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PM Modi is better than his predecessors in handling terrorism and internal security.

Consider these two cases – Maulana Mujeebur-Rehman Zamrani who was the key conspirator of 26/11 Mumbai attacks which killed nearly 150 Indians and few foreigners, was gunned down in Karachi, Pakistan. He was globally designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed’s associate, Makaran head of Lashkar e Tayyiba (JuD) in Balochistan, actively Involved in training terrorists sent to Kashmir, arranged many rallies to radicalize local youths and linked with ISI. Till now, no one was arrested. Pakistani ISI and senior military officials blamed Indian RAW agency without any proof. If RAW was actually involved here, the truth may come out many decades later if any RAW official will write auto-biography after retirement.

The second incidence was regarding street killing of pro-Khalistani Ripudaman Singh Malik in July 2022 who was accused in 1985 Air India Kanishka bombing in Canada. On June 23, 1985, the Boeing 747 Kanishka Air India flight 182, carrying 329 people, including 268 Canadian citizens and 24 Indian citizens, flew from Toronto to London and then onwards to its final destination Bombay. Khalistanis planted bomb in that plane at a Vancouver airport stopover which exploded in Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland killing all passengers and crew. Since most victims were Canadian citizens of Indian origin, government owned Air India had to give huge compensations to the victim’s family including Indian citizens. Since it was a government owned airline, Air India survived despite huge financial loss which was paid from tax payers’ money. Indian government also failed to pursue Khalistani terrorists who walked free after few years of trial in Cananda. Ripudaman Singh Malik, Inderjeet Singh Reyat and Ajaib Singh Bagri were among three main accused. Malik and Bagri were acquitted after Reyat.

Similar situation happened with American private airline PanAm few years later but they were not so lucky and became bankrupt under the burden of compensation. A Boeing 747 PanAm jumbo took off from Egypt carrying American servicemen back to USA via London. The plane had a bomb and it exploded in air near Lockerbie in Scotland killing all its 259 passengers and crew on 21 December 1988. Since they were American citizen and servicemen, the compensation was huge and one of the world’s biggest airlines of that time became bankrupt to pay that compensation. Investigation by US agencies identified two Libyan were behind the bomb planting. Superpower USA’s most popular leader of 20th century, Ronald Reagan was furious and demanded Libyan leader Gaddafi to handover those two suspects to international court.

Col. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was from military background and popular leader as he executed many big-ticket development projects. He was ruthlessly efficient, no-nonsense elected dictator which is perhaps most suitable in Arab world. He had great vision for Libya. Electricity was free and gasoline was subsidized (not a problem in oil rich country). The banking industry was nationalized and loans were given at zero percent interest (Islamic banking rule indirectly promotes radicalization over the years). Most importantly, he worked on a multi year, multi billion dollar underground irrigation tunnel network which had the potential to transform the desert state to agricultural powerhouse. Like many Arab leaders, he had intense hatred for USA and closer to Europe, especially France due to historical reasons.

He refused to hand over the Lockerbie bombing suspects to international court and USA managed UN approved economic sanctions on Libya. Sanctions can impact any country but Gaddafi refused to bow because many Islamic countries and their leaders started looking at USA as evil power and he had support in Arab world. Local population also supported its leader Gaddafi. USA finally decided to bomb Libya and successfully transformed oil rich middle-income country to chaotic lawless land of local warlords (replica of Afghanistan). Libya finally paid $1.5 Billion compensation to victim families in 2008. Gaddafi’s death was as bad as Iraqi leader Saddam Hussain.

Libyan leader Gaddafi before and after Lockerbie bombing

These two stories explain the difference how a global superpower USA protects its interest and how a soft state India stays away from international conflicts even when it creates a huge pain. What Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi did to punish Khalistani terrorists behind Kanishka bombing? These Khalistanis killed his mother and Indian PM Indira Gandhi. A stronger Indian response that time may have prevented the current lenient outlook of Canadian government on Khalistani activity as they constitute an influential vote bank.

But not anymore, under PM Modi. Surgical strikes against Naga rebels inside Myanmar, preventing road building by China in Doklam, bloody hand-to-hand clash with PLA in Galwan, land and areal surgical strike against Pakistan terror attacks in the form of Uri and Balakot etc. gave good message to hostile neighbors. Subsequently, cross border terror strikes by Pakistan based state assets (read terrorists) and sudden bomb blast in Indian cities disappeared. FATF’s grey listing Pakistan for terror funding since 2018 also helped reducing terror acts in the region. Bomb blast by terrorists started from early 1980s when one day series of transistor bombs exploded in Delhi killing hundreds and continued for next three decades. Even south Indian cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad was impacted. J&K is visibly more peaceful after abrogation of Article 370. Only pro-Pakistani local politicians of Kashmir valley are protesting against loss of Article 370 because they thrived for three decades in bloody chaos under this Article 370 and suddenly become directionless. Indian Home Minister and Defense Minister often speaks about POK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir) these days and that is giving goosebumps to leadership in neighboring country. Northeast part of country is also more peaceful now and area under AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act) reduced considerably. Naxalite menace and districts under naxalite influence reduced. Urban Naxalites, librandus and leftists are getting sidelined in media and social media who mentors naxalites fighting against the state from jungles and preventing economic development of most backward areas. UPA PM Dr. Manmohan Singh once said – naxalite terrorism is the biggest internal threat to the country. Modi government is handling that well.

The street murder of anti-Indian person in Karachi and Canada may have been executed by RAW or it could be a local issue. But it is clear that Modi government is behaving like Israel in handling global terrorists. It seems Modi learned this from his friend Benjamin Netanyahu.

Picture source: Google

Canadian PM Trudeau Calls 1985 Air India Plane Bombing "Act Of Malice"
Canada remembered the 329 victims of Air India Kanishka Flight 182 which was blown off mid-air on June 23, 1985.
Canada’s homicide unit releases footage of car linked to Ripudaman Singh Malik’s murder
Ripudaman Singh Malik was acquitted of murder and conspiracy charges in the Kanishka bombing case in March 2005.
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