In 1989, I had met a girl at a concert and shortly after, we started dating. We had a great time together and we got along well. Her income was about 3x’s mine but it did not detract from our relationship. At 31, I decided she was my girl and we married. Things were going well, or so I thought, until one day, six months since the wedding, she says she wants a divorce. What? I am heartbroken. Apparently money was the issue. I did not make enough to suit her. Well you knew that going in. So I grab a local paper and find an ad for a room for rent. I move in on a Friday with a very heavy heart. I really like my new housemates and they invite some friends over that Sunday to meet me. One of them was a nice girl named Bridget. We hit it off and decide to get together for a movie the next Friday.
Fast forward 25 years… I married Bridget about 1.5 years later, started my own business, had a son and my housemates became our best friends. This year my son turned 21 and is attending San Diego State, Our company, Too Much Fun Club, is celebrating 25 years. We own and have paid off our house in the bay area. Life is grand!
The point of this plot twist? When one door closes, another even bigger door will open. I think maybe because my first wife did not give me a chance, I worked even harder to prove her wrong. The bottom line is that you have to keep moving forward no matter how many roadblocks you come to. This plot twist was the best thing that ever happened to me!!