessary. There will be constant adjustment.

There will be people who will resist, especially in employment or academic situations. Luckily there are now provisions made for people susceptible, such as people on the spectrum, learning or other disabilities. If you don’t fall under any of this, have your burnout episodes verified by a mental health professional. This will support you in getting what you need from those lacking empathy and flexibility. They will at least fear legal repercussions even if your needs don’t make them your biggest fans. What others think of you must take a serious b...

Profile photo for Sahil Rajput

I usually don't take tension.

I keep my self indulge in other productive things.


So , all these things keep me burnt out from the sever tensions of life. !!🌱.

Profile photo for Ella de Jong

I’m not experienced in this. Perhaps because I have always been respected for my work as a teacher and as a counsellor. Respect and appreciation are the keywords for me.

Although … I have almost experienced a burnout …

The moment I had to be an other kind of teacher, not being able to be authentic anymore, the problems started! They didn’t respect my way of teaching and there was very few op appreciation. I was able to (just in time) leave the school and take a 18 months leave! Now I do both: teach kids and train people in MY way!

Profile photo for Kris Anderson

Give your employees a day of rest and balance their workload effectively. Push back for them in the queue, email, or whatever. Let them have a real vacation and leave them be unless it’s an absolute emergency. Let them work from home if you can, and try to have a good sense of understanding for your employees to notice when they are burnt out. Prevention is better than the cure. Try to treat your employees to lunch once in a while and show them you appreciate their work and hard efforts.

Now if you’re referring to how do I handle burnout personally for my own workload, BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE.

Give your employees a day of rest and balance their workload effectively. Push back for them in the queue, email, or whatever. Let them have a real vacation and leave them be unless it’s an absolute emergency. Let them work from home if you can, and try to have a good sense of understanding for your employees to notice when they are burnt out. Prevention is better than the cure. Try to treat your employees to lunch once in a while and show them you appreciate their work and hard efforts.

Now if you’re referring to how do I handle burnout personally for my own workload, BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE. However, being in a position of leadership, sometimes burnout comes with the job as it’s not about but about your team and employees.

Profile photo for Herma Swij

By deciding that you will be giving priority to your well-being at all times.

For this you need to be aware of your physical, psychological and spiritual needs. To accomplish this you’ll need to take time to listen to yourself each and every day; to your body, mind and spirit. So you will need to plan time off, and this time will be sacred, and you will spend it meditating, doing tai chi, yoga or alike, taking a walk in the woods or just laying on your lawn. Bombs may go off, phones may ring, people might be banging on your door, but you won’t be distracted: it’s your time. You will be listenin

By deciding that you will be giving priority to your well-being at all times.

For this you need to be aware of your physical, psychological and spiritual needs. To accomplish this you’ll need to take time to listen to yourself each and every day; to your body, mind and spirit. So you will need to plan time off, and this time will be sacred, and you will spend it meditating, doing tai chi, yoga or alike, taking a walk in the woods or just laying on your lawn. Bombs may go off, phones may ring, people might be banging on your door, but you won’t be distracted: it’s your time. You will be listening with full attention to yourself and next be faithful to your needs and take care of them, because that is what you decided.

By religiously following this strategy burnout will have no chance and you will live a long, healthy and prosperous life.

Profile photo for Quora User

You need to do less.

You can do less of the things with the least impact. You need a sense of your priorities to do this.

You may want to create a schedule for your own To Do list to ensure you allow enough time for things and not struggle to complete them at the last moment. Learn to say No to more tasks if your schedule is full.

You need to then make time to relax. You need to find something significant and relaxing to do regularly…like exercise daily.

You need to seek help at work before you become burnt out … if you are struggling to cope with the workload then let your boss know.

You must take

You need to do less.

You can do less of the things with the least impact. You need a sense of your priorities to do this.

You may want to create a schedule for your own To Do list to ensure you allow enough time for things and not struggle to complete them at the last moment. Learn to say No to more tasks if your schedule is full.

You need to then make time to relax. You need to find something significant and relaxing to do regularly…like exercise daily.

You need to seek help at work before you become burnt out … if you are struggling to cope with the workload then let your boss know.

You must take some time off work, especially after a spell of working hard.

Profile photo for Alex Williams

I set these steps for MYSELF to maintain a healthy balance and prevent burnout. (hope this will help someone)

  • Clearly separate work and personal time.
  • Regular short breaks can help maintain energy levels.
  • Ensure you get enough rest to recharge.
  • Regular exercise reduces stress and boosts mood.
Profile photo for William Mcpeck

Since exhaustion is the gateway to burnout, keep yourself from becoming physically and/or mentally exhausted.

Profile photo for Emma Steven


Two important definitions of burnout are:

* "A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long term involvement in emotionally demanding situations." – Ayala Pines and Elliot Aronson.
* "A state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to a cause, way of life, or relationship that failed to produce the expected reward." – Herbert J.


Two important definitions of burnout are:

* "A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long term involvement in emotionally demanding situations." – Ayala Pines and Elliot Aronson.
* "A state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to a cause, way of life, or relationship that failed to produce the expected reward." – Herbert J. Freudenberger.

Between them, these definitions embrace the essence of burnout, with the first stressing the part that exhaustion plays in it, and the second focusing on the sense of disillusionment that is at its core.

Anyone can become exhausted. What is so poignant about burnout is that it mainly strikes people who are highly committed to their work: you can only "burn out" if you have been "alight" in the first place.

While exhaustion can be overcome with rest, a core part of burnout is a deep sense of disillusionment, and it is not experienced by people who can take a more cynical view of their work.

13 Warning Signs That You're Heading For Burnout

Specific symptoms of burnout include:

1. Having a negative and critical attitude at work.
2. Dreading going into work, and wanting to leave once you're there.
3. Having low energy, and little interest at work.
4. Having trouble sleeping.
5. Being absent from work a lot.
6. Having feelings of emptiness.
7. Experiencing physical complaints such as headaches, illness, or backache.
8. Being irritated easily by team members or clients.
9. Having thoughts that your work doesn't have meaning or make a difference.
10. Pulling away emotionally from your colleagues or clients.
11. Feeling that your work and contribution go unrecognized.
12. Blaming others for your mistakes.
13. You're thinking of quitting work or changing roles.

Stress and Burnout

So, what's the difference between stress and burnout? Although the two share some characteristics, there are distinct differences.

Stress is often relatively short-term, and it is often caused by a feeling that work is out of control. You might experience stress several days in a row, especially when you're working on a large pro...

Profile photo for Tormod Ropeid

Start by seeing your doctor. Be prepared that your doctor may diagnose some other medical problems. Mine did when I told him I had a burn-out. He said depression, and he was right.

Good luck.

Profile photo for Inam Ali

It's normal to experience burnout when you have been working hard for a long time. Here are a few things you can try to help alleviate burnout syndrome:

  1. Take breaks: it's important to give your mind and body a break. Try taking short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.

2. 🛌 Get enough sleep: make sure you are getting enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep can contribute to burnout.

3. ⛹️Exercise and eat well: taking care of your physical health can help you feel better mentally and emotionally. Make sure you are getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet.

4. 😬 Find ways to reduce

It's normal to experience burnout when you have been working hard for a long time. Here are a few things you can try to help alleviate burnout syndrome:

  1. Take breaks: it's important to give your mind and body a break. Try taking short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.

2. 🛌 Get enough sleep: make sure you are getting enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep can contribute to burnout.

3. ⛹️Exercise and eat well: taking care of your physical health can help you feel better mentally and emotionally. Make sure you are getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet.

4. 😬 Find ways to reduce stress: try to find ways to reduce stress in your life, such as through meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.

5. Seek support: don't be afraid to reach out for help if you are feeling overwhelmed. Talk to a trusted friend or family member, or consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.

Remember that it's okay to take breaks and it's important to prioritize your well-being. Successful people are able to work hard, but they also make time for rest and self-care.❤️

Regenerate response

Profile photo for Aparna Pandey

Handling burnout at work requires a proactive and self-care focused approach. Recognizing the signs of burnout is important such as exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced productivity. Once you are aware of this then take a step back and assess your workload and priorities, delegating tasks or setting boundaries when possible. Setting boundary is a must, take time and set strong boundaries. Make time for regular breaks and self-care activities, like meditation, exercise, or hobbies, to recharge and reduce stress. Communicate openly with your team and supervisor about your needs and limitations and

Handling burnout at work requires a proactive and self-care focused approach. Recognizing the signs of burnout is important such as exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced productivity. Once you are aware of this then take a step back and assess your workload and priorities, delegating tasks or setting boundaries when possible. Setting boundary is a must, take time and set strong boundaries. Make time for regular breaks and self-care activities, like meditation, exercise, or hobbies, to recharge and reduce stress. Communicate openly with your team and supervisor about your needs and limitations and seek support from colleagues, mentors, or mental health professionals if needed. Prioritize your physical and mental well-being by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment outside of work. I mean to say put yourself first, a regular “me time” will help a lot.

Profile photo for Deep Shah



Take deep and slow breathing for 10 minutes


Purify your Mind and Soul by asking forgiveness to God for all your past mistakes. If you ask forgiveness from pure heart then you will be forgiven by God.


Forgive others completely.


Read motivational book


Do stretching.


Take a break.


Go to unknown places.


Spend time in nature.


Be alone for some minutes.


Talk with a friend.


Talk with God.




Don’t stay hungry.


Remember, you have enough things to be happy.

IMP Tip –

Go for a quick walk. Walking will 100% improve your mood and thinking.




Take deep and slow breathing for 10 minutes


Purify your Mind and Soul by asking forgiveness to God for all your past mistakes. If you ask forgiveness from pure heart then you will be forgiven by God.


Forgive others completely.


Read motivational book


Do stretching.


Take a break.


Go to unknown places.


Spend time in nature.


Be alone for some minutes.


Talk with a friend.


Talk with God.




Don’t stay hungry.


Remember, you have enough things to be happy.

IMP Tip –

Go for a quick walk. Walking will 100% improve your mood and thinking.

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Definitely yes
Profile photo for Andrey Gavrilov

Have to agree with Kente above.

You don’t prevent it, you deal with it the same way you deal with failure. Burnout is kind of important to understand your peak level of performance.

Sometimes you have to allow a burnout to know where your limit is. Then you recover and plan your work knowing when you have to switch off and rest.

Don’t be afraid of burnout - be prepared.

Also - watch this guy, he has a different perspective that may help:

Profile photo for Dustin Dick

Know the signs in yourself when it is becoming too much. Take time off and recharge. Be sure to give yourself a day off each week, to do what you would like to do.

Profile photo for Jesus Anaya

Set up a work schedule and be adamant(at all costs) about keeping it.

Set up a reasonable time for using as well as viewing digital devices (cell phones, tablets, t.v.) .

Stay clear of microwaves.

Do not be charging and using the cell phone at the same time.

The magnetic waves floating around because of WiFi and other elements destroys body cell function. When the immune system weakens, problems begin until the body gives out (burnout).

Profile photo for Judy Murdoch

Everyone is different in temperament when it comes to work styles. Some people can work happily for long hours and it seems like the work energizes them. Some people can’t do this.

It’s not that successful people can work for long hours, it’s that successful people know how to manage their time so they can make the most of that time. For example, I can work long hours for a limited period of time when a deadline is tight. But I make sure I have an easy week or two following so I can recover.

How you work also depends on the type of work you’re doing. Maybe you can code like a fiend for hours bec

Everyone is different in temperament when it comes to work styles. Some people can work happily for long hours and it seems like the work energizes them. Some people can’t do this.

It’s not that successful people can work for long hours, it’s that successful people know how to manage their time so they can make the most of that time. For example, I can work long hours for a limited period of time when a deadline is tight. But I make sure I have an easy week or two following so I can recover.

How you work also depends on the type of work you’re doing. Maybe you can code like a fiend for hours because you love to code, can’t stop until you solve the problem, and so on. But if someone asked you to make sales calls you’d be ready for a four martini lunch by 10am. We all have work that energizes us and work that we find exhausting.

Success comes from know what energizes you and what pattern works best for you when it comes to working on your highest priority responsibilities. There have been studies showing that most employees have no more than four hours a day when they feel their work adds value. The rest of the time they’re just sitting in meetings, talking on phone, and pushing paper.

Bottom line: it’s not the quantity of hours, it’s the quality of work that gets done during the hours you work. There’s nothing wrong with you. Figure out when you’re most productive and structure your time as much as you can to making sure you put in

Profile photo for Glenn Dowdle

All these issues piling up understandably cause a burn out. My advice would be to address these little issues one at a time starting with the most easy to fix. Reward yourself with a favorite activity or snack after you complete one to associate accomplishment with feeling good. View your problems as challenges instead everyone in life gets different challenges but, overcoming them is one of the greatest feelings ever.

Profile photo for Richard D. Faber

You must love what you do and do what you love.

Profile photo for Kaye A. Peters

Slow down! You are at the helm of your ship, you direct your course.

You make the time for your work, you do not let your work take you over. Life needs balance…free time, family time, spiritual practice, work, etc.

Prioritize your time. Ask for help if you require it. Delegate responsibilities. I hope this is helpful.

Profile photo for Raqib Zaman

I'm always tired/lazy. Usually most people may go for a (or several) cup(s) of coffee ( = coffee zombies).

But other less well-known pick-me-ups that are better for both short- & long- terms include:

  • Ginger tea... ♥
  • Turmeric... ¿
  • Peppermint, Tulsi, and other mint teas
  • Halapeños (on the go!)
  • 5 second freezing shower ☺
  • Sleep...
Profile photo for Kyrylo Tur

Core reasons for burnout are different and depends from individual. Most of the time it would be this:

  1. Taking as much work as possible
  2. Taking as much responsibility from other people as possible
  3. Don’t taking the days off and illness days
  4. Always agree on everything that they heared on work from managers etc
  5. Don’t spending time with family
  6. Don’t trying get out from comfort zone
  7. No hobbies, focus only on work
  8. Was always on the phone to answer if smth goes wrong
  9. Delay their life and choices. Do X only when you would achieve Y.
  10. Choosing toxic workplaces

If you need an individual approach to solve your problem

Core reasons for burnout are different and depends from individual. Most of the time it would be this:

  1. Taking as much work as possible
  2. Taking as much responsibility from other people as possible
  3. Don’t taking the days off and illness days
  4. Always agree on everything that they heared on work from managers etc
  5. Don’t spending time with family
  6. Don’t trying get out from comfort zone
  7. No hobbies, focus only on work
  8. Was always on the phone to answer if smth goes wrong
  9. Delay their life and choices. Do X only when you would achieve Y.
  10. Choosing toxic workplaces

If you need an individual approach to solve your problem faster, contact me

Profile photo for Vic Hammer

I have worked from home exclusively for a number of years. I would suggest the following things:

  1. Establish a routine. You can still work in your PJ’s, but act like you are still working with the boss. Remember to shower and shave, etc. Seems dumb, but it is important. Some people do find it beneficial to continue to dress in casual business attire. Thankfully, I did not have to go that route. T-shirts and shorts were my uniform.
  2. Remember to get out of the house. Go sit on the porch, go to a park, just take a drive. Anything at all to remind you that there is something other than your home out th

I have worked from home exclusively for a number of years. I would suggest the following things:

  1. Establish a routine. You can still work in your PJ’s, but act like you are still working with the boss. Remember to shower and shave, etc. Seems dumb, but it is important. Some people do find it beneficial to continue to dress in casual business attire. Thankfully, I did not have to go that route. T-shirts and shorts were my uniform.
  2. Remember to get out of the house. Go sit on the porch, go to a park, just take a drive. Anything at all to remind you that there is something other than your home out there.
  3. Remember to socialize. Even if you don’t normally socialize, it is important. You don’t have to have a party every weekend, but even just saying “Hi, how are you doing?” to the clerk at the store will help. This helps to prevent claustrophobia, agoraphobia (sometimes both), paranoia and depression. Again, it sounds silly but working from home can make you feel confined, or alternatively, make you feel exposed when you go out. Additionally, since you don’t have the casual social interaction you find in an office, it can lead to paranoia that something is wrong. This is especially true if you are having difficulty reading body language.
  4. Have a separate work space. Ideally a separate room or basement. Something that you don’t see or interact with except when you need to work. That gives you some needed separation to keep your brain from tying work\home together. It can lead to either not maintaining your professionalism, or conversely, not let you relax when you are “off the clock”
  5. Change your work environment occasionally. Switch the poster on the wall from time to time, or move the plant to a different corner. Just something to keep it fresh. You want to change it often enough that it does feel static or dead, but you also want it to be comfortable and familiar.

Hope that helps.

Profile photo for Christopher Martin

The short answer is that it can’t.

There is a more nuanced answer. People read about the benefits of meditation, many of which are established in neuroscience research, and are tempted to think that meditation might be a sort of panacea for a number of problems. This is simply not true. Meditation is not a panacea for anything, actually. A meditation practice is quite helpful, like eating well and exercising, but it’s hardly a panacea. Advanced accomplishment in meditation, on the other hand, is a genuine panacea for a great many problems, including suffering itself. But it’s very important to

The short answer is that it can’t.

There is a more nuanced answer. People read about the benefits of meditation, many of which are established in neuroscience research, and are tempted to think that meditation might be a sort of panacea for a number of problems. This is simply not true. Meditation is not a panacea for anything, actually. A meditation practice is quite helpful, like eating well and exercising, but it’s hardly a panacea. Advanced accomplishment in meditation, on the other hand, is a genuine panacea for a great many problems, including suffering itself. But it’s very important to recognize the difference between ‘meditation’ and ‘advanced accomplishment in meditation’. This difference is very similar to ‘piano lessons’ and ‘being a concert pianist’.

If you’re burned out and you remain in the same situation that burned you out (usually an excessively demanding career with or without the involvement of other factors), and then you simply try to add meditation practice on top of the situation without changing any of the other factors, you’ll probably end up more burned out - at least initially.

Meditation, as I define it, practice it, and teach it, is attention training. It’s like going to the gym for your mind. Anybody who has initially started an intense workout program from an out of shape state has had the experience that the workout program is exhausting and draining. You want to get in shape to get more energy, but you end up with less - at least for a while. How long does this last? It might be a month or two. In the meantime, if you wanted the workout program to increase your energy - maybe so that you could work harder at your job or at least be less burned out at it - you’ll feel like it’s a failure. In the short term, it’s not a good solution. In the longer term, it’s a Band-Aid, but still not a good solution. Better is to rethink your entire system of priorities so that you’re not trying to come up with something that will stave off an otherwise inevitable burnout. This is obvious, but the pervasive insanity of our society makes it seem not obvious, as nearly everyone has succumbed to the madness so that it seems sane by consensus.

At very, very high levels of accomplishment, meditative achievement can offer protections against burnout and allow a person to work more without succumbing to burnout or being in danger of it. This works because meditation is training in attention, which is the most fundamental power of the mind. It is more fundamental than the activities which cause burnout and underlies them; therefore, training in attention can bolster these activities. Quite often, the faculty which gets ‘burned out’ is attention, or fairly closely related to attention. (A long discussion about the relationship between meditation and stress could follow here, but I’ll save it for another place.) A world-class meditator would have considerable resistance against burnout - perhaps even an astonishing amount. I have read of many great masters who had very busy schedules with a shockingly minimal need for rest.

However, another component in burnout is the choice of activities which lead to the burnout. Highly advanced meditators tend to have fairly different priorities from others, as we tend to weigh our choices in light either of 1) how they will allow us to increase our own virtue (power of attention, lovingkindness, compassion, etc.) or 2) how they will allow us to benefit others.

Being taken advantage of for 60 hours per week at some typical American white-collar job probably doesn’t have much connection to either of these goals. I’m quite comfortable meditating at least 70 hours per week in silent retreat or semi-retreat in order to increase my own virtue so that I may benefit others, and I’m also quite comfortable working quite hard in some capacity which clearly benefits others, but I can no longer imagine burning myself out in service to some corporation or even in service of my own business endeavor, thereby crippling my virtue and capacity to serve others (which are one and the same).

A question about how to stave off burnout comes from a perspective which is far more fundamentally misguided than can be remedied by the introduction of a casual daily meditation practice. If you’re on the verge of burnout, your entire life is out of balance and is proceeding under misguided principles which are insane in themselves, but which seem sane because large segments of society have fallen under the same insanity. By all means, please take up meditation practice, and follow the best available instructions. But if you’re asking about burnout, then I say to quit your job, or quit it ‘quietly’, completely reassess your priorities in life, and don’t fall prey to the nonsense which requires that you ‘keep up with the Jones’s’. If you’re asking this question, your problem won’t be fixed by 15 minutes a day of meditation. If it happens you’re a prodigy who experiences sudden realization through meditation - the sort of thing that might actually fix your burnout problem - you’ll almost certainly quit your job and couch surf without an income for the next few years because your mind will be so blown that you’ll realize that your work is utterly trivial in comparison to developing the budding power of your newly blown mind.

Meditation is about perceiving your own insanity and remedying rationally. It’s not a tool to be used in service of a lifestyle which is insane in itself.

Profile photo for William Frederick

You can spot “burnout” when you lose interest in an activity or situation. It happens a lot in repetitive jobs when there’s little chance for advancement. It can also happen in other situations where new stimuli is absent. It happens in family and spousal situations. Once the newness wears off in a relationship and “romantic love” turns to the reality of making ends meet, raising the kids and gett

You can spot “burnout” when you lose interest in an activity or situation. It happens a lot in repetitive jobs when there’s little chance for advancement. It can also happen in other situations where new stimuli is absent. It happens in family and spousal situations. Once the newness wears off in a relationship and “romantic love” turns to the reality of making ends meet, raising the kids and getting along with relatives and neighbors, burnout can occur. What you can do about it is take on new i...

Profile photo for Rasha Saif

Hi dear !

Symptoms of burnout

Worried that you may be experiencing burnout but unsure of the signs? We’ve compiled a list of symptoms that you can use as a guide.

  • Exhaustion. Feeling physically and emotionally depleted. Physical symptoms may include headaches, stomachaches, and appetite or sleeping changes.
  • Isolation. People with burnout tend to feel overwhelmed. As a result, they may stop socializing and confiding in friends, family members, and co-workers.
  • Escape fantasies. Dissatisfied with the never-ending demands of their jobs, people with burnout may fantasize about running away or going on a

Hi dear !

Symptoms of burnout

Worried that you may be experiencing burnout but unsure of the signs? We’ve compiled a list of symptoms that you can use as a guide.

  • Exhaustion. Feeling physically and emotionally depleted. Physical symptoms may include headaches, stomachaches, and appetite or sleeping changes.
  • Isolation. People with burnout tend to feel overwhelmed. As a result, they may stop socializing and confiding in friends, family members, and co-workers.
  • Escape fantasies. Dissatisfied with the never-ending demands of their jobs, people with burnout may fantasize about running away or going on a solo-vacation. In extreme cases, they may turn to drugs, alcohol, or food as a way to numb their emotional pain.
  • Irritability. Burnout can cause people to lose their cool with friends, co-workers, and family members more easily. Coping with normal stressors like preparing for a work meeting, driving kids to school, and tending to household tasks also may start to feel insurmountable, especially when things don’t go as planned.
  • Frequent illnesses. Burnout, like other long-term stress, can lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, the flu, and insomnia. Burnout can also lead to mental health concerns like depression and anxiety.

12 phases of burnout

  1. Excessive drive/ambition. Common for people starting a new job or undertaking a novel task, too much ambition can lead to burnout.
  2. Pushing yourself to work harder.Ambition pushes you to work harder.
  3. Neglecting your own needs. You begin to sacrifice self-care like sleep, exercise, and eating well.
  4. Displacement of conflict. Instead of acknowledging that you’re pushing yourself to the max, you blame your boss, the demands of your job, or colleagues for your troubles.
  5. No time for nonwork-related needs.You begin to withdraw from family and friends. Social invitations to parties, movies, and dinner dates start to feel burdensome, instead of enjoyable.
  6. Denial. Impatience with those around you mounts. Instead of taking responsibility for your behaviors, you blame others, seeing them as incompetent, lazy, and overbearing.
  7. Withdrawal. You begin to withdraw from family and friends. Social invitations to parties, movies, and dinner dates start to feel burdensome, instead of enjoyable.
  8. Behavioral changes. Those on the road to burnout may become more aggressive and snap at loved ones for no reason.
  9. Depersonalization. Feeling detached from your life and your ability to control your life.
  10. Inner emptiness or anxiety. Feeling empty or anxious. You may turn to thrill seeking behaviors to cope with this emotion, such as substance use, gambling, or overeating.
  11. Depression. Life loses its meaning and you begin to feel hopeless.
  12. Mental or physical collapse. This can impact your ability to cope. Mental health or medical attention may be necessary.

How to prevent burnout.

Stress may be unavoidable, but burnout is preventable. Following these steps may help you thwart stress from getting the best of you:


Not only is exercise good for our physical health, but it can also give us an emotional boost.

Stretched for time? You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to reap these benefits. Mini workouts and short walks are convenient ways to make exercise a daily habit.

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a healthy diet filled with omega-3 fatty acids can be a natural antidepressant. Adding foods rich in omega-3s like flaxseed oil, walnuts, and fish may help give your mood a boost.

Practice good sleep habits

Our bodies need time to rest and reset, which is why healthy sleep habits are essential for our well-being.

According to national sleep Foundation, avoiding caffeine before bedtime, establishing a relaxing bedtime ritual, and banning smartphones from the bedroom can help promote sound sleep hygiene.

Ask for help

During stressful times, it’s important to reach out for help. If asking for assistance feels difficult, consider developing a self-care “check-in” with close friends and family members so that you can take care of each other during trying times.

How to help friends or family members

How can you help someone experiencing burnout? While you can’t take away someone’s stress, offering support can help lighten their emotional load.


Before jumping into “fixing” mode, offer to listen to your friend or family member’s difficulties.

Having someone to talk to can make a world of difference. Often people need someone to witness their stress and suffering, and listening can go a long way.

Validate feelings and concerns

When friends and family members are feeling the effects of burnout, saying It doesn’t sound that bad or I’m sure things will get better — while meant to offer reassurance — can feel invalidating if someone is really feeling low and hopeless.

Instead, offer validation by saying, “You’ve been working so hard, I can understand why you feel depleted.”

Good luck ! Feel free to me help whenever you want .

Profile photo for Andria Payne

Are you talking about life in general or your job? I find talking about what is bothering we me, with my therapist.

I also realize I need good rest, sound sleep, gentle exercise, Hatha Yoga is great for mind body and soul. Meditation once you get the hang of it.

If possible go away somewhere nice and just take it easy, I like the beach, so take long walks on the beach, eat fresh cooked fish meals Lay on the bed and watch relaxing TV. I like being by myself so I am free to do just exactly what I want

If it is the job, I see if I can change anything about it, if not I look for other employment.


Are you talking about life in general or your job? I find talking about what is bothering we me, with my therapist.

I also realize I need good rest, sound sleep, gentle exercise, Hatha Yoga is great for mind body and soul. Meditation once you get the hang of it.

If possible go away somewhere nice and just take it easy, I like the beach, so take long walks on the beach, eat fresh cooked fish meals Lay on the bed and watch relaxing TV. I like being by myself so I am free to do just exactly what I want

If it is the job, I see if I can change anything about it, if not I look for other employment.

Hope this is of help for you. Andria Payne…..

Profile photo for Coen Wesselman

From working at a centre that helped people recover from a burnout, medical treatments, obesity etc. I got a more physical view of a burnout and how to prevent it. A burnout is a psychosomatic condition. Body and mind are out of balance. Preventing that means that you should know a bit about what is does to both.

When having a burnout you will move into the fight - flight response. There is no acute stress but your bodysignals are almost reacting the same way. Some bodysignals are: higger breathing frequency, higher heart rate, slower digestion, constriction of blood vessels, tunnel vision etc.

From working at a centre that helped people recover from a burnout, medical treatments, obesity etc. I got a more physical view of a burnout and how to prevent it. A burnout is a psychosomatic condition. Body and mind are out of balance. Preventing that means that you should know a bit about what is does to both.

When having a burnout you will move into the fight - flight response. There is no acute stress but your bodysignals are almost reacting the same way. Some bodysignals are: higger breathing frequency, higher heart rate, slower digestion, constriction of blood vessels, tunnel vision etc.

If you are in this condition for a long time other negative effects will show up. Most important to know is that resting will not help. Sleeping a lot, not working, doing fun things will not help you prevent burnout. Your body and mind will remain in a fight - flight modus because thats what the body knows.

I helped treating people by doing something that might sound simple at first. We helped them to find balance and create a difference between resting and physical effort.

Through research my former employer and good friend found that there is an optimal exercise level. During this exercise your acid base and carbonic levels in your blood are near to optimal. In balance as to speak.

These levels are being found by doing a stamina test. These levels will not change. The amount of power you can produce on this level will grow when you do the training. Rule of thumb: during exercise you must be able to breath out twice as long as you breath in without getting dyspnea.

Tips: do anything beside running if you are overweight. Running is very effective, but your joints will disagree in a short while. Start with ±20 minutes at the right intensity and increase the length with a few minutes every week. Exercise three times per week and stop after the time is done and keep in mind that you are building up slowly.

Next to the exercise we taught them how to breath right. A high breathing frequency is related to the type of energy consumed by the body. Being in the fight - flight modus slows down digestion and use of fat as an energy source. Breathing right causes you to relax an leave the fight - flight modus. Breathing is about exchanging needed gasses. Oxygen is being absorbed by the lungs when breathing out. Breath out slow and long (4 sec.) and hold your breath for two seconds before breathing in again (2 sec.).

When your heart rate lowers and you feel relaxed you are doing it right.

Tip: Make this a routine during commuting, watching tv, toilet visits, moments you have to yourself.


Breath right and do that regularly.
Exercise right and regularly.
Add other things (diet, goals, treatments) after 16 weeks.

Sitting on the sofa never solved anything ;-) You will need to put effort into it just like people are putting effort into getting a burnout by working long hours.

I hope you like my answer and prevent getting a burnout.

Note: there is much more to burnout then I have and can mention in this answer. There is also much more to the exercise and breathing program.

Profile photo for Shannon Nealey

Sure, if you’re walking out the door with no plans to return.

Daily walks won’t prevent burnout at work. Setting boundaries and limits will.

An employer will manipulate, exploit and suck your blood any way they can. They will do it as long as it benefits them in some way and the minute you cannot produce for them, you will be cast aside for fresh blood.

I work in nursing homes. See, some jobs are rew

Sure, if you’re walking out the door with no plans to return.

Daily walks won’t prevent burnout at work. Setting boundaries and limits will.

An employer will manipulate, exploit and suck your blood any way they can. They will do it as long as it benefits them in some way and the minute you cannot produce for them, you will be cast aside for fresh blood.

I work in nursing homes. See, some jobs are rewarding and fulfilling and leave you with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

But there are the jobs that will fuck your soul. Those are the jobs I’ve had.

100+ hours a week. No time off. Threatened with termination for not being a superhero employee. Every request for time off was met with a threat of termination. No breaks. Got bitched at for taking restroom breaks or for sitting down for more than two minutes. Got yelled at for things that either not within my control or not my responsibility. At one job, I was literally living there, as in I’d packed a bag and w...

Profile photo for Quora User

A couple minutes ago I walked right out of my station, into the drizzling rain and I just stood there for a few minutes.

Was it worth getting my clothes wet? Yes. If I had spent any more time responding to emails, taking phone calls, reviewing reports and listen to calls go off what feels like every minute I likely would have started crying. That was well needed.

Now I’m back inside, I’m back to work with another cup of coffee, a healthy snack and even more emails. I got to call my kids and husband at home, I got pictures of my baby and while they’re all at home watching a movie I’m here working

A couple minutes ago I walked right out of my station, into the drizzling rain and I just stood there for a few minutes.

Was it worth getting my clothes wet? Yes. If I had spent any more time responding to emails, taking phone calls, reviewing reports and listen to calls go off what feels like every minute I likely would have started crying. That was well needed.

Now I’m back inside, I’m back to work with another cup of coffee, a healthy snack and even more emails. I got to call my kids and husband at home, I got pictures of my baby and while they’re all at home watching a movie I’m here working so that in 10 more hours my shift will be over and I’ll be able to go back home and see them.

That’s what I do.

Profile photo for Vijaya Sarmah

There is so much work pressure in the present times,with every company or organisation to be best in the market that we employees don’t get time to pause or breathe. From morning to midnight we are busyin fulfilling our official targets, busy in meetings,answering mails , filling up forms,planning and strategising without taking time to rest or relax. This excessive work load oozes out all our energy. We become dead tired and fatigued.

Is it at all worthwhile to do things at the cost of ourhealth. Should not we take a break and let our work stand for sometime,whereas we give rest to our tired b

There is so much work pressure in the present times,with every company or organisation to be best in the market that we employees don’t get time to pause or breathe. From morning to midnight we are busyin fulfilling our official targets, busy in meetings,answering mails , filling up forms,planning and strategising without taking time to rest or relax. This excessive work load oozes out all our energy. We become dead tired and fatigued.

Is it at all worthwhile to do things at the cost of ourhealth. Should not we take a break and let our work stand for sometime,whereas we give rest to our tired body. We may have serious health problems if we donot pay heed to the signs of stress.

Before we get completely burn out we need to take intermittent breaks.Just Fifteen minutes of closing our eyes in between our work can do wonders. It energises the whole body by relaxing the muscles. Besides we need to give our eyes rest if we are constantly on the screen. Switch off your mind completely when you relax. There is no point in closing your eyes and thinking about the emails you are going to send in the next one hour or trying to remember the list of things you have to buy while going back home.

Do some self massaging of your neck ,forehead the bridge of your nose,the corner of your eyes,the edge of your ears it is greatly relaxing.

Do not watch any you tube videos or netflix serials or wats app messages during your relaxation moments. It is better to keep the phone away when you are on your meditative mood.

Except water donot sip tea or coffee to drive off your fatigue, these caffeine laced drinks can cause you more lethargic.

Do not wait till the last moment or till you finish all your work to take time to relax.You need to be on your guard of your own health at all times and take action with the very first warning signs.high

Work sincerely and cheerfully from the very beginning so that you don’t make mistakes and have to do the same work twice or thrice.This can be tedious and cause stress. There is a great satisfaction in doing a job well and feeling happy about it.

In the present age we all are working much harder than ,our previous generations because of global competetiveness, so to be the best in the market and make profits. We cannot take short cuts,and gain overnight results but if we know how to get our job done with honesty and sincerity there will be less stress and less burnout and we will lead ahappy healthy life.

Profile photo for Steve

Teaching well is hard work. Sure, you see the parking lots empty out by 3:30 or so, but look at what the teachers are carrying with them. When I taught, I was one of those who stayed late, but watched some of my colleagues carrying home so many books and papers that they got rolling carts. As a principal, I tried to focus on teaching my teachers the skills below.

When I was teaching, I put several hours each week just in making sure my lesson plans considered not only what I wanted to teach, but how I was going to make that work for the various personalities and learning styles in my classroom.

Teaching well is hard work. Sure, you see the parking lots empty out by 3:30 or so, but look at what the teachers are carrying with them. When I taught, I was one of those who stayed late, but watched some of my colleagues carrying home so many books and papers that they got rolling carts. As a principal, I tried to focus on teaching my teachers the skills below.

When I was teaching, I put several hours each week just in making sure my lesson plans considered not only what I wanted to teach, but how I was going to make that work for the various personalities and learning styles in my classroom. I planned strategies for working with distracted students, and those who might be disruptive the following day.

Before even starting on lesson plans, I needed to know what the students needed, so I sat down every day with the accumulated work from thirty students and looked to see what they understood, what they didn’t, and what kinds of errors they were making so that I could reteach the class, or individuals and groups. Let’s say that each of those thirty students generates just one paper per hour in school, six hours per day, five days per week. That means that the teacher is evaluating 900 pieces of paper in a week.

So teachers do burn out, especially the new young ones who are absolutely overwhelmed with the requirements of the job. They never imagined the paperwork load I've just described above. Often, they don’t have the classroom management skills to control disruptive kids. It’s not uncommon for a new teacher to get to school by seven am, work all day, go home and work on grading papers and writing lesson plans, and get to bed after midnight.

So coping with that is an issue.

  1. Develop really good classroom management skills. I list this first because it’s critical to everything else. And it’s a set of learned behaviors. One of my early mentors called it her bag of tricks and said, “When I have a student with a certain behavior in the classroom, I can pull from one hundred different strategies to deal with it. You’re new. You’ve got about five and then you’re stuck. Learn tricks anywhere you can!” Good classroom managers come in many different styles, but the commonality is creating an atmosphere where kids come to school wanting to work for the teacher. I found it in lots of positive praise for doing what I wanted to accomplish along with little tolerance for disrupting the class.
  2. Don’t forget that classroom management isn’t just about the rules. It’s about procedures - everything from when and where it’s appropriate to sharpen a pencil, throw away the trash, get a drink of water, or turn in homework, to nowadays, is it really appropriate to be looking at your phone during class?
  3. Spend the time necessary to write great lesson plans. They’re the roadmap to success in the classroom and let the teacher then focus on student interactions and behavior in the classroom. A teacher who’s always looking at the book or some notes to see what to do next is lost. Be confident and thorough.
  4. Decide which papers are just for practice and which deserve evaluation. Cut that 900 by at least two thirds, and then decide which of those are most important. Those are the ones that go into the grade book, and the ones that allow the teacher to understand a student’s needs. Parents will complain, but when they do, the best answer is the truth. “Would you rather have me spend a few minutes reading and evaluating your daughter’s essay, and then making some helpful comments the next day, or would you prefer me to give it fifteen seconds? There’s only so much time I can give to student work.” I once had a new teacher resign effective that day, mid-year. I foresaw that she had great potential, and wanted to keep her. After a lot of talk about what was making her year so hard, we came up with a group of strategies, one of which was that I forbade her to grade a single paper over the next two weeks. It worked and she stayed.
  5. Along that line, know when to assign what. My first year, I assigned a major project to be due right before the kids went home for spring break. Stupid idea. I spent the break grading papers right when I needed some rest too.
  6. Work with colleagues. If your school or district doesn’t provide mentors, ask your principal who’s strong in certain areas and then learn from them. Also, grade level or subject area teams accomplish more and offer support on those days when tears seem the best way to end the day.
Profile photo for Alex Lopez

Not all of us have the same strength in our immune system! Or same iQ! I rarely studied in college! I was depress, and I would still pass tests! With not much effort! But I'm good at taking tests! And I don't stress out easily! Don't stress to much! Be happy with a C or BETTER! Don't stress on getting and A! RELAX! You need a minimum of 5 hours of good sleep! If you can afford there's a good sensor ring called OURA it will give you insight on sleep patterns plus others. With an app on your phone. Is about 300 US dlrs on ebay! Lower 2 hours of studying a day to see changes. Prioritize and take

Not all of us have the same strength in our immune system! Or same iQ! I rarely studied in college! I was depress, and I would still pass tests! With not much effort! But I'm good at taking tests! And I don't stress out easily! Don't stress to much! Be happy with a C or BETTER! Don't stress on getting and A! RELAX! You need a minimum of 5 hours of good sleep! If you can afford there's a good sensor ring called OURA it will give you insight on sleep patterns plus others. With an app on your phone. Is about 300 US dlrs on ebay! Lower 2 hours of studying a day to see changes. Prioritize and take something off!

Profile photo for David Greenspan

Burnout feels like being sapped of energy and motivation, as if there is some internal resource needed to actually do things that you have run out of.

This is usually a sign that you have been "making yourself work" for too long. Certain aspects of work are inherently rewarding: Having a mission or purpose; a sense of progress; doing work we feel suited for; and working with collaborators. The raw energy that keeps us going comes from these sources and also the things that make us happy and boost our morale in general: friends and loved ones; food and sleep; and appreciating the simple joys o

Burnout feels like being sapped of energy and motivation, as if there is some internal resource needed to actually do things that you have run out of.

This is usually a sign that you have been "making yourself work" for too long. Certain aspects of work are inherently rewarding: Having a mission or purpose; a sense of progress; doing work we feel suited for; and working with collaborators. The raw energy that keeps us going comes from these sources and also the things that make us happy and boost our morale in general: friends and loved ones; food and sleep; and appreciating the simple joys of life. Anything that is stressful or pushes the boundaries of your comfort zone will draw against the balance.

Sometimes work feels effortless when it checks all the boxes -- a good collaboration, a strong mission, fast progress, and just enough pushing the envelope. The energy flows freely. Then, things might slowly shift. The mission seems less sure, or the work less suited to you, or progress slows, or you are just stretched thinner and thinner, doing more outside-the-box work on less sleep. Energy becomes scarcer, and you rush to spend it when you have it. You may even go into debt.

To continue the metaphor of money as energy or motivation, when you have lots coming in and lots to spend it on, you have the exhilarating job of writing big checks! This itself can be scary at first and take some adjustment. At other times, your job is to come up with a plan and seek new sources of income. In this climate, big checks will only bounce.

To deal with burnout, then, don't focus on what you're putting out, focus on what you're taking in. Take care of your poor creative self, that deepest, most productive and original part of you that has been subjugated to meet arbitrary demands. It may already know what your next big creation is to be. Let go of images of what this phase of your career should be, because those images may have been formed a while ago, and you are different now. Figure out what work you are inherently driven to do, and what purpose you are inherently driven to strive for. Find collaborators. Or, just take a walk. Listen to yourself. Listen to others, and listen for opportunities that resonate with you.

You may have some "habits" left over from such an intense period of work, like wanting to be busy all the time, expecting a certain rate of progress, and not taking care of yourself. Recognize when they aren't serving you.

Above all, don't be impatient or scared at your apparent lack of energy. Your body may be trying to tell you something, to remind you of something you've forgotten. Use the energy you have in high-leverage ways: make connections with people. Establish routines. Get some exercise. Set some goals that feel both worthy and achievable.

Give it time. If you are financially able, give yourself a free pass on your career goals for the next 6 months, and see where your heart takes you.

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