Well, you and I will find out together what hell is like, if Christians are right and you’re wrong.
I assume from context that you’re a Muslim. If you are, then members of the largest religion on our planet would like you to know that you’re hell-bound if you don’t repent of your sins, including not believing that Jesus is your savior, and become a Christian. Apologize to God for not accepting His son as your savior, and put yourself on the path to everlasting life. Otherwise, you’re doomed to eternal punishment. How will you cope with that?
Your question suggests that you’re a hateful person. W
Well, you and I will find out together what hell is like, if Christians are right and you’re wrong.
I assume from context that you’re a Muslim. If you are, then members of the largest religion on our planet would like you to know that you’re hell-bound if you don’t repent of your sins, including not believing that Jesus is your savior, and become a Christian. Apologize to God for not accepting His son as your savior, and put yourself on the path to everlasting life. Otherwise, you’re doomed to eternal punishment. How will you cope with that?
Your question suggests that you’re a hateful person. Why else would you ask a question that is implicitly enveloped in the glee of “knowing” that people who don’t believe what you believe will suffer eternal torment? You’re not one of those unlucky people, and you revel in your superior position, wondering how people will cope with suffering that will never befall you. “Sucks to be you” is probably your favorite under-your-breath thought when you interact with people who don’t share your religious views.
Got news for you, dude: Your god — Allah — is no more or less real than any of the thousands of deities humans have imagined throughout human history. Your view of what you believe is the one-true God/Allah is probably wrong if there actually is a one-true God. You don’t know any more about this entity than do people who adhere to the other religions that worship the same one-true God but have understandings of this deity that conflict with your understanding.
What if the one-true God is actually Brahman? What if the one-true God is Zeus? What the one-true God is actually nature, herself?
We can ask such “what if?” questions all day and never get to an authoritative answer. You certainly don’t have one, and neither do I.
Rather than ask a question rooted in hate for “the other,” why not share with people how your religious beliefs and your personal conduct in the light of those beliefs have helped relieve the suffering of people around you as you try to make the only life that we know we have better for them and you? Why not tell us how your God has imbued you with love for your fellow humans regardless of their stations in life, how your God has compelled you to work toward understanding and love among people, how your God has helped you overcome your biases and bigotries to become a loved and loving human being who respects everyone’s humanity and worth?
As it stands, your God isn’t worth worshiping if your question is any indicator of your God’s nature. But your question does, for sure, indicate that your God’s attributes are human-made, because revenge is a purely human thing, and eternal punishment for wrong belief is nothing more than an act of revenge.
How will you cope with that?
Mate, buddy sit down and let me explain something to you so it helps you understand how reality is,
If a person such as myself Does Not Believe in something or some character,
Then anything associated with them or it doesn't exist either.
I do not believe in any God or religion and anything that is connected to them,
So for you to tell me
If I don't believe in something I don't believe in, I will the rest of my death in a place that doesn't exist,
It has the same affect if I tell you a Muslim that Santa Claus won't come to your home at Christmas and give you gifts.
Completely pointless.
This applies to any Abrahamic religion that would threaten me with hell, as well.
Having said that, why would you want to boast about any gods doing something so cruel? Do you worship this god? You should hate him as our mortal enemy, he sounds dangerously unhinged
Are you even sure he is on your side? You can bet that not EVERYONE was evil when this happened.
This applies to any Abrahamic religion that would threaten me with hell, as well.
Having said that, why would you want to boast about any gods doing something so cruel? Do you worship this god? You should hate him as our mortal enemy, he sounds dangerously unhinged
Are you even sure he is on your side? You can bet that not EVERYONE was evil when this happened.
I understand that you do not believe in Anubis.
You do not worship Him because of your poor understanding of how He uses the feather of Maat to find out if you did good and evil in your short time on earth.
I wonder what your reaction will be when Anubis leads you through the underworld of Duat, and your heart is weighed against the feather of Maat in the Hall of Two Truths.
If you think this is a ridiculous superstition of an ancient people and you don't waste a minute worrying about Anubis and the Duat, I believe you have the tools to understand how someone who doesn't believe in any other god,
I understand that you do not believe in Anubis.
You do not worship Him because of your poor understanding of how He uses the feather of Maat to find out if you did good and evil in your short time on earth.
I wonder what your reaction will be when Anubis leads you through the underworld of Duat, and your heart is weighed against the feather of Maat in the Hall of Two Truths.
If you think this is a ridiculous superstition of an ancient people and you don't waste a minute worrying about Anubis and the Duat, I believe you have the tools to understand how someone who doesn't believe in any other god, including yours, will you cope with the burning flames of you fictional hell.
Let’s make a deal.
On this planet, on this earth, I get to be free and believe or not believe in Allah. And based on that, you don’t take ANY steps one way or another to damage me or anyone else.
And you get to be free and believe in Allah. Again, no damage to you or anyone else.
Now, if you agree to this, two possible outcomes:
1) if you are right (you know you are with 100% certainty) then yup I will be in the burning flames of hell for eternity. And I will… somehow… cope with them.
2) if you are wrong (i know you are with 100% certainty), then you and I both live the lives we want today bas
Let’s make a deal.
On this planet, on this earth, I get to be free and believe or not believe in Allah. And based on that, you don’t take ANY steps one way or another to damage me or anyone else.
And you get to be free and believe in Allah. Again, no damage to you or anyone else.
Now, if you agree to this, two possible outcomes:
1) if you are right (you know you are with 100% certainty) then yup I will be in the burning flames of hell for eternity. And I will… somehow… cope with them.
2) if you are wrong (i know you are with 100% certainty), then you and I both live the lives we want today based on our personal beliefs. So to be clear, no stoning, no beheading, no execution, no jail time, none of that for me or anyone else based on your beliefs.
Sounds like a win-win.
Well two things first.
First, I can’t go to Hell because Satan still has a restraining order against me, apparently he does not like to be disciplined. Who knew? 🤷♀️
Second, I’m Canadian, and apparently Satan has problems with us in Hell.
Here’s the story behind why Satan doesn’t want Canadians in Hell.
Two Canadians die and end up in Hell.
Satan decides to pay them a visit, so he walks into their room and sees them talking and laughing. Confused, he asks them why they’re happy.
They tell him, “Well, we’re so sick of the cold where we’re from, and this place is nice and toasty.
Satan gets annoyed,
Well two things first.
First, I can’t go to Hell because Satan still has a restraining order against me, apparently he does not like to be disciplined. Who knew? 🤷♀️
Second, I’m Canadian, and apparently Satan has problems with us in Hell.
Here’s the story behind why Satan doesn’t want Canadians in Hell.
Two Canadians die and end up in Hell.
Satan decides to pay them a visit, so he walks into their room and sees them talking and laughing. Confused, he asks them why they’re happy.
They tell him, “Well, we’re so sick of the cold where we’re from, and this place is nice and toasty.
Satan gets annoyed, storms away and goes to Hell’s boiler room, where he turns up the temperature.
He goes back to the Canadian’s room, along the way being begged by all sorts of people to turn the heat back down. He enters the room to see the Canadians having a barbeque. Furiously, he asks them what they’re doing?
“Well, we can’t pass up this wonderful weather without getting out the barbeque.”
Satan realizes he’s been doing the wrong thing.
He goes to the boiler room and turns it down until it’s at a colder temperature than ever seen on earth. He knows he’s won now, so he goes back to the Canadian’s room, only to see them jumping up and down in excitement. He shouts at them in fury, “WHY ARE YOU STILL HAPPY?!?!?!?!”
They look at him and shout at the same time, “Hell froze over! That means the Leafs won!”
As for Heaven, you wanna know why us Canadians are not welcome there either.
Rather nicely thank you for asking.
Rather nicely thank you for asking.
We won't. You will. I have faith that you will.
See how easy that was? You can make believe anything you want. That doesn't make it true.
Hell does not exist. Problem solved.
How will the victims of islamic lies feel when they die and there are no virgins to greet them?
Do you think they will have enough time to be disappointed before their consciousness expires and they start to rot?
What a way to waste the only life you will ever have
Find a nice goat and settle down
God does not exist
I found this brilliant exposition on the internet.
A retiring physical chemistry professor was setting his last exam, for a graduate course in statistical thermodynamics. Being a bit bored with it all, and with a well kept and wry sense of humour, he set a single question on the sheet:
Is Hell endothermic** or exothermic? Support your answer with a proof.
He had little idea what to expect, or how to grade the results, but decided to reward any student who was able to come up with a reasonable and consistent reply to his query. One A was awarded.
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs u
I found this brilliant exposition on the internet.
A retiring physical chemistry professor was setting his last exam, for a graduate course in statistical thermodynamics. Being a bit bored with it all, and with a well kept and wry sense of humour, he set a single question on the sheet:
Is Hell endothermic** or exothermic? Support your answer with a proof.
He had little idea what to expect, or how to grade the results, but decided to reward any student who was able to come up with a reasonable and consistent reply to his query. One A was awarded.
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law or some variant. The top student however wrote the following answer:
First, we postulate that if souls exist, then they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls can also have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for souls entering hell, lets look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to hell.
With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially.
Now, we look at the rate of change in volume in hell. Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant. There are two possible conditions. One, if hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate t which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase exponentially until all hell breaks loose. Conversely, if hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over, condition two.
We can solve this with the 1990 postulation of Theresa LeClair, the girl who lived across the hall from me in first year residence. Since I have still not been successful in obtaining sexual relations with her, condition two above has not been met, and thus it can be concluded that condition one is true, and hell is exothermic.
** endothermic: characterized by or formed with absorption of heat
exothermic: characterized by or formed with evolution of heat
The same way you cope with getting coal in your stocking every Xmas because you didn’t write a letter to Santa Claus, and the same way you cope with Lex Luthor and Brainiac coming to you...
I’d use my powers of imagination against yours, I guess. It’s really not that difficult.
Troll question from an account that was called “Big Jizzer” before being changed. Don’t take the bait.
Folks, you don’t really need to dance like a puppet on the strings of every random loser who asks incendiary questions just to wind you up.
Troll question from an account that was called “Big Jizzer” before being changed. Don’t take the bait.
Folks, you don’t really need to dance like a puppet on the strings of every random loser who asks incendiary questions just to wind you up.
Much, much better than you can cope with the fact that you offer no better argument for Islam than a thuggish threat.
If your deity’s best argument is “Worship me or else I’ll torture you,” I reject that utterly.
Thank goodness I have many Muslim friends who never resort to threats, but have generously shared, and demonstrated, multiple admirable aspects of Islam.
Be more like them.
Before you go proslytizing for Islam, have you checked the fine print for any promise that your 72 virgins will be female?
Just sayin’.
How did you end up with the Christian concept of hell? You evolved your religion from Judaism the same as Christians did, but much later. Judaism has no hell. So what you have to ask yourself is, how did you get lumbered with the beliefs of a Christian religion that you totally disagree with? So where did hell come from, and why is there no reference to it until the 7th century, and when was your religion first founded.When you manage to find that answer, you will understand why hell holds no threat. It doesn't exist. It was invented by Christians and plagiarised by Islam. The original Abraham
How did you end up with the Christian concept of hell? You evolved your religion from Judaism the same as Christians did, but much later. Judaism has no hell. So what you have to ask yourself is, how did you get lumbered with the beliefs of a Christian religion that you totally disagree with? So where did hell come from, and why is there no reference to it until the 7th century, and when was your religion first founded.When you manage to find that answer, you will understand why hell holds no threat. It doesn't exist. It was invented by Christians and plagiarised by Islam. The original Abrahamic god had no hell. The punishment for non belief was exclusion from heaven, and no afterlife.
Does your mommy leave the basement light on after she tucks you in at night?
Why would someone who doesn’t believe in your particular vindictive and hateful god believe in his eternal punishment threats?
I had a healthy fear of being shot down by Uncle Ho’s Russian-built SAMs. Real things, those, as I have personal experience to KNOW.
I have a reasonable fear that at my current age, I will eventually face something - cancer, stroke, heart attack, some idiot on the highway - that may cause me to suffer.
But as Mark Twain more or less said, I wasn’t around for the first 13 billion years of the u
Does your mommy leave the basement light on after she tucks you in at night?
Why would someone who doesn’t believe in your particular vindictive and hateful god believe in his eternal punishment threats?
I had a healthy fear of being shot down by Uncle Ho’s Russian-built SAMs. Real things, those, as I have personal experience to KNOW.
I have a reasonable fear that at my current age, I will eventually face something - cancer, stroke, heart attack, some idiot on the highway - that may cause me to suffer.
But as Mark Twain more or less said, I wasn’t around for the first 13 billion years of the universe and was not much bothered by it, so I don’t expect to be bothered by not being around afterwards. I’m getting as much joy out of this life, which is cosmically statistically unlikely, as I can while I’m in it.
Take your fear of hell and damnation and put it in your silly church’s collection plate.
I'll ask Allah for a chance to make my case. First I'll tell him that the man he sent as the final messenger was of questionable character.
After this I would then confess that I was not a perfect example of a human being. I made a lot of mistakes in my life but I never married a 9 year old child, no marry a widow after killing her husband. I have never bought another human to keep as a slave. Never had sex slaves. As a matter of fact never took s life of another fellow human.
If allah’s heaven has people who have done any of the things (listed above), things I have never done and have no desire
I'll ask Allah for a chance to make my case. First I'll tell him that the man he sent as the final messenger was of questionable character.
After this I would then confess that I was not a perfect example of a human being. I made a lot of mistakes in my life but I never married a 9 year old child, no marry a widow after killing her husband. I have never bought another human to keep as a slave. Never had sex slaves. As a matter of fact never took s life of another fellow human.
If allah’s heaven has people who have done any of the things (listed above), things I have never done and have no desire to ever do I would be grateful to spend eternity as far from heaven as possible. What kind of a human being wants to live with characters who think having sex with captive women is a good thing?
This to me suggests feeble mindedness.
Even if Allah was real I would still stand by my opinion and happily accept eternal damnation in hell.
Salamun alaykum.
How did you come to the assumption that all non muslims will go to hellfire? What about the muslims that are today creating division between muslims? What about the ones that are killing one another for absurd sectarian reasons? Or muslims who are expert in exchanging bribery? Or those who twist Allahs word to fit their own agenda? What about those who call themselves muslims, but are the biggest of the munafiqs? I can name tons of whatabouts, but you get my point.
Nobody knows who will go to hell. We can only assume, but the knowledge is with Allah swt alone. Yes, Allah swt sta
Salamun alaykum.
How did you come to the assumption that all non muslims will go to hellfire? What about the muslims that are today creating division between muslims? What about the ones that are killing one another for absurd sectarian reasons? Or muslims who are expert in exchanging bribery? Or those who twist Allahs word to fit their own agenda? What about those who call themselves muslims, but are the biggest of the munafiqs? I can name tons of whatabouts, but you get my point.
Nobody knows who will go to hell. We can only assume, but the knowledge is with Allah swt alone. Yes, Allah swt stated in the Quran who, but this only proves that Allah swt alone knows. We, as muslims, cant just point out who will or who wont go. This authority is with Allah swt alone.
No. If hell (Gr. Gehenna) exists, it is likely only temporary and any fire, as mentioned all throughout the Old Testament, is likely only to purify. Alternatively, hell is completely allegorical, the language Jesus often used to illustrate a point to his hearers.
Nobody deserves to or will burn in hell. A burning hell for eternal suffering is a human construct devised to scare people into the control of ecclesiastical authority during the Middle Ages. Ever read Dante's Inferno? Today's traditional view of hell was completely foreign and unknown to 1st century Jews (Jesus' audience of his time)
No. If hell (Gr. Gehenna) exists, it is likely only temporary and any fire, as mentioned all throughout the Old Testament, is likely only to purify. Alternatively, hell is completely allegorical, the language Jesus often used to illustrate a point to his hearers.
Nobody deserves to or will burn in hell. A burning hell for eternal suffering is a human construct devised to scare people into the control of ecclesiastical authority during the Middle Ages. Ever read Dante's Inferno? Today's traditional view of hell was completely foreign and unknown to 1st century Jews (Jesus' audience of his time) as it was to the early church pre-Constantine. Though historical reconstructionists will say otherwise.
Hello, User-10520677993948386476!
Q: Atheists, since you don't believe in heaven and hell, how do you cope with losing loved ones?
A: Usually with some or all of the following:
- Crying on someone’s shoulders
- Hugs
- Moping
- Blankets
- Moping under a blanket
- Cats
- Moping under a blanket with cats
- Wine
- Just crying – cats and blankets may be involved
- Talking to a friend
- Cuddling cats
- Chocolate
- Therapy
- Cats
- More chocolate
- More wine
- Just plodding on until it doesn’t hurt so much
- Did I mention cats?
Special note: If you want to comfort us, “thoughts and prayers” can backfire spectacularly. Because it is often seen as this:
Hello, User-10520677993948386476!
Q: Atheists, since you don't believe in heaven and hell, how do you cope with losing loved ones?
A: Usually with some or all of the following:
- Crying on someone’s shoulders
- Hugs
- Moping
- Blankets
- Moping under a blanket
- Cats
- Moping under a blanket with cats
- Wine
- Just crying – cats and blankets may be involved
- Talking to a friend
- Cuddling cats
- Chocolate
- Therapy
- Cats
- More chocolate
- More wine
- Just plodding on until it doesn’t hurt so much
- Did I mention cats?
Special note: If you want to comfort us, “thoughts and prayers” can backfire spectacularly. Because it is often seen as this:
I.e. it is very easily interpreted as that you are willing to do squat about the actual problem and really don’t care.
The Hell I don’t believe in made by a character I don’t believe in? Tricky one!
Q: To Those who do not believe in Allah… How will you cope with the burning flames of hell?
If I don’t think the one is real, why would I think the other is anymore real? If your god is a loving god then how is it possible that it would punish those who are honest in their lack of belief? Is it not incumbent upon the one who wishes to be believed to make the effort to convey the evidence to support the belief?
And to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ…how will YOU cope with the burning flames of hell? As an atheist, it's hilarious nonsense like this that keeps me entertained on a daily basis. You say Allah…they say Jesus. You say potato, i say potato. Every mindless robot of EVERY religion thinks theirs is the right religion and everyone else's is wrong. 99% of religious people have been brainwashed with what they “believe” since they were young children. They only “believe” what they believe because that's what they were told to believe by their brainwashed parents and society they live in. T
And to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ…how will YOU cope with the burning flames of hell? As an atheist, it's hilarious nonsense like this that keeps me entertained on a daily basis. You say Allah…they say Jesus. You say potato, i say potato. Every mindless robot of EVERY religion thinks theirs is the right religion and everyone else's is wrong. 99% of religious people have been brainwashed with what they “believe” since they were young children. They only “believe” what they believe because that's what they were told to believe by their brainwashed parents and society they live in. That's not believing…that's doing what you're told 🤣⚛️
To Those who do not believe in any of the other 4000 gods… How will you cope with the burning flames of their hell?
I mean you were indoctrinated into the wrong religion with THE WRONG GOD….All i did was ask you for your proof of your claim that your god is real, just like all the other gods.
Such arrogance that you think you are right. Simply because of where you born.
You all make these ridiculous claims. So i am good. All Gods are man made.
Try thinking for yourself for a change and not like a sheep.
You mean, the hell that just as imaginary as Allah? There’s nothing to cope with.
No verifiable evidence, no allah. Prove it.
Do you believe in Anubis? And how are you going to cope with your soul being devoured by Ammit?
The same way I cope with the sands of Arrakis, the lava of Mt. Doom, and the Rodents of Unusual Size near Princess Buttercup’s homeland. Ignore them, because they aren’t real. Have fun being afraid of a thing that doesn’t exist, I have enough real problems to care about.
If I am guilty in the eyes of some celestial dictator, why am I not burning in agony right now? I realised I was an atheist 47 years ago. I am now 61, and in great health. I don’t fear the “burning flames” (what else do flames do, pray?) of “hell” because I believe the whole idea of hell came from ignorant ancient people assuming that heaven was “up” (a meaningless concept), therefore hell was “down” (ditto). They looked into active volcano calderas and saw the flames, felt the heat and smelt the brimstone (sulphur) and assumed that was the site of perdition.
There is no universal, or even glob
If I am guilty in the eyes of some celestial dictator, why am I not burning in agony right now? I realised I was an atheist 47 years ago. I am now 61, and in great health. I don’t fear the “burning flames” (what else do flames do, pray?) of “hell” because I believe the whole idea of hell came from ignorant ancient people assuming that heaven was “up” (a meaningless concept), therefore hell was “down” (ditto). They looked into active volcano calderas and saw the flames, felt the heat and smelt the brimstone (sulphur) and assumed that was the site of perdition.
There is no universal, or even global, standard of “up” or “down”. And, by the way, if you want me to even think about persuading me to consider your religion, you could always turn off the homicidal and imaginary threats as a start.
But that alone would not convert me to unsupported belief.
Just fine.
Knowing that all religious zealots are somewhere else. Hell seems like paradise.
It is like
Just fine.
Knowing that all religious zealots are somewhere else. Hell seems like paradise.
It is like
Seriously??? The most vile, violent religion on the planet says I’m going to hell??? Who says, your insane, pedophile “Prophet” Mohammed?
Mohammed, who preached death to all who would not convert to Islam. Mohammed, who took and raped a 9 year old girl. Mohammad, who says men can have many wives pretty much as slaves. Mohammed, who from his start raided and stole from Mecca, starting a pattern of Viking like raids and slaughter. Mohammed, who calls jihad on any religious group who do not abide by Islam and therefor are the first terrorists, Muhammad, who went after Christians and Jews, killing
Seriously??? The most vile, violent religion on the planet says I’m going to hell??? Who says, your insane, pedophile “Prophet” Mohammed?
Mohammed, who preached death to all who would not convert to Islam. Mohammed, who took and raped a 9 year old girl. Mohammad, who says men can have many wives pretty much as slaves. Mohammed, who from his start raided and stole from Mecca, starting a pattern of Viking like raids and slaughter. Mohammed, who calls jihad on any religious group who do not abide by Islam and therefor are the first terrorists, Muhammad, who went after Christians and Jews, killing them if they did not convert, telling his soldiers it’s OK to rape women prisoners before they killed them. Even can have sex with prepubescent girls. Mohammed, who told his followers if no women around to rape, it’s OK to have sex with goats.
And this repugnant animal says I’m going to hell for not following his sick religion? I don’t think he speaks for God. I feel confident Islam is not of God, but if one, sick man. I’m not worried.
I’ll cope pretty much the same way I cope with other silly fairy stories made up to scare children into obedience and, of course, pick the pockets of adults.
Of course, as a Muslim, you’re referring to Jahannam, a name for the “bad place” that’s actually derived from Ge Hinnom — "Valley of the Son of Hinnom" — a valley outside of Jerusalem in which the practice of child sacrifice used to occur. Yeah, that’s pretty damn hellish. This idea was enhanced over centuries, and by around 500CE, the Babylonian Talmud has established that specific Jewish version of “hell” as a fiery place. But not genera
I’ll cope pretty much the same way I cope with other silly fairy stories made up to scare children into obedience and, of course, pick the pockets of adults.
Of course, as a Muslim, you’re referring to Jahannam, a name for the “bad place” that’s actually derived from Ge Hinnom — "Valley of the Son of Hinnom" — a valley outside of Jerusalem in which the practice of child sacrifice used to occur. Yeah, that’s pretty damn hellish. This idea was enhanced over centuries, and by around 500CE, the Babylonian Talmud has established that specific Jewish version of “hell” as a fiery place. But not generally accepted throughout Judaism.
That was, of course, the basis for these ideas in Islam, the Quoran being written by Muhammad between 609CE and 632CE.
Of course, the Christians split off from the Jewish traditions over half a century, 66CE-135CE or so, so they missed any hard version of hell from Judaism. The earlier Christian teaching was that the, well, equivalent of “hell” was simply being disconnected from their god. No devils, no pitchforks, no lake of fire… just that isolation. They turned up the juice around 1,000 years C.E. when the Church got the idea that they could sell Indulgences: you could pay to have your sins absolved. That, of course, made it far more important for not eliminating those sins to be really, really frightening. So by then, they had incorporated some of the Christian/Islam ideas about scaring the followers by threatening eternal torture.
So enter the Egyptian Lake of Fire with all the fine new workmanship. But when you know where a myth originates, the actual historical basis, including an overt grab for power and money, for what became a supernatural belief, how can you still believe that thing? Well, sure, a lifetime of indoctrination, but that’s never been a roadblock to real free thinkers.
And even those ideas were not complete. The modern idea of Hell sold these last 703 years is directly from Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy,” which referenced from some of the old ideas, but built a whole amazing fiction right on top. Not from religious texts or other ancient mythologies. Believers didn’t notice — which is of course why religion has been the primary tool of manipulation, control, and suppression of the masses for millennia.
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Last time this came up, I posted the original Meat Puppets version.
I can't speak for all atheists, but personally I'm packing some graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmellows…
I figure no matter how many years they keep me down there, I can always cheer myself up by screaming defiantly “Gimme S’more!!” ✊🏻🔥🍫🍢
Please, please tell me that you understand that I believe in neither Allah nor the Hell that fictional character invented.
The same way we cope with Christians telling us that we’re going to burn in hell for not believing in their depraved god.
The same way we cope with the risks of being attacked by unicorns in outer space or ice volcanoes forming wormholes in our kitchens.
If something doesn't exist, it's pretty easy not to worry about it.
To those who do not believe in Leprechauns, how will you cope with losing your gold to them?
To those who do not believe in Vampires, how will you cope to losing your blood to them?
To those who do not belive in Allah, how will you cope with the burning flames of hell?
Yawn, threats of something I don't believe in again? Does Xibalba scare you?
Oh no another threat by another false religion.
The same way those who don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster will deal with the warm beer.
You don't think that sort of threat actually frightens anyone, do you?
If I may respond to a question with a question, why would anyone need to cope with something they don’t believe in? How am I coping with leprechauns, unicorns and the Tooth Fairy?
Need to work on your PR. Acting like a B-grade movie gangster and making childish threats isn't as convincing as you seem to think.
The same way I deal with all other religions that claim hell is real. I'm not gullible enough to believe it's real and ignore the idiots who believe such rubbish