Profile photo for L. Thomas Rouse

There are a couple of explanations.

The one I like is when Thomas Jefferson returned from being Minister to France, among the things he brought with him was a liking for potatoes prepared in the French Style, which was deep frying. I would add that the potatoes are cut into thin strips, called Julienne, which is a cut common in French cooking. Hence, they are French Fries.

They were available in the US going back to the Post-Revolutionary period, but they became popular with the masses following World War I when large numbers of US soldiers ate them in France and began to ask for them after they

There are a couple of explanations.

The one I like is when Thomas Jefferson returned from being Minister to France, among the things he brought with him was a liking for potatoes prepared in the French Style, which was deep frying. I would add that the potatoes are cut into thin strips, called Julienne, which is a cut common in French cooking. Hence, they are French Fries.

They were available in the US going back to the Post-Revolutionary period, but they became popular with the masses following World War I when large numbers of US soldiers ate them in France and began to ask for them after they returned home.

Where do I start?

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Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

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Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Joe Devney

So much emotion over such a minor issue! I will try to calm you down.

“Why do Americans call fried potato chips by the term ‘French fries?’” They don’t. “Potato chips” is something different in American English. We are talking here of potatoes that have been cut into strips. The term “French fries” or “French fried potatoes” is a shortened form of a longer description, “potatoes fried in the French style.”

And why not? When the dish was introduced to Americans, it was uncommon for food to be prepared that way. It is not the “chips” that are associated with France, but the method of preparation.

So much emotion over such a minor issue! I will try to calm you down.

“Why do Americans call fried potato chips by the term ‘French fries?’” They don’t. “Potato chips” is something different in American English. We are talking here of potatoes that have been cut into strips. The term “French fries” or “French fried potatoes” is a shortened form of a longer description, “potatoes fried in the French style.”

And why not? When the dish was introduced to Americans, it was uncommon for food to be prepared that way. It is not the “chips” that are associated with France, but the method of preparation. The French term you quoted translates simply to “fried potatoes.” There was no need to be more specific, since the term would apply to any type of frying done in France.

“Nobody in France or Germany or England calls [the dish] by this term.” While this is true, the proper response to pointing out this fact is a big “so what?” That doesn’t matter at all. Few American foods have “American” in their name when they are served in America, and you could expect that such redundant names for food would also not be common in France. The Germans simply borrowed the French term and pronounce it as if it were German.

Now, England is a different case. For that country, you never have to write exasperated questions like this. England and America speak two dialects of the same language. One of the implications of this situation is that there will be some vocabulary differences. You should not be surprised when you find one.

Languages change over time. The population of English speakers split into two when the English began colonizing the eastern seaboard of North America. British English and American English have been changing in different ways since the early 1600s, a time when traveling between England and America involved a long voyage in a sailing ship. If something was invented or discovered after that time, it is more likely to have different names in the two English-speaking communities. Potatoes fried in the French manner were introduced to American cuisine in the early 1800s.

If you understand that this is just a perfectly normal part of how language works, you will realize that you don’t have to write more breathless questions about individual dialectical differences. And even if you do continue, you will sometimes be disappointed. Not every vocabulary difference like this has some specific known reason for why the Americans (or the British, when the question comes from my side of the Atlantic) call something by a different name than I do. It may be that we don’t know the origin.

Or to put it more briefly, the correct answer to questions in this form is “because they do.”

Profile photo for Scott Dismukes

In WWI, when our troops first went to war to help save Europe, much of the fighting was in Belgium. The trenches around Ypres and Diksmuide, for example, were hotly contested for years.

Now in 1917 our knowledge of geography wasn’t all that good (and unfortunately for many still isn’t). We did note that the Belgians all spoke French. Belgium was more a province of France than an actual country. They had these fried potatoes that tasted WONDERFUL. Their method of cooking them brought out wonderful flavors, and crispiness. The guys serving them spoke French. So we called them French Fried Potatoe

In WWI, when our troops first went to war to help save Europe, much of the fighting was in Belgium. The trenches around Ypres and Diksmuide, for example, were hotly contested for years.

Now in 1917 our knowledge of geography wasn’t all that good (and unfortunately for many still isn’t). We did note that the Belgians all spoke French. Belgium was more a province of France than an actual country. They had these fried potatoes that tasted WONDERFUL. Their method of cooking them brought out wonderful flavors, and crispiness. The guys serving them spoke French. So we called them French Fried Potatoes, or Fries for short.

They were so good, even the French adopted the Belgian fired potatoes as their own. Interestingly, and what has escaped your narrow-minded attention, is the French called them Pommes (actually pommes de terre) Frites - literally “Potatoes fried”… The French call them THE SAME THING, lad, THE SAME THING. French syntax is different from English syntax so the words are reversed. You didn’t actually think the French spoke their own language identically to how English is spoken, did you? Hmm?

As to “chips”, the Brits had their own way of cooking potatoes, generally by slicing what looked somewhat like wood chips off the potatoes and cooking those. Chips… Not cooked or tasting like the Belgian wonderfulness. I daresay the word “chips” for British potatoes is at least as old as the original pommes frites of across the Channel. “Chips” became “crisps” when thinly sliced and deep-fried to a certain “crisp”iness. Over here those thin slices looked to us like thin wood chips, so that’s what they were called - chips.

Languages are wonderful expressions of a culture and region. Learn to embrace that idea.





Profile photo for Angela Birch

Actually every nation has different words for different things. The British call the same thing chips, the french pomme frites, I have heard Germans call them Fritten. What british call crisps Americans call chips and the French call chips ( but pronounced according french pronunciation) and in Germany called karoffelchips often shortened to chips. Different languages. American English is different than British english. I have noticed in Canada both French Fries and Chips are used. For what the British call crisps and the Americans call chips the Canadians use both or in the french part of Can

Actually every nation has different words for different things. The British call the same thing chips, the french pomme frites, I have heard Germans call them Fritten. What british call crisps Americans call chips and the French call chips ( but pronounced according french pronunciation) and in Germany called karoffelchips often shortened to chips. Different languages. American English is different than British english. I have noticed in Canada both French Fries and Chips are used. For what the British call crisps and the Americans call chips the Canadians use both or in the french part of Canada they are croustilles. Thomas Jefferson called them potatoes cooked in the French style. In the mid 1800s frenching vegetables meant cutting them into consistent slices or cubes for even cooking.

I believe various english languages are both diverging and converging. Diverging as local words become more common and converging as entertainment flattens the differences. English is a language which is constantly changing and has throughout it’s entire existence

Profile photo for Johnny M

I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business


I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business

Most people just stick with the same insurer year after year, but that’s what the companies are counting on. This guy used tools like to compare rates every time his policy came up for renewal. It only took him a few minutes, and he said he’d saved hundreds each year by letting insurers compete for his business.

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2. Take advantage of safe driver programs

He mentioned that some companies reward good drivers with significant discounts. By signing up for a program that tracked his driving habits for just a month, he qualified for a lower rate. “It’s like a test where you already know the answers,” he joked.

You can find a list of insurance companies offering safe driver discounts here and start saving on your next policy.

3. Bundle your policies

He bundled his auto insurance with his home insurance and saved big. “Most companies will give you a discount if you combine your policies with them. It’s easy money,” he explained. If you haven’t bundled yet, ask your insurer what discounts they offer—or look for new ones that do.

4. Drop coverage you don’t need

He also emphasized reassessing coverage every year. If your car isn’t worth much anymore, it might be time to drop collision or comprehensive coverage. “You shouldn’t be paying more to insure the car than it’s worth,” he said.

5. Look for hidden fees or overpriced add-ons

One of his final tips was to avoid extras like roadside assistance, which can often be purchased elsewhere for less. “It’s those little fees you don’t think about that add up,” he warned.

The Secret? Stop Overpaying

The real “secret” isn’t about cutting corners—it’s about being proactive. Car insurance companies are counting on you to stay complacent, but with tools like and a little effort, you can make sure you’re only paying for what you need—and saving hundreds in the process.

If you’re ready to start saving, take a moment to:

Saving money on auto insurance doesn’t have to be complicated—you just have to know where to look. If you'd like to support my work, feel free to use the links in this post—they help me continue creating valuable content.

Profile photo for Terry Dinerman

A rose by any other name….

The first time Americans “discovered” this method of cooking potatoes was during World War One,…

Large numbers of American troops, who deployed directly to France, landing in St. Nazaire in 1917 were served this cheap, abundant and delicious food by people speaking French… So they began asking for “French Style Fried Potatoes”….

If their first stop stop had been in Britain, perhaps history would have taken another direction…

Since Americans had already been eating thinly sliced crispy fried potatoes since 1853 and calling the delicacy “Potato CHIPS”, this new style of pr

A rose by any other name….

The first time Americans “discovered” this method of cooking potatoes was during World War One,…

Large numbers of American troops, who deployed directly to France, landing in St. Nazaire in 1917 were served this cheap, abundant and delicious food by people speaking French… So they began asking for “French Style Fried Potatoes”….

If their first stop stop had been in Britain, perhaps history would have taken another direction…

Since Americans had already been eating thinly sliced crispy fried potatoes since 1853 and calling the delicacy “Potato CHIPS”, this new style of preparation was called “French Fries” to differentiate the two…

I have no explanation for the origin of that abominable practice of dipping them in mayonnaise….

Profile photo for Richard H. Schwartz

Little known fact: The first person to immerse stick-sliced potatoes in boiling oil was Sir Cholmondeley Frye.

Sir Cholmondeley was a descendant of a bastard son of Charles VI of France, something that he never hesitated to point out to, well… anyone. He was well known for his pompous attitude and for carrying a huge chip on his shoulder over the fact that he was left out of the royal line of succession. His friends called him “Sir Chumley” to his face but behind his back, he was always known as either “Mr. Chip” or “Frenchy”.

People in England were very much taken with his invention, which he w

Little known fact: The first person to immerse stick-sliced potatoes in boiling oil was Sir Cholmondeley Frye.

Sir Cholmondeley was a descendant of a bastard son of Charles VI of France, something that he never hesitated to point out to, well… anyone. He was well known for his pompous attitude and for carrying a huge chip on his shoulder over the fact that he was left out of the royal line of succession. His friends called him “Sir Chumley” to his face but behind his back, he was always known as either “Mr. Chip” or “Frenchy”.

People in England were very much taken with his invention, which he wanted to call “Potatoes a la Cholmondeley”, but for some reason, that name just wouldn’t catch on. Instead, they referred to it as “Chip’s Potatoes”, later shortened to just “Chips”. Over in the New World colonies, however, the preferred name was “Frenchy Frye’s Potatoes”, later shortened to “French Fries”. Meanwhile, in France, they referred to it as “Pompous Frye’s Potatoes”, which through changes in pronunciation and shortening soon became “Pommes Frites”.

Download “The Definitive Guide to Retirement Income” to learn seven ways to grow your wealth.
Profile photo for Lisa Witt

I assume Brits call chips chips, because they are somewhat thick pieces “chipped” off of potatoes. Like chipped beef is… chipped off a big hunk of beef.

As for why we call them french fries, it has nothing to do with a lack of American intelligence, as some commenters have implied.

Fries probably does come originally from frites, which we would have seen other places. But frites, just means fries.

French refers not to the nationality, but rather a group of cuts. (Though since they are French named cuts, I guess it is also about them.) Something that is french cut is cut lengthwise in a thin strip

I assume Brits call chips chips, because they are somewhat thick pieces “chipped” off of potatoes. Like chipped beef is… chipped off a big hunk of beef.

As for why we call them french fries, it has nothing to do with a lack of American intelligence, as some commenters have implied.

Fries probably does come originally from frites, which we would have seen other places. But frites, just means fries.

French refers not to the nationality, but rather a group of cuts. (Though since they are French named cuts, I guess it is also about them.) Something that is french cut is cut lengthwise in a thin strip. I thought this was common knowledge here, but I guess not.

There are more precise names, like batonnette, which is about the size of McDonalds fries. Or julienne, closer to the fries at Steak ’n Shake, or those little matchstick ones you can buy at some stores.

Incidentally, we also have french cut panties here. Which are cut high and thin in the front. I’m not a fan. And I assume most people have seen french cut green beans around?

Profile photo for Stephen Merkel

“Frenching” is a style of cutting something into long matchsticks a bit thicker than a julienne, in French somewhere between a batonet and a allumette sized cut.

Also, “French Frying” came to refer to the technique of frying something in a very deep well of hot oil, versus shallow frying in a skillet.

So the results are either little Frenched, fried allumettes of potato, or are French fried batonets of potatoes.

Either way, the item might be considered a chip, wedge, batonet, allumette, or maybe even a julienne of potato, but it came to be the case that french frying of frenched potato strips cam

“Frenching” is a style of cutting something into long matchsticks a bit thicker than a julienne, in French somewhere between a batonet and a allumette sized cut.

Also, “French Frying” came to refer to the technique of frying something in a very deep well of hot oil, versus shallow frying in a skillet.

So the results are either little Frenched, fried allumettes of potato, or are French fried batonets of potatoes.

Either way, the item might be considered a chip, wedge, batonet, allumette, or maybe even a julienne of potato, but it came to be the case that french frying of frenched potato strips came to be know as French Fries.

Perhaps a large part of that was that many US soldiers, prior to WWI, were used to eating cubed potatoes of a medium dice, shallow fried in a pan of bacon drippings, and called these “home” fries, as they were a popular breakfast item from home, and then discovered that the French had fries during the war, too, though longer crispier strips.

In any case, a customer at a restaurant complained about his fries being too thick and soggy one too many times, such that the cook sliced the potatoes paper thin, so he could see light through them, and then fried them extra crispy, and this variant came to be know as potato chips, such that the slender strips, which would properly be batonets or allumettes, simply came to be known as Frenched fries to differentiate from the crispy thin and round variant.

Different places can have various names for the same food. For instance, meat on a thin bread might be called pizza, or a gyro sandwich, or a kebab, or shawerma, or tacos, depending on who named it, even if it is otherwise similar.

Airlines hate when you do this (but can't stop you).
Profile photo for Patricia Bromley

We don’t.

These are chips which are made from fresh potatoes:

French fries

Crisps (in case that was your next question)

We don’t.

These are chips which are made from fresh potatoes:

French fries

Crisps (in case that was your next question)

Profile photo for Dave Green

They don't. They have their own version of a similar concept which people insist on pretending are the same thing even though they're at least as different as macaroni and spaghetti - more so because they taste significantly different.*

These are chips:

These are fries:

You wouldn't call macaroni spaghetti so, for the love of God, please stop calling fries chips!


*Because chips have a smaller surface area in relation to their volume than fries, the “fried” flavour is less dominant and more of the flavour of the potato is retained. This brings their flavour closer to that of a roast potato.

They don't. They have their own version of a similar concept which people insist on pretending are the same thing even though they're at least as different as macaroni and spaghetti - more so because they taste significantly different.*

These are chips:

These are fries:

You wouldn't call macaroni spaghetti so, for the love of God, please stop calling fries chips!


*Because chips have a smaller surface area in relation to their volume than fries, the “fried” flavour is less dominant and more of the flavour of the potato is retained. This brings their flavour closer to that of a roast potato. Closer… not the same…

Profile photo for Jim Chevallier

French fries were known in America since at least 1895. Long before World War I.

No doubt American tourists first encountered long squared potatoes, fried, in France (few went to Belgium, and the claim that the Belgians invented fries is dubious). So whoever really invented them, they were first known via France.

As for who invented them, Parmentier, a Frenchman first popularized potatoes outside of England and Germany. The first reference I’ve found to fried potatoes was in France, logically enough. But the first mentions of long squared potatoes, around 1860, appear to close together in France

French fries were known in America since at least 1895. Long before World War I.

No doubt American tourists first encountered long squared potatoes, fried, in France (few went to Belgium, and the claim that the Belgians invented fries is dubious). So whoever really invented them, they were first known via France.

As for who invented them, Parmentier, a Frenchman first popularized potatoes outside of England and Germany. The first reference I’ve found to fried potatoes was in France, logically enough. But the first mentions of long squared potatoes, around 1860, appear to close together in France and Belgium to say either invented them.

Profile photo for Quora User

All of you...stop it…just stop it!

I'm British, and therefore qualified to respond.

If you are British;

These are “chips”

These are “crisps”

The below are “French Fries” or “Fries”. Note the difference in the size compared to “chips". Although most Brits will typically call them “chips" and not “fries"

These are “Pomme Allumette” (Potato Matchsticks)

And for completeness, this is a potato


All of you...stop it…just stop it!

I'm British, and therefore qualified to respond.

If you are British;

These are “chips”

These are “crisps”

The below are “French Fries” or “Fries”. Note the difference in the size compared to “chips". Although most Brits will typically call them “chips" and not “fries"

These are “Pomme Allumette” (Potato Matchsticks)

And for completeness, this is a potato


Profile photo for Bradley Betts

Why do British call French fries chips?

We don’t.

These are French fries.

These are chips.

Chips are significantly thicker than fries. Generally speaking, in the UK, fries are only served at fast food places, or places which specialise in American food. In any other eatery, you’ll get chips, not fries.


This answer is not for monetisation. If you see this answer behind a paywall, then it is without the consent of the author.

Why do British call French fries chips?

We don’t.

These are French fries.

These are chips.

Chips are significantly thicker than fries. Generally speaking, in the UK, fries are only served at fast food places, or places which specialise in American food. In any other eatery, you’ll get chips, not fries.


This answer is not for monetisation. If you see this answer behind a paywall, then it is without the consent of the author.

Profile photo for Barry Weir

Original question: Why do Americans call fried potato chips by the term "French fries", which the French call pommes frites? What has chips to do with France? Why France! Nobody in France or Germany or England calls fried potato chips by this term.

So what?

Lots of places call lots of things by different names; it’s part of the regional development of language. Indeed, “pommes frites” literally means “fried apples”. One of the Spanish words for potato is “la papa”, and comes from Quechua. So, everyone is wrong, and we are right. (argument settled)

This verbiage can cause some confusion to learner

Original question: Why do Americans call fried potato chips by the term "French fries", which the French call pommes frites? What has chips to do with France? Why France! Nobody in France or Germany or England calls fried potato chips by this term.

So what?

Lots of places call lots of things by different names; it’s part of the regional development of language. Indeed, “pommes frites” literally means “fried apples”. One of the Spanish words for potato is “la papa”, and comes from Quechua. So, everyone is wrong, and we are right. (argument settled)

This verbiage can cause some confusion to learners, since “el papa” is the Pope. It would probably be more fitting if everyone just used the name the Quechua speakers gave the tuber. So, yes, it would seem just about everyone is using the wrong name. The English word came from “batata” a Taino word for sweet potato, this English word has also been borrowed from Spanish “patata”, one other word for “potato” (in general).

Thus, the French calling them “pommes de terre” (apples from the ground) is simply them being totally contrary (as they are wont to do)

The etymology of the frying is somewhat shrouded in mystery; “frying in the French manner” can either mean “deep frying” or “double frying” — there are references to potatoes being fried this way (and so named) in the literature. At the same time, this method of preparing potatoes was not hugely popular in the US when troops were sent to France in World War I. There, they encountered them in either France or Belgium, and adopted the name.

It is of little value to concern one’s self about what things are called in other places, unless you happen to be there. You might find that croissants are called Gipfeli in Switzerland and Hörnchen in Germany. We routinely call croissants “cachitos”, but one will find that word refers to many things throughout the Hispanosphere.

Yes, words change regionally. …it’s not at all odd, it’s how language works.

Profile photo for Martin Turner

French fries or chips were probably invented in the 19th century, though they may have been invented much earlier in Spain.

This means that their invention was long after the split between the UK and the USA, so it’s not surprising that different words became popular.

The general consensus is that the ‘French’ part is from the verb ‘to french’, which is to chop fine, not from ‘France’. In other words ‘chip’ and ‘french’ mean essentially the same thing.

In the UK ‘French fries’ refer to finely chopped, whereas ‘chips’ refers to what is called ‘steak fries’ in the USA.

‘Chips’ in the UK are eaten ho

French fries or chips were probably invented in the 19th century, though they may have been invented much earlier in Spain.

This means that their invention was long after the split between the UK and the USA, so it’s not surprising that different words became popular.

The general consensus is that the ‘French’ part is from the verb ‘to french’, which is to chop fine, not from ‘France’. In other words ‘chip’ and ‘french’ mean essentially the same thing.

In the UK ‘French fries’ refer to finely chopped, whereas ‘chips’ refers to what is called ‘steak fries’ in the USA.

‘Chips’ in the UK are eaten hot, ‘chips’ in the USA are what is called ‘crisps’ in the UK.

Profile photo for Jeff Harvie

You will waste a lot of time asking “Why is….?” and “Why are….?” if you believe that the American way is the “standard”, and that everything else in the world is deviant.

Australia refers to chips as chips. Always have. When Ronald McDonald set up his franchises in Australia, they (and ONLY they) continued the American tradition of calling chips “french fries”. Staff in McDonalds reply robotically with “…and would you like FRIES with that?”, to which most Australians will reply “Yeah, I’ll have some chips!”

So yes, we say chips. We say footpath instead of sidewalk. We say lift instead of elevato

You will waste a lot of time asking “Why is….?” and “Why are….?” if you believe that the American way is the “standard”, and that everything else in the world is deviant.

Australia refers to chips as chips. Always have. When Ronald McDonald set up his franchises in Australia, they (and ONLY they) continued the American tradition of calling chips “french fries”. Staff in McDonalds reply robotically with “…and would you like FRIES with that?”, to which most Australians will reply “Yeah, I’ll have some chips!”

So yes, we say chips. We say footpath instead of sidewalk. We say lift instead of elevator. We say soft drink instead of soda pop. Lollies instead of candy. And on it goes!

Welcome to the rest of the world!

Profile photo for Alfonse Dee

Americans first came across “frites” while in French speaking parts of Belgium in WW1 (or so the story goes).

Frites became French Frites became French Fries

It’s silly but there is a reason

Profile photo for Tyler Zimmerman

In the US we call these

“chips” or “potato chips”. and we call these

“Fries” or “French Fries”.

Sometimes we do call French Fries “chips” but it is usually reserved for British (sorry UKian) dishes like fish and chips.

In the US we call these

“chips” or “potato chips”. and we call these

“Fries” or “French Fries”.

Sometimes we do call French Fries “chips” but it is usually reserved for British (sorry UKian) dishes like fish and chips.

Profile photo for Lyra Brooks

We don’t.

These are French fries.

These are chips.

We don’t.

These are French fries.

These are chips.

Profile photo for Quora User

In the UK we know what we mean when we say fries, chips or crisps. There is no mystery no confusion.

If you choose to call them something different then that is entirely up to you. If I came to your Country it would be up to me to learn the difference, and if you came to mine the same applies.


Chips (often cut a little thicker than these)


Thinner, (often made by extruding potato paste rather than being actual pieces of potato)

There are apparently many words in the UK and USA that are used differently. Not a problem, just mildly curious fact.

In the UK we know what we mean when we say fries, chips or crisps. There is no mystery no confusion.

If you choose to call them something different then that is entirely up to you. If I came to your Country it would be up to me to learn the difference, and if you came to mine the same applies.


Chips (often cut a little thicker than these)


Thinner, (often made by extruding potato paste rather than being actual pieces of potato)

There are apparently many words in the UK and USA that are used differently. Not a problem, just mildly curious fact.

Profile photo for Michelle Van Der Karr

English chips and French fries are two different things. Chips are fatter, shorter, and straight across. They are called chips because they have been chipped off a potato. Fries have been frenched. They are cut into long thin strips and cut diagonally on the ends. What you call crisps we call chips, because, again, they have been chipped off a potato, usually with something like a mandolin slicer.

Profile photo for Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty

There are three distinct types of “fries”.

  1. Fries. Plain and simple, are a Belgian invention. They are made from a certain type of potato containing a lot of starch. Mainly made out of Bintjes, other types sometimes used are Agria, Désirée, and Première en Santé. Fries, or Belgian Fries, are long thick slices of potato. The French call these “frites”.
  2. French Fries. They are not made of Binjes, but out of other types of potato, usually containing less starch. They are cut in long thin slices as opposed to Belgian Fries which are thick. The French call these “allumettes” [matchsticks].
  3. Chips. Made o

There are three distinct types of “fries”.

  1. Fries. Plain and simple, are a Belgian invention. They are made from a certain type of potato containing a lot of starch. Mainly made out of Bintjes, other types sometimes used are Agria, Désirée, and Première en Santé. Fries, or Belgian Fries, are long thick slices of potato. The French call these “frites”.
  2. French Fries. They are not made of Binjes, but out of other types of potato, usually containing less starch. They are cut in long thin slices as opposed to Belgian Fries which are thick. The French call these “allumettes” [matchsticks].
  3. Chips. Made out of potatoes with a lot of starch but not the typical Belgian Bintjes. They are thick and short.

So we are talking about three distinct things here.

Profile photo for Jonathan Trueman

We don’t.

We call French fries ‘French fries,’ and by that term we mean a specific, relatively slender type of deep-fried potato baton developed in continental Europe.

When we talk about ‘chips,’ we are usually referring to a baton with a cross-section two or three times broader than that of French fries. These may be crisp on the outside or, if provided by a fish-and-chip shop, softer than is normal for French fries. In size, they are closer to what I believe Usonians call ‘home fries.’

Behold: the McCain frozen variants of the two products…

On the left, a chip. On the right, a French fry.

Just ou

We don’t.

We call French fries ‘French fries,’ and by that term we mean a specific, relatively slender type of deep-fried potato baton developed in continental Europe.

When we talk about ‘chips,’ we are usually referring to a baton with a cross-section two or three times broader than that of French fries. These may be crisp on the outside or, if provided by a fish-and-chip shop, softer than is normal for French fries. In size, they are closer to what I believe Usonians call ‘home fries.’

Behold: the McCain frozen variants of the two products…

On the left, a chip. On the right, a French fry.

Just out of sight, my diet crashing and burning for the third time this year.

EDIT: Apparently I'm wrong about home fries - they are either cuboid or discoid depending on source (and if I can't do a ketchup home here, not can you) but not batonesque.

Profile photo for Quora User

“French fries”, while it had come to refer to most deep-fried strips of potatoes, has a specific definition.

“French cut” can refer to the whole set of French culinary specifications for cutting vegetables into pieces. In particular, “julienne”, where the vegetable is cut into strips of uniform length and cross section, is referred to as french cut.

Properly speaking, in American English, french fries is short for “french-cut fried potatoes”, where the strips are square in cross section, and about 1/4 inch, or 6mm, on a side.

The proper term in American English for what the British call “chips” i

“French fries”, while it had come to refer to most deep-fried strips of potatoes, has a specific definition.

“French cut” can refer to the whole set of French culinary specifications for cutting vegetables into pieces. In particular, “julienne”, where the vegetable is cut into strips of uniform length and cross section, is referred to as french cut.

Properly speaking, in American English, french fries is short for “french-cut fried potatoes”, where the strips are square in cross section, and about 1/4 inch, or 6mm, on a side.

The proper term in American English for what the British call “chips” is steak fries, or wedges.

This is french fries.

Technically, this is not french fries, it is steak fries, or fried potato wedges, as it lacks the uniform length and cross section.

Profile photo for Curtis W. Scissons

The Germans call them pommes frites too.

Which is funny, because “pommes” in French means “apples”.

The French for potato is “Pomme d’terre” (Apples from the ground).

Anyway, French fries are not “fried potato chips.” Potato chips are ALREADY fried.

French fries are chunks of potato deep fried.

And GB calls potato chips “Crisps”.

As did Australia when I was there.

“Ta for the crisps, mate!”

“No worries! I was a burk for leaving mine at home this morning.”

Profile photo for Jonathan Graifer

Pommes Frite = fried potatoes.

English “chips” are thick-cut fries or “steak fries” here.

We call them “French fries” because it's a corruption of “frenched”, a style of preparing foods which, in the context of vegetables, is a sort of thicker julienne cut; long, square strips. And, of course, these are fried.

The UK “chip” comes from them being “chipped” (sliced) from whole potatoes, as does the American chip that is the UK crisp.

Profile photo for Susanna Viljanen

No. They are called pommes-frites (pronounced “pom-freet”) or simply frites. The literal translation is “fried [earth-] apples”; potato is pomme de terre (“earth apple”) in French.

Knowing the term belongs in Gastronomy 101.

No. They are called pommes-frites (pronounced “pom-freet”) or simply frites. The literal translation is “fried [earth-] apples”; potato is pomme de terre (“earth apple”) in French.

Knowing the term belongs in Gastronomy 101.

Profile photo for Ricky Tack

I have never, in my entire life cooked “French Fries”. I make chips, sometimes crinkle cut, using a weapon I purchased a few years ago. It looks rather like a meat cleaver, but made out of corrugated iron, lol. These are chips:

This is the crinkle cut weapon:

This is the result:

I have never, in my entire life cooked “French Fries”. I make chips, sometimes crinkle cut, using a weapon I purchased a few years ago. It looks rather like a meat cleaver, but made out of corrugated iron, lol. These are chips:

This is the crinkle cut weapon:

This is the result:

Profile photo for Quora User

The questioner has been given false data, I’m afraid.

British people do not call French fries “chips” - we call them (when we get them from McDonalds or KFC) “Fries”.

Americans don’t call real chips “French fries” - Americans call those ‘string-thin fried reconstituted potato-starch spaghetti’ “French fries”. Even the French deny all responsibility and knowledge of them. They’re definitely not French.

The above are chips (with fish).

These are ‘fries’.

They are completely different products.

The questioner has been given false data, I’m afraid.

British people do not call French fries “chips” - we call them (when we get them from McDonalds or KFC) “Fries”.

Americans don’t call real chips “French fries” - Americans call those ‘string-thin fried reconstituted potato-starch spaghetti’ “French fries”. Even the French deny all responsibility and knowledge of them. They’re definitely not French.

The above are chips (with fish).

These are ‘fries’.

They are completely different products.

Profile photo for Quora User

We do NOT call chips french fries. They are way different things.

Fries are thin things that are crispy and salty. Chips are fatter and essentially steamed potatoes with a fried coating.

But yeah they are just ends of a spectrum of fried potatoes so there is always going to be confusion.

Profile photo for A. Eldritch Peacock

Chips tend to be fatter and soggier than American fries. British people have a higher tolerance for limpness, I’ve noticed, because they think it somehow adds to the authenticity and character of the fry. Some of your more religious Brits may be eating them for penance.

They frequently chastise our delicious “freedom” fries for being “fake” or “plastic,” when really they mean “delicious.” That’s fine. Call it what you will. At least my fries taste good.

Some also claim that our chips and fries are “completely different.” That’s fine, then, just give me the fries every time. There’s no occasion w

Chips tend to be fatter and soggier than American fries. British people have a higher tolerance for limpness, I’ve noticed, because they think it somehow adds to the authenticity and character of the fry. Some of your more religious Brits may be eating them for penance.

They frequently chastise our delicious “freedom” fries for being “fake” or “plastic,” when really they mean “delicious.” That’s fine. Call it what you will. At least my fries taste good.

Some also claim that our chips and fries are “completely different.” That’s fine, then, just give me the fries every time. There’s no occasion where a chip is desirable where a fry wouldn’t be 10x better.

Profile photo for Graham Howe

Why do people call French fries, "chips" in Europe?

In Europe, “Chips” or “French fries” are known as “pommes frites”, “patatas fritas”, “patates fregides”, “patates kızartması”, "frī kartupeļi", "τηγανιτές πατάτες", "cartofi prăjiți", "skrudintos bulvės", "sult krumpli" or a host of other different names, depending on which of the nearly 50 countries in Europe you mean and the language(s) spoken there.

The only European countries which refer to them as “chips” are the English speaking countries - that’s the UK and Ireland - for the reason that “chips” is the correct name for them in English.


Why do people call French fries, "chips" in Europe?

In Europe, “Chips” or “French fries” are known as “pommes frites”, “patatas fritas”, “patates fregides”, “patates kızartması”, "frī kartupeļi", "τηγανιτές πατάτες", "cartofi prăjiți", "skrudintos bulvės", "sult krumpli" or a host of other different names, depending on which of the nearly 50 countries in Europe you mean and the language(s) spoken there.

The only European countries which refer to them as “chips” are the English speaking countries - that’s the UK and Ireland - for the reason that “chips” is the correct name for them in English.

Why do the Americans call chips “French fries?” when they do not come from France?

Profile photo for Kevin Wright

Q: If the British call French fries "chips" and potato chips "crisps", then what do they call "fries"?


Just to get the first one out of the way, we call crisps “crisps”, because of their crispiness. They aren’t called chips because they’re not chipped off of anything (crinkle-cut come closest to that). Crisps are not made by chipping, they’re made by finely slicing.

It’s a catch-all term that also includes such savoury snacks as Pringles that are made from reconstituted mashed potato and starch. These are also accurate to describe as crispy, but venture increasingly far from the idea of havin

Q: If the British call French fries "chips" and potato chips "crisps", then what do they call "fries"?


Just to get the first one out of the way, we call crisps “crisps”, because of their crispiness. They aren’t called chips because they’re not chipped off of anything (crinkle-cut come closest to that). Crisps are not made by chipping, they’re made by finely slicing.

It’s a catch-all term that also includes such savoury snacks as Pringles that are made from reconstituted mashed potato and starch. These are also accurate to describe as crispy, but venture increasingly far from the idea of having been “chipped”.

In both countries, once you get to something as clearly removed from the original potato as Cheetos, the word “snacks” tends to be more common than either “chips” or “crisps”, though I have heard both.

Now to the Meat, or indeed the Potatoes of the answer!

The missing piece of the puzzle here is that fries and chips are different things, and we therefore use both terms (usually not interchangeably, though there are always exceptions. It’s not exactly uncommon to see cheaper eating establishments falsely describe their fries as being chips).

Chips are made by cutting freshly-peeled whole potatoes into batons roughly 1cm (1/2″) square in cross section. For preference they’ll be cooked three times: First a quick blanch in boiling water, then two successive deep fries at increasing temperature, shaking them dry between each.

The US take on Fries (which are arguably Belgian in origin, and so called “French” due to a characteristically USian understanding of world geography) are made by first mashing the potato, then extruding it into batons roughly half that width. They have more in common with waffles than they do with chips. There’s a clear difference in both dimensions and texture. Badly-cooked chips are too firm and still taste raw, badly-cooked fries are like wet paper bags full of floury pus.

(just to clarify here… the origin is Belgian, where fries are cut just as us Brits cut chips, only thinner. The whole extrusion thing is a US “innovation”… Which also isn’t French)

Unlike chips, it’s almost unheard of for a restaurant to make their own fries outside of Belgium. These things are more typically mass-produced at minimum cost on an industrial scale and - because of the mechanical processing - you can hide any old junk in them, including starch recovered from the water you used to wash the potatoes or starch from other sources

Many restaurants, especially of the fast-food variety, tend to prefer fries because you rarely make your own, they’re easier to cook and more consistent (albeit lower) in quality, and they’re significantly cheaper.

You then have:

Pont Neuf Chips, cut thicker and shorter than the regular variety. They’re generally considered “posher” - in part because it’s harder to ensure that they’re properly cooked all the way through without being overcooked on the outside.

Potato Wedges, made in a similar fashion to chips, but with the skin left on and cut into a wedge shape - often seasoned too. A personal favourite of mine.

Crinkle Cut chips, made with a special cutter. Also a favourite, and pretty-much unheard of in the US so far as I’m aware.

Pan-Fried Potatoes, which can be made from potatoes that are already fully cooked (typically boiled). A great way to make use of spuds that you cooked too many of the day before.

Plus various other abominations, like spirals, which are also made with extrusion in the same manner as fries.

And the aforementioned waffles, of course.

Profile photo for William

French fries are not called chips in the UK, I don’t know about Ireland, French fries & chips are slightly different.

These are French Fries,

and these are chips.

French fries are not called chips in the UK, I don’t know about Ireland, French fries & chips are slightly different.

These are French Fries,

and these are chips.

Profile photo for Marian Clarke

Here is some very simple information about what ‘Brits’ ‘call things’!

We call chips ‘chips’ - not because we don’t call them French fries like America, but because they are chips.

We do not call chips ‘chip butties’ - the only things we call ‘chip butties’ are in fact chip butties.

The only things we call ‘crisps’ are crisps, perhaps remarkably.

The items called ‘French fries’ in America are not what we would ever call ‘French fries’ although we might call them ‘fries’. To us, French fries are something quite different - they are made with uncooked potato pieces which are deep fried. They are not

Here is some very simple information about what ‘Brits’ ‘call things’!

We call chips ‘chips’ - not because we don’t call them French fries like America, but because they are chips.

We do not call chips ‘chip butties’ - the only things we call ‘chip butties’ are in fact chip butties.

The only things we call ‘crisps’ are crisps, perhaps remarkably.

The items called ‘French fries’ in America are not what we would ever call ‘French fries’ although we might call them ‘fries’. To us, French fries are something quite different - they are made with uncooked potato pieces which are deep fried. They are not made with cooked, mashed potato which is extruded into ‘French fry’ shaped pieces and deep fried. (The French call French fries ‘pommes frites’ or simply ‘frites’ and the very thin ones are sometimes called ‘pommes allumettes’ or just ‘allumettes’.)

For comparison, the italians call chips ‘patatine al forno’ and yet, weirdly, I never see any questions from Americans asking, ‘why do Italians call chips ‘patatine al forno’ and not French fries like in America?’ The also call crisps ‘patatina’ and French fries (real ones) ‘patatine’ but I don’t see any questions about that either.

Strange old world, isn’t it, where people speak different languages - whatever next!

Profile photo for Jason Thomson

It's just another case of American ignorance. Allow me to explain.

Fries originated in Belgium.

The official language of Belgium is French.

When americans were introduced to Belgian frites by somebody speaking French they thought they were French.

What americans call French fries should be called Belgian fries.

The uk call then chips because they are chipped of a potato.

When you thinly slice a potato and fry it it becomes crispy, hence the word crisps.

The term French fries is used in the uk to describe a thinner version of our chips because that's how the Belgians made them. Roughly speaking French

It's just another case of American ignorance. Allow me to explain.

Fries originated in Belgium.

The official language of Belgium is French.

When americans were introduced to Belgian frites by somebody speaking French they thought they were French.

What americans call French fries should be called Belgian fries.

The uk call then chips because they are chipped of a potato.

When you thinly slice a potato and fry it it becomes crispy, hence the word crisps.

The term French fries is used in the uk to describe a thinner version of our chips because that's how the Belgians made them. Roughly speaking French fries are about 5mm wide and chips are at least 15mm wide.

Profile photo for Adam Helps

They’re the same food. The British are more likely to cut their chips a little thicker, to give you a good contrast between the crispy outside and the steamy soft inside, whereas Americans are more likely to cut their fries a little thinner, for maximum crunch and so that you can feel like you got a ton of them. But the British still make thin chips, and the Americans sometimes make thick fries (and call them steak fries), so it’s all a matter of degree.

Fish and chips. Note the thick chips.

The British are much more likely to cover them in vinegar (especially malt vinegar), whereas Americans ar

They’re the same food. The British are more likely to cut their chips a little thicker, to give you a good contrast between the crispy outside and the steamy soft inside, whereas Americans are more likely to cut their fries a little thinner, for maximum crunch and so that you can feel like you got a ton of them. But the British still make thin chips, and the Americans sometimes make thick fries (and call them steak fries), so it’s all a matter of degree.

Fish and chips. Note the thick chips.

The British are much more likely to cover them in vinegar (especially malt vinegar), whereas Americans are much more likely to dip them in ketchup. In Utah, where I live, we make a cocktail of mayo, ketchup, and (sometimes) other spices, and dip them in that. We call it Fry sauce. Fry sauce is wonderful stuff, but if you’ve never tried fries with salt and vinegar, I recommend that as well.

Fries with fry sauce. Note the thin fries.

Profile photo for Martin Smith

It's the style and they are known as French fries, even though the Belgium's invented them, because the French are great at marketing products and therefore become associated with them. Croissants for example are thought to have originated in Turkey. Wine in Georgia. Charcuterie in Italy to name a few.

Profile photo for Quora User

If Americans call crisps "chips" and chips "French fries" what do they call Sauteed fried potatoes (the real French fries)?

In the USA, pan-fried potatoes sautéed in shallow fat are often called Home Fries. The potato is often diced but may be coarsely shredded, and one may well find bits of onion or garlic, chopped bell peppers or chili peppers, or even bits of ham or bacon in the home fries. The potatoes may be served soft or may have a crispy brown finish, in which latter case they might be called Hashed Browned Potatoes.

If Americans call crisps "chips" and chips "French fries" what do they call Sauteed fried potatoes (the real French fries)?

In the USA, pan-fried potatoes sautéed in shallow fat are often called Home Fries. The potato is often diced but may be coarsely shredded, and one may well find bits of onion or garlic, chopped bell peppers or chili peppers, or even bits of ham or bacon in the home fries. The potatoes may be served soft or may have a crispy brown finish, in which latter case they might be called Hashed Browned Potatoes.

Profile photo for Quora User

Because America and Britain are two countries separated by thousands of miles of Ocean who have evolved the English language slightly differently. A slight confusion over the terminology of different sizes of fried potato slivers is perfectly understandable, and should cause no problems with those able to access the internet before a transatlantic holiday. Or even a Vacation !





Because America and Britain are two countries separated by thousands of miles of Ocean who have evolved the English language slightly differently. A slight confusion over the terminology of different sizes of fried potato slivers is perfectly understandable, and should cause no problems with those able to access the internet before a transatlantic holiday. Or even a Vacation !





Profile photo for Quora User

The name didn't arise until the 1940s. It was briefly preceded by French frieds, itself short for French fried potatoes.

What exactly those were also varied over time. All kinds of shapes used to qualify!

This is an image from 1861 in France. It shows how fried potatoes used to be prepared and sold on the side of the street.

The way in which food was prepared at home – on the hearth – didn't lend itself much to immersive frying in lard or tallow. Deep fried foods didn't really become a staple until cast iron pots and pans became more popular in the later 1800s.

This setup wasn't well suited for im

The name didn't arise until the 1940s. It was briefly preceded by French frieds, itself short for French fried potatoes.

What exactly those were also varied over time. All kinds of shapes used to qualify!

This is an image from 1861 in France. It shows how fried potatoes used to be prepared and sold on the side of the street.

The way in which food was prepared at home – on the hearth – didn't lend itself much to immersive frying in lard or tallow. Deep fried foods didn't really become a staple until cast iron pots and pans became more popular in the later 1800s.

This setup wasn't well suited for immersive frying.

But the French recipe already made its way to the US sooner, quite possibly via Thomas Jefferson when he was French ambassador in the 1780s. Back then, potato slices were already being fried there on the side of the road.

So the “French” part just that French street vendors used a kind of stove, that allowed them to do immersive frying. (It wasn't really deep frying what the French did.. but still the potatos were immersed in some lard/tallow.)

Elongated slices came about in the 1820s-30s. It's this recipe that arrived in the UK. British chips have retained the original shape from that era. Not only that, but fried fish too was part of the original street dish! (It was the only affordable protein source for a street food.)

What we know understand of as French fries was further developed in Belgium, where the habit became widespread of double frying, in the later 1800s.

The long thin shape is quite recent. Roughly 1930s or 40s. Still, the thickness didn't become uniform until the 60s or so.

Innovations were copied from each other: France adopted double frying, the US probably adopted it from France at some point. But the names stuck around.

Profile photo for Kathryn Wright

Probably originates from the fact that they were called “chips” in the UK where our early settlers & convicts came from. Being British it is called a chip apparently because they had to peel the potato and then chip it to make the bits (chips) the right shape. (but don’t quote me as I’m not 100% sure on the answer).

My husband is British and told me that is why they are called “chips” here in Oz. And, they are perhaps called chips in many other places that were colonized by the British.

One might pose the question as to why they are called “fries” in USA. For most Americans they have no real fir

Probably originates from the fact that they were called “chips” in the UK where our early settlers & convicts came from. Being British it is called a chip apparently because they had to peel the potato and then chip it to make the bits (chips) the right shape. (but don’t quote me as I’m not 100% sure on the answer).

My husband is British and told me that is why they are called “chips” here in Oz. And, they are perhaps called chips in many other places that were colonized by the British.

One might pose the question as to why they are called “fries” in USA. For most Americans they have no real first hand experience of other countries or their cultures. Living in USA for 9 years back in the 1980s I found most people in USA had no concept of even where Australia was. There is a world outside the USA !!

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