All I can do is give my own view as a child of two parents that smoked weed all my childhood and most of my adult years until my late 30’s.
My dad would smoke whenever he could, my mum of an evening.
I was told it was harmless when I discovered what it was at the age of eleven.
It did nothing to help my fears. I figured they were on hard drugs as I didnt know the difference at that age so it caused me much anxiety.
My mum said she would stop then I caught her when she thought I was asleep.
I had a terrible emotional time with it as a child, I hated it and the fact they did it.
Im pretty sure this was a big part of why I could not have many friends over and deffinately not for sleepovers.
It didnt help my development when building relationships with other children.
As a teenager I resented the need they had to do it and was told it was better than having parents who drank and werent at home often, but for me I'd rather have had parents who were fully present.
When I got to about 14 everyone was doing it so I tried but it didnt last I didnt like the experience enough to carry on.
I was offered other things by my dad to try to. It was going on all around me friends, parents etc.
I could easily have gone down the wrong road but didnt. But do resent the years of knowing and seeing that going on.
I went through the whole rave generation and I know how easy it would have been for me to get involved.
It affected me in ways even now im still trying to figure, but not a positive experience for me, I just feel resentment.