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When I was in third grade, we were put into pairs by my teacher to work on a logic puzzle.

My partner looked at the paper, eyes wide, and slid it over to me as quickly as they could.

“It’s okay, I did this in Gifted. It’s easy,” I told them. I explained how to do it and their face was uncomprehending. I explained it in simpler and simpler ways but they just didn’t get it.

I got huffy and finished the sheet in around a minute. I sat back in my seat, watching the other groups still writing but being nowhere close to finishing. My teacher came over to me.

”You were supposed to HELP them. Do it together, even! But no. You just did it all yourself.”

”With all due respect, I had to do it myself. They just sat there even after I explained it.”


I’m in tenth grade now and in Honors English class today, we learned about objective complements. Apparently they were too “advanced” to do until this year. I knew about them for a while. We were still working on direct objects and had to label a sentence to diagram it.

It had a subject and a verb.

I wish I could not be bored, but I am. My schedule is now too full of relearning some of what I already know to go to Gifted.

I haven’t changed since third grade, and I wish I wouldn’t have to sit in history learning about things like they’re brand new when I’ve been reading about them for fun for years.

I shouldn’t have to be a few steps ahead in an honors class. At least I’m not helping anyone now. That just makes me resentful and I really don’t want to be.

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