Yes and no. Mostly yes. Married from 1986 to 2013. Sex was almost non-existent. Ex-wife was an unbelievable slob who repeatedly ran her credit cards up to the limit. If we had any kind of disagreement, I was rewarded with days, sometimes weeks, of stony silence. She was (is) a skilled manipulator and gaslighter — for years, she convinced me that everything wrong with the marriage was my fault.
The yes part: remarried a nice Thai lady and I couldn’t be happier with her. She’s super lovable, loves sex, is meticulously clean, and is reasonably careful with money. The funny thing is that she’s one of the least sexy and most unromantic women I ever met. But I’m head over heels in love with her. Also, when we fight, we fight, we finish, we resolve the problem, and then forget about it. She’s awesome.
The no part: because my ex-wife couldn’t be bothered to find a job, I must pay her alimony until 2027. You have no idea how much that can fuck up your life. I don’t really care about the crappy past marriage, but I hate her for the alimony. I wouldn’t ever even think about her, except that I need to send her money every month. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to retire.