That’s not completely true.
There are two aspects where the F-16C outperforms the Su-30SM “Flanker-H”. They are…radar and EW.
In modern air combat the most important features to excel at are…radar and EW.
Greek F-16C
So, while the Su-30 can do the Pugachev’s Cobra hypermaneuverablity move, it’s probably the least important (and arguably suicidal) maneuver a pilot can perform. Russians do this better than the West, and that’s why Russians believe their planes “outclass [the West] in every way”. Unfortunately for Russians, this airshow trick is all but useless in modern air combat. Tricks that only get you killed more quickly, is all that Russians have to rely (and boast) upon.
Russians will point out that the “original” F-16C is a decades old design. They will never tell you that the Su-30 is merely a variant of the Su-27 which first flew in 1977…meaning the Su-30 is based on a 47-year old airframe. Whoops. They failed to mention that?
It’s the electronics that matter most, and in modern combat, he/she with the better radar will detect sooner, lock up the enemy sooner, launch a missile sooner. The Su-30 uses the NO11 Bars radar which is a PESA system upgraded from an old Pulse-doppler design. PESA is inferior to AESA is almost every measurable regard.
By contrast, an F-16C Block 52 equipped with the AN/APG-83 AESA radar (the harder to make, more advanced type) out performs the decades old Russian (PESA) design. Further, the Russian EW is decades behind ANY Western EW system. EW does many things including jamming, inhibiting the performance specs of the enemy radar. Western systems outperform Russian ones, making Russian radar less effective than their performance specs claim. So, Russian Su-30s cannot hit at the optimistic ranges they publicize.
The same is true for F-16s, because Russian EW does work to some degree. Yet, the F-16 radar will “burn through” Russian jamming before Russian inferior radar burns through the F-16’s jamming. So, in the way’s that matter most, F-16’s are superior to the Russian Su-30SM.