I’ll answer this the exact same way I’ve been answering every maga who mentions the “Biden Crime Family” or exposing Fauci, or Benghazi, or rigged elections, or whatever other ridiculously stupid fever dream those creatures have manufactured to help feed their endless rage, grievance, victimization, and bitterness:
Show me the evidence, and if it’s real, I will support every effort to prosecute the crime.
Of course, that means:
- The evidence has to be real. No mystery informants, no missing tapes, and none of that “oh, everyone knows” nonsense. Actual, genuine, real, evidence of an actual, genuine
I’ll answer this the exact same way I’ve been answering every maga who mentions the “Biden Crime Family” or exposing Fauci, or Benghazi, or rigged elections, or whatever other ridiculously stupid fever dream those creatures have manufactured to help feed their endless rage, grievance, victimization, and bitterness:
Show me the evidence, and if it’s real, I will support every effort to prosecute the crime.
Of course, that means:
- The evidence has to be real. No mystery informants, no missing tapes, and none of that “oh, everyone knows” nonsense. Actual, genuine, real, evidence of an actual, genuine, real crime.
- The people providing testimony are honest. The current crop of maga misanthropes and liars like Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz or James Comer or MTG belching about crimes isn’t honest.
- Conduct a genuine, legitimate investigation. Not one of these maga congress panels. Those are just Vaudeville for the trailer magas. I mean a genuine investigation like the one Durham headed. Of course, his investigation resulted in ugatz, and the entire popcorn fart never uncovered any crimes, but at least it was a genuine investigation.
- Present the evidence to a Grand Jury. Evidence, accusations, witnesses, and investigations are all fine, but at some point present this in front of a group of citizens who can then determine whether there is suitable cause for an indictment. A bunch of squawking magas isn’t a Grand Jury.
So, maga, if you can do those four simple things, after which there is an indictment of Biden, I will happily endorse prosecution and punishment. Just like each of those four things has now happened three times regarding the fat, orange maga-wart.
But, until those four simple things are done, please shut the fuck up you ignorant cretin.
I'm not a leftist so I'm very much looking forward to this story breaking. If Joe Biden is has actually done something nefarious, it must be investigated. But, what do Republicans have right now? They've weaponized the government against Biden. They don't have evidence of a crime, just a person that they're trying to investigate to find a crime - aka a witch hunt. It sounds like their whistle blower is an IRS investigator who's pissed off that his charging recommendations weren't followed by the Trump-appointed Republican DA. I'm looking forward to reading the transcript of his testimony and t
I'm not a leftist so I'm very much looking forward to this story breaking. If Joe Biden is has actually done something nefarious, it must be investigated. But, what do Republicans have right now? They've weaponized the government against Biden. They don't have evidence of a crime, just a person that they're trying to investigate to find a crime - aka a witch hunt. It sounds like their whistle blower is an IRS investigator who's pissed off that his charging recommendations weren't followed by the Trump-appointed Republican DA. I'm looking forward to reading the transcript of his testimony and the reactions from his superiors.
But, seriously, if Biden has committed crimes, it should be brought to the surface. Just understand that every single president is going to get this same treatment. And I'm here for it.
Leftist Liberal Democrat here… and I say, cool! Let’s see it. I don’t want a president in office who’s corrupted himself with bribery from a foreign power, no matter what party he belongs to.
So, if you’ve got evidence - I mean, actual, real evidence - let’s see it. And if it’s convincing, let’s put him out of office.
Now, let’s see what you’ve got. (Spoiler alert: they’ve got nothing.)
Mid republican here. Most democrats I know state that if impeachable evidence or criminal evidence is found, he should be impeached or tried in court.
My question is why don't most republicans feel the same about Trump? They ignore any evidence against him, even when it comes out of his mouth. Any evidence is immediately claimed to be lies before they are even investigated.
Interesting that Trump supporters hate Biden, but really hate Harris. Biden makes a better president than Harris would. If Biden is successfully impeached, Harris becomes president. So Trump supporters actually want Harris as
Mid republican here. Most democrats I know state that if impeachable evidence or criminal evidence is found, he should be impeached or tried in court.
My question is why don't most republicans feel the same about Trump? They ignore any evidence against him, even when it comes out of his mouth. Any evidence is immediately claimed to be lies before they are even investigated.
Interesting that Trump supporters hate Biden, but really hate Harris. Biden makes a better president than Harris would. If Biden is successfully impeached, Harris becomes president. So Trump supporters actually want Harris as president.
Well, we would need…..
Of which there is NONE!!!
Well, we would need…..
Of which there is NONE!!!
I’m not a leftist, but the day Gym Jordan plays those tapes in Congress on C-SPAN, I’ll believe Biden took bribes, and I will support his impeachment and imprisonment.
Tens of millions of others will join me. Most Americans will want Biden impeached.
So, Trump lovers, I have to ask!
Why in the hell are your Republicans in Congress letting you down by holding those tapes?
Seriously, think about this. You folks KNOW that Joe Biden is destroying the country, and you KNOW that the Republicans in Congress have tapes that would end his time in office and likely put him in prison. Therefore, every day th
I’m not a leftist, but the day Gym Jordan plays those tapes in Congress on C-SPAN, I’ll believe Biden took bribes, and I will support his impeachment and imprisonment.
Tens of millions of others will join me. Most Americans will want Biden impeached.
So, Trump lovers, I have to ask!
Why in the hell are your Republicans in Congress letting you down by holding those tapes?
Seriously, think about this. You folks KNOW that Joe Biden is destroying the country, and you KNOW that the Republicans in Congress have tapes that would end his time in office and likely put him in prison. Therefore, every day that the Republicans keep those tapes private, they hurt your country.
Play the damn things. Let’s do this! Lock him up! MAGA!
What possible reason is there for Jordan not playing those tapes months or weeks ago? Or today?
With all of Jordan’s humiliation by his own caucus in Congress, imagine what a hero he would be if he played those tapes! No news outlet in the world would lead tonight’s news with Jordan losing yet again.
The global lead in the news would be Joe Biden’s humiliation, and Jordan would likely obtain 100% of the Republican votes for Speaker. And, as Speaker, Jordan could bring impeachment to a floor vote next week, based on those tapes that you Trump lovers know Jordan has.
Instead, he just keeps humiliating himself.
Can you Trump lovers think of why Gym Jordan doesn’t bail himself out by playing those tapes?
Because I assure you, “leftists” can.
Is the Faux Right even aware that Republicans have already announced that they have no actual evidence against Biden?
Isn’t it sad that Republicans know they never have to have any evidence or facts and that all they have to is throw out a big, fat lie and their eagerly gullible followers will seize upon the lie and spread it like the dutiful propagandists they are and never care they are lying, as long as they get to wrongfully hate and blame. The Followers of Trumpism will then claim to be Christians, which is as honest as them claiming to be patriots, conservatives, constitutionalists and th
Is the Faux Right even aware that Republicans have already announced that they have no actual evidence against Biden?
Isn’t it sad that Republicans know they never have to have any evidence or facts and that all they have to is throw out a big, fat lie and their eagerly gullible followers will seize upon the lie and spread it like the dutiful propagandists they are and never care they are lying, as long as they get to wrongfully hate and blame. The Followers of Trumpism will then claim to be Christians, which is as honest as them claiming to be patriots, conservatives, constitutionalists and that their lies backed by nothing are credible.
… lol. Meanwhile, the case against Trump keeps getting more and more wide open by the hour. Biden didn't have anything to do with his son's business dealings. Stop trying to distract people from the actual issue of a former president going to jail. Running for president was the dumbest thing that idiot has ever done, but I'm glad he did. Now, he's finally going to be held accountable for decades of corruption, decades of lying, and seven years of weaponizing the idiocy of Evangelical Christian fascists.
Are Alt-right GQP fruitcakes even aware that their lies haven’t aged well?
Wolf, wolf, wolf. wolf, wolf, wolf, Hunter’s laptop, yadda yadda yadda, yeah, right. Meanwhile, in Turnip-land, where actual treason was committed, the indictments are coming down like a ton of bricks. It’s farcical.
No one.
No one with a functioning brain, that is.
Do you remember when Comer’s Oversight Committee kept saying they had plenty of evidence to show Biden took “millions in bribes”? And then 18 months later they admitted THEY HAD NOTHING?
Do you understand that the reason Comer, Perjury Traitor (ex) Greene and others kept referring to “the Biden crime family” is because the only evidence of transfers from overseas were made to Hunter and not to Joe?
Do you realize that Joe wasn’t even president at that time?
And did you miss the bit where trump confirmed he made $7.8 million from the Chinese and the
No one.
No one with a functioning brain, that is.
Do you remember when Comer’s Oversight Committee kept saying they had plenty of evidence to show Biden took “millions in bribes”? And then 18 months later they admitted THEY HAD NOTHING?
Do you understand that the reason Comer, Perjury Traitor (ex) Greene and others kept referring to “the Biden crime family” is because the only evidence of transfers from overseas were made to Hunter and not to Joe?
Do you realize that Joe wasn’t even president at that time?
And did you miss the bit where trump confirmed he made $7.8 million from the Chinese and the Saudis, while in office?
As you may have guessed, I am sick and tired of people — out of either ignorance or maleficence — throwing around libelous allegations but pretending they are proven facts.
Get some help , you’re living in the 10 of years ago times, probably think Obama is still President.
The question was posted by a stalker who highjacked this account .
Get some help , you’re living in the 10 of years ago times, probably think Obama is still President.
The question was posted by a stalker who highjacked this account .
I hardly consider myself a “leftist Democrat,” but I have noticed something in all of Comer’s and Grassley’s pearl clutching: there isn't anything of substance there. The FBI report? It's some guy saying that some other guy claims to have recordings that no-one has ever heard or seen. And for all the “in bed with China” rhetoric tossed around there hasn't been any discussion about what, exactly, President or Vice President Biden — or even the period where he wasn't in any office — did for China.
Self serving? Really? Would that be like asking for donations for his legal fees? Would that be lying to your supporters about the election being stolen? Would that be having a bunch of scumbags attack the capitol for you? Would that be stealing classified documents for personal gain? Would that be having your family members in the white house grifting off the American people? Would that be playing over 400 rounds of golf on the taxpayers dime? Because if it is, that's just terrible, and your fat orange treasonous indicted cult leader did all of those things.
Biden has done his job. And you din
Self serving? Really? Would that be like asking for donations for his legal fees? Would that be lying to your supporters about the election being stolen? Would that be having a bunch of scumbags attack the capitol for you? Would that be stealing classified documents for personal gain? Would that be having your family members in the white house grifting off the American people? Would that be playing over 400 rounds of golf on the taxpayers dime? Because if it is, that's just terrible, and your fat orange treasonous indicted cult leader did all of those things.
Biden has done his job. And you dingbats can spew your conspiracy theories, bullshit rumors and lies all you want, but you don't have any evidence to back up anything you say. It's desperate and pathetic.
I think he fully comprehends the foolishness of this attempt to create a scandal that is devoid of facts .
He knows this is a MAGARAT shit show hoping to advance a whataboutism that will make the scandals' of the Orange Turd look normal.
I think he fully comprehends the foolishness of this attempt to create a scandal that is devoid of facts .
He knows this is a MAGARAT shit show hoping to advance a whataboutism that will make the scandals' of the Orange Turd look normal.
I don't know if I qualify as a leftist liberal, seems like anyone who doesn't worship Trump is called one these days. I am very aware that Republicans, conservatives, right-wing media, etc have been claiming that some bribery scandal dealing with Biden is about to break wide open for years now. Reminds me of how the same people said the exact same thing about Hillary Clinton and evidence for voter fraud. So I guess I am a leftist liberal because I am not dumb enough to keep falling for the same trick.
I know someone who’s a follower of Trump, and I’ve patiently listened to her for hours to try to understand how a nice, not stupid but not college educated person like her could believe what you believe. She had an answer to every objection I made, every attempt to put her in contact with the real universe.
I couldn’t penetrate her shell, even though I have a degree in Sociology and keep up with current events and qualified for Mensa membership.
One thing I realized what that she, like you, didn’t have the slightest interest in having an actual discussion—you know, one where you listen to each o
I know someone who’s a follower of Trump, and I’ve patiently listened to her for hours to try to understand how a nice, not stupid but not college educated person like her could believe what you believe. She had an answer to every objection I made, every attempt to put her in contact with the real universe.
I couldn’t penetrate her shell, even though I have a degree in Sociology and keep up with current events and qualified for Mensa membership.
One thing I realized what that she, like you, didn’t have the slightest interest in having an actual discussion—you know, one where you listen to each other and deal with what the other person says? Al she wanted to do was rattle off talking points she’s heard on Fox News.
One way to tell that the person you’re talking with has no interest in what you think if it doesn’t agree with them is that if you address any one thing they say—like the claim that Biden’s a puppet—at best they’ll “Yes but” you. Because Fox News and its ilk doesn’t say one lie about Biden (or anything else). It says dozens, which MAGApublicans memorize and rattle off as an alternative to supporting any one point.
As if you can counter one disproven argument with a dozen equally faulty arguments, making up in qantity what they lack in quality?
To any member of any kind of cult, this is what passes for reasoning. To cultists with their brains stuffed with disinformation, with so many smears, they figure where there’s smoke there’s fire, when often there’s just a smoke machine.
In the last Siena College survey of presidential historians and political scientists who focus on the presidency, their consensus was to rank Biden in the #19 position, next to Reagan. That’s pretty mediocre, and I agree with their expert judgment.
However, not one of them, regardless of whether they were conservative or liberal, said he was a puppet. Which means either you are smarter and know more about the presidency than the hundreds of PhDs who’ve spent their lives studying it, or you’re too dumb to know your own limitations, which makes you incapable of overcoming them. Psychologists call this the Dunning-Kruger syndrome.
I can see why you’d prefer to think you’re a lot smarter than you are. It’s hard work to educate yourself, and it takes humility you lack, because growth requires facing yourself as you really are, warts and all. It’s why smart people are rarely as blithely confident as people like you. Smart people know how much they don’t know. You don’t.
Which is why Bill Murray said what he did:
And the road to wisdom starts with asking the right questions. Such as “that Siena College polls proves Biden isn’t a great President. But how does he compare with Trump, by far the most likely alternative?”
The answer to the right question is “Well, Trump ranks #43, making him the 3rd-worst President in American history.
I’ll take mediocre over catastrophic any day of the week.
Your liberal democrats are centre-right so I’ve no idea who you’re talking about.
The assertion is BS and the story is a fabrication. A lie. A setup. Corrupt libel.
Why not focus on the Trump scandal factory? The GOP not having any plans or policies or ideas of how to make America sane again.
Do they have any actual evidence in objective reality yet? Submitted a criminal referral yet?
It's a clown show.
Are you talking about the statement from the Chinese spy and illegal arms dealer? He is saying what the maga idiots want to hear in an attempt to get his sentences reduced. Total bullshit and will be thrown out of court.
Yet another waste of time an money by our elected officials that need to be focusing on the REAL problems that face our country.
Like the GOP’s mythical whistleblower that has disappeared and now the 17 tapes that are in existence and the fact that many in the GOP just recently went on FOX News and said that the tapes might be fictitious after all…..Republicans, love to accuse others of the same crime they often commit but when it comes to the truth and facts, the “proof” somehow disappears……
Oh no! 😮 Not trouble! 😱 Here's an idea dipshit, if you have evidence, bring it. If you don't, shut up. The damn rumors and lies are really so desperate and pathetic!
When it does, please let us know. In the meantime you may want to get your news from a different source. You are being lied to.
Wow, Joe accepted bribes from communist China and the other countries!!
And you have evidence of that?
What, you don't have any evidence that Joe accepted bribes?
But you inferred that he did because his son had lots of bank accounts?
And you know that isn't any evidence but you know that Joe really, really has to be guilty because of what they did to Mr Trump.
So what does Joe think? He thinks you're a joke.
The 2020 election wasn’t “stollen”. President Biden was elected by the popular vote and the Electoral College. Most of the normal people understand how elections work. In this country we haven’t experienced anything as abnormal and dangerous to our Republic until donald came along. He’s a destroyer and everything that he touches goes bad.
The 2020 election wasn’t “stollen”. President Biden was elected by the popular vote and the Electoral College. Most of the normal people understand how elections work. In this country we haven’t experienced anything as abnormal and dangerous to our Republic until donald came along. He’s a destroyer and everything that he touches goes bad.
How can “leftist media” be burying Biden scandals? In fact the "MSM” are frequently reporting on the House GOP claims of ground- breaking evidence, only to find that the GOP have to come out, often within 24 hours, and admit that the witness had Dodson, or died a decade ago, or that the promised audio tapes perhaps didn't exist at all. Frankly, reporting on the latest developments is just an embarrassment for the GOP.
Sure it is.🤡🤡🖕
I'll answer with anything I want , little dog shit magat. Moreover, you're in no position to direct me on anything. I doubt you have half my education or a 10th of my money. You voted for a 34 count convicted felon that a separate jury found committed sexual assault. Which would mean that you are morally bankrupt.
what RWNJ new sources do you follow most often?
what RWNJ new sources do you follow most often?
I'm a right-wing libertarian, armed for decades and I think President Biden will beat any candidate that the pool of shit that the GOP has become could nominate in its current condition.
Corruption in the Ukraine was investigated both by our Congress and internationally. Republicans could find no corruption by Hunter Biden nor Joe Biden.
You probably don't realize that President Bush chose attorney Hunter Biden to be on the Amtrak board. As well as starting his own business with a partner, he had experience in the international scene while practicing law. The assumption that he had only his family connection to attain the board seat is uninformed.
Actually, we watched it fizzle out last week. What’s next fascist?
Not as long as he is running against a fat, stupid criminal.
Not as long as he is running against a fat, stupid criminal.
yes, i’m sure he does. he certainly knows how weak the charge is, especially the current version, which is based on an FD-1023, which specifies the data it contains is unverified, and is based on long-debunked misinformation about the burisma matter. like most of us, he probably recognizes this as a republican plant, designed to cast smoke over the trump indictments. like nearly all of us he knows this is a desperate move.
A few MAGA morons “think” that.
Nobody else, since there is absolutely nothing to suggest he might possibly have taken any bribes.
So what’s the problem here?
Are you upset this struggling puppet reduced unemployment to the lowest level in 60 years?
Or caused the economy to grow at a historic rate?
Or helped us have the lowest inflation of any developed country?
Or brought chip manufacturing back to the United States?
Or passed the largest infrastructure bill in U.S. history?
Or saw gas prices go down to $1.99 a gallon last week?
Or saw a record Black Friday this week?
Or saw a record number of travelers?
What is it exactly you’re bitching about?
I am pretty sure he understand there is no evidence of any bribery, just as the GOP has figure own after going through his bank account and that of his relatives. They cam up dry. The GOP has effectively retired muttering.
What did they come up with? Biden loaned his brother money and the brother paid it back. Biden loaned his son money and the son paid it back. That is it.
Hmm what would happen if the Dems went through 25 years of Trumps bank accounts and 40 years of his tax returns? Hmmmmm?
It took Congress five years, nine investigations, and eleven hours of sworn testimony on live TV without an attorney by her side, for Congress to conclude that Hillary Clinton had never had a parking ticket or an overdue library book, and that no crimes had taken place in connection with the Benghazi incident. The only reason Ms. Clinton ended her testimony was that all the Republican congresspeople had left the room, and she had to turn off the lights.
Surely the country owes Mr. Trump the courtesy of the same thorough approach to clearing HIS name that was granted to Ms. Clinton, i.e. eight m
It took Congress five years, nine investigations, and eleven hours of sworn testimony on live TV without an attorney by her side, for Congress to conclude that Hillary Clinton had never had a parking ticket or an overdue library book, and that no crimes had taken place in connection with the Benghazi incident. The only reason Ms. Clinton ended her testimony was that all the Republican congresspeople had left the room, and she had to turn off the lights.
Surely the country owes Mr. Trump the courtesy of the same thorough approach to clearing HIS name that was granted to Ms. Clinton, i.e. eight more investigations, and a long day of sworn testimony on live TV.
More snipe hunting.
More snipe hunting.
Because only the dimmest of dim Fox-News-loving bumpkins believe there is any such “evidence.”
Remember when the Republican star witness said there was no such evidence? Remember that? Oops.
You’ve been lied to. You’ve been lied to by a television network whose lawyers testified in court, under oath, that no reasonable person would believe anything they say.
So what does that make you, hmm?
Doesn’t that make you angry, to know you’ve been lied to? Doesn’t that piss you off? Or are you one of those people who wants to be lied to?
By the way, there is no Democrat sex slave ring in the basement of tha
Because only the dimmest of dim Fox-News-loving bumpkins believe there is any such “evidence.”
Remember when the Republican star witness said there was no such evidence? Remember that? Oops.
You’ve been lied to. You’ve been lied to by a television network whose lawyers testified in court, under oath, that no reasonable person would believe anything they say.
So what does that make you, hmm?
Doesn’t that make you angry, to know you’ve been lied to? Doesn’t that piss you off? Or are you one of those people who wants to be lied to?
By the way, there is no Democrat sex slave ring in the basement of that pizza shop that doesn’t have a basement, wildfires aren’t caused by Jewish space lasers, and Trump lost.
Get over it.
You wanted a president with no legal guardrails and presidential immunity and you got it, Buford.
Oh, and because fuck you you absolute brainless drooling hypocritical safe space loving scumbag, Trump is a rapist, a felon, an adulterer, launched an insurrection against the government and was endorsed by the Klan. MAGA family values, eh?
Please post evidence of this. If true, that's outrageous. And makes Joe Biden a kind of accessory to a crime.
How, why, amounts embezzled, the substance of what you call a bribe? That would help me to believe this post.
Is beink good job, Comrade Ivan! There will be meat in your borscht tonight (may be horse, may be donkey, may be rat. Is still meat!) and bottle of “People’s Choice” vodka in your bunk. Keep up good work. Next reward in your bunk will be Russian trawler!
Because whatever he did is as irrelevant as whatever you and I did. He has no role in government, no elected office, no office in the White House, no security clearance, no access to government secrets. Any more than I do.
The GOP is going after him to distract from Trump, and because they have literally NOTHING on Joe Biden.
There is none. Vote Blue