Independent Analytics is the best plugin available for counting views on your WordPress posts and pages. As a creator of this plugin, I’m totally biased, but there’s one reason in particular why I think it’s best.
It shows Posts & Pages (Not URLs)
The biggest difference between Independent Analytics and every other analytics solution is that it integrates fully with WordPress.
Other analytics tools only show you a list of your URLs, but Independent Analytics shows you your Posts & Pages by title, along with other data like the publication dates and authors.
This makes it easier to browse and understand what you’re looking at. Not to mention, there are filters available so you can limit the results to only your Posts or only Posts by a specific author.
It’s completely free and doesn’t require you to create an account anywhere to use it. You can download it from our site or from its official WordPress plugin page.
By the way, I write daily about marketing, SEO, and WordPress in my WordPress Marketing Quora Space. Follow if you'd like more content like this.