Nothing justifies wanton murder.
Young people are shooting each other dead every day in cities across the united states and it doesn’t even make the local paper.
People killing people is unacceptable.
The news only thinks a black life matters when a white person is responsible. This shouldn’t even be a black and white issue. Innocent people are getting shot and killed every day. Black on black violence with an illegal gun is completely ignored by the news.
They only report what fits their agenda.
That’s the real problem.
Nothing justifies wanton murder.
Young people are shooting each other dead every day in cities across the united states and it doesn’t even make the local paper.
People killing people is unacceptable.
The news only thinks a black life matters when a white person is responsible. This shouldn’t even be a black and white issue. Innocent people are getting shot and killed every day. Black on black violence with an illegal gun is completely ignored by the news.
They only report what fits their agenda.
That’s the real problem.
Dangerous for both
I will share a story with you when I was this close to being jumped by a group of young black men.
In a Black Neighborhood at Night with my Black Friend
The club had just let out, and I was waiting outside across the street from a gas station around 12AM in the morning. I was with my friend, and we called his mother to make sure we had a ride, and she was probably 30-35 minutes lat
Dangerous for both
I will share a story with you when I was this close to being jumped by a group of young black men.
In a Black Neighborhood at Night with my Black Friend
The club had just let out, and I was waiting outside across the street from a gas station around 12AM in the morning. I was with my friend, and we called his mother to make sure we had a ride, and she was probably 30-35 minutes late and it felt like 2 hours.
We sat in front of a vacant building and these two guys come and sit next to us, both black, we're black, and we heard a few whispers as they were a couple of feet away from us.
> You get the dude on the right, and we'll just take whatever cash they have and their shoes
So once we heard this, we walked across the street to the gas station, so we could get to the light, so if anything did happen, it'd all be on camera. The gas station wasn't much better, but we knew we'd have a better chance at being able to have witnesses either help out or call the police if something did happen. So we walked, and the gas station looked something like this at night;
They followed us, and once they followed us, I thought we were going to have to defend ourselves, but we just stood there. So, two dudes, and just so happens they were meeting with 2 cars full of more black men who looked like they had just come from the club as well.
At this point, me and my friend, we're just standing there and taking all of the heckling from not only these two guys, but a dozen other guys who were getting gas and hoping that we'd talk trash to ev...
Actually, what the statistics say is that a black person is 20 times more likely to be arrested if they assault a white person than a white person is if they assault a black person. And it is important to remember that, when there is a fight between two or more people, law enforcement generally decides who the aggressor was and arrests that person or group. If you and I get into a fight outside of a bar, the police are going to decide who “started it” and who to believe. So your data might not be telling us what you seem to think it is telling us.
I have personally seen around 10-12 attempts of crimes like purse snatching, phone snatching, etc. And in all of those events, it is unfortunate that all attempts were done by black people. I am not racist and as a brown myself, I aspire for equality for all people regardless of their race, religion and color . However, in my experience, I have seen more crimes done by black people than the whites.
I don’t think it is racist. Black neighborhoods are generally poorer than white ones. Due to lack of education and employment, they end up engaging in petty crimes and drugs. And in this vicious cycl
I have personally seen around 10-12 attempts of crimes like purse snatching, phone snatching, etc. And in all of those events, it is unfortunate that all attempts were done by black people. I am not racist and as a brown myself, I aspire for equality for all people regardless of their race, religion and color . However, in my experience, I have seen more crimes done by black people than the whites.
I don’t think it is racist. Black neighborhoods are generally poorer than white ones. Due to lack of education and employment, they end up engaging in petty crimes and drugs. And in this vicious cycle, they commit more crimes and the statistics says it all. The solution would be to provide more education, health facilities and employment opportunities to the black neighborhoods so that they also get equal chance of living a better life.
White on Black murders: 193
Black on White murders: 448
Bear in mind that whites make up about 70% of the population and blacks make up about 13%, meaning that there are about 6 times more whites than blacks in America. Also take into account that blacks commit over 50% of homicides. This means that blacks are committing a massively disproportionate amount of crime.
First of all, the overwhelming majority of homicides in the USA are intra-racial. (Black-on-black/white-on-white)
However, most crime sheets, including the FBI statistics, show that for interracial homicides(white-on-black/black-on-white), black people kill white people at a rate of 2.5–3 times as often as whites killing black people.
To be clear-since I'm going to be labeled a racist anyways, these facts have nothing to do with skin color. Black people are not somehow more predisposed to murder than white people are. It is, like the other crimes disproportionately highly committed by black peop
First of all, the overwhelming majority of homicides in the USA are intra-racial. (Black-on-black/white-on-white)
However, most crime sheets, including the FBI statistics, show that for interracial homicides(white-on-black/black-on-white), black people kill white people at a rate of 2.5–3 times as often as whites killing black people.
To be clear-since I'm going to be labeled a racist anyways, these facts have nothing to do with skin color. Black people are not somehow more predisposed to murder than white people are. It is, like the other crimes disproportionately highly committed by black people, a result of culture, not color. It's nurture and not nature. I am in no way saying that being black causes someone to inherently be more likely to commit crimes. That the majority of crimes committed in the country (particularly violent crimes like murder, assault, and rape) are committed by black people is not a “black" thing. It is, again, a culture thing.
Yes. Unfortunately these are facts. This is the statistical truth. Candice Owens truly has a plan to help the black community move forward. She is exposing the real problems in black America. The black community is being manipulated and controlled. It’s almost like the ones in power are saying “ hey black people look over here!!” So powerful can do what they want “ over there”. Whoever is really running the show wants black people to steal and demonstrate savage behavior for everyone to see. I mean what Candice is saying is happening right before your eyes. If you want to control an entire pop
Yes. Unfortunately these are facts. This is the statistical truth. Candice Owens truly has a plan to help the black community move forward. She is exposing the real problems in black America. The black community is being manipulated and controlled. It’s almost like the ones in power are saying “ hey black people look over here!!” So powerful can do what they want “ over there”. Whoever is really running the show wants black people to steal and demonstrate savage behavior for everyone to see. I mean what Candice is saying is happening right before your eyes. If you want to control an entire population and keep them down you must #1 control and create their problems #2 keep them ignorant # infuse the mind with negative connotations ( hip hop/ gangster rap) #3 make them feel where they want to be, throw them a bone once in a while (NFL/NBA). Yes unfortunately she is right….. it’s not her truth. These are facts…… facts hidden from black people. Last thing we need is the blacks to know the truth…. They might try to make things better right????? If you don’t think anything is wrong with yourself you won’t try to change anything. The perfect trap net for the black community.
What I have to say is you stalk Black people while intentionally ignoring crimes committed by white people. Prejudiced white people (including police) intentionally ignore crimes committed by white people. For example:
Perhaps it’s time to clean your own house before treating the Black community as a monolith.
What I have to say is you stalk Black people while intentionally ignoring crimes committed by white people. Prejudiced white people (including police) intentionally ignore crimes committed by white people. For example:
Perhaps it’s time to clean your own house before treating the Black community as a monolith.
As a white person who has worked in low-income, high-crime minority neighborhoods, I can attest that I have never felt unsafe in those settings until the sun goes down. Even in a neighborhood ruled by the drug trade, there are more "good" people than criminals. My everyday strategy, not just in bad neighborhoods, but everywhere, is to hold my purse tightly against my body and greet people in a friendly manner as I pass them on the street. Most people respond positively to this. I try to be aware of my surroundings, and if I sense that I'm being followed, I will stop and turn around. You'd be a
As a white person who has worked in low-income, high-crime minority neighborhoods, I can attest that I have never felt unsafe in those settings until the sun goes down. Even in a neighborhood ruled by the drug trade, there are more "good" people than criminals. My everyday strategy, not just in bad neighborhoods, but everywhere, is to hold my purse tightly against my body and greet people in a friendly manner as I pass them on the street. Most people respond positively to this. I try to be aware of my surroundings, and if I sense that I'm being followed, I will stop and turn around. You'd be amazed how well that works. I've never been mugged.
That said, I always hightailed it out of there after work, because after dark, all bets are off.
On a per 1,000 basis, certainly. That is, taking the relative proportion of the population into account, there is no question that’s the case.
Black males between 15 and 45—the portion of all populations that tend to be in the criminal justice system—comprise about 3% of the total population. But they account for multiple more felonies than any other sub group…I don’t have the latest figures, but you can look up the federal stats. It’s not encouraging.
It’s true that most crimes are intra-racial but the amount of black on black crime is far higher compared to white on white crime. Blacks kill each other at a rate of about 20/100,000 and whites kill each other at about 2.5/100,000. Blacks also kill about twice as many whites than vice versa, according to FBI crime stats. Some cities. like St Louis have homicide and violent crime rates that rival countries like El Salvador and Honduras, countries that people are fleeing from due to violence.
The overall crime rate for Whites in the USA is comparable to the crime rate of Canada and the overall c
It’s true that most crimes are intra-racial but the amount of black on black crime is far higher compared to white on white crime. Blacks kill each other at a rate of about 20/100,000 and whites kill each other at about 2.5/100,000. Blacks also kill about twice as many whites than vice versa, according to FBI crime stats. Some cities. like St Louis have homicide and violent crime rates that rival countries like El Salvador and Honduras, countries that people are fleeing from due to violence.
The overall crime rate for Whites in the USA is comparable to the crime rate of Canada and the overall crime rate for Blacks in the USA is comparable to Mexico so statistically the crime rates are night and day, no pun intended.
The statistics are all in the FBI UCR reports
It depends on the crime…whites commit more crime by far in the US…they comprise about 63% of the total population…Blacks comprise about 12.5% and Hispanics some 16%…
Now some States and/or Cities have much different demographics than the above…but we can just go by the average and if you like you can research the details as you see fit…
Let’s just take some of the more serious crimes…these are FBI Stats for 2017…I’ll list totals and % for Whites (W) and Blacks (B) only…
Murder (9,468 Total)…(W)-4,188 (44.2%)…(B) 5,025 (53.1%)
Rape (18,063 Total)…(W)-12,187 (67.5%)…(B) 5,182 (28.7%)
Robbery (73,764)
It depends on the crime…whites commit more crime by far in the US…they comprise about 63% of the total population…Blacks comprise about 12.5% and Hispanics some 16%…
Now some States and/or Cities have much different demographics than the above…but we can just go by the average and if you like you can research the details as you see fit…
Let’s just take some of the more serious crimes…these are FBI Stats for 2017…I’ll list totals and % for Whites (W) and Blacks (B) only…
Murder (9,468 Total)…(W)-4,188 (44.2%)…(B) 5,025 (53.1%)
Rape (18,063 Total)…(W)-12,187 (67.5%)…(B) 5,182 (28.7%)
Robbery (73,764)…(W)-32,128 (43.6%)…(B) 40,024 (54.3%)
Aggravated Assault (302,941)…(W)-188,087 (62.1%)…(B) 101,513 (33.5%)
Burglary (154,970)…(W)-104,671 (67.5%)…(B) 46,227 (29.8%)
Arson (7,086)…(W)-5,051 (71.3%)…(B)-1,788 (25.2%)
Weapons Crimes (128,009)…(W)-68,787 (53.7%)…(B)-56,143 (43.9%)
Now when we go by the total numbers…which is what the progressives want us to consider blindly…we see that with the exceptions of murder and robbery…whites commit more crimes…and therefore should be the larger % in prisons…
But when we look at the % of crimes committed…and compare that to the % in prisons…and also to the % of population makeup as the progressive demand we must…we should see whites committing about 63% of all crimes or each crime…shouldn’t matter a bit…and blacks committing about 12.5% of the crimes…
And that would of course give us a prison population of 63% whites to 12.5% blacks…but we don’t see that…and the progressives claim this proves systemic racism…
Except when we look at the true numbers as % on both sides…
Murders are committed by whites at 44.2% and blacks at 53.1%…whites commit murder at a lower % (70%) of their demographic makeup…while blacks commit murder at over 4 times their demographic makeup (or 425%)…
Rape, Agg Assault and Burglary are about equal to population makeup for whites…at about 107%, 98.5% and 107%…(wow…rape and burglary are the same for whites…and for blacks we have 230% for rape, 268% for Agg Assault and 238% for Burglary…
As you can see by the %…many of the crimes are committed by a higher percentage of certain demographics than they make up in the population…
Whites should be committing crimes at about 63% and Blacks should be at about 12.5% in order for the prison populations to reflect that same %…
But they do not…and it is because of these about in convenient truths and statistics from the FBI…
White Christians have been lying about black people over the last four centuries. Racist propaganda is the reason that the false idea of race was invented. Statistics seems to be their favorite method of constructing their lies.
Hum, let’s see:
Well, that seems to contradict what is usally thought…but at least, we all know that the police kill more black person than white people, right ?
Wrong again…damn…
How can this be possible ?
I mean, the Medias and Democrats can’t be lying to us for political reasons, right ? RIGHT ?
Hum, let’s see:
Well, that seems to contradict what is usally thought…but at least, we all know that the police kill more black person than white people, right ?
Wrong again…damn…
How can this be possible ?
I mean, the Medias and Democrats can’t be lying to us for political reasons, right ? RIGHT ?
Liberals don’t.
Rather, how a person interprets those statistical facts, can be racist.
(Also, people should realize statistics have their limits and that confirmation bias will have you not researching effectively.)
For example. I’ve encountered a lot of White racists who believe that Asians are smarter than them.
Which I find quite pathetic. Like you are so racist, you even demean yourselves…but mov
Liberals don’t.
Rather, how a person interprets those statistical facts, can be racist.
(Also, people should realize statistics have their limits and that confirmation bias will have you not researching effectively.)
For example. I’ve encountered a lot of White racists who believe that Asians are smarter than them.
Which I find quite pathetic. Like you are so racist, you even demean yourselves…but moving along.
They “THINK” this is positive. They believe they’re giving props to Asian people BUT they fail to realize the wording “Asian”, is extremely vague.
In the US, there are Asian ethnic groups that, on average, make more than White Americans do but there are also Asian ethnic groups that have a higher poverty rate than Black Americans….
Asians are some of the richest and poorest members of American society. They have a great wealth disparity amongst each other.
These racists don’t realize they are comparing one ethnic group, Black Americans, to MULTIPLE Asian American groups with different origins and histories in this country. lol.
You can clearly convey to a person you’re racist by how you see things, how you box people in.
I could go in to detail about the psychological aspect or how people fail to research statistics properly but I’ll just end it here. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
The human brain is wired to seek patterns and explanations. When we see two things h...
The FBI collects and publishes crime statistics.
FBI Releases 2018 NIBRS Crime Data
There is correlation of criminal activities with race, age and gender.
This is not a simple “yes no” answer, but the TLDR is “yes” African Americans commit a lot more crimes per capita than white people.
Despite being a minority in the US, they represent a disproportionally large number of the total amount of crimes committed in the US. Black people comprise about 14% of the total American population, but account for 53% of murders, 52% of robbery, 31% of assaults, and a total of around 26% of all total arrests. White people comprise around 70% of total arrests, by the way, which is obviously much larger, but also more proportional: white people comprise 71% of th
This is not a simple “yes no” answer, but the TLDR is “yes” African Americans commit a lot more crimes per capita than white people.
Despite being a minority in the US, they represent a disproportionally large number of the total amount of crimes committed in the US. Black people comprise about 14% of the total American population, but account for 53% of murders, 52% of robbery, 31% of assaults, and a total of around 26% of all total arrests. White people comprise around 70% of total arrests, by the way, which is obviously much larger, but also more proportional: white people comprise 71% of the American population.
The stats will vary by year, but this is a more or less good representation of the whole demographic pie when it comes to American crime.
Bottom line is black people are clearly over-represented in crime statistics despite being a small minority population. Does this mean they commit more crimes per capita than other races? Again, answer is not simple. Or rather, the answer is a simple “Yes,” but the reasons behind it are much more complex.
The first thing liberals commonly point to is that it isn’t that black people commit more crimes, it’s that they’re arrested for more crimes. The reasoning is that crimes are committed equally by all races, but blacks are held accountable more due to corruption and racism in the police. In other words, police are so racist that they go out of their way to arrest and hunt down black people to arrest them, resulting in ballooned black arrest statistics. This incidentally is the reason why liberals have been trying to defund the police for a decade now (and largely succeeding).
That’s a huge conspiracy theory to make and one that has little evidence other than feelings, emotions and Critical Race Theory propaganda, so I won’t tarry on it. Never mind that the police are historically short staffed, underfunded, and have much better things to do with their time than waste it hunting down black people, and that’s nothing to say about all the black people who are on the police force, not just in the rank and file but in positions of power and authority. So these are turncoat traitors who sold out their homeys or something? Which is by the way is perceived to be a common line of thought among black common folk but hardly representative; it’s propaganda more than anything.
See that upstanding officer on the right? Yeah he’s a sellout.
There is something to be said about how culturally black people are taught to fear the police and the way they’ve been brought up has resulted in “fight or flight” responses that make it more likely for them to fight police officers when they are pulled over, and there are tons of examples of this happening resulting in messy altercations and even shootouts with the police. It’s such that there are people who write books about it like the one I noted above, clearly this person saw enough of a market out there among his homeys that he believed writing a book about it would be profitable.
But like I said, this is too much tarrying. Bottom line is the notion that the police are so racist that they arrest black people more than they should, won’t happen if the black people didn’t commit more crimes than they should. And let me be clear, nobody should be committing crimes. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If black people are being arrested a lot more than they should, the simple and correct explanation is they are committing more crimes than they should be.
The real question is why are they committing so many crimes?
That one is also a complex question and too much to answer in detail here, but it is an important question that is closer to the heart of this topic and more important than the numbers I presented above.
The simple and likely correct answer is poverty.
Many black children come from single parent families with an unwed mother. That is a disastrous and dangerous life for a child. Especially for a son, who has expectations for men thrust upon him. As the child grows up, he lacks a father figure and ends up seeking his role models among gang members on the streets, getting into organized crime in his teens and that is one way sure fire ticket to getting arrested in the very near future.
If you want black people to commit less crimes, keep the kids off the streets. But that is hard to do when you’re a single mom living in poverty working three shifts a day and hardly ever at home with your kids.
But that raises and beggars more questions: why are black people poor? Are all black people poor? Do only poor black people commit crimes? Aren’t there also a lot of white people who are poor? Like I said, this is not an easy question to answer and there’s a lot to unpack and discuss, far too much actually for just me to answer here.
Let’s just end it with a TLDR of, “black people were historically slaves and thus the majority started from scratch over a century ago and have not been able to catch up economically with other races.”
That itself has a lot of “whys” and “buts” attached to it, like for instance why Asian immigrants also started with nothing a century ago and yet are generally more affluent today despite having no access, no connections, and no support groups or even extended communities in America.
Or the very real truth that there are hundreds of thousands of black Americans who live in luxury. Only 45% of the luxury market in the US is made of white people; meanwhile 22% of the luxury market is black people. That’s once again disproportionate when you consider 71% of Americans are white and only 14% are black.
Is this where we say that crime really does pay?
I’ll leave it at that for now.
It’s probably because the vast majority of any crime, is same race.
Saying Black on Black crime, is akin to saying “grass can be green”.
We fucking know. People have been hurting each other from the same groups, since people existed.
To me, racializing crime, derails the conversation because you’re pinning the problems on just Blackness and not the actual causes.
Basically, focusing on race rather th
It’s probably because the vast majority of any crime, is same race.
Saying Black on Black crime, is akin to saying “grass can be green”.
We fucking know. People have been hurting each other from the same groups, since people existed.
To me, racializing crime, derails the conversation because you’re pinning the problems on just Blackness and not the actual causes.
Basically, focusing on race rather than the root causes of crime hinders effective solutions.
It oversimplifies complex social issues and ignores underlying factors like poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. This phrasing to me, seeks to diminish the more prominent factors that contribute to crime, blaming race or culture.
We already know what racism is but blaming this mainly on culture…culture is just one piece of the puzzle. Other factors like socioeconomic status, education, and individual psychology also play significant roles. It's essential to avoid oversimplifying complex issues by attributing crime solely to culture.
Plus, within every culture, there's diversity, and individuals can be influenced by multiple cultures. Black American culture, as an example, isn’t all violence. It's music, good food, dance, laughter, resilience and tenacity, etc. I’m more of a Blerd than anything else. Blerds and those who embrace us are my people.
My Answer: Crime, by definition, occurs within a population. Therefore, saying "Black-on-Black crime" implies a unique or specific category of crime that doesn't exist.
Instead of focusing solely on the race of the victim and perpetrator, it's more productive to examine the root causes of crime and work towards addressing those issues. This includes investing in education, job opportunities, and community programs, as well as reforming the criminal justice system.
Just to insert some of my meanass Ray energy, I think people who sit on the phrase, ‘Black on Black’ crime, are intellectually lazy.
Why? It's simple, it’s easier to blame race and culture than the more complex societal issues that actually caused many of the negatives.
If you blame the people, you don’t have to think about what’s wrong with society itself. Yo...
They do this for propaganda purposes and political agitation.
The official left-wing narrative says that the White people are oppressors, while non-White people are the oppressed victims of the White people. The left-wing propagandists claim that non-White people don't have any opportunities and power, meaning they are always oppressed and can never be violent (or commit crimes).
So, the official narrative says that non-White people are always oppressed and can never commit a crime and be violent.
For example, when a mass shooting happens and the shooter is Black, this contradicts the false narra
They do this for propaganda purposes and political agitation.
The official left-wing narrative says that the White people are oppressors, while non-White people are the oppressed victims of the White people. The left-wing propagandists claim that non-White people don't have any opportunities and power, meaning they are always oppressed and can never be violent (or commit crimes).
So, the official narrative says that non-White people are always oppressed and can never commit a crime and be violent.
For example, when a mass shooting happens and the shooter is Black, this contradicts the false narrative that non-White people are oppressed, powerless, and can never be violent against other people. This is the reason why when a mass shooting event happens and the shooter is Black, or Latino, or Asian, or anything that isn't White, the left-wing media barely reports the event and almost always refuses to discuss the manifesto. However, when a mass shooting happens and the shooter is White, the left-wing media immediately reports the event, has an obsessive focus on the skin color, makes various false claims about the shooter's motives, and makes "It's a racist hate crime!!!" assumptions even before the investigation begins.
The left-wing propagandists, who spread anti-White propaganda, don't really believe that Black lives are more important that White lives. They spread anti-White propaganda because they are paid to cause division and sow discord, not because they believe that Black lives are more important than White lives.
The whole "White people this, White people that..." thing is just a propaganda narrative meant to convince non-White people that they are victims and voting for The Democrats is the only way to be saved from oppression.
It's important to note that Black people aren't really oppressed; the claim they are oppressed and need to be saved from oppression and the oppressors is just a propaganda narrative used to scare people and exploit their fear for political purposes.
Here you can see some examples of media reports containing anti-White bias:
The following image shows how anti-White double standards block victims from receiving support and help:
Here is a meme about the anti-White double standards:
Just stop with these blanket statements. I'm in no way a democrat or liberal, but implying all people of X group hold some ridiculous opinion is absurd. They are simply attempts to attack people's intelligence and discredit their genuine beliefs and views. Regardless of which side of the fence you're on, the people on the other side don't all share the same views or agree on all issues without question. They are, for the most part, just normal people who believe their stance does the most good and is the best way to address the issue. They aren't evil villains who want to inflict harm on every
Just stop with these blanket statements. I'm in no way a democrat or liberal, but implying all people of X group hold some ridiculous opinion is absurd. They are simply attempts to attack people's intelligence and discredit their genuine beliefs and views. Regardless of which side of the fence you're on, the people on the other side don't all share the same views or agree on all issues without question. They are, for the most part, just normal people who believe their stance does the most good and is the best way to address the issue. They aren't evil villains who want to inflict harm on everyone. They simply have a different idea for the best solution.
It has more to do with economics than race. Unfortunately minorities are much more likely to commit any crimes when they have little opportunities for jobs and education. But it's not always so. I do factory work and we get so many white people that don't last because of drugs or criminal history that continues today
Yes, it’s absolutely a cultural phenomenon. When the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964, abolishing Jim Crow laws and making it infinitely easier for Blacks to improve their economic and social lot, about half of them jumped at the chance — grabbed for better jobs, with better salaries and benefits, saved their money and moved to better neighborhoods with better schools, leaned on their kids to get good grades and go to good colleges from which they could get even better jobs, and joined the great American game of Class Climbing.
But half of them didn’t. Half chose to stay in De Ghet-to, wallowing
Yes, it’s absolutely a cultural phenomenon. When the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964, abolishing Jim Crow laws and making it infinitely easier for Blacks to improve their economic and social lot, about half of them jumped at the chance — grabbed for better jobs, with better salaries and benefits, saved their money and moved to better neighborhoods with better schools, leaned on their kids to get good grades and go to good colleges from which they could get even better jobs, and joined the great American game of Class Climbing.
But half of them didn’t. Half chose to stay in De Ghet-to, wallowing in their precious Black Culture, to reject Whitey-Whitey schooling, Whitey-Whitey English and Whitey-Whitey jobs, but instead make their living whining “You owe me, Whitey!”, demanding Welfare benefits, fleshing those out with assorted crime enterprises, spending large chunks of their lives in jail as a result, and blaming it all on White Racism. Since the most lucrative of those criminal enterprises is selling illegal drugs, various street-gangs took it up with great enthusiasm — and were quite willing to kill their competitors, literally.
What we call Black Culture today is a culture of poverty, oppression, and eternal resentment. It idolizes pride, disdains education, and excuses violence. Even Black people who don’t want to be part of that culture, if they live in an area where that culture rules, have a hard time evading it.
Murder a murder a murder person?
And the preceding words made no more sense.
Your “available” crime statistics are a crock…
And you have facts to back this up?
I'm a 66 year old white and have never heard this from anyone but you, and you would think that I would have heard it at least once in all those years.
Oh, and by the way, 500,000? There are less than 25,000 annually. I think you need to find a new source for your fantasies.
That it is a pity that educational standards in the US are so low. “Blacks are also 8 X more likely to murder a murder person than visa versa”. Really?
If you’re talking about criminal statistics, no. Facts don’t change over feelings or to be “fair”. That’s not a “thought” though, it’s a fact.
There are legitimate reasons behind those facts, facts that say that if white people lived in the same scenario as many black people, they would do the same thing. But it is a fact.
There’s no reason to assume that a black person is a criminal (or the suspect
If you’re talking about criminal statistics, no. Facts don’t change over feelings or to be “fair”. That’s not a “thought” though, it’s a fact.
There are legitimate reasons behind those facts, facts that say that if white people lived in the same scenario as many black people, they would do the same thing. But it is a fact.
There’s no reason to assume that a black person is a criminal (or the suspect in a case) without a good indication though. Of course, that’s not what the question is asking.
If you...
Well Marty, I’m gonna be honest with you. This is the first time I am hearing this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Perhaps you have some links to it to highlight your assertion. For some reason I doubt it, but I could be wrong.
Having said that, as a person pointed out a long time ago, most crime is neighbor on neighbor crime. So just to make that simple for you; if a person lives in a predominantly black neighborhood and there is crime in that neighborhood , it would be neighbor neighbor or black and black. When you see crime, statistics that deal with white people be it murder or
Well Marty, I’m gonna be honest with you. This is the first time I am hearing this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Perhaps you have some links to it to highlight your assertion. For some reason I doubt it, but I could be wrong.
Having said that, as a person pointed out a long time ago, most crime is neighbor on neighbor crime. So just to make that simple for you; if a person lives in a predominantly black neighborhood and there is crime in that neighborhood , it would be neighbor neighbor or black and black. When you see crime, statistics that deal with white people be it murder or assault with things like that usually they are neighbors. I don’t mean necessarily next-door neighbors but white neighborhoods, predominately, white areas and have white on whites crime. Not really that hard to comprehend when you think about it
So the next time you run into some “leftist”, feel free to share this post with them, and they will understand that most crimes are based on proximity to the victim. nothing unusual about that.
PS. I saw something from Quora that said that they would no longer be correcting peoples questions in terms of how they are presented. This is unfortunate. I think if you can read your own question as you can see, it somewhat contradicts itself and is confusing.
I answered it based on what I thought you meant, but maybe you can reword it. I’m not sure if you want to. Also not sure what you were looking for.
You may find this hard to believe, but there are some people who only ask certain questions in hopes of attracting racist to chime in. Kinda like flies are attracted to feces.
Then the racist can come in and start blowing the maggots from their brains into the conversation.
I’m sure that was not your goal, but believe it or not there are some real scumbags out there.
One of the little projects I’ve been bouncing around in the back of my head is a ‘demonstrate basic statistics’ website.
There’s a few things like #notallmen where people try and get away from accepting responsibility by pointing out other people are also imperfect. For example: “Yes, I know a thousand people were killed by angry white men with guns in America, but four people were killed by angry black women too, so it can’t be an issue with white men.”.
My idea is to create a website where you can read real people’s stories, and when you hit next story it randomly picks a story. That way it’ll
One of the little projects I’ve been bouncing around in the back of my head is a ‘demonstrate basic statistics’ website.
There’s a few things like #notallmen where people try and get away from accepting responsibility by pointing out other people are also imperfect. For example: “Yes, I know a thousand people were killed by angry white men with guns in America, but four people were killed by angry black women too, so it can’t be an issue with white men.”.
My idea is to create a website where you can read real people’s stories, and when you hit next story it randomly picks a story. That way it’ll have white-on-black, black-on-black, black-on-white and white-on-white crime, and each story will at talk about the issues that the people felt are important regardless of whether race was a major factor.
My thinking is that humans are absolutely miserable at interpreting statistics, but they’re pretty good at distilling the common factors in stories. Get people to read say twenty stores about violence and people will get a real sense for what’s common, far more than any attempt at interpretation would provide.
I hope it’s okay to answer your question with a question:
Why are innocent men more likely to be convicted of rape than innocent women?
Whenever we examine a demographic, whether religious, gender, age, nationality or race, the demographic that is most guilty of a particular crime is also the demographic that will be disproportionately falsely accused of that crime.
Police officers, like everybody else, notice patterns. So do judges, juries, witnesses and politicians. It’s an undeniable, and obvious, fact that black people commit violent crimes, including murder, at much higher rates than do Asia
I hope it’s okay to answer your question with a question:
Why are innocent men more likely to be convicted of rape than innocent women?
Whenever we examine a demographic, whether religious, gender, age, nationality or race, the demographic that is most guilty of a particular crime is also the demographic that will be disproportionately falsely accused of that crime.
Police officers, like everybody else, notice patterns. So do judges, juries, witnesses and politicians. It’s an undeniable, and obvious, fact that black people commit violent crimes, including murder, at much higher rates than do Asians or whites. So naturally, it’s blacks who will be more suspected of such crimes.
Whites murder other Whites almost exclusively(98%)
African Americans murder other Blacks primarily(84%)
So you can extrapolate that 2–4% of non-white homicide victims are murdered by white assailants and 16% of of non-black homicide victims are murdered by black assailants.
Either way the majority of homicide victims(80–90%) have a prior criminal record and are killed by someone nearly identical to themselves. Same race, age, economic status, arrest record, drug habits, etc.
FYI: the 10–20% of homicide victims who do not have a criminal record usually have a household member who does and that hous
Whites murder other Whites almost exclusively(98%)
African Americans murder other Blacks primarily(84%)
So you can extrapolate that 2–4% of non-white homicide victims are murdered by white assailants and 16% of of non-black homicide victims are murdered by black assailants.
Either way the majority of homicide victims(80–90%) have a prior criminal record and are killed by someone nearly identical to themselves. Same race, age, economic status, arrest record, drug habits, etc.
FYI: the 10–20% of homicide victims who do not have a criminal record usually have a household member who does and that household member with the criminal arrest record usually factors heavily into why the non-criminal victim was murdered.
If that statement is based on true statistics, there is probably a complex explanation. The most obvious reason, and the most likely promoted by the media, is institutional racism. Or overt racism. If it is true, it’s a generalization and might only be true in some cases, it couldn’t possibly apply to every instance. Sometimes it’s just money, people who can afford a good lawyer tend to have better outcomes. Even that is questionable as far as a race issue. 20% of African Americans live below the poverty line, 10% of white people. That disparity is due to historical racism imo. However, there
If that statement is based on true statistics, there is probably a complex explanation. The most obvious reason, and the most likely promoted by the media, is institutional racism. Or overt racism. If it is true, it’s a generalization and might only be true in some cases, it couldn’t possibly apply to every instance. Sometimes it’s just money, people who can afford a good lawyer tend to have better outcomes. Even that is questionable as far as a race issue. 20% of African Americans live below the poverty line, 10% of white people. That disparity is due to historical racism imo. However, there are twice as many whites than blacks living in poverty, because they’re a much higher percentage of the population.
Most murders are committed by members of the same race as their victims. The murder rate of African Americans is far higher than whites statistically, given that they’re 13% of the population, whites are 72% according to the 2010 census. From the FBI crime report, there were 3499 white people murdered in 2016, 2870 African Americans. Statistically, African Americans are going to be seen as murder suspects more often than whites, significantly more often when there are witnesses. This could account for more false convictions.
Again, there probably isn’t one reason, I think lack of money for any racial group has a big impact on outcomes when charged with violent and non-violent crimes. Good representation can lead to charges dropped, lesser charges and sentencing. I also think statistics play a big role. Criminality is a big issue, gang violence mostly, and a lot of innocent people get caught up in it.
I try to see the big picture. This is FBI data from 2019, the most recent available.
I am going to focus on one part of this table:
You see here that Black offenders killed 566 whites in 2019 while white offenders killed 246 Blacks.
Of course, we also know that Blacks comprise about 13 percent of the US population, and whites are about 60 percent.
As per the question, I wonder why this story is not on the news and common knowledge. Even here on Quora I just saw a question asking, “why whites are so violent?” Fact is, the news would have us believe that Blacks are
I try to see the big picture. This is FBI data from 2019, the most recent available.
I am going to focus on one part of this table:
You see here that Black offenders killed 566 whites in 2019 while white offenders killed 246 Blacks.
Of course, we also know that Blacks comprise about 13 percent of the US population, and whites are about 60 percent.
As per the question, I wonder why this story is not on the news and common knowledge. Even here on Quora I just saw a question asking, “why whites are so violent?” Fact is, the news would have us believe that Blacks are the perennial victims and that white people do not value Black lives.
Of course, I also understand that this is just one slice of data. Others can add more. This seems like a discussion we should be having. There are endless individual cases that are tragic and unsettling. The big picture is more sterile, but it offers a greater perspective.
Wrong. Statistics actually say that 81% of crimes against whites are committed by other whites while, black on white crimes are 16%.>news
Because the media doesn't do an effective job at distinguishing it to the public.
White criminals are shot, black criminals are shot, brown criminals are shot, same for red yellow or any other color you want to call a person.
The problem as I see it is that people are being killed by a police officer when it is avoidable. And that the people responding to the news don't get the real story. Telling the whole story doesn't make money so they only tell the parts they want to. Aditionally a lot of people need to realize that the police should be there to serve and protect, especially the police them
Because the media doesn't do an effective job at distinguishing it to the public.
White criminals are shot, black criminals are shot, brown criminals are shot, same for red yellow or any other color you want to call a person.
The problem as I see it is that people are being killed by a police officer when it is avoidable. And that the people responding to the news don't get the real story. Telling the whole story doesn't make money so they only tell the parts they want to. Aditionally a lot of people need to realize that the police should be there to serve and protect, especially the police themselves.
The Alaska State Troopers are a great example. They cover a huge area with very little support, often no backup. Many of us are armed, and the troopers are always friendly and ready to help. I've had them help jump start my car, is had them ticket me for speeding, I've had them thank me for stopping to help at car wrecks. And I've been armed in most of my interactions with the troopers here, and never once been afraid they would unjustly kill me. The troopers here are also very likely to kill someone who is violent towards them, they don't take shit off anyone. The reason I have never been afraid of the troopers despite having a gun most times I talk to them is that I'm polite, I'm respectful, I don't challenge their authority. Here we know that if the troopers killed you, you deserved it.
I think the reason that liberals care about black criminals being shot is that is what the news tells them to care about. The problem in my mind isn't criminals being killed, sometimes there was a better way, the problem is when an innocent person is killed and they are portrayed as a criminal.
Yes. The majority of whites seem to choose to live in white areas. The majority of Blacks seem to choose to live in Black areas.
I am a white who lives in Black areas. My daughter chose the previous place we lived. My wife chose the present place we live, both in Black areas. I don’t think race was a significant factor in their choice. But they are unusual.
When Sears moved its headquarters from Sof thesears Tower in Chicago’s loop to exurbia in Hoffman Estates, Sears and the taxpayers offered Sears employees (mostly middle income Blacks) very sweet offers to buy houses in or near Hoffman Estate
Yes. The majority of whites seem to choose to live in white areas. The majority of Blacks seem to choose to live in Black areas.
I am a white who lives in Black areas. My daughter chose the previous place we lived. My wife chose the present place we live, both in Black areas. I don’t think race was a significant factor in their choice. But they are unusual.
When Sears moved its headquarters from Sof thesears Tower in Chicago’s loop to exurbia in Hoffman Estates, Sears and the taxpayers offered Sears employees (mostly middle income Blacks) very sweet offers to buy houses in or near Hoffman Estates and relocate and keep their jobs.
Very few of these middle class Blacks used the opportunity to move to a better chool district and a lower crime area. They commuted the long distrance. Gradually they found other jobs. Sears headquarters ended up being much less Black due to this.
Other examples can be given of opportunities for voluntary or incentiivized intergration. But there are other factors.
In my former Illinois, boss Mike Madigan is extremely segratationist and racist in the way he bosses Illinois. In contrast, my current Georgia is far more integrated than Illinois. Metro Atlanta is far more integrated than Metro Chicago. There is a clear Republian Integrationist attitude in state government; a big change fromm Chicago and Illinois.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. Here are the FBI Crime Stats by race:
…and I am NOT a liberal.
Don't post troll questions that are so easy to prove FALSE.
Go troll on some other site. You have no credibility here on Quora.
Crime is primarily a socioeconomic phenomenon. So if you have a group that is disproportionately poor, then it’s more likely that a higher crime rate will exist within that group.
You may not believe this but the this is the honest to God’s truth.
racism and white supremacy actually causes flaws in the thought process.
I won’t get into the reasons for that at the moment, but let me just say this.
racism, always has to justify why it does the things that it does. The person has to justify it to themselves and they have to justify it to others.
So what they do is they go to the FBI crime stats page they ignore all of the stats that point white crime and they focus on black crime. Then they say well based on the population Black people have a higher percentage of violent cr
You may not believe this but the this is the honest to God’s truth.
racism and white supremacy actually causes flaws in the thought process.
I won’t get into the reasons for that at the moment, but let me just say this.
racism, always has to justify why it does the things that it does. The person has to justify it to themselves and they have to justify it to others.
So what they do is they go to the FBI crime stats page they ignore all of the stats that point white crime and they focus on black crime. Then they say well based on the population Black people have a higher percentage of violent crimes according to those statistics. And that’s true. And that’s fine.
But here is the math that they never use because it literally overturns the apple cart. Try it for yourself.
Take EVERY category of crime that Black people have on that chart add them ALL together.
Then use the last number from the US census, of black which is 41 million
Divide these crime stats numbers into 41 million.
What you find is that 96% of Black people are involved in no crime WHATSOEVER .
This is not the math that people really want to address because again they have to justify their racism and hatred of Black people and they can’t do it with 4%
They may be able to come up with other reasons, (They always do) but they won’t be able to use 4%.
4% is not a number that suggests in any sort of racial deficiency of Black people.
It would have no value for them.
Hope that helps somebody.
This liberal thinks you need a Remedial English course, and Critical Thinking 101.
- How does one “murder a murder person?
- What IS a murder person?
- The phrase is “vice versa,” not “visa versa.”
- What do unverified crime statistics have to do with liberal attitudes?
No they aren't.
They're just 20x more likely to be convicted.
I’m not a liberal, but one can see what 400 years of racism produces. Stop racism, give equal opportunity and halt segregation.
We reap what we sow.