They are an extremely loving/helpful people.
Morning, and I wake up with a slight cold (am already all better, dad. Too late to worry now). After thanking all the holy spirits (the -OH kind) that it's a Saturday, I decide I want some hot steamy soup. Wallet in one pocket, room keys in another, I walk up to the nearest supermarket- just across the street- in my night clothes. It's early morning, and barely anyone is there in the supermarket yet.
As am staring around the supermarket, trying to figure out where the soup section is (because- c'mon, they keep it in the veggie area. Who knows what all happens there!), enters an old lady into the scene. Looks at me, and slowly shuffles across the aisle. Stares at me kindly, and proceeds to question me (in German)-
Lady: Everything ok?
Me: (Baffled) Umm, yeah...And how are you, mam?
Lady: Am fine, thank you. Can I help you with anything?
Me: Umm (she's obviously not a store employee)...No, but thank you.
Lady: It's all comfortable here?
Me: (not sure what is happening) Pretty much so, yeah. Everything's good.
Lady: That's good to hear. Can I help you with buying food or anything?
Me: Umm, not really, I am sure I can manage.
Lady: Ok. You are welcome here.
Me: Umm, thank you.......
Lady shuffles away. I choose a (whatever) soup, go to the cashier, pay my dues, and walk out trying to figure out what just happened.
I cross a (similar) sign on the street.
A young brown guy, looking baffled in a German supermarket, dressed in shabby night clothes, not in the-best-of-health (because of the cold), and celebrating half-Movember.
Suddenly, it all made sense.
The love, the kindness, shown by that lady is not unique. I see it all over- in the news, in the city, from my German friends and from random strangers. I have joined Germans in trying to help refugees in train- refugees who spoke neither English nor German. We have seen gatherings in support of love. Organizations donating money to refugees for every hateful/racist comment made on their webpage. Though it was unneeded in my case, it was definitely not unappreciated. Such love helps many others who are in need, and is amazing to experience.