Former studying · Updated 7y ·
- Need to note down something quickly? Open a temporary notepad in your browser by typing data:text/html, <html contenteditable> into the address bar and enter it.
- Test battery easily by dropping it few inches from the ground. A fully charged battery bounces very little, whereas a dead battery bounces around.
- Broken keyboard feet? Replace them with binder clips.
- Use wall hooks to attach iPad to the wall.
- Amplify iPad speaker with tennis ball.
- On calculator, the C (clear) button is to clear all entry, whereas the CE (clear entry) button is to clear the most recent entry only.
- Not sure whether your remote control is working? Use any camera to check whether it emits light when you press a button.
- if your Laptop charger keep falling out? Use Velcro.
- Always accidentally close your important tabs? Pin them.
- Time to clean your email inbox. Search “unsubscribe” and unsubscribe from useless newsletters. Do it now!
- Your laptop is overheating? Place 2 forks underneath.
- To extend laptop’s battery lifespan, try to keep the battery meter between 40% and 80%.
- Want to edit an online image in Paint? Paste the image URL directly into Paint to open it.
- When purchasing items online esp. airline and train tickets, use incognito mode on your browser, because the prices might increase the more you revisit the item pages.
- Lost your Android phone? Ring, erase, or lock your smartphone remotely using Android Device Manager. Ringing works even if your phone is in silent mode.
- Text and walk at the same time.Android: Type While Walk. iOS: Type n Walk.
- Can’t wake up in the morning? Boost your smartphone’s volume by placing it into a cup.
hope you like it and as always thanks for reading(:-D)
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