The Cowboys and the Indians were having a huge fight out in the high country. They fought and fought, and finally there was only one cowboy left. He promptly surrendered to the Indians. The Chief Indian said, “ Cowboy, you a tough fighter! We give you one wish a day for 3 days, then we scalp you!” “ Are you ready for your first wish?” the cowboy said, “ I want to see my horse” They brought the horse over, the cowboy whispered in the horse’s ear, slapped him in the ass, and the horse took off. The horse came back about 3 hours later with a beautiful blonde. The cowboy took the blonde into the tent. The next morning the Chief Indian told the cowboy, “ OK Cowboy, time for wish # 2, and the cowboy said again, “ I want to see my horse”. They bring the horse over, he whispers in the horses ear, slaps him in the ass, and the horse takes off. The horse comes back around 4 hours later with a beautiful redhead. The Indians all look at each other and shrug. The cowboy takes her hand, and they go into the tent. The next morning, the Chief Indian says to the cowboy, “ OK Cowboy, last wish, and then you die” The cowboy says ,” I want to see my horse” The Indians look at each other incredulously, but shrug and say OK. They bring the horse over, and the cowboy goes over to the horse, lifts his ear, and screams, “ POSSE HORSE. I SAID POSSE!!!!”