Husband, father of 3, grandfather of many · Author has 13.8K answers and 28.9M answer views · 3y ·
I tried to be a modern supportive husband for the birth of our firstborn, 43 years ago. We took a Lamaze course together. I stayed with my wife for her 23 hour labor. As they taught us in the course, I tried to be encouraging and supportive.
You're doing well!
I love you.
My wife's replies:
Shut up!
It's all your fault
Later, I asked her what I did wrong. I was deflated, thinking I had applied what we had learned in the course.
It made me feel better to yell at you.
Why didn't you yell at the nurses?
I didn't know them.
I'm glad I was there. But a romantic experience it was definitely not!
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