Can i help you???
This was a big surprise to me during my first visit to USA.
You stand in a place, stuck and wondering what to do - and someone always comes up to you, a normal person, not a cop - and asks “Can I help you”
This happened 4 or 5 times.
Always a helpful person comes along and asks this question and helped us
Likewise in Singapore, my greatest surprise was The Taxi Drivers always had Change
In India , it was like - if the Fare was Rs. 204/- , then you paid Rs. 210/- cash and mostly you wouldnt expect Rs. 6/- back in change. The general attitude is change is excused.
In Singapore - if the fare was $ 19.70 and you handed a $ 20 Bill, the Driver would hand over 30 Cents as if its the most normal thing in the world.
He would have a Big Amount of Change near his gear stick - 10 Cent, 20 Cent, 50 Cent coins ready to be handed out.
It was the replacement of a faulty product in a matter of seconds.
We had purchased a Video Camera from a Shop in Motor City and it stopped working just as we were leaving. We saw a Branch of the same shop in the Airport asked if he could fix the camera.
The Manager - simply said We will replace it for you
He provided a new Camera right there without asking to see the bill or invoice or even if we actually purchased it in the branch of his shop.
Our Word was enough
Now Kolkata is not a foreign county but i had a unique experience in Kolkata
I was travelling by a Mini Bus and the Driver bypassed my Stop, so he stopped around 200 meters ahead and asked me to get down.
I was about to when suddenly all the passengers protested furiously and asked me not to get down and demanded that the driver drive back all the way to my stop and drop me there instead
EVen though they would be delayed , they insisted that the Driver go ahead, do a turn and drop me off at my stop
Amazing People!!!!