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First things first - maintain an error log for every GMAT Prep test that you take. And visit the error log before taking every mock test. It will help you avoid many past mistakes and that in itself could add between 30 to 50 points to your overall GMAT score.

As a first step, categorize the incorrect answer in the GMAT Prep into one of these

  1. Incorrect because of issues with clarity in concepts
  2. Incorrect because of not being meticulous
  3. Incorrect because of impaired judgement

Just to make sure that we are on the same page, let me briefly explain what I mean by these and suggest course of actions to take

01. Incorrect because of issues with clarity in concepts

A typical scenario is when you have learned that concept and solved a few questions a while ago, but do not have mastery about the subtleties that this question tested.

Use this opportunity to revisit that topic and solve a few more questions (ideally different variants from the concept). Make a note of what you learned while solving the question in the error log you maintain. It will suffice if you just revisit the error log instead of going through your entire course material during the revision phase of your preparation.

You could also use some color codes in the error log to make a note if that concept is one in which you are a bit shaky.

02. Incorrect because of not being meticulous

This one will easily account for a third of the mistakes that we make in any test. Quite often we broadly classify them as silly mistakes. One downside to classifying them as silly mistakes is that we give ourselves license to not find a way to correct such mistakes.

What’s the way out? Make a note of what exactly went wrong. Is it a calculation mistake? Is it a mistake of not remembering that the GMAT CR question was an “except” question? Or is it one in which you forgot some iron clad rules such as striking out incorrect options in your scratch paper when you spotted an error in an option when solving SC questions?

As with the first category of mistakes, elaborating and codifying mistakes will help you avoid them.

03. Incorrect because of impaired judgement

Impaired judgement happens in two ways

a. Not knowing what to skip

You score well in the GMAT as much because you know enough concepts and can solve many questions within the allotted time as because you knew which questions to skip. (In case you have not taken a mock test yet, the GMAT exam does not have a skip option. Skipping therefore, means that you mark some answer and fast forward to the next question.)

Remember GMAT is a standardized test. Questions come from a well defined set of concepts. So, you will not come across too many nasty surprises if you have done justice to your GMAT preparation.

What does that mean? If you come across a new concept in a question, you will be better of skipping that and moving on. You do not have the luxury of time to figure out something new in the GMAT exam. And it is no surprise that you will more often than not end up answering such questions incorrectly.

You have two or lesser minutes to answer a question in the GMAT exam. So, answer only those questions that are within the ambit of your know how. This is not a PhD project.

b. Not knowing when to skip

Is it different? Yes.

You know the concept. It is no longer in the ambit of a PhD project. This judgement error happens when you have spent a minute or two in a question and still have not gotten anywhere near getting the answer. With such a big sunk cost, it becomes emotionally difficult to let go of the question till it is too late. And quite often, it ends in a disaster - you do not get the question right and you also lost precious time.

As seasoned investors know, learn to cut loss. If you are a step or two away from the answer after spending 2 minutes in the question, it makes sense to prevail and get it right. However, if you are stuck at a point after a minute, swallow your pride and move on.

Judgement gets better with time and practice

Take as many tests as you can. This is the only way to build your judgement about what to skip and when to skip.

One crucial tip: Neither do you have to answer all questions nor do you have to get all questions right to score a 750+ in the GMAT exam.

Good luck for scoring well in the GMAT


I manage Wizako GMAT and GRE Prep. We offer GMAT Online Courses, GRE Online Courses and GMAT classes in Chennai. Please keep this fact in mind while reading my recommendations.

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