Profile photo for Richard Olson

Yes. He met his dad's ghost on several occasions. Lupin was one of the DADA teachers. Sirus Black plays a key part in several books starting with the Prisoner of Azkaban book, where he was the title character. Of the four, that leaves Peter. Harry first met Peter during the “Turn this big fat rat yellow” non-spell, and he later scared off Draco and his friends without turning human. I don’t know if either of these incidents technically counts as “at Hogwarts”. As Scabbers and late in Prisoner as himself, he crossed paths with Harry many times.

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.

Overpaying on car insurance

You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.

If you’ve been with the same insurer for years, chances are you are one of them.

Pull up, a free site that will compare prices for you, answer the questions on the page, and it will show you how much you could be saving.

That’s it. You’ll likely be saving a bunch of money. Here’s a link to give it a try.

Consistently being in debt

If you’ve got $10K+ in debt (credit cards…medical bills…anything really) you could use a debt relief program and potentially reduce by over 20%.

Here’s how to see if you qualify:

Head over to this Debt Relief comparison website here, then simply answer the questions to see if you qualify.

It’s as simple as that. You’ll likely end up paying less than you owed before and you could be debt free in as little as 2 years.

Missing out on free money to invest

It’s no secret that millionaires love investing, but for the rest of us, it can seem out of reach.

Times have changed. There are a number of investing platforms that will give you a bonus to open an account and get started. All you have to do is open the account and invest at least $25, and you could get up to $1000 in bonus.

Pretty sweet deal right? Here is a link to some of the best options.

Having bad credit

A low credit score can come back to bite you in so many ways in the future.

From that next rental application to getting approved for any type of loan or credit card, if you have a bad history with credit, the good news is you can fix it.

Head over to and answer a few questions to see if you qualify. It only takes a few minutes and could save you from a major upset down the line.

How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Charline Thom

No, at least not that we know of.

The Marauders were kids from the 70s who each attended Hogwarts from 1971-1978.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were around 10 years the Marauders senior and attended Hogwarts from 1961–1968.

The Weas...

No, at least not that we know of.

The Marauders were kids from the 70s who each attended Hogwarts from 1971-1978.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were around 10 years the Marauders senior and attended Hogwarts from 1961–1968.

The Weas...

Profile photo for Ayaan Goswami

The four were viewed (by themselves at least) as the rock stars of Hogwarts. James was a Quidditch hero and, in case anyone forgot this detail, frequently messed up his hair for added windswept effect and tossed around a Golden Snitch. Sirius was a good-looking rebel and proudly defiant of his family’s Slytherin affiliations, adorning his bedroom walls with Gryffindor colours along with pictures of motorbikes and Muggle girls. Quick-witted Remus was the brains of the operation who tried (and often failed) to keep the rest of the group in check. As for Peter, well... Peter was there too. His ha

The four were viewed (by themselves at least) as the rock stars of Hogwarts. James was a Quidditch hero and, in case anyone forgot this detail, frequently messed up his hair for added windswept effect and tossed around a Golden Snitch. Sirius was a good-looking rebel and proudly defiant of his family’s Slytherin affiliations, adorning his bedroom walls with Gryffindor colours along with pictures of motorbikes and Muggle girls. Quick-witted Remus was the brains of the operation who tried (and often failed) to keep the rest of the group in check. As for Peter, well... Peter was there too. His habit of attaching himself to strong personalities would play an important part in later events.

Profile photo for Taylor Claire

Definitely a prequel. James needs depth that could be fascinating (his parents not to mention Lily’s must've all died before 1981 necessitating the Dursley years). Pureblood traitor Sirius (please can we meet dear mother?!) and young werewolf Remus are interesting. Peter Pettigrew still moreso. Was his treachery foreshadowed? Did they treat him like crap (dude Wormtail ain't a flattering name) or was he just drawn to power/darkness? But it's tortured Severus, power-hungry prefect Lucius (maybe he met Narcissa at Hogwarts…and was Bellatrix there around the same time bc wth was she like as a tee

Definitely a prequel. James needs depth that could be fascinating (his parents not to mention Lily’s must've all died before 1981 necessitating the Dursley years). Pureblood traitor Sirius (please can we meet dear mother?!) and young werewolf Remus are interesting. Peter Pettigrew still moreso. Was his treachery foreshadowed? Did they treat him like crap (dude Wormtail ain't a flattering name) or was he just drawn to power/darkness? But it's tortured Severus, power-hungry prefect Lucius (maybe he met Narcissa at Hogwarts…and was Bellatrix there around the same time bc wth was she like as a teen?) and maybe we even meet Regulus as they all move toward Death Eater hood that could bring new depth to the series or at least their stories would interest the heck out of me! Maybe there'd be a clue why Regulus changed his mind?!

It'd also be fun to meet young Minerva (was she always so severe?) along with other members of the Order we missed like the Longbottoms or an unscarred, two-eyed Alastor Moody.

Or keep going back and make this is a franchise like Star Wars, so we can see Tom Riddle the orphan and student via more than pensieve. Sure we’d meet the student Hagrid but we could watch the first Death Eaters form. Maybe it's just a good horror movie with horcruxes being made, the Riddles all being killed, a basilisk slithering around and Moaning Myrtle dying. Ah Evil is fascinating. Don't judge me. ;-)

But three totally new kids going to Hogwarts? Bleh. People just want to read more of what they already love. Plus any resurrection of old Vmort and I'm out! No Lestrange-Riddle babies either…

Profile photo for Quora User

Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.

And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.

Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!

1. Cancel Your Car Insurance

You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily,

Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.

And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.

Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!

1. Cancel Your Car Insurance

You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily, this problem is easy to fix.

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Tired of overpaying for car insurance? It takes just five minutes to compare your options with Insurify and see how much you could save on car insurance.

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A company called National Debt Relief could convince your lenders to simply get rid of a big chunk of what you owe. No bankruptcy, no loans — you don’t even need to have good credit.

If you owe at least $10,000 in unsecured debt (credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, etc.), National Debt Relief’s experts will build you a monthly payment plan. As your payments add up, they negotiate with your creditors to reduce the amount you owe. You then pay off the rest in a lump sum.

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Profile photo for David Michael

I’m not sure I’d be fond of either of them, but if I had to pick, I’d go with a true sequel (meaning: not Cursed Child).

The problem with prequels is that they’re always bound by their endpoint. No matter what you see in the prequels, nothing that follows after can change. Severus calls Lily a mudblood, James and Sirius bully him because they’re bored, Sirius tricks Severus into almost getting killed by Remus…. all the worst moments will be there.

Add to that the fact we know where it all ends: Lily is dead, James is dead, Sirius falsely imprisoned, Remus gone, Severus bitter and unhappy, Harry

I’m not sure I’d be fond of either of them, but if I had to pick, I’d go with a true sequel (meaning: not Cursed Child).

The problem with prequels is that they’re always bound by their endpoint. No matter what you see in the prequels, nothing that follows after can change. Severus calls Lily a mudblood, James and Sirius bully him because they’re bored, Sirius tricks Severus into almost getting killed by Remus…. all the worst moments will be there.

Add to that the fact we know where it all ends: Lily is dead, James is dead, Sirius falsely imprisoned, Remus gone, Severus bitter and unhappy, Harry an orphan destined to be taken in by a family that hates him…

James was described in rather unflattering terms until he matured near the end of his time in school… and even then, I’m not actually positive he matured completely, only learned to control himself and keep his nature in check. I don’t really feel a need to watch him being an idiot through six years of school. Sirius didn’t ever get around to maturing, so I certainly don’t need to see him doing the same.

I don’t think prequels are always bad, but I do think that the more we know about what came before, the less potential they have to be interesting… and we know just enough to pretty severely constrain the story of any prequel.

A sequel, on the other hand, is grounds for new storylines and new adventures. We’d need a new villain or threat, of course, something other than Voldemort, but there is at least potential there. I’m not fond of Ron and Hermoine as a couple, but if the story focused on the children I can ignore that easily enough.

The sequel though could easily suffer from many problems of its own. If the story is about the children, we need to keep the Trio out of it…. but if the children get into serious trouble, why would their parents not help? Even the Weasleys tried to help as much as they could in the original series, having gone through a dark lord of their own it’s impossible to imagine Harry/Hermoine/Ginny/Ron leaving their kids on their own.

But the above issues are part of why I liked Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. It was a new story in the same universe, but distant in both time and space, so that the original movies didn’t intrude on the new storyline. We might run into issues as they begin to explore Dumbledore, but I’m willing to give that a chance.

Profile photo for Quora User

Yes, Harry can read the Marauders’ map even when he is not physically in Hogwarts. You can witness this in the final Harry Potter Book: “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

Meanwhile, Harry had started bringing out the Marauder’s Map and examining it by wand light. He was waiting for the moment when Ron’s labeled dot would reappear in the corridors of Hogwarts, proving that he had returned to the comfortable castle, protected by his status of pureblood. However, Ron did not appear on the map, and after a while Harry found himself taking it out simply to stare at Ginny’s name in the girls’ do

Yes, Harry can read the Marauders’ map even when he is not physically in Hogwarts. You can witness this in the final Harry Potter Book: “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

Meanwhile, Harry had started bringing out the Marauder’s Map and examining it by wand light. He was waiting for the moment when Ron’s labeled dot would reappear in the corridors of Hogwarts, proving that he had returned to the comfortable castle, protected by his status of pureblood. However, Ron did not appear on the map, and after a while Harry found himself taking it out simply to stare at Ginny’s name in the girls’ dormitory, wondering whether the intensity with which he gazed at it might break into her sleep, that she would somehow know he was thinking about her, hoping that she was all right.

Profile photo for Johnny M

I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business


I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business

Most people just stick with the same insurer year after year, but that’s what the companies are counting on. This guy used tools like to compare rates every time his policy came up for renewal. It only took him a few minutes, and he said he’d saved hundreds each year by letting insurers compete for his business.

Click here to try and see how much you could save today.

2. Take advantage of safe driver programs

He mentioned that some companies reward good drivers with significant discounts. By signing up for a program that tracked his driving habits for just a month, he qualified for a lower rate. “It’s like a test where you already know the answers,” he joked.

You can find a list of insurance companies offering safe driver discounts here and start saving on your next policy.

3. Bundle your policies

He bundled his auto insurance with his home insurance and saved big. “Most companies will give you a discount if you combine your policies with them. It’s easy money,” he explained. If you haven’t bundled yet, ask your insurer what discounts they offer—or look for new ones that do.

4. Drop coverage you don’t need

He also emphasized reassessing coverage every year. If your car isn’t worth much anymore, it might be time to drop collision or comprehensive coverage. “You shouldn’t be paying more to insure the car than it’s worth,” he said.

5. Look for hidden fees or overpriced add-ons

One of his final tips was to avoid extras like roadside assistance, which can often be purchased elsewhere for less. “It’s those little fees you don’t think about that add up,” he warned.

The Secret? Stop Overpaying

The real “secret” isn’t about cutting corners—it’s about being proactive. Car insurance companies are counting on you to stay complacent, but with tools like and a little effort, you can make sure you’re only paying for what you need—and saving hundreds in the process.

If you’re ready to start saving, take a moment to:

Saving money on auto insurance doesn’t have to be complicated—you just have to know where to look. If you'd like to support my work, feel free to use the links in this post—they help me continue creating valuable content.

Profile photo for Quora User

The Marauders was a group of four Griffyndor students who created the Marauder’s Map. They were James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and their sidekick Peter Pettigrew.

Let's have a detailed information about them and their map:

Perhaps no students (even including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Tom Riddle) have ever explored the castle and grounds of Hogwarts as thoroughly and illicitly as the four creators and contributors to the Marauder's Map: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew

James, Sirius and Peter were not initially impelled to explore the schoo

The Marauders was a group of four Griffyndor students who created the Marauder’s Map. They were James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and their sidekick Peter Pettigrew.

Let's have a detailed information about them and their map:

Perhaps no students (even including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Tom Riddle) have ever explored the castle and grounds of Hogwarts as thoroughly and illicitly as the four creators and contributors to the Marauder's Map: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew

James, Sirius and Peter were not initially impelled to explore the school grounds by night out of devilment alone (though that played its part), but by their desire to help their dear friend Remus Lupin to bear his lycanthropy. Prior to the invention of the Wolfsbane Potion, Lupin was compelled to undergo an excruciating transformation every full moon. Once his condition was discovered by his three best friends, they sought a way to render his transformations less solitary and painful, which led to them learning to become (unregistered) Animagi, so that they could keep him company without harm to themselves. The ability of Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter to become, respectively, a dog, a rat and a stag, enabled them to explore the castle grounds by night undetected. The interior of the castle, meanwhile, was mapped over time with the help of James Potter's Invisibility Cloak.

The Marauder's Map is lasting testimony to the advanced magical ability of the four friends who included Harry Potter's father, godfather and favourite teacher. The map they created during their time at Hogwarts appears to be a blank piece of parchment unless activated by the phrase: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good, a phrase that, in the case of three of the four makers, should be understood as a joke. The 'no good' of which they wrote never denoted Dark magic, but school rule-breaking; similar bravado is evinced by their use of their own nicknames on the map ('Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs').

The magic used in the map's creation is advanced and impressive; it includes the Homonculous Charm, enabling the possessor of the map to track the movements of every person in the castle, and it was also enchanted to forever repel (as insultingly as possible) the curiosity of their nemesis, Severus Snape.

Although the precise circumstances surrounding the makers' loss of their map are not given in the Harry Potter novels, it is easy to conclude that they eventually over-reached themselves and were cornered by Argus Filch, probably on a tip-off from Snape, whose obsession it had become to expose his arch-rival, James Potter, in wrongdoing. The masterpiece of a map was confiscated in Sirius, James, Remus and Peter's final year and none of them were able to steal it back from a well-prepared and suspicious Filch. In any case, their priorities changed in their final months at school, becoming far more serious and focused on the world beyond Hogwarts, where Lord Voldemort was successfully rising to power. All four of the map's creators would shortly be inducted into the renegade organisation headed by Albus Dumbledore, the Order of the Phoenix, and a map of their old school - no matter how ingenious - would no longer be of use to them except as a piece of nostalgia.

The Marauder's Map was, however, of immense use to the young Weasley twins. The story of Fred and George's acquisition of the map is told in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was a mark of their high esteem for Harry Potter, and their belief that he stood in need of assistance with a destiny none of them yet fully understood, that they later gifted the map to him, unwittingly passing it on to the child of one of the creators.

The map was subsequently confiscated from Harry Potter by a Death Eater in disguise at the school, who recognised it as a likely source of his own discovery.

So that’s it.

Sources: Movies, Books and ofcourse Pottermore.

Profile photo for Ayaan Goswami

Remus Lupin never explained anything about the Marauders directly to Harry. The closest interaction the pair has over the Marauders is when Lupin confiscates the Marauder’s Map saying that it wasn’t safe.

Remus Lupin never explained anything about the Marauders directly to Harry. The closest interaction the pair has over the Marauders is when Lupin confiscates the Marauder’s Map saying that it wasn’t safe.

Profile photo for Matt Jennings

Just look at the legendary Chuck Norris’s advice since he is now a whopping 81 years old and yet has MORE energy than me. He found a key to healthy aging… and it was by doing the opposite of what most of people are told. Norris says he started learning about this revolutionary new method when he noticed most of the supplements he was taking did little or nothing to support his health. After extensive research, he discovered he could create dramatic changes to his health simply focusing on 3 things that sabotage our body as we age.

“This is the key to healthy aging,” says Norris. “I’m living pro

Just look at the legendary Chuck Norris’s advice since he is now a whopping 81 years old and yet has MORE energy than me. He found a key to healthy aging… and it was by doing the opposite of what most of people are told. Norris says he started learning about this revolutionary new method when he noticed most of the supplements he was taking did little or nothing to support his health. After extensive research, he discovered he could create dramatic changes to his health simply focusing on 3 things that sabotage our body as we age.

“This is the key to healthy aging,” says Norris. “I’m living proof.”

Now, Chuck Norris has put the entire method into a 15-minute video that explains the 3 “Internal Enemies” that can wreck our health as we age, and the simple ways to help combat them, using foods and herbs you may even have at home.

I’ve included the Chuck Norris video here so you can give it a shot.

Profile photo for Alec Labrador

I’m pretty sure this was covered quite extensively in the books and the movies. But anyways, James (prongs) married a girl called lily and they had a son called Harry Potter and James and lily were killed by Voldemort when they were defending their son. Peter (wormtail) sold James and lily out to Voldemort so he was responsible for their deaths. Sirius (patriot) was sent to Azkaban after he was Pursuing Peter to kill him for what he had done and Peter caused an explosion that killed about a dozen muggles and Peter cut one of his fingers off to make it look like Peter had died in the explosion

I’m pretty sure this was covered quite extensively in the books and the movies. But anyways, James (prongs) married a girl called lily and they had a son called Harry Potter and James and lily were killed by Voldemort when they were defending their son. Peter (wormtail) sold James and lily out to Voldemort so he was responsible for their deaths. Sirius (patriot) was sent to Azkaban after he was Pursuing Peter to kill him for what he had done and Peter caused an explosion that killed about a dozen muggles and Peter cut one of his fingers off to make it look like Peter had died in the explosion which looked like it was caused by Sirius. Remus (moony) had to travel often and couldn’t hold a job very well due to his being a werewolf and the stigma werewolves face in the wizarding world. But then just before harrys third year at Hogwarts Sirius black saw a picture of the weasleys on vacation in Egypt in the newspaper and he saw scabbers (a rat that the weasleys were keeping as a pet) he immediately recognized scabbers as being wormtail in disguise so he broke out of Azkaban to hunt Peter down and kill him. Remus meanwhile was hired by Dumbledore to be the defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts for Harry’s third year. Long story short Sirius finally managed to corner Peter in the shreaking shack with Lupin Harry Ron and hermione where he explained everything to Harry and his friends and forced Peter to turn back into human form. But as they were about to turn in Peter Remus had forgotten to take his wolfsbane potion in the excitement of it all and he turned into a werewolf which distracted everyone long enough for Peter to escape. Sirius was able to escape Hogwarts safely with the help of Harry hermione and Dumbledore playing with a time turner. Peter eventually found Voldemort and with the assistance of Barty crouch jr was able to restore Voldemorts body. When Harry told Dumbledore that Voldemort was back dumbledore immediately assembled his resistance movement called the order of the pheonix and Sirius and Lupin were part of that resistance. Sirius was killed during a confrontation with some of Voldemorts followers while they were trying to recover a prophecy from the ministry of magic. Remus continued to fight by the orders side and met a girl called nymphadora tonks who he eventually married and had a son called teddy with. Wormtail continued to serve Voldemort until Harry tricked Peter into hesitating to kill his friends which resulted in Peter being strangled to death by his own artificial hand that Voldemort had given him. Remus fought for the order until he was killed in the final battle with Voldemort and his followers at Hogwarts.

Profile photo for James Gosselin

Well let's see. James Potter graduated alongside his friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. He married Lily Evans and together they had a son named Harry. Everyone joined the Order to fight Voldemort. Peter eventually betrays his friends and allies by joining the death eaters. When Voldemort heard of the prophecy he chose to target the Potters and Peter was chosen as secret keeper as a means of protecting the location of the Potters and as a misdirect as everyone expected Sirius to be chosen. Peter eventually treks Voldemort where they are and Voldemort murdered James then Lil

Well let's see. James Potter graduated alongside his friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. He married Lily Evans and together they had a son named Harry. Everyone joined the Order to fight Voldemort. Peter eventually betrays his friends and allies by joining the death eaters. When Voldemort heard of the prophecy he chose to target the Potters and Peter was chosen as secret keeper as a means of protecting the location of the Potters and as a misdirect as everyone expected Sirius to be chosen. Peter eventually treks Voldemort where they are and Voldemort murdered James then Lily and attempted to kill Harry. Thus ends the tale of James Potter.

Sirius having known that Peter was the traitor confronted Pettigrew. Peter put on a show blaming Sirius and making most of the Wizarding world believe that Sirius had been the traitor. As a masterstroke Peter then blows up the street and cuts off his finger before transforming into a rat and escaping. Sirius breaks down and is captured and locked in Azkaban for 12 years without a trial. Peter manages to find his way to the Weasleys and becomes Scabbers.

Remus was working for the order as a werewolf. Thanks to his affliction even his friends began questioning his loyalty however he remained loyal to the order and his friends. When James was killed he had believed as everyone else had that Sirius was the traitor. With the death of James Remus lost his financial support. He had difficulty holding a job but it wasn't impossible for him to find work. With the invention of the Wolfsbane potion he was able to improve his life significantly how've there would always be discrimination.

12 years after the death of James and Lily sees the remaining marauders return to Hogwarts one final time. Sirius breaks out of Azkaban after seeing Peter's rat form with the Weasleys in the paper. Remus takes the post as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Peter has been pretty much living at Hogwarts for the past 8 years at least. Knowing that Peter is near Harry Sirius travels to the castle. By the end of the school year the truth is out and Peter has escaped again. Sirius is a wanted fugitive on the run but he's now known to be innocent by the ones who truly matter. Remus is forced to resign after his secret is revealed by a vindictive Severus. The resulting fallout leads to be anti werewolf policy being drafted by *gags* Umbridge and then subsequently passed into law. These policies make it all but impossible for Remus to find a job now.

Peter finds his way to Voldemort and together they create a plan to return Voldemort to power. Throughout the following year Sirius provides support and comfort and returns to Hogsmeade to be close for Harry. By the end of the year Voldemort has returned and the order has been reformed. Sirius and Lupin immediately rejoined the effort to fight Voldemort.

The next year is filled with a lot of subterfuge as the death eaters stay in the shadows and the order is crippled by the wilfully ignorant Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. Harry is led to believe Sirius is in danger and ends up breaking into the ministry to rescue him. The unfortunate result is that Sirius is killed when he comes to rescue Harry from a trap. And thus ends the tale of Sirius Black.

Remus continues working for the order. His work puts him in constant contact with Nymphadora Tonks who falls in love with him. He denies her advances believing himself unworthy due to his affliction however shortly after the death of Albus the 2 get together. They are married shortly after. A few months after getting married Tonks is pregnant with their son Teddy Lupin. Remus attempts to leave his wife and unborn son out of shame and fear under the guise of helping Harry only to be rudely denounced as a coward by Harry. This leads to Remus return to his wife and unborn son. Despite the dark of the ministry and Voldemort's complete control he continues to resist and even advises others on how to survive while giving subtle messages to Harry to show that he was right to rebuke him.

Peter continues to be a Death Eater although he is not considered much of one and is treated more like a servant. He's assigned to help Severus and to keep Ollivander quiet. When Harry is captured and brought to Malfoy manor he is sent to bring Harry and Ron back to Bellatrix but it's ultimately subdued. He attempts to kill Harry however when Harry reminds him that he owes Harry his life he hesitates. Thanks to his moment of hesitation the silver hand gifted to him by Voldemort betrays him and strangles him to death. And thus ends the tale of Peter Pettigrew.

Remus travels to shell cottage where he tell Harry and everyone present about the birth of his son. Remus names Harry Teddy's godfather. After a couple drinks he returns to his wife and son. Not long after he returns once more to Hogwarts to fight against Voldemort. His wife joins him in battle and sadly both are killed in the first half of the battle. And thus ends the tale of Remus Lupin.

Profile photo for Danya

So the question is asking who would be Harry's friends among marauders then,

Harry's friend would have been Sirius who I see as an equivalent to Ron in the trio. He was smart, funny and daring just like Harry would like in a friend. Sirius is like a balanced version of arrogant(only to people he disliked probably), smart and funny just like Harry.

I also kind of see Hermione as an equivalent to Remus

But I somehow do not see Harry as anywhere like James.

James was brought up as an only child who was given the absolute best by his parents, he is also a bit arrogant and proudish as a kid and I don't

So the question is asking who would be Harry's friends among marauders then,

Harry's friend would have been Sirius who I see as an equivalent to Ron in the trio. He was smart, funny and daring just like Harry would like in a friend. Sirius is like a balanced version of arrogant(only to people he disliked probably), smart and funny just like Harry.

I also kind of see Hermione as an equivalent to Remus

But I somehow do not see Harry as anywhere like James.

James was brought up as an only child who was given the absolute best by his parents, he is also a bit arrogant and proudish as a kid and I don't think Harry would like him either.(Honestly James is a lot similar to younger Draco in my opinion who did to Snape what Draco does for Harry)

If it's who would be marauders friend in present times it's definitely Fred and George. I can only imagine how epic all of th together would be!

Profile photo for Josette Grover

The Marauders were James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew.

They were all *dead* by the time Harry would have graduated Hogwarts. James died when Harry was 15 months old. Sirius fell through the veil Harry's fifth year. Remus and Peter died what would have been Harry's seventh year.

Profile photo for Ayaan Goswami

The Marauders were a group of four Gryffindors and classmates: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter. The four attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971-1978. They had a knack for rule-breaking and mischief-making.

The Marauders were a group of four Gryffindors and classmates: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter. The four attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971-1978. They had a knack for rule-breaking and mischief-making.

Profile photo for Greg F Matos

A prequel with James, Lily, Sirius and Snape, certainly. As a rule of thumb, prequels are easier to sell.

Why? Because the readers already know some of the characters, and already have an idea about what they’re gonna get.

For instance: we would already know James and Sirius are arrogant pricks, Lily is a brave muggle-born, Snape is the awkward nerd who is pushed to the Dark Arts. On the side, you could show how Voldemort is growing ever stronger outside Hogwarts. Plenty of possibilities.

However, if you tried to do a sequel to Harry Potter, which adventures these new kids would have? Why should

A prequel with James, Lily, Sirius and Snape, certainly. As a rule of thumb, prequels are easier to sell.

Why? Because the readers already know some of the characters, and already have an idea about what they’re gonna get.

For instance: we would already know James and Sirius are arrogant pricks, Lily is a brave muggle-born, Snape is the awkward nerd who is pushed to the Dark Arts. On the side, you could show how Voldemort is growing ever stronger outside Hogwarts. Plenty of possibilities.

However, if you tried to do a sequel to Harry Potter, which adventures these new kids would have? Why should we care about them? If they face a bigger threat than Lord Voldemort, that undermines Harry’s achievement. If there is no serious threat to the new kids, why should we care?

Profile photo for Jean Lamb

The one time he did, he was told to STFU because a werewolf’s education (and Dumbledore staying out of trouble) was waay more important than his life. Oh, and it would have been bad to punish a rich pureblood, too, especially a Gryffindor one.

See, Dumbledore had his priorities. And since there didn’t seem to be any detention cards with Snape listed as the reason, one can reasonably suppose that the rest of the staff got that memo, too.

Profile photo for Ziggy Stardust

The Marauders were a group of four Gryffinfors and classmates: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter. The four attended Hogwarts from 1971-1978. They had a knack for rule-breaking and mischief-making. While at Hogwarts they also created the Marauder's Map, which continued to help future generations of mischief-makers.

The Marauders would all go on to fight in the First Wizarding War and some in the second. They were also participants in the original Order of the Phoenix, an organisation led by Albus Dumbledore in the struggle against the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

The Marauders

The Marauders were a group of four Gryffinfors and classmates: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter. The four attended Hogwarts from 1971-1978. They had a knack for rule-breaking and mischief-making. While at Hogwarts they also created the Marauder's Map, which continued to help future generations of mischief-makers.

The Marauders would all go on to fight in the First Wizarding War and some in the second. They were also participants in the original Order of the Phoenix, an organisation led by Albus Dumbledore in the struggle against the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

The Marauders were all members of Gryffindor House and greatly despised their Slytherin enemy, Severus Snape. It was discovered in Harry Potter's fifth year at Hogwarts that James and Sirius often bullied Snape (calling him 'Snivellus' and using humiliating spells on him), while Peter cheered them on. Although he greatly disapproved of their bullying, Remus did not try to stop them, something he would later come to regret.

Profile photo for Sarah Boury


Dumbledore wouldn’t have done anything about it since he valued his Golden Gryffindors over Slytherins.

Profile photo for Ruti Amit

Yes Voldemort met Hagrid at Hogwarts. Hagrid was in Gryffindor house and had a penchant for unusual animals. One of then was an Acromantula spider named Aragog that Hagrid was raising from an egg. Tom Riddle was in Slytherin and two years ahead of Hagrid. During Hagrid’s 3rd year, Tom (who was already calling himself Lord Voldemort) was a Prefect, managed to access the Chamber of Secrets, thereby taking for himself the title of Heir of Slytherin and control of the Basilisk who resided there; he spoke Paseltongue he was therefore able to control the Basilisk. Tom killed Myrtle Warren (a Muggle

Yes Voldemort met Hagrid at Hogwarts. Hagrid was in Gryffindor house and had a penchant for unusual animals. One of then was an Acromantula spider named Aragog that Hagrid was raising from an egg. Tom Riddle was in Slytherin and two years ahead of Hagrid. During Hagrid’s 3rd year, Tom (who was already calling himself Lord Voldemort) was a Prefect, managed to access the Chamber of Secrets, thereby taking for himself the title of Heir of Slytherin and control of the Basilisk who resided there; he spoke Paseltongue he was therefore able to control the Basilisk. Tom killed Myrtle Warren (a Muggle witch in Ravenclaw) and used her death to create his first Horcrux: the Diary. But in order to deflect the crime on someone else he accused Hagrid of accidentally having the monster Acromantula kill Myrtle. The Headmaster, Armando Dippet, believed Tom and presented him with an award for service to the school; he also had Hagrid expelled. Dumbledore never thought that Hagrid was to blame and persuaded Headmaster Dippet to keep Hagrid on at Hogwarts and train him as groundskeeper. Hagrid was, for all that he was half giant, only a boy of 13!

Profile photo for Sarah Boury

Since I’m a deaf Slytherin or Hufflepuff.

The sorting hat has placed me in Slytherin five times in a row as an adult. My pottermore account as an child said I was an Hufflepuff. I’ll let the sorting hat chose for me.

I would be probably be their number one target and be treated the same way that Snape was as a student for similar reasons. As a socially awkward/deaf student I struggled to make connections with people and was very lonely.

I would be very miserable and possibly bitter at Hogwarts. The magical world is a messed up place to live in.

Profile photo for Anu Tiwari


Actually, Harry got the marauders map in his third year. Fred and George Weasley have him the map so that he could sneak off to Hogsmeads. Harry didn't have the permission form signed so, he wasn't allowed to go to the village and he thought of just sneaking off with his invisibility cloak but the dementors can see through the cloak so, the Weasley twins gave him the map and showed him the seven secrets passages in and out of Hogwarts.

Thank you.

Profile photo for Lee Slee

JP: dead

SB: Azkaban because he let everyone believe he killed JP, then dead

PP: hiding in plain sight, maybe because he couldn’t find a dog big enough to take V’s place, who in turn had taken JP’s place, maybe because he knew V would return and was simply waiting, then dead.

RL: just plain hiding because he had confidence issues, issues with standing up to his friends (no 10 points to Gryffindor for that one), had no one to have his back anymore, believed he deserved to be an outcast, then dead

Bottom line: all dead

Profile photo for Emma Weltner

They met at Hogwarts.

Profile photo for Holley C

I mean it's supposed to be Canon but some things aren't. Example people who have a Gryffindor male, can now become prefects in the fifth year. However, in the books its known Charlie Weasley was prefect in his fifth year, who is the same year as the MC. Also if the MC wins house cup every year and is not a Slytherin that is also not canon, because it's mentioned in books how Slytherin had won all those years in a row before Harry.

Profile photo for Celeste Rogers

The Marauders:



Remus/Moony-the werewolf and the conscience of the Marauders

Peter/Wormtail- the outcast and traitor

I would definitely not say Wormtail. His Animagus form as a rat probably made him feel unneeded and he slowly drifted away from the group, becoming the Death Eater that we saw in the books, though later repentant for his actions.

Remus- he generally disapproved of the pranks James and Sirius tried to pull off, and kept them from going too far or causing too much damage. He was smart one who probably did or taught the spellwork needed to do the pranks to Jame

The Marauders:



Remus/Moony-the werewolf and the conscience of the Marauders

Peter/Wormtail- the outcast and traitor

I would definitely not say Wormtail. His Animagus form as a rat probably made him feel unneeded and he slowly drifted away from the group, becoming the Death Eater that we saw in the books, though later repentant for his actions.

Remus- he generally disapproved of the pranks James and Sirius tried to pull off, and kept them from going too far or causing too much damage. He was smart one who probably did or taught the spellwork needed to do the pranks to James or Sirius. Despite being the “Hermione” of the Marauders, he was still not one of the two main pranksters, so I do not think he would be the leader.

This leaves us with James and Sirius. They both were brave, cheerful, reasonably intelligent (how else would they have done their pranks?), and pretty reckless. They were both natural leaders.

We’ll just say that the title of “leader” goes to…

Prongs and Padfoot.

Profile photo for Kimberly Klaus

The Marauders were not Harry’s contemporaries.

The Marauders were Harry’s father, James Potter; Sirius Black, James’ best friend; Remus Lupin, part-time werewolf and Hogwarts prefect for some unfathomable reason; and Peter Pettigrew. James, Sirius, and Peter all trained themselves to be Animagi (transformation into animals) so that they could accompany Remus when he went into wolf mode and prevent him from harming himself or anyone else. James became a stag; Sirius a dog; and Peter a rat (not sure how much help Peter expected to be but, plot). Together, the four of them called themselves “Moony

The Marauders were not Harry’s contemporaries.

The Marauders were Harry’s father, James Potter; Sirius Black, James’ best friend; Remus Lupin, part-time werewolf and Hogwarts prefect for some unfathomable reason; and Peter Pettigrew. James, Sirius, and Peter all trained themselves to be Animagi (transformation into animals) so that they could accompany Remus when he went into wolf mode and prevent him from harming himself or anyone else. James became a stag; Sirius a dog; and Peter a rat (not sure how much help Peter expected to be but, plot). Together, the four of them called themselves “Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs”, and were the original designers of the Marauder’s Map.

And, as Harry found out to his mortification via Snape’s memories, his dad James was a bit of a d**k during his time at Hogwarts. For no other reason except he objected to his existence, James used the Levicorpus charm to turn Snape upside down and remove his underwear to humiliate him. It’s unfortunate that Snape took out his anger and dislike of James on Harry due to the resemblance between him and his father, but if James did that, who knows how many other stunts he pulled before he started to grow up a little? And the fact that Harry was a bit of a sass mouth didn’t really endear him to Snape either.

Profile photo for Ella S

It’s possible that Molly’s brothers Fabian or Gideon Prewett time at Hogwarts overlapped with the Marauders. This would only work if they were younger than Molly.

Profile photo for Claire Jordan

Ron. The Marauders would probably have bullied Harry.

Profile photo for Lee Slee

Based on the great number of detentions and reprimands the Marauders got during their tenure at Hogwarts, either separately or in groups of two or maybe more or even as a quartet, at least somebody went to a professor with their complaints or they were caught in the act of doing something worth getting punished for.

Didn’t do much good though, did it?

I doubt I would have had any problems with them. As I'm not racist, wouldn't befriend racists and junior terrorists, wouldn't use classmates to develop curses that slash you (and sorry, if you develop a new spell you have to try it several times, just babbling Latin and wildly waving a piece of wood in the air doesn't work). Same with Levicorpus, a nonverbal spell. I mean, why develop a spell that lifts you up in the air by your ankle to a place where the students only wear underwear under their robes...? Also this spell has to be tried on other people, I wonder what the "lucky" test subjects

I doubt I would have had any problems with them. As I'm not racist, wouldn't befriend racists and junior terrorists, wouldn't use classmates to develop curses that slash you (and sorry, if you develop a new spell you have to try it several times, just babbling Latin and wildly waving a piece of wood in the air doesn't work). Same with Levicorpus, a nonverbal spell. I mean, why develop a spell that lifts you up in the air by your ankle to a place where the students only wear underwear under their robes...? Also this spell has to be tried on other people, I wonder what the "lucky" test subjects thought about it....

I wouldn't stick my nose into my classmates' private health affairs and almost ruin their lives just because someone I can't stand looks bad in my opinion once I have proof of his mate's illness, and I certainly wouldn't laugh about it or belittle it when my sympathetic Nazi friends, described as creepy and with evil and cruel humour, attack a classmate with dark magic.

Crazy, isn't it? It can be so simple

Profile photo for Kaki Olsen

It says in Book 4 that Molly was interested in the Whomping Willow, which was planted after she left. In Book 3, Lupin says it was planted the year he came to Hogwarts. Therefore, they never attended school together.

Profile photo for Ruti Amit

The Marauders probably did not know each other before meeting on their way to school on the Hogwarts Express, or soon after being sorted into their house. We know that James and Sirius meet on the train and form a bond. When sorted into the same house (Gryffindor) their bond strengthened. We suspect that they met Lupin and Pettigrew after they joined them at the same table at the welcoming feast.

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