According to the required disclosure of his income, Donald Trump not only did not donate his salary in any of the 4 years of his Presidency, he, both privately and his real estate company that oversees his properties like Mar-A-Lago, were paid over $155 MILLION dollars of the US Taxpayers money for him to play golf at his own properties because the Trump organization charged the US Government, and therefore you and I, the taxpayers, for his accommodations, accommodations for his staff, his guests (including his own children and in-laws) AND his Secret Service detail, which additional Secret Service were required to guard him as it was an unsecure facility, costing the taxpayers even more money.
He is the FIRST US President to play golf during his Presidency anywhere other than a military base, unless as a guest in a foreign nation’s golf course. ALL US Presidents before Donald Trump chose to play on military bases because:
Military bases are more secure.
Military bases have secure barracks and accommodations for the President, Secret Service, and any guests and staff of the President joining him (or her eventually, I hope).
Less Secret Service protection is required due to the number of US military personnel available to guard the President and his party.
As these are US military bases, little if any additional costs are added for housing, food, etc, saving the taxpayers money.
Barack Obama's 8 years of golf, Hawaii vacations costs taxpayers $US85 million.
Donald Trump’s 4 years of golf (NOT including vacations) cost taxpayers over $150 million.
So, Donald Trump, spent nearly double the amount of Barack Obama, in HALF the time. And you Conservatives bitched about Obama’s golfing and other trips, but not once did you say a fucking word about Donald Trump’s trips, you fucking hypocrites.
Edit, September 3, 2023:
For all those who want to inject whataboutism about Trump and Republican’s “Booming Economy”, etc, etc into this, I am adding the following in response, and so I don’t have to keep fucking repeating myself. The following is in response to a Trump supporter who commented on my answer and did the typical whataboutism bs. It’s like the 4th or 5th time, so, here are some facts about Trump and Republicans economic “booms”, the destruction of the nuclear family, crime rates, and other such bullshit. Enjoy the hearty fuck you, Trump supporters. Time you got a fucking reality check.
Actually, all of my information is correct and has evidence. Where’s yours?
You don’t understand how gas prices work, do you? And I’ll remind you, in April 2020, Donald Trump “negotiated” (threatened to stop military shipment deliveries to) with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ nations unless they reduced oil production by 20% for 2 years. The agreements were signed in May 2020, to take effect by January 1, 2021. Which means oil prices would increase due to less production for 2 years. The Republican in the House and Senate refused to pass legislation introduced by the Democrats to go after companies that were price gouging, not only in the oil industry, but also food production, manufacturing, and grocery stores.
oil prices, notice how they increased dramatically starting January 1, which is when Trump’s agreement went into effect?
Booming economy? ROFL
And if Republicans are SO great for the economy, how come Red states are the POOREST states and require the most Federal aid?
And while we’re at it, how come, per capita (that’s per 100,000 people), violent crime, crime in general, firearm deaths, and abortions are all highest in Red States?
And why is Life Expectancy LOWEST in Red States or predominately Red areas?
And of course, Red States also have the least amount of education, which is why they continue to vote for the people who keep them in poverty…
So, can you explain why your claims do NOT in any way coincide with reality and truth? I can. You’ve been lied to by Republicans.
Oh, and by the way, I’m not a liberal, nor a Democrat. In fact, up to and inclusive of 2020, except for Presidential elections between 2004–2016, which I did not vote for President (left it blank or wrote in Daffy Duck and Donald Duck usually) and in 2020 voted for Biden, to rid the country of Trump, a man I have personally known and interacted with for nearly 40 years), I voted exclusively Republican, and was a Republican from 1984 through 2002 ( left the party because of George W. Bush’s actions after 9/11/2001, in which I nearly died and needed multiple surgeries afterwards, such as spying on US Citizens without a warrant, arresting US citizens and sending them to Guantanamo Bay to be tortured along with foreign nationals by the likes of DeSantis (yes, he was in the military AND stationed in Guantanamo Bay at the time), his invasion of Afghanistan, his doing nothing about the Saudis (90% of Osama Bin Laden’s group were of Saudi origin, and it was investigated and discovered by US intelligence and banking services that Osama Bin Laden was being funded by a not so distant member of the Saudi Royal Family) and so on)).
I am an Independent Moderate. I ignore both parties’ rhetoric, and verify my sources with at least 3 different sources, including and especially C-Span which all they do is show Congress, including Congressional Voting Records so I know who is voting for and against things, such as Republican claiming they are pro-veterans, but voting against 98% of all legislation that would benefit veterans like my father and uncle.
You want to know why you have less money in your wallet? This is a damned big reason for it:
So, let’s see, a person making $50,000 a year pays $42 to help their fellow American citizens, and $3,701 for Corporate subsidies, loopholes for corporations and loopholes that allow corporations to hide their money from the IRS overseas. And this doesn’t even mention that the reason we pay FICA taxes at all, is because while Ronald Reagan was in office took several hundred billion dollars from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds to pay for his dropping the marginalized tax rate from 70% down to 28.3%, and that Republicans continued to take money from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds to pay for the CORPORATE tax breaks.
Do you want to see what happens when you drop marginalized tax rates for the wealthiest citizens and corporations? No? Well tough, I’m showing you anyway.
These were the marginalized tax rates. And you do recall that Conservatives agree that the US economy was best during the 1940s and 1950s, and the Liberals agree with that, right? Well, this is why, and I’ll let a REPUBLICAN President, and a man my paternal grandparents and parents were proud of and admired, because my grandfather served under him when my paternal grandfather was fighting Nazis in Europe, and my maternal grandfather was fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, General, and later President, Dwight David Eisenhower.
Oh, one other thing, when the tax rate for corporations is 90%, they also do something else to reduce their tax burden, INCREASE EMPLOYEE PAY AND PAY FOR THEIR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PENSIONS.
So, still want to claim my information is inaccurate, or are you going to man up and admit you were incorrect because you’ve been misled by Republicans since Nixon? The last Republican President who had honor and integrity was Eisenhower. Oh, and you know who warned us about corporations getting involved in politics and the military/industrial complex? Eisenhower, as well as Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Here’s some more from all 3 of them.
The Republican Party supported safety net programs that helped PEOPLE, not corporations when THOSE men were President. They did not support corporate subsidies, corporate loopholes, nor giving corporations nearly all the rights that PEOPLE have, which was done under the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, when Democrats challenged the law that would allow corporations to create PACs, Super PACs, and lobbyist groups to donate to candidates running for office. The law was introduced by Republicans, and declared Constitutional by a Republican Supreme Court.
And you know what else? Until Nixon, Republicans supported raising the minimum wage to a wage that would allow 1 person to support their family, leaving 1 person to stay at home and cook, clean, make sure kids did their homework, etc. You know, the nuclear family Republicans claim they support. Do you know when that ceased? DURING RONALD REAGAN when he initially dropped the corporate tax rate from 70% down to 50% and then worsened when he dropped it down to 28%, which caused massive layoffs in the coal, steel, and automotive and other American manufacturing and production companies as they moved their businesses overseas.
That caused the woman to go out and get a job to help support their family, causing the “latch key” generation where there was no one to meet the kids at home after school, no one to make kids behave, do homework, stay away from “bad influences” and criminals, and when Americans started consuming fast food since Mom wasn’t home to cook dinner anymore since she had to work, and then Americans all started getting obese.
Republicans try to blame that on Democrats, guess what? You can thank Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump for the destruction of the American Nuclear Family, wages for workers like you and me stagnating, and the minimum wage being transformed from a wage that would allow a single breadwinner supporting a family, owning a home, and at least 1 car, paying for all health expenses, utilities, transportation costs, sending kids to college, taking the family on a vacation every year AND saving for retirement through an employee pension and/or 401K TO needing both people working AT LEAST 1 job, divorce rates increasing (#2 reason people get divorced is fighting due to finances), increasing of single parent families, increase in crime (no one home to keep kids away from those bad influences), the DUMBING DOWN of America (no one home to make kids do homework and study, go to PTA meetings, parent/teacher conferences, etc), and so forth.
This is what the minimum wage was created for, NOT for introductory jobs for teenagers, in the original Minimum Wage law, there was a separate minimum wage for kids working after school, which was about 35% of what the minimum wage for adults was.
You’ve been lied to your entire life, we all have been, and it’s time it stops.
Edit2: September 3, 2023:
Regarding “Open Borders”, another fucking thing I’m sick and tired of answering.
No, Democrats do NOT want open borders, and in fact, borders seem to be more “open” under Republican Presidents.
And for the record, most (over 70%) of all illegal immigration has NOTHING to do with the Southern Border, but happens when people come into the US under a VISA, whether it’s a travel visa, student visa, or work visa, AND NEVER LEAVE, you know, like Melania Trump didn’t leave when she stayed passed the visa given to her to work as a model here doing softcore solo and lesbian porn.
Border encounters, which consist of intercepting, detaining, arrests and deportation INCREASED, under Biden, to the highest level since data started being tracked in 1960s. The second highest was in 2000, under Bill Clinton, whose oversaw the most consistent prevention of illegal immigration at the Southern border, until Biden.