Just now.
A woman with three small children gets on the bus.
She tells the driver, in Spanish, where she wants to go and the driver tries to tell her, in English, where to get off but she doesn't understand.
She seems at the end of her rope. The kids cry and pull on her. She looks increasingly distressed.
I'm about to jump in, and at that same moment the driver uses the loudspeaker.
Does anyone here speak Spanish?
I step forward.
My imaginary cape flaps behind me.
The driver tells me where she needs to get off and I translate, then explain to her in what direction she needs to walk once she exits the bus.
When we arrive at her stop I confirm she needs to go, then point her in the right direction.
When someone yells "is there a doctor in the house?" it will never be me but I like to think that despite my limitations I can still make myself useful.