Profile photo for Hardik Chandrani

I would say entire financial managment is interesting. If I want to quote one, I would say time value of money is a very simple and useful concept. It says the value of money u have today and u receive in future is not the same. Basically, value of money depends on the purchasing power it holds at the given point in time. If i want put is simply, time value of money is one of the reasons why we get interest on deposits and have to pay interest on borrowing. This concept can have a application in our routine financial decisions like what amount to spend and what amount to save from our income a

I would say entire financial managment is interesting. If I want to quote one, I would say time value of money is a very simple and useful concept. It says the value of money u have today and u receive in future is not the same. Basically, value of money depends on the purchasing power it holds at the given point in time. If i want put is simply, time value of money is one of the reasons why we get interest on deposits and have to pay interest on borrowing. This concept can have a application in our routine financial decisions like what amount to spend and what amount to save from our income and on what spend now versus spend in future.

Profile photo for Quora User

Financial Advisors can change lives, but I often see some big mistakes that can drastically affect the results - even as bad as losing all investment gains made! With all the new-age scams out there, it really matters to know these mistakes - so pay attention!

Here’s the Most Common Mistakes:

Hiring a “Financial Advisor” who is not a Fiduciary

Anybody can be a “financial advisor”. It’s an unregulated term so the title means nothing. Not going to name names, but plenty of companies out there abuse this term. Just watch “The Wolf Of Wall Street” to see more on how that works!

On the other hand, ther

Financial Advisors can change lives, but I often see some big mistakes that can drastically affect the results - even as bad as losing all investment gains made! With all the new-age scams out there, it really matters to know these mistakes - so pay attention!

Here’s the Most Common Mistakes:

Hiring a “Financial Advisor” who is not a Fiduciary

Anybody can be a “financial advisor”. It’s an unregulated term so the title means nothing. Not going to name names, but plenty of companies out there abuse this term. Just watch “The Wolf Of Wall Street” to see more on how that works!

On the other hand, there’s a key type of financial advisor called a “Fidicuary” and they are what you want. They are legally obligated to make financial decisions that are in your best interest. They are the good guys on your side, and they can even lose their license if they do anything deemed unethical by regulators.

You can find fiduciaries near you on websites like - their network is exclusively vetted and regulated fiduciaries.

Hiring the first advisor you meet

Ideally you are looking for a long-term partner in this space. It’s best to interview more than one advisor before making your final decision. Do what feels right for you.

Not checking their credentials

This goes without saying…make sure the advisor has the credentials and licenses to handle your finances. It never hurts to ask about tests they have taken as well! As I mentioned above, the highest-standard are called fiduciaries so you can expect them to have all their ducks in a row.

Not hiring a specialist that meets your specific needs

After the basics of getting a vetted fiduciary, from there you want to consider specialties. Do not get a “generalist”. Find someone with experience for your exact situation. Some key areas that you want your fiduciary to be extremely versed in:

  • They are familiar with your state laws and taxes.
  • They are specialists in the GOAL you are trying to achieve (investing/retirement/business/etc.)
  • They are specialists with the asset types you have (401k/IRA/real estate/stock/etc.)
  • They are familiar with the SIZE and of assets you have. A $100k strategy will be different than a $10MM strategy.
  • They are engaged and versed in the type of risk profile you would like to invest in.

Lots to consider! The cool part is you can use this tool to find a fiduciary by region, asset type and asset size. They do the work for you…saving you a ton of time.

So…What’s The Best Way To Find The Right Advisor?

Try a website like ComparisonAdviser. It’s free and no obligation.

  • You fill out a quick 60-second survey about your location and assets.
  • Their engine matches you with a vetted fiduciary who is a perfect match for your scenario.
  • In the end, you’ll have someone on your side you can TRUST - allowing you to tuck these complex decisions away and enjoy your life!

Good luck!

Profile photo for RAMESH LAL

In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of financial management and provide valuable insights on how to effectively navigate the financial landscape. Whether you're an individual seeking personal financial guidance or a business owner aiming to optimize your organization's financial health, this video will equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to succeed.

  1. Financial Planning: The Foundation of Success Financial planning is the bedrock of effective financial management. It involves setting clear goals, creating budgets, and developing strategies to achieve those goals. By

In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of financial management and provide valuable insights on how to effectively navigate the financial landscape. Whether you're an individual seeking personal financial guidance or a business owner aiming to optimize your organization's financial health, this video will equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to succeed.

  1. Financial Planning: The Foundation of Success Financial planning is the bedrock of effective financial management. It involves setting clear goals, creating budgets, and developing strategies to achieve those goals. By forecasting future financial needs and creating contingency plans, you can stay on track and adapt to any challenges that may arise.
  2. Financial Analysis: Unveiling the Big Picture Financial analysis is a crucial component of decision-making. By carefully analyzing financial statements, performance indicators, and relevant data, you gain insights into your organization's financial health. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities enables you to make informed choices and optimize your financial resources.
  3. Capital Management: Striking the Right Balance Managing capital wisely is essential for long-term success. By determining the optimal mix of debt and equity financing, you can optimize your organization's capital structure. Evaluating investment opportunities, assessing the cost of capital, and effectively utilizing resources are key aspects of capital management.
  4. Risk Management: Navigating Uncertain Waters Every financial endeavor carries inherent risks. Effective risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks. This includes managing investment risks, operational risks, market fluctuations, credit risks, and liquidity risks. By implementing robust risk management strategies, you can safeguard your financial stability and profitability.
  5. Financial Control: Building a Solid Foundation Financial control is vital for ensuring accuracy, compliance, and transparency. Establishing internal controls and procedures helps prevent fraud, ensures regulatory compliance, and supports accurate financial reporting. Monitoring financial performance, conducting regular audits, and taking corrective actions when necessary maintain a solid financial foundation.
  6. Financial Decision Making: The Power of Strategic Choices Financial decision-making requires a strategic approach. Whether it's evaluating investment opportunities, making capital budgeting decisions, determining dividend policies, or selecting financing options, careful analysis is paramount. By considering various alternatives, weighing their financial implications, and choosing the best option, you can maximize shareholder value.
  7. Financial Reporting: Communicating the Story Clear and concise financial reporting is essential for stakeholders' understanding of an organization's financial position. Accurate preparation of financial statements, reports, and disclosures in line with accounting standards and regulations is crucial. Effective communication helps build trust, attract investors, and demonstrate accountability.

Congratulations! You have now gained a comprehensive understanding of financial management. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, you can enhance your personal financial situation or drive your organization towards greater financial success. Remember, financial management requires continuous learning, adaptability, and staying updated with the latest industry trends. Now go forth and master the art of financial management!

Hope you find this content informative and useful. Keep following this Financial_planners space for more updates. Thank you!

Profile photo for Arghya Polley

Financial management is probably one of the biggest aspects of the business as well. Without financial management, you wouldn't be able to begin running your business or even open it for that matter. But how important is financial management? So, just what is this type of financial management and why is it so important?

The first and most obvious importance of financial management is that it allows the individual in the organization to exercise financial control over their own company. Without the ability to organize the funds of an organization, it would be impossible to conduct all aspects of

Financial management is probably one of the biggest aspects of the business as well. Without financial management, you wouldn't be able to begin running your business or even open it for that matter. But how important is financial management? So, just what is this type of financial management and why is it so important?

The first and most obvious importance of financial management is that it allows the individual in the organization to exercise financial control over their own company. Without the ability to organize the funds of an organization, it would be impossible to conduct all aspects of the business including the payment of employees, purchase of equipment and supplies, the paying of debts, and even for the operation of the business itself. If you have staff that doesn't know where their funds are going, then you could find yourself with some very serious problems within the company itself.

There are many other reasons as well for a person to wish to become a financial manager. This type of job can lead to a very varied career path within the construction industry. As a financial manager, the individual may be involved with many different things such as creating a risk analysis and risk management plans for the organization, as well as working closely with Finance and Accountants to provide advice on the best ways to manage finances. A financial manager is also likely to be involved in the areas of Investment, Management, and the Reporting of Financial Information to a variety of stakeholders. However, they must possess a wide understanding of all areas of finance in order for them to perform their duties in an effective and efficient manner.

So, just how is a financial manager able to contribute to the success of an organization? First of all, the manager has to be in a position to delegate tasks to various individuals or teams. In addition to that, the manager should know where and how to get an accurate analysis of the organization's financial situation at any given time. They need to be capable of forecasting the future of the organization and performing periodic evaluations of the health of its cash flows, assets, liabilities, revenues, and costs.

A financial manager should not only know how to perform these tasks, but they should also be proficient in dealing with a variety of people. This includes the CEO, CFO, and all of the other executives who may need to regularly visit the office on a daily basis. The role of a financial manager includes much more than just looking after the day-to-day running of an organization's financial affairs.

This type of role also requires the financial manager to possess some managerial skills. For example, a manager needs to be able to work effectively with a variety of people in an environment where they are all competently educated and capable of doing tasks in a manner that is effective for the particular organization. In addition, the manager needs to be able to communicate effectively and understand what is happening within the organization. However, most importantly, the financial manager must have the vision, so that he or she can identify opportunities and threats in a timely manner. In order for a financial manager to be able to provide leadership for the company, the manager must also be able to foster leadership in those within his or her organization who may have limited managerial skills.

The overall responsibility for the management of the day-to-day affairs of an organization falls on the shoulders of the financial manager. He or she is the organizer of the day-to-day processes that affect the organization. This includes budgeting, financial planning, cash flow analysis, allocation of resources, production and manufacturing issues, as well as business growth and expansion. It is the financial manager that organizes and directs the efforts of the other members of the organization to achieve their business objectives. He or she is responsible for providing all of the information and support needed to the rest of the organization to ensure that all of the objectives and plans are progressing as planned.

If you are in a position of leadership within your organization and are looking for ways to enhance the effectiveness of your financial management, consider talking to a financial advisor. They will be able to help you identify how your current financial management structures are working to your disadvantage, and how you can improve them so that you can meet your future goals and objectives more effectively. To learn more about what is the importance of financial management, contact an accredited financial advisor today.

Profile photo for Alok Chhajer

Hey Surbhi,

The answer for your question can be an encyclopedia in itself as there are so many interesting concepts in the world of finance.

If I were to pick the most interesting concept, I would certainly say "Time value of money". This is such a simple yet powerful concept which any novice also can understand and at the same time the utility of this concept is also widespread.

You do not need to be an expert in finance to know that what Rs. 100 could buy 10 years ago it cannot buy the same today. I have heard m grandparents talking about this and so did my parents. Interestingly, none of them

Hey Surbhi,

The answer for your question can be an encyclopedia in itself as there are so many interesting concepts in the world of finance.

If I were to pick the most interesting concept, I would certainly say "Time value of money". This is such a simple yet powerful concept which any novice also can understand and at the same time the utility of this concept is also widespread.

You do not need to be an expert in finance to know that what Rs. 100 could buy 10 years ago it cannot buy the same today. I have heard m grandparents talking about this and so did my parents. Interestingly, none of them have ever attended a college.

This concept teaches us the meaning of the word inflation - a term which affects every soul in the world.

So for me it is always time value of money which has been the most interesting concept.

Happy Learning!

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.

Overpaying on car insurance

You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.

If you’ve been with the same insurer for years, chances are you are one of them.

Pull up, a free site that will compare prices for you, answer the questions on the page, and it will show you how much you could be saving.

That’s it. You’ll likely be saving a bunch of money. Here’s a link to give it a try.

Consistently being in debt

If you’ve got $10K+ in debt (credit cards…medical bills…anything really) you could use a debt relief program and potentially reduce by over 20%.

Here’s how to see if you qualify:

Head over to this Debt Relief comparison website here, then simply answer the questions to see if you qualify.

It’s as simple as that. You’ll likely end up paying less than you owed before and you could be debt free in as little as 2 years.

Missing out on free money to invest

It’s no secret that millionaires love investing, but for the rest of us, it can seem out of reach.

Times have changed. There are a number of investing platforms that will give you a bonus to open an account and get started. All you have to do is open the account and invest at least $25, and you could get up to $1000 in bonus.

Pretty sweet deal right? Here is a link to some of the best options.

Having bad credit

A low credit score can come back to bite you in so many ways in the future.

From that next rental application to getting approved for any type of loan or credit card, if you have a bad history with credit, the good news is you can fix it.

Head over to and answer a few questions to see if you qualify. It only takes a few minutes and could save you from a major upset down the line.

How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Financial Management is that managerial activity which is concerned with planning , organising,directing,amd controlling of the firm Financial resources.

Where to invest fund and what amount? i.e Investing decision

Where to raise funds amd what amount? i.e Financial decision

How much to pay by way of dividend ? i.e Dividend decision.


1.Sufficient liquidity

2.Better finacial health


4.Competitive advantages

Importance of financial management are :-

  1. liquidity management
  2. Out of cash
  3. Helps in Decision - Making
  4. Addition in the value of business
  5. Helps in situation of cash crunches
  6. Perfe

Financial Management is that managerial activity which is concerned with planning , organising,directing,amd controlling of the firm Financial resources.

Where to invest fund and what amount? i.e Investing decision

Where to raise funds amd what amount? i.e Financial decision

How much to pay by way of dividend ? i.e Dividend decision.


1.Sufficient liquidity

2.Better finacial health


4.Competitive advantages

Importance of financial management are :-

  1. liquidity management
  2. Out of cash
  3. Helps in Decision - Making
  4. Addition in the value of business
  5. Helps in situation of cash crunches
  6. Perfect Investment Plans
  7. Good reputation of entity

Financial management is the process of managing a company's finances in such a way that it can be profitable while still adhering to regulations. This necessitates both a high-level strategy and on-the-ground implementation. Financial Management means:

• Planning,

• Organizing

• Directing,

• Controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise.

Financial management is essentially the process of creating a business plan and also ensuring that all departments remain on track. Strong financial management allows the CFO to provide data that aids in the dev

Financial management is the process of managing a company's finances in such a way that it can be profitable while still adhering to regulations. This necessitates both a high-level strategy and on-the-ground implementation. Financial Management means:

• Planning,

• Organizing

• Directing,

• Controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise.

Financial management is essentially the process of creating a business plan and also ensuring that all departments remain on track. Strong financial management allows the CFO to provide data that aids in the development of a long-term strategy, informs investment decisions, and provides insights into how to fund investments, liquidity, profitability, and more.

Financial decisions are extremely important while running a startup and you will be using fund money to run it, which leaves no room for mistakes.

As a startup consultancy, we are experienced in providing necessary assistance to budding entrepreneurs to execute their idea successfully.

Offering services like mentorship, funding assistance, build-up of the pitch deck, pre-incubation offers, and much more. The Startup Scholars can help guide you in various steps of the road towards a successful startup.

With Government recognized Startup India mentors and an excellent team of professionals, TSS can provide you with the assistance you need in turning your dreams into a reality. So, what are you waiting for? Visit our website for more details!
Profile photo for Johnny M

I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business


I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business

Most people just stick with the same insurer year after year, but that’s what the companies are counting on. This guy used tools like to compare rates every time his policy came up for renewal. It only took him a few minutes, and he said he’d saved hundreds each year by letting insurers compete for his business.

Click here to try and see how much you could save today.

2. Take advantage of safe driver programs

He mentioned that some companies reward good drivers with significant discounts. By signing up for a program that tracked his driving habits for just a month, he qualified for a lower rate. “It’s like a test where you already know the answers,” he joked.

You can find a list of insurance companies offering safe driver discounts here and start saving on your next policy.

3. Bundle your policies

He bundled his auto insurance with his home insurance and saved big. “Most companies will give you a discount if you combine your policies with them. It’s easy money,” he explained. If you haven’t bundled yet, ask your insurer what discounts they offer—or look for new ones that do.

4. Drop coverage you don’t need

He also emphasized reassessing coverage every year. If your car isn’t worth much anymore, it might be time to drop collision or comprehensive coverage. “You shouldn’t be paying more to insure the car than it’s worth,” he said.

5. Look for hidden fees or overpriced add-ons

One of his final tips was to avoid extras like roadside assistance, which can often be purchased elsewhere for less. “It’s those little fees you don’t think about that add up,” he warned.

The Secret? Stop Overpaying

The real “secret” isn’t about cutting corners—it’s about being proactive. Car insurance companies are counting on you to stay complacent, but with tools like and a little effort, you can make sure you’re only paying for what you need—and saving hundreds in the process.

If you’re ready to start saving, take a moment to:

Saving money on auto insurance doesn’t have to be complicated—you just have to know where to look. If you'd like to support my work, feel free to use the links in this post—they help me continue creating valuable content.

Profile photo for HARSH RAVAL

Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organising, directing, and controlling of financial undertakings in an organisation or an institute. It also includes applying management principles to the financial assets of an organisation, while also playing an important part in fiscal management. Take a look at the objectives involved:

  • Maintaining enough supply of funds for the organisation;
  • Ensuring shareholders of the organisation to get good returns on their investment;
  • Optimum and efficient utilization of funds;
  • Creating real and safe investment opportunities to invest in.

Financial ma

Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organising, directing, and controlling of financial undertakings in an organisation or an institute. It also includes applying management principles to the financial assets of an organisation, while also playing an important part in fiscal management. Take a look at the objectives involved:

  • Maintaining enough supply of funds for the organisation;
  • Ensuring shareholders of the organisation to get good returns on their investment;
  • Optimum and efficient utilization of funds;
  • Creating real and safe investment opportunities to invest in.

Financial management is also made up of certain elements. These include:

  • Financial planning: This is the process of calculating the amount of capital that is required by an organisation and then determining its allocation. A financial plan includes certain key objectives, which are:Determining the amount of capital required;Determining the capital organisation and structure;Framing of the organisation’s financial policies and regulations.Financial control: This is one of the key activities in financial management. Its main role is to assess whether an organisation is meeting its objectives or not. Financial control answers the following questions:Are the organisation’s assets being used competently?Are the organisation’s assets secure?Is the management acting in the best financial interests of the organisation and the key stakeholders?Financial decision-making: This involves investment and financing with regards to the organisation. This department takes decisions about how the organisation should raise finance, whether they should sell new shares, or how the profit should be distributed.

The financial management department of any firm is handled by a financial manager. This department has numerous functions such as:

  • Calculating the capital required: The financial manager has to calculate the amount of funds an organisation requires. This depends upon the policies of the firm with regards to expected expenses and profits. The amount required has to be estimated in such a way that the earning capability of the organisation increases.
  • Formation of capital structure: Once the amount of capital the firm requires has been estimated, a capital structure needs to be formed. This involves debt equity analysis in the short-term and the long-term. This depends upon the amount of the capital the firm owns, and the amount that needs to be raised via external sources.
  • Investing the capital: Every organisation or firm needs to invest money in order to raise more capital and gain regular returns. Hence, the financial manager needs to invest the organisation’s funds in safe and profitable ventures.
  • Allocation of profits: Once the organisation has earned a good amount of net profit, it is the financial manager’s duty to efficiently allocate it. This could involve keeping a part of the net profit for contingency, innovation, or expansion purposes, while another part of the profit can be used to provide dividends to the shareholders.
  • Effective management of money: This department is also responsible for effectively managing the firm’s money. Money is required for various purposes in the firm such as payment of salaries and bills, maintaining stock, meeting liabilities, and the purchase of any materials or equipment.
  • Financial control: Not only does the financial manager have to plan, organise, and obtain funds, but he also has to control and analyse the firm’s finances in the short-term and the long-term. This can be done using financial tools such as financial forecasting, ratio analysis, risk management, and profit and cost control.

Why is Financial Management important?

This form of management is important for various reasons. Take a look at some of these reasons:

  • Helps organisations in financial planning;
  • Assists organisations in the planning and acquisition of funds;
  • Helps organisations in effectively utilising and allocating the funds received or acquired;
  • Assists organisations in making critical financial decisions;
  • Helps in improving the profitability of organisations;
  • Increases the overall value of the firms or organisations;
  • Provides economic stability;
  • Encourages employees to save money, which helps them in personal financial planning.
Profile photo for P.L.Shah

Even everyone should manage with simple strategy.

5 simple things-

  1. Save maximum you can.
  2. Don't take loans or don't use access credit card.
  3. Part your income.
  4. Do investment in best stock for long term, Gold and Land.
  5. If you have liabilities, remove as soon as possible. Without paying huge interest.

Even everyone should manage with simple strategy.

5 simple things-

  1. Save maximum you can.
  2. Don't take loans or don't use access credit card.
  3. Part your income.
  4. Do investment in best stock for long term, Gold and Land.
  5. If you have liabilities, remove as soon as possible. Without paying huge interest.
Profile photo for Quora User

Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.

And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.

Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!

1. Cancel Your Car Insurance

You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily,

Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.

And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.

Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!

1. Cancel Your Car Insurance

You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily, this problem is easy to fix.

Don’t waste your time browsing insurance sites for a better deal. A company called Insurify shows you all your options at once — people who do this save up to $996 per year.

If you tell them a bit about yourself and your vehicle, they’ll send you personalized quotes so you can compare them and find the best one for you.

Tired of overpaying for car insurance? It takes just five minutes to compare your options with Insurify and see how much you could save on car insurance.

2. Ask This Company to Get a Big Chunk of Your Debt Forgiven

A company called National Debt Relief could convince your lenders to simply get rid of a big chunk of what you owe. No bankruptcy, no loans — you don’t even need to have good credit.

If you owe at least $10,000 in unsecured debt (credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, etc.), National Debt Relief’s experts will build you a monthly payment plan. As your payments add up, they negotiate with your creditors to reduce the amount you owe. You then pay off the rest in a lump sum.

On average, you could become debt-free within 24 to 48 months. It takes less than a minute to sign up and see how much debt you could get rid of.

3. You Can Become a Real Estate Investor for as Little as $10

Take a look at some of the world’s wealthiest people. What do they have in common? Many invest in large private real estate deals. And here’s the thing: There’s no reason you can’t, too — for as little as $10.

An investment called the Fundrise Flagship Fund lets you get started in the world of real estate by giving you access to a low-cost, diversified portfolio of private real estate. The best part? You don’t have to be the landlord. The Flagship Fund does all the heavy lifting.

With an initial investment as low as $10, your money will be invested in the Fund, which already owns more than $1 billion worth of real estate around the country, from apartment complexes to the thriving housing rental market to larger last-mile e-commerce logistics centers.

Want to invest more? Many investors choose to invest $1,000 or more. This is a Fund that can fit any type of investor’s needs. Once invested, you can track your performance from your phone and watch as properties are acquired, improved, and operated. As properties generate cash flow, you could earn money through quarterly dividend payments. And over time, you could earn money off the potential appreciation of the properties.

So if you want to get started in the world of real-estate investing, it takes just a few minutes to sign up and create an account with the Fundrise Flagship Fund.

This is a paid advertisement. Carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fundrise Real Estate Fund before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus. Read them carefully before investing.

4. Earn Up to $50 this Month By Answering Survey Questions About the News — It’s Anonymous

The news is a heated subject these days. It’s hard not to have an opinion on it.

Good news: A website called YouGov will pay you up to $50 or more this month just to answer survey questions about politics, the economy, and other hot news topics.

Plus, it’s totally anonymous, so no one will judge you for that hot take.

When you take a quick survey (some are less than three minutes), you’ll earn points you can exchange for up to $50 in cash or gift cards to places like Walmart and Amazon. Plus, Penny Hoarder readers will get an extra 500 points for registering and another 1,000 points after completing their first survey.

It takes just a few minutes to sign up and take your first survey, and you’ll receive your points immediately.

5. Stop Paying Your Credit Card Company

If you have credit card debt, you know. The anxiety, the interest rates, the fear you’re never going to escape… but a website called AmONE wants to help.

If you owe your credit card companies $100,000 or less, AmONE will match you with a low-interest loan you can use to pay off every single one of your balances.

The benefit? You’ll be left with one bill to pay each month. And because personal loans have lower interest rates (AmONE rates start at 6.40% APR), you’ll get out of debt that much faster.

It takes less than a minute and just 10 questions to see what loans you qualify for.

6. Earn Up to $225 This Month Playing Games on Your Phone

Ever wish you could get paid just for messing around with your phone? Guess what? You totally can.

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Profile photo for Fermin Johnson

Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money (funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the organization. It is the specialized function directly associated with the top management.

The term typically applies to an organization or company's financial strategy, while personal finance or financial life management refers to an individual's management strategy. It includes how to raise the capital and how to allocate capital, i.e. capital budgeting. Not only for long term budgeting, but also how to allocate the short term resources like current lia

Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money (funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the organization. It is the specialized function directly associated with the top management.

The term typically applies to an organization or company's financial strategy, while personal finance or financial life management refers to an individual's management strategy. It includes how to raise the capital and how to allocate capital, i.e. capital budgeting. Not only for long term budgeting, but also how to allocate the short term resources like current liabilities. It also deals with the dividend policies of the share holders.

Financial management is the activity concerned with planning, raising, controlling and administering of funds used in the business.

Financial management is an area of financial decision making harmonizing individual motives and enterprise goals.

Profile photo for Pallavi

Money management is the process of budgeting, saving, investing, and overseeing the use of one’s financial resources. It involves tracking income, managing expenses, and making informed decisions about how to allocate money to meet both short-term and long-term financial goals.

Money management is important because it helps individuals achieve financial stability, avoid debt, prepare for emergencies, and work toward financial goals like buying a home, funding education, or retirement. Good money management ensures that resources are used wisely and financial stress is minimized.

Profile photo for RealBooks

Financial management involves planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring an organization's financial resources to achieve its goals. Key practices include financial planning, budgeting, cash flow management, financial analysis, risk management, investment management, financing decisions, compliance, and reporting. Effective financial management requires understanding financial principles, making informed decisions, and adapting to changing conditions.

Profile photo for Quora User

A Financial Management process is a method by which costs (or expenses) incurred on a project are formally identified and administered. Effective financial management is vital for the growth and success of the organization. The scope of financial management includes decisions and considerations regarding the size of investments, sources and range of capital use.

To maintain Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency and Stability, an organization must consider the various elements of financial management.

Financial Management consists of the following elements which have been discussed below in detail

A Financial Management process is a method by which costs (or expenses) incurred on a project are formally identified and administered. Effective financial management is vital for the growth and success of the organization. The scope of financial management includes decisions and considerations regarding the size of investments, sources and range of capital use.

To maintain Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency and Stability, an organization must consider the various elements of financial management.

Financial Management consists of the following elements which have been discussed below in detail:

  • Planning

Planning is the initial step which is required to be taken before furthering any other business procedures. Many companies also hire professional financial planners to set up effective financial plans for their target and objective achievement.

  • Controlling

Controlling and administering how the company's valuable resources are being utilized helps improve its various departments. Proper records should be maintained for financial and other monetary related funds of the organization as well.

  • Organizing and Directing

Financial planners organize regular and proper meetings where financial matters are addressed, and decisions are taken in their regard. Professional directions are given for appropriate allocation and utilization of organizational resources.

  • Decision Making

Financial Management involves decision-making as top authorities decide the direction of the organization's monetary funds. Once the financial decisions are finalized, they are circulated as financial documents, and economic activities occur according to the organization's financial decisions.

Do follow Metvy Networking on Quora for more business, marketing, work and other value-based content.

Profile photo for Nicholas Maslaney

What is basic financial management?

The first basic rule of financial management is “it starts with you”. Forget what anybody else tells you. Learn this first principle and everything else falls in line. Here is why:

  • You are the person responsible for resources that you earned. Nobody gives a piss about your finances unless you owe them money, are dependent on you, or like to receive things from you.
  • You have to know where money is coming and going. If you delegate it to somebody else, then verify it. Balance your checkbooks and accounts regularly as well as investment accounts.
  • Pay yourself first

What is basic financial management?

The first basic rule of financial management is “it starts with you”. Forget what anybody else tells you. Learn this first principle and everything else falls in line. Here is why:

  • You are the person responsible for resources that you earned. Nobody gives a piss about your finances unless you owe them money, are dependent on you, or like to receive things from you.
  • You have to know where money is coming and going. If you delegate it to somebody else, then verify it. Balance your checkbooks and accounts regularly as well as investment accounts.
  • Pay yourself first, your family first, or people depending on you and your family first. Everybody else is second, third, and fourth. Make savings a regular habit. What you do with those savings is left for each person to decide based on their appetite for risk.
  • Housing and transportation are two of the biggest expenses of most family household budgets. Minimizing or keeping these two expenses low results in excess funds that can lead to better household financial management.
  • Understand the difference between debt that moves the needle in a positive way versus debt that moves the needle in a negative way. It is different for everybody. The way I use debt to move the needle forward and positive is different than most people.
Profile photo for Subramanian Venkataraman

Simply defined:

“Financial planning is to optimally utilise the money earned by investing and spending wisely”.

Financial planning recognises that while the income is finite, there are infinite needs / wants and avenues to spend. So it is a question of prioritisation.

Financial planning also recognises that active income earning years will come to an end some time but the expenses will continue to happen. So a portion of current income is saved wisely to provide inflation beating post tax return and build wealth. This wealth is used to generate income when other active sources of income ceases.


Simply defined:

“Financial planning is to optimally utilise the money earned by investing and spending wisely”.

Financial planning recognises that while the income is finite, there are infinite needs / wants and avenues to spend. So it is a question of prioritisation.

Financial planning also recognises that active income earning years will come to an end some time but the expenses will continue to happen. So a portion of current income is saved wisely to provide inflation beating post tax return and build wealth. This wealth is used to generate income when other active sources of income ceases.

One can learn financial planning from tons of resources available. One may also take the services of a financial planner.

In a nutshell understand the following ten elements that are important:

  1. The concept of inflation and how it erodes purchasing power of money
  2. The power of compound interest
  3. Insurance, its place in financial planning and why combining insurance and investment is a bad idea
  4. The benefit of “time” in building wealth
  5. How taxation impacts building of wealth
  6. What are the various types of risks to which an investment is exposed to
  7. What are asset classes; what are the risk, liquidity and return profile of each asset class.
  8. What are financial goals and why are they needed
  9. What is retirement planning and how life expectancy affects such planning
  10. How wise investments can set up an alternative source of income without actively working for it.
Profile photo for Reliable Melbourne Accountants

The elements of financial management encompass various components that are essential for effective financial decision-making and management within an organization. The key elements include:

  1. Financial Planning: Financial planning involves setting goals, formulating strategies, and creating a roadmap for managing the organization's financial resources. It includes forecasting future financial needs, estimating revenues and expenses, and developing budgets.
  2. Budgeting: Budgeting is the process of creating a detailed plan for allocating financial resources to different activities, departments, or pro

The elements of financial management encompass various components that are essential for effective financial decision-making and management within an organization. The key elements include:

  1. Financial Planning: Financial planning involves setting goals, formulating strategies, and creating a roadmap for managing the organization's financial resources. It includes forecasting future financial needs, estimating revenues and expenses, and developing budgets.
  2. Budgeting: Budgeting is the process of creating a detailed plan for allocating financial resources to different activities, departments, or projects within the organization. It involves setting targets, establishing spending limits, and monitoring actual performance against the budget.
  3. Cash Flow Management: Cash flow management focuses on monitoring and optimizing the inflow and outflow of cash within the organization. It involves forecasting cash flows, ensuring adequate liquidity to meet obligations, managing working capital, and effectively managing accounts receivable and accounts payable.
  4. Risk Management: Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating financial risks that could impact the organization's performance and objectives. It includes analyzing risks associated with interest rates, exchange rates, credit, market volatility, and other factors. Risk management strategies may involve diversification, hedging, insurance, or contingency planning.
  5. Capital Structure Management: Capital structure management involves determining the optimal mix of debt and equity financing to fund the organization's operations and investments. It includes assessing the cost of capital, analyzing the financial leverage, and making decisions regarding the issuance of stocks, bonds, or securing loans.
  6. Investment and Capital Budgeting: Investment and capital budgeting refer to the process of evaluating and selecting long-term investment projects that generate future cash flows and create value for the organization. It involves analyzing the feasibility, profitability, and risk of investment opportunities and allocating resources to projects with the highest potential returns.
  7. Financial Analysis and Reporting: Financial analysis and reporting involve interpreting financial data, preparing financial statements, and generating reports to assess the organization's financial performance. It includes analyzing profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency ratios, as well as communicating financial information to stakeholders.
  8. Financial Control and Monitoring: Financial control and monitoring involve implementing internal controls, policies, and procedures to ensure the integrity and accuracy of financial information. It includes conducting audits, reconciling accounts, detecting and preventing fraud, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations and reporting standards.
  9. Performance Measurement: Performance measurement entails evaluating the organization's financial performance against established goals and benchmarks. It includes analyzing financial ratios, key performance indicators (KPIs), and financial metrics to assess the organization's profitability, efficiency, and overall financial health.
  10. Financial Decision-Making: Financial decision-making involves making informed choices based on financial analysis, forecasting, and risk assessment. It includes decisions related to investments, financing, dividend distribution, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic financial planning.

These elements are interconnected and interdependent, and effective financial management requires a holistic approach that considers all these aspects to ensure the organization's financial success and sustainability.

Profile photo for Troy Caver

If this is truly a serious question I hope you are not seeking a position of management or responsibility over the assets of others.

Profile photo for Amber Faria

The approaches are: 1. Traditional View 2. Modern View 3. Liquidity and Profitability.

Traditional approach:

Financial management is primarily concerned with acquisition, financing and management of assets of business concern in order to maximize the wealth of the firm for its owners. The basic responsibility of the Finance manager is to acquire funds needed by the firm and investing those funds in profitable ventures that will maximize firm’s wealth, as well as, yielding returns to the business concern.

Modern View:

The globalization and liberalization of the world economy has caused to bring a t

The approaches are: 1. Traditional View 2. Modern View 3. Liquidity and Profitability.

Traditional approach:

Financial management is primarily concerned with acquisition, financing and management of assets of business concern in order to maximize the wealth of the firm for its owners. The basic responsibility of the Finance manager is to acquire funds needed by the firm and investing those funds in profitable ventures that will maximize firm’s wealth, as well as, yielding returns to the business concern.

Modern View:

The globalization and liberalization of the world economy has caused to bring a tremendous reforms in financial sector which aims at promoting diversified, efficient and competitive financial system in the country. The financial reforms coupled with diffusion of information technology has caused to increase competition, mergers, takeovers, cost management, quality improvement, financial discipline etc.

Liquidity and profitability:

Ezra Solomon states that “liquidity measures a company’s ability to meet expected as well as unexpected requirements of cash to expand its assets, reduce its liabilities and cover up any operating losses.”

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Profile photo for Linnea Jospeh

Financial management encompasses various approaches:

  1. Traditional Approach: Focuses on maximizing shareholder wealth through efficient allocation of resources and profit maximization.
  2. Modern Approach: Emphasizes wealth maximization for shareholders while considering broader stakeholder interests and social responsibility.
  3. Risk Management Approach: Prioritizes identifying and mitigating financial risks to safeguard assets and ensure financial stability.
  4. Value-based Management: Centers on creating long-term value for stakeholders by aligning financial decisions with organizational goals and values.
  5. Be

Financial management encompasses various approaches:

  1. Traditional Approach: Focuses on maximizing shareholder wealth through efficient allocation of resources and profit maximization.
  2. Modern Approach: Emphasizes wealth maximization for shareholders while considering broader stakeholder interests and social responsibility.
  3. Risk Management Approach: Prioritizes identifying and mitigating financial risks to safeguard assets and ensure financial stability.
  4. Value-based Management: Centers on creating long-term value for stakeholders by aligning financial decisions with organizational goals and values.
  5. Behavioral Approach: Considers psychological factors influencing financial decision-making and behavior.
Profile photo for Ashis Ghose

Cash the board alludes to the course of actually dealing with your funds, including planning, saving, money management, and pursuing informed monetary choices to accomplish your monetary objectives. It includes making an arrangement for how you will utilize and dispense your cash to meet your present moment and long haul targets.

Compelling cash the executives includes a few key standards:

Planning: Making a financial plan assists you with following your pay and costs, guaranteeing that you're not spending more than you procure. It permits you to dispense assets for fundamental costs, reserve fu

Cash the board alludes to the course of actually dealing with your funds, including planning, saving, money management, and pursuing informed monetary choices to accomplish your monetary objectives. It includes making an arrangement for how you will utilize and dispense your cash to meet your present moment and long haul targets.

Compelling cash the executives includes a few key standards:

Planning: Making a financial plan assists you with following your pay and costs, guaranteeing that you're not spending more than you procure. It permits you to dispense assets for fundamental costs, reserve funds, ventures, and optional spending.

Reserve funds: Saving a piece of your pay routinely helps construct a secret stash and save for explicit objectives, like purchasing a house, taking some time off, or resigning easily.

Obligation The board: Overseeing obligation is urgent to keep away from exorbitant interest installments and keep a solid FICO rating. Focusing on taking care of exorbitant premium obligations can let loose more cash for reserve funds and ventures.

Effective financial planning: Putting away your cash admirably can assist it with developing over the long haul. Contingent upon your gamble resilience and monetary objectives, you can put resources into stocks, securities, land, shared reserves, and different resources.

Monetary Objectives: Defining clear monetary objectives helps guide your cash the board endeavors. Whether it's purchasing a vehicle, taking care of educational loans, or resigning early, having objectives provides you a feeling of motivation and bearing.

Standard Audit: Consistently evaluating and changing your monetary arrangement is fundamental as your conditions, objectives, and financial circumstances change. Adaptability in your arrangement permits you to adjust to startling circumstances.

Teaching Yourself: Remaining informed about individual accounting themes, venture choices, and financial patterns enables you to pursue informed choices that line up with your objectives.

Does cash the executives work? Indeed, compelling cash the executives can altogether further develop your monetary prosperity. By following these standards, you can:

Diminish Monetary Pressure: Knowing where your cash is proceeding to have an arrangement set up can decrease nervousness about cash matters.

Accomplish Objectives: Legitimate cash the board assists you with making progress toward your monetary objectives, whether they include putting something aside for a home, subsidizing schooling, or partaking in an agreeable retirement.

Create Financial momentum: Money management and saving astutely can prompt long haul abundance collection and monetary security.

Answer Crises: Having a rainy day account can assist you with taking care of startling costs without crashing your monetary strength.

Keep away from Obligation Traps: Powerful cash the board can keep you from gathering extreme obligation and falling into monetary snares.

Work on Personal satisfaction: Dealing with your cash well can give a feeling of command over your funds, which can emphatically influence your general personal satisfaction.

Nonetheless, it's vital to take note of that cash the executives is certainly not a one-size-fits-all arrangement. It requires progressing exertion, discipline, and variation to your own conditions and objectives. Also, outer elements like monetary vacillations can impact the results of your monetary choices. It's wise to look for counsel from monetary experts and instruct yourself on monetary issues to go with informed decisions.

Profile photo for Karla Nortier

Financial Management approaches the financial aspects of a business to keep track of business income and expenses.

Some critical approaches in Financial Management include strategic planning. This is crucial for:

  • Controlling and managing finances
  • Maintaining and improving financial health within a business
  • Cutting unnecessary expenses
  • Finding areas that the business should consider budgeting for

You can find more information about Financial Management here:
Profile photo for Achal Khunteta

Ensuring sound financial management isn’t as complicated as it might seem—it’s more about discipline and understanding your priorities. To build a solid financial plan, ask yourself these three critical questions:

1. Is your family financially secure if something happens to you?

If yes, that’s great! If not, your first step should be to buy a term insurance plan. It’s the simplest and most cost-effective way to ensure your family is protected in case of an unfortunate event.

2. Can you handle a medical emergency without draining your savings?

If yes, well done! If not, invest in a health insurance

Ensuring sound financial management isn’t as complicated as it might seem—it’s more about discipline and understanding your priorities. To build a solid financial plan, ask yourself these three critical questions:

1. Is your family financially secure if something happens to you?

If yes, that’s great! If not, your first step should be to buy a term insurance plan. It’s the simplest and most cost-effective way to ensure your family is protected in case of an unfortunate event.

2. Can you handle a medical emergency without draining your savings?

If yes, well done! If not, invest in a health insurance policy. This is especially crucial if you’re living in an expensive Tier-1 city where medical costs can skyrocket. Health insurance ensures that unforeseen medical expenses don’t derail your financial stability.

3. Do you have enough liquid funds to cover 6 months of expenses in case of a job loss or crisis?

If yes, you’re on the right track! If not, focus on building an emergency fund that can sustain you for at least six months. This gives you a financial cushion during tough times and keeps you from falling into debt.

Once you’ve addressed these basics, you can start thinking about investments to grow your wealth. Remember, the goal is to make your money work for you—not the other way around.

Let me know if you want more details on investing, and if you found this answer helpful, feel free to follow and upvote! 😊

Profile photo for Liz Timoshok

By providing robust financial business analytics wrapped in dashboards, BI makes financial management more efficient on all fronts:

  • Cash flow management

Cash flow is crucial in non-ideal conditions in which current business has to function – when one crisis is followed by another. Some clients ask for extended terms, and others just slow down payments… With BI, you will have visibility into your cash flow and make accurate forecasts to improve its health.

For example, with the Cash Overview report in Power BI, you’ll get a grasp of inflows and outflows in system currency, total bank balance and b

By providing robust financial business analytics wrapped in dashboards, BI makes financial management more efficient on all fronts:

  • Cash flow management

Cash flow is crucial in non-ideal conditions in which current business has to function – when one crisis is followed by another. Some clients ask for extended terms, and others just slow down payments… With BI, you will have visibility into your cash flow and make accurate forecasts to improve its health.

For example, with the Cash Overview report in Power BI, you’ll get a grasp of inflows and outflows in system currency, total bank balance and balance by a legal entity, today’s actual vs forecasted balance, and more. Meanwhile, cash flow forecasting itself allows you to go into more detail and get daily forecast summaries.

  • Revenue management

The mission-critical questions like what, when, and who to sell as well as what price to set can be answered more easily and accurately when the data is collected, interpreted, and visualized by a financial BI system.

Business Intelligence offers a 360-degree analysis of pricing, inventory, promotional campaigns, and product launches. BI-driven revenue management helps businesses from a wide array of industries keep the lights on and reach target profitability. Take, for instance, hotel chains that use BI to determine optimal room rates, forecast reservation, staffing needs, inventory levels, and other resources to avoid problems with procurement and staffing during off-seasons and peak seasons.

  • Expense management

For any organization that wants to stay in the business, it’s important to pay the bills on time, which can’t be done without proper expense management. But what makes it so? BI, among other things, is designed to keep track of the company’s expenses. It enables businesses to replace piles of receipts and spreadsheets with insightful dashboards to gain a holistic view of staff spending, ensure compliance with expense policies, and track T&E trends.

The decision to use special software for managing company’s costs is getting even more effective when bolstered with scheduled dashboards and reports email delivery. These tactics help managers keep an eye on their employees, set up alerts and notifications to manage expenses in a timely manner, and connect BI tools to your organization’s expense, billing and online travel reservation systems.

I hope my answer was helpful!

Profile photo for Kevin

Most financial management plans will divide into four elements commonly recognised in financial management. These four elements are planning, controlling, organising & directing, and decision-making.

->Four elements of financial management:

This includes financing, budgeting, role distribution, and customer research.

It's important to ensure that all staff members are aware of the goals and their role in achieving that goal.

(iii)Organising and directing
You do not need to start implementing a strategy if you don’t even have all the resources.

(iv)Decision making

Most financial management plans will divide into four elements commonly recognised in financial management. These four elements are planning, controlling, organising & directing, and decision-making.

->Four elements of financial management:

This includes financing, budgeting, role distribution, and customer research.

It's important to ensure that all staff members are aware of the goals and their role in achieving that goal.

(iii)Organising and directing
You do not need to start implementing a strategy if you don’t even have all the resources.

(iv)Decision making
Decision-makers must select the option that best fits goals and objectives after determining all alternatives and possible strategies.

“Beta Solutions CPA” is a leading CPA services provider company in Tysons, VA, USA.

Profile photo for Karla Nortier

Financial Management is concerned with everything related to income, expenses, and general financial endeavors. The following elements are key points in Financial Management:

  • Strategic planning
  • Controlling finances and budgets
  • Understanding economics and fluctuations of the economy
  • Maintaining as well as improving the financial health of a business
  • Mercantile law
  • Distributing funds
  • Creating financial reports

You can read more about Financial Management, careers in the field, and the responsibilities within Financial Management here:
Profile photo for Shashi Aggarwal

Financial Management is concerned with obtaining funds at minimum cost and its effective utilisation to maximize the wealth of shareholders.

Elements of Financial Management:

  1. Estimating the requirements of funds
  2. Investment decisions :investment is made in fixed assets for creating productive capacity and investment in working capital for smooth running of the business. Deciding about ratio of investment in fixed assets and current assets
  3. Financing decisions : deciding about various sources. Long term as well short term. Deciding the capital structure. Ratio of debt to equity.
  4. Cash management
  5. Financi

Financial Management is concerned with obtaining funds at minimum cost and its effective utilisation to maximize the wealth of shareholders.

Elements of Financial Management:

  1. Estimating the requirements of funds
  2. Investment decisions :investment is made in fixed assets for creating productive capacity and investment in working capital for smooth running of the business. Deciding about ratio of investment in fixed assets and current assets
  3. Financing decisions : deciding about various sources. Long term as well short term. Deciding the capital structure. Ratio of debt to equity.
  4. Cash management
  5. Financial evaluation and control
  6. Dividend decisions Taking the decision how much to pay to shareholders dividend and how much to retail..
Profile photo for Georgia Ho

Financial management is a wide subject, and the role of professionals vary from industry to industry. However, in my opinion, financial management is all about finance and investment (the inflow and outflow of the assets).

Some professionals in this field are aim to make fund for the projects or the companies, such as IPO and making analysis to persuade investors to invest in the project.

Another key role of financial management is making wise investment. Investment has a lot of methods, such as investing money into another company (buying stocks) , investing tangible assets or intangible assets

Financial management is a wide subject, and the role of professionals vary from industry to industry. However, in my opinion, financial management is all about finance and investment (the inflow and outflow of the assets).

Some professionals in this field are aim to make fund for the projects or the companies, such as IPO and making analysis to persuade investors to invest in the project.

Another key role of financial management is making wise investment. Investment has a lot of methods, such as investing money into another company (buying stocks) , investing tangible assets or intangible assets like knowledge and time. Professionals may evaluate the project through various index to find out whether they should make investment in it, or analyse the operation of the company to improve the efficiency and effect of the assets we invest ,etc.

Profile photo for James Gonzalez

Understanding money management is like mastering the art of navigating a financial labyrinth. It's not just about budgeting or saving; it's a holistic approach to handling your finances wisely. In essence, money management involves creating a roadmap for your financial goals, tracking your income and expenses diligently, and making informed decisions to optimize your resources. It's akin to steering a ship; you need a clear direction and the ability to adapt to changing waters. Prioritizing expenses, setting up an emergency fund, and investing intelligently are integral aspects of effective mo

Understanding money management is like mastering the art of navigating a financial labyrinth. It's not just about budgeting or saving; it's a holistic approach to handling your finances wisely. In essence, money management involves creating a roadmap for your financial goals, tracking your income and expenses diligently, and making informed decisions to optimize your resources. It's akin to steering a ship; you need a clear direction and the ability to adapt to changing waters. Prioritizing expenses, setting up an emergency fund, and investing intelligently are integral aspects of effective money management.

Managing money isn't a one-size-fits-all scenario; it's highly personalized. It requires aligning your financial habits with your aspirations, considering factors like income sources, lifestyle choices, and long-term objectives. To manage money effectively, start by creating a budget that reflects your income and expenses realistically. Track where your money goes to identify areas where you can cut back or optimize spending. Additionally, consider investing in avenues that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals to make your money work for you in the long run.

If you need help mastering the intricacies of money management and optimizing your financial journey, seek guidance from SingleDebt, a reputable financial advisory firm specializing in empowering individuals to navigate their financial landscapes with confidence and clarity.

Profile photo for Quora User

Its simple.

Financial accounting (F) is concerned with the production of financial statements in accordance with the relevant accounting standards and legislation.

Management accounting (M) is carried out to assist management in discharging their duties to plan , direct and control the operations of the business. It is concerned with the process of measuring, analysing, interpreting and communicating information to management in a form which is easy for them to understand.

Why information is mainly produced

F: External use

M: Internal use

Purpose of information

F: To record the financial performance

Its simple.

Financial accounting (F) is concerned with the production of financial statements in accordance with the relevant accounting standards and legislation.

Management accounting (M) is carried out to assist management in discharging their duties to plan , direct and control the operations of the business. It is concerned with the process of measuring, analysing, interpreting and communicating information to management in a form which is easy for them to understand.

Why information is mainly produced

F: External use

M: Internal use

Purpose of information

F: To record the financial performance in a period and financial position a the end of the period.

M: To aid planning, controlling and decision making.

Legal requirement

F: Limited companies must produce financial accounts

M: None (Yey!)


F: Follow accounting standards and company law. (.( IFRS, GAAP and etc)

M:Management decides based on the information.

Nature of information

F: Mostly Financial

M:Financial and non financial.

Time period

F: Mainly a historical record.

M:Historical and forward looking.

Additional information: As I have exposure in both, let me give you some added information. Its strictly based on my personal experience, feel free to disagree with it.

Job Scope:

F: Wide

M: Narrow ( In our group Financial Accountant to Management Account ration is 8:1)


F: Initially you feel bored

M: Damn interesting


F: Junior Accountants get fairly low amount compared to Ass Management Acc.

M: Comparatively high!

Recognition in the firm

F: Narrow! you need to compete with other accountants, if all your colleagues are at the same level, unless you have a professional degree its hard to differentiate yourself. Reporting hierarchy is complicated therefore your seniors might get the credit for your hard work. :P

M: Directly you will be working with CEO, CFO, FM. If you are a performer, you’ll gain your credit you deserve!

An accountant must know the rudiments of Financial Accounting whereas he/she can survive without having any knowledge in Management Acc. If you having both Financial and Management accounting knowledge, it can be a competitive advantage in any industry. In addition to your college/ university degrees,I would strongly suggest to obtain professional qualification in order to differentiate yourself. Financial Acc : CPA, ACCA, AAT, CA ; Management Acc: CIMA, CMA.

Have a goal, be determined and persistence towards it.

My best wishes.

Thank you.

Profile photo for Prit Kumar Daksh

The 4 elements of the financial management are:

  • Planning.
  • Organising.
  • Controlling.
  • Directing.
Profile photo for Er. Aamir Khan

You don’t need a higher-paying job or a windfall from a relative to improve your personal finances. For many people, better money management is all it takes to reduce their spending, improve their ability to invest and save, and achieve financial goals that once seemed impossible.

1. Track your spending.

2. Create a realistic monthly budget.

3. Pay your bills on time every month

4. Cut back on recurring charges.

Profile photo for Kevin

(1) Corporate Financial Management
(2) Personal Financial Management
(3) Public Financial Management
(4) International Financial Management

“Beta Solutions CPA” is a leading CPA services provider company in Tysons, VA, USA.

Profile photo for EXIMA

a. Principle of Accountability

When presenting an explanation of an audit opinion for each use of funds and the duties that have been assigned, this principle is a legal and moral requirement in accounting theory.

As a result, each individual and company must be prepared to explain the usage and implications of these funds in great detail.

The goal of this principle is to show that adjusting the operating cost payment system and the available finances is one strategy to keep your firm healthy and financially viable.

b. Consistent Principle

When it comes to handling a company's finances, it's import

a. Principle of Accountability

When presenting an explanation of an audit opinion for each use of funds and the duties that have been assigned, this principle is a legal and moral requirement in accounting theory.

As a result, each individual and company must be prepared to explain the usage and implications of these funds in great detail.

The goal of this principle is to show that adjusting the operating cost payment system and the available finances is one strategy to keep your firm healthy and financially viable.

b. Consistent Principle

When it comes to handling a company's finances, it's important to be wise, consistent, and consistent. If a change is made, it must be accompanied by clear and suitable justifications.

c. Principle of Transparency

The purpose of this principle is that management is open to users of accounting information when it comes to delivering information about financial activities. This is done to ensure that there are no future misunderstandings or manipulations.

d. Principles of Accounting Standards

Accounting fundamentals must be used in line with generally recognized accounting principles and standards in an organization or firm.

e. Integrity Principle

Every individual and organization must have high integrity when they want to run a company's operations. This is proven when the company is able to make complete and accurate financial reports.

Profile photo for MyBillBook

Financial management approach measures the scope of the financial management in various fields, which include the essential part of the finance. Financial management is not a revolutionary concept but an evolutionary. The definition and scope of financial management has been changed from one period to another period and applied various innovations. Theoretical points of view, financial management approach may be broadly divided into two major parts.

Traditional Approach

Traditional approach is the initial stage of financial management, which was followed, in the early part of during the year 192

Financial management approach measures the scope of the financial management in various fields, which include the essential part of the finance. Financial management is not a revolutionary concept but an evolutionary. The definition and scope of financial management has been changed from one period to another period and applied various innovations. Theoretical points of view, financial management approach may be broadly divided into two major parts.

Traditional Approach

Traditional approach is the initial stage of financial management, which was followed, in the early part of during the year 1920 to 1950. This approach is based on the past experience and the traditionally accepted methods. Main part of the traditional approach is rising of funds for the business concern. Traditional approach consists of the following important area.

Arrangement of funds from lending body.
Arrangement of funds through various financial instruments. Finding out the various sources of funds.

Profile photo for Electrobeam Official

With a good financial management system, you will know not only how your business is doing financially, but why. And you will be able to use it to make decisions to improve the operation of your business.

Why is financial management important?

Because a good financial management system enables you to accomplish an important big picture and daily financial objectives.

A good financial management system helps you become a better macro manager by enabling you to:

• Manage proactively rather than reactively.

• Borrow money more easily; not only can you plan ahead for financing needs, but sharing your b

With a good financial management system, you will know not only how your business is doing financially, but why. And you will be able to use it to make decisions to improve the operation of your business.

Why is financial management important?

Because a good financial management system enables you to accomplish an important big picture and daily financial objectives.

A good financial management system helps you become a better macro manager by enabling you to:

• Manage proactively rather than reactively.

• Borrow money more easily; not only can you plan ahead for financing needs, but sharing your budget with your banker will help in the loan approval process.

• Provide financial planning information for investors.

• Make your operation more profitable and efficient.

• Access a great decision-making tool for key financial considerations. Financial planning and control help you become a better micromanager by enabling you to:

• Avoid investing too much money in fixed assets.

• Maintain short-term working capital needs to support accounts receivable and inventory more efficiently.

• Set sales goals; you need to be growth-oriented, not just an "order taker."

• Improve gross profit margin by pricing your services more effectively or by reducing supplier prices, direct labour, etc., that affect the cost of goods sold.

• Operate your business more efficiently by keeping selling and general and administrative expenses down more effectively.

• Perform tax planning.

• Plan ahead for employee benefits.

• Perform sensitivity analysis with the different financial variables involved.

Hope this helps!

Thank you

Profile photo for Jonalyn Bergamo

Since I am a fresh Financial Management graduate.
I just wanna share what I’ve learned.

According to the seminar I’ve attented before entitled “Peso and Sense” regarding The Proper Money Management which basically I think co-related to the question.

It introduce in us the basic principle on how to properly save our money while we are just a students. The said principle is known as 10.20.70 Principle the principle was came from one of the best-selling author, entrepreneur, preacher and a minister namely Eugenio Isabelo Tomas Reyes Sanchez Jr. or widely known as Bo Sanchez here in the Philippines.

Since I am a fresh Financial Management graduate.
I just wanna share what I’ve learned.

According to the seminar I’ve attented before entitled “Peso and Sense” regarding The Proper Money Management which basically I think co-related to the question.

It introduce in us the basic principle on how to properly save our money while we are just a students. The said principle is known as 10.20.70 Principle the principle was came from one of the best-selling author, entrepreneur, preacher and a minister namely Eugenio Isabelo Tomas Reyes Sanchez Jr. or widely known as Bo Sanchez here in the Philippines.

The 10 represents a percentage amount of money you should return to God. We call it as tithes. One thing about tithes is that it provides opportunity to recognize our great Provider as the source of all blessings.

The 20 represents a percentage amount of money you should set aside after returning your tithes. You can label it as savings or investment fund.

The 70 remaining was for your whole expenses.

For Example. You are working and you have a monthly income of 10,000 pesos. Then you should return the 10 percent tithe (1,000 pesos) to God, then save 20 percent (2,000 pesos) and live with 70 percent (7,000 pesos) as your expenses.

Yes. It seems hard at first to follow the principle but if you have a strong dedication to improve your finances there’s no reason for you not to achieve.

Now that I’m working. I just continually what I’m doing before as a student and I confidently advice to everyone that it was really worth it! hehe thanks for reading.

Profile photo for Mohit

Financial Education is all about awareness of your earning, saving and spending. Even though we haven't been taught much about it in school it plays a big role in our life. I think we should teach kids from a young age and help them be smart with their money. Financial education is helpful in daily life too, whether it is spending your pocket money or saving for something you want. It is super important!

  • Save your pocket money
  • Spend less on unnecessary purchases
  • Set & follow a budget
  • Be regular
  • Develop smart habits
  • Keep a record of all your spending.
Profile photo for Shehzad Ahmed

Approaches to Financial Management and Functions of Finance Manager

  • Forecasting Financial Require ments. It is the primary function of the Finance Manager. ...
  • Acquiring Necessary Capital. ...
  • Investment Decision. ...
  • Cash Management. ...
  • Interrelation with Other Departments.
Profile photo for Nandhini Murugan


  • Financial Accounting is an art of recording and reporting past financial transactions.
  • Financial Management help the firm to manage its asset and liabilities to plan for future.


  • Financial Accounting provide financial position of the company
  • Financial Management help to decide the future plans and manage the assets.


  • Financial Accounting useful for outsiders like creditors, shareholders and also common public to know about the financial position of company
  • Financial Management useful for insiders like management and shareholders of the company to know about the company’s future act


  • Financial Accounting is an art of recording and reporting past financial transactions.
  • Financial Management help the firm to manage its asset and liabilities to plan for future.


  • Financial Accounting provide financial position of the company
  • Financial Management help to decide the future plans and manage the assets.


  • Financial Accounting useful for outsiders like creditors, shareholders and also common public to know about the financial position of company
  • Financial Management useful for insiders like management and shareholders of the company to know about the company’s future activities.


  • Financial Accounting involve the creation of financial statements like Income statement, Balance Sheet.
  • Financial Management involve the process of planning, decision making, analyse the decision and control or manage it.

Thank you…

Image credit: Google

Profile photo for Amad Coman

Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of an organization's financial resources to achieve its objectives effectively. It involves making informed decisions about how to acquire, allocate, and utilize financial resources to maximize the value and profitability of a business.

Financial management has a significant impact on business success in several ways:

1. Planning and Budgeting: Effective financial management involves developing comprehensive financial plans and budgets that align with the organization's goals. It helps in setting realis

Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of an organization's financial resources to achieve its objectives effectively. It involves making informed decisions about how to acquire, allocate, and utilize financial resources to maximize the value and profitability of a business.

Financial management has a significant impact on business success in several ways:

1. Planning and Budgeting: Effective financial management involves developing comprehensive financial plans and budgets that align with the organization's goals. It helps in setting realistic targets, allocating resources efficiently, and monitoring progress towards achieving financial objectives.

2. Resource Allocation: Financial management involves deciding how to allocate available resources, such as capital, funds, and assets, across different projects, departments, or investments. It ensures that resources are allocated optimally, maximizing returns and minimizing risks.

3. Investment Decisions: Financial management plays a crucial role in evaluating investment opportunities and making informed decisions about capital expenditures. By conducting financial analysis and using techniques like net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), businesses can assess the viability and profitability of potential investments.

4. Financing Decisions: Determining the optimal mix of debt and equity financing is a critical aspect of financial management. It involves evaluating different sources of funding, assessing their costs and risks, and selecting the most suitable options to raise capital for the business. Effective financing decisions can minimize costs, optimize capital structure, and improve the organization's financial stability.

5. Cash Flow Management: Maintaining healthy cash flow is vital for business operations. Financial management involves managing cash inflows and outflows, ensuring that the organization has sufficient liquidity to meet its obligations, such as paying suppliers, employees, and creditors. Efficient cash flow management helps in avoiding liquidity issues and enables the business to seize growth opportunities.

6. Risk Management: Financial management includes identifying and managing financial risks that could impact the organization's stability and profitability. This involves assessing and mitigating risks related to market fluctuations, interest rates, credit, currency exchange, and other factors. Effective risk management strategies protect the business from potential financial crises and uncertainties.

7. Performance Evaluation: Financial management provides tools and metrics to measure and evaluate the financial performance of the business. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as profitability ratios, return on investment (ROI), and financial statements (e.g., income statement, balance sheet) help monitor the company's financial health and identify areas for improvement.

8. Decision Making: Sound financial management provides accurate and timely financial information and analysis to support strategic decision making. It helps in evaluating different alternatives, assessing their financial implications, and making informed choices that align with the organization's objectives and long-term sustainability.

By effectively managing financial resources, businesses can enhance their competitiveness, profitability, and long-term success. Financial management ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, risks are managed prudently, and decisions are grounded in financial data and analysis. It provides a solid foundation for strategic planning, operational efficiency, and sustainable growth.


If you don't know much about managing your finances, I suggest hiring a professional broker or advisor like STEPHANIE KOPP MEEKS to manage your portfolio in the market. You can also access your account and keep an eye on it while she manages trading and managing your brokerage account.

Please perform a Google search for STEPHANIE KOPP MEEKS to learn more.

Thanks and hope this helps.

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Profile photo for Joseph Mathew

A financial management system (FMS) is the software and processes an organization uses to manage assets, income and expenses. An FMS performs various functions: reducing accounting errors, maintaining audit trails and ensuring compliance with applicable accounting standards.

Example of a financial management system

Financial management is included in most ERP systems. ERP solutions manage a variety of business processes within an organization. ... Examples of ERP software with strong financial systems include Oracle ERP, Sage Intacct, and SAP Business One.

What is financial software used for?


A financial management system (FMS) is the software and processes an organization uses to manage assets, income and expenses. An FMS performs various functions: reducing accounting errors, maintaining audit trails and ensuring compliance with applicable accounting standards.

Example of a financial management system

Financial management is included in most ERP systems. ERP solutions manage a variety of business processes within an organization. ... Examples of ERP software with strong financial systems include Oracle ERP, Sage Intacct, and SAP Business One.

What is financial software used for?

Financial software is a type of software that is specifically designed to automate, assist and store financial information of a personal or business nature. It handles the storage, analysis, management and processing of a set of financial transactions, records and processes.

Why is financial management software important?

An effective financial management system will help business owners: manage resources in line with current and future needs of the business, identify ways in which you can reduce or recover costs, ... develop long-term plans for all sectors of the business.

Financial management software can not only help you lower human errors and mistakes in your calculations, but it will help you gain valuable insights into your business that are hard to see in paper form — like generating sales forecasts for the next quarter, identifying your least profitable service and determining.

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