Year : 2004
Flight : Jet Airways, Trivandrum to Delhi.
The year was 2004. My father, a bank officer, had just got transferred to Chandigarh. I was really excited to move to Chandigarh.
1. Because I loved moving to new places.
2. More importantly, I had never travelled by flight.
On the day, I was beyond myself, hardly able to contain my excitement. As there were no direct flights from Trivandrum to Chandigarh at that time, we were to take a connecting flight at Delhi. Even better! I get to go in 2 flights!
We get into the flight, I jump to the window seat, and wait for the flight to take off. As soon as the flight takes off, and its safe to take off your seat belts, flight attendants come around carrying tiny blue and yellow coloured shoulder bags. The small bags filled with goodies (colours, colouring books and stickers) were given to kids (I am not sure if Jet still does that).
I was excited to see that, but soon realised I wont be getting one, as they were giving to small kids (Literally kids below 4 years). And I was 14 at that time. The flight attendants finish giving away the bags and start to leave. Suddenly I hear my Dad calling out “Excuse me!” I am curious and wonder why my Dad has called her. As soon as she approaches my Dad asked “Why is my daughter not getting a bag?” She looked at me, smiled and replied “Sir, we give away bags only to young kids. Not to teenagers”. My Dad looked confused “No, I am not asking for a teenager. I am asking for my little girl”. By now, almost everyone in the flight was turning back and looking curiously at us. I was down in my seat looking purposefully at my feet, as though this conversation had nothing to do with me. She looked a bit uneasy, trying to figure out the best way to handle the situation; she smiled again and said “Sorry Sir. We made a mistake. I’ll be back with a bag”. Soon she returned and my Dad looked elated. I tried to look happy, but was really really embarrassed. Half the flight was looking at me with judgement in their eyes. But within a few minutes, I didn’t care anymore, and was busy playing with my new bag!
Moral of the story : In your father’s eyes, you are always gonna be his little girl!
P.S : I am 27 now, and love being my Father’s little girl!