Profile photo for Quora User

There aren’t. White supremacists are rarer than hen’s teeth over here. I’ve never met one before that I was aware of, ever. And I’m from the area that bigots will tell you is just frightfully, unlivably racist.

But even if they’re almost nonexistent, they’re still a convenient boogeyman for politicians and talking heads who want to scare or anger people (all the better to control you with, my dear), so they're invoked a lot, and a lot of good people are falsely accused of being them. A lot of normal people. People who just want to mind their own business.

Like that story not too long ago where s

There aren’t. White supremacists are rarer than hen’s teeth over here. I’ve never met one before that I was aware of, ever. And I’m from the area that bigots will tell you is just frightfully, unlivably racist.

But even if they’re almost nonexistent, they’re still a convenient boogeyman for politicians and talking heads who want to scare or anger people (all the better to control you with, my dear), so they're invoked a lot, and a lot of good people are falsely accused of being them. A lot of normal people. People who just want to mind their own business.

Like that story not too long ago where somebody relatively powerful, don't remember who, said "yes, they are actually making the Nazi salute" about a video showing… a bunch of Christians extending their hands in prayer/blessing during a church service. It was the most appalling, hurtful lie. And so then you had people on Twitter saying all these vile things about an innocent crowd of people who were praying. And even getting creepy pointing out kids in the crowd and speculating as to their morals. As a Christian, it hurt my heart. Badly.

It was awful.

But everyone and his dog hates white supremacists, so if you want everyone and his dog to rally to you, all you have to do is point and go “eek! A white supremacist!” It’s evil, it’s effective, and it rips at the fabric of society, turning friends into enemies and destroying peace. And one day it’s going to be judged by the God who said “thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”.

Profile photo for Ann Kenevan


The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was created by Democrats. It became the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.

An estimated 3,446 Blacks and 1,297 Whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964. It was a common practice of the KKK to lynch Republicans—White and Black.

The first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention.

Three years after Appomattox, the 14nth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting Blacks citizenship in the United States, came before the Congress: 94 percent of Republicans voted for it. Not one Democrat—either in the H


The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was created by Democrats. It became the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.

An estimated 3,446 Blacks and 1,297 Whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964. It was a common practice of the KKK to lynch Republicans—White and Black.

The first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention.

Three years after Appomattox, the 14nth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting Blacks citizenship in the United States, came before the Congress: 94 percent of Republicans voted for it. Not one Democrat—either in the House or the Senate—voted for it.

Three years after the Civil War Democrats from the North as well as the South were still refusing to recognize any rights of citizenship for Black Americans.

On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican, and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friends, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) wherever they could find them.

To this day, the Democratic Party website ignores and hides their decades of racism. Worse, they falsely accuse Republicans of the very things of which only they are guilty. Vice President Joe Biden Eulogizes Former KKK Member, Robert Byrd - July 2, 2010

Profile photo for David Dixon

What is a white supremacist exactly? I hear the term a lot but it just seems like nonsense to me.

An Aston Martin One-77 has a top speed of 220 mph, the Chevy Spark has a top speed of 88 mph. Do I become a “Aston Martin supremacist” simply by being aware of this fact? Does it become any less real if I refuse to acknowledge it?

I’m not a “white supremacist” and again, consider the term to be utter no

What is a white supremacist exactly? I hear the term a lot but it just seems like nonsense to me.

An Aston Martin One-77 has a top speed of 220 mph, the Chevy Spark has a top speed of 88 mph. Do I become a “Aston Martin supremacist” simply by being aware of this fact? Does it become any less real if I refuse to acknowledge it?

I’m not a “white supremacist” and again, consider the term to be utter nonsense. I guess I could be guilty of being a “capabilities supremacist”. After all, I much prefer the capability of the Aston Martin to get me where I want to go and to do so quickly and in comfort and style.

By that same token, I didn’t create the fact that the average white IQ in the US is 100 and the average black IQ is 80. That is simply a statistical reality. I’m not judging simply by recognizing reality. Nor am I claiming superiority.

A Chevy and an Aston Martin share certain characteristics which makes each equal when applying the broad ...

Profile photo for Eric Oehler

The premise of the question begs a definition of “white supremacist.”

If we’re talking about “people who are explicitly white supremacist, like members of the Klan” then there aren’t that many, and thier numbers are dwindling.

If we’re talking about “people who are members of a group that isn’t expressly white supremacist but has a lot in common with those groups” then we’re talking about a bunch more. There are a lot of groups that don’t specifically say “we hate other races” but do make a lot of noise about “western chauvinism”, ethno-nationalism, or tie certain racial theories to strains of f

The premise of the question begs a definition of “white supremacist.”

If we’re talking about “people who are explicitly white supremacist, like members of the Klan” then there aren’t that many, and thier numbers are dwindling.

If we’re talking about “people who are members of a group that isn’t expressly white supremacist but has a lot in common with those groups” then we’re talking about a bunch more. There are a lot of groups that don’t specifically say “we hate other races” but do make a lot of noise about “western chauvinism”, ethno-nationalism, or tie certain racial theories to strains of fundamentalist religion.

If we’re talking about folks who don’t belong to any of these groups but are in the “well, I don’t hate Black people but some of what this Richard Spencer guy says makes a lot of sense to me” then we’re talking about a whole lot more.

The US has had a pervasive strain of white supremacy, if not quite a huge population of out-loud-and-proud supremacists, for quite some time. It’s the long tail of slavery, reconstruction and Jim Crow; many of the people who fought so hard against school integration in the 1950’s are still alive, after all - things weren’t magically fixed when Brown was decided and the Civil Rights Act passed.

So why are there so many? That pervasive strain has never really gone away, and has often been a political dogwhistle, using these shibboleths as a way of appealing to some latent bigotry in a way that helps demonize the opposition. The power of this sort of thing has waned significantly since the early days, but it still exists, and the people who really go for this sort of thing are very, very loud about it. There may not be as many overt white supremacists in the US as there used to be, but those that DO exist love to get together and march on things and chant.

Profile photo for Joseph Evans

The 50,000 or so members of a single black racial nationalist, black supremacist, and anti-Semitic organization, the Nation of Islam (NOI), amount to somewhere between two and four times the combined membership of all of the American white racial nationalist and white supremacist groups combined (20,000) in a nation of 325 million. Of course, in the real world one needs to distinguish between people and groups that actually do represent a significant threat to society (e.g., criminals who systematically break laws or extremists who regularly plot to carry out acts of violence), those whose "da

The 50,000 or so members of a single black racial nationalist, black supremacist, and anti-Semitic organization, the Nation of Islam (NOI), amount to somewhere between two and four times the combined membership of all of the American white racial nationalist and white supremacist groups combined (20,000) in a nation of 325 million. Of course, in the real world one needs to distinguish between people and groups that actually do represent a significant threat to society (e.g., criminals who systematically break laws or extremists who regularly plot to carry out acts of violence), those whose "dangerous" unconventional ideas could potentially create offense simply by challenging consensus thinking or the legitimacy of societal institutions or elites (the expression of which is still protected, at least for the moment, by the First Amendment to the US Constitution), and those that do not represent any actual threat but are simply disliked by certain people.

Profile photo for Timothy Benton

There is not; the claim of the rise and the reality are two different things.

Many mistake nationalism with White Supremacy. The two have nothing to do with each other, although White Supremacist can be very nationalistic.

The number of radical white supremacists numbers less than 10,000, you may have another 20 -25,000 that hang on the outskirts, but this is a tiny number if you compare this to, say, Antifa or radical actors within BLM.

Personally find all three reprehensible, but idiots are idiots; nothing you can do. You can educate, but for the most part, facts matter not to these people; the

There is not; the claim of the rise and the reality are two different things.

Many mistake nationalism with White Supremacy. The two have nothing to do with each other, although White Supremacist can be very nationalistic.

The number of radical white supremacists numbers less than 10,000, you may have another 20 -25,000 that hang on the outskirts, but this is a tiny number if you compare this to, say, Antifa or radical actors within BLM.

Personally find all three reprehensible, but idiots are idiots; nothing you can do. You can educate, but for the most part, facts matter not to these people; they are too caught up in their emotions.

Profile photo for Quora User

Because the root causes of White Supremacy is based on two major concepts

  1. Their inferiority complex.
  2. Their unchecked fears
  • Fear of sexual inferiority
  • Fear of inferiority in mental fortitude
  • Fear of inferiority when it comes to physical prowess
  • Fear of intellectual inferiority
  • Fear that they are less cool, less funny and less desirable
  • Fear that they can't succeed as easily as before because of all these laws that take away their built in advantages that were simply based on color.
  • White replacement theory 👀
  • Finally.. Fear of retaliation

Well…fear leads to hate.

And hate(mixed with self righteousness, lea

Because the root causes of White Supremacy is based on two major concepts

  1. Their inferiority complex.
  2. Their unchecked fears
  • Fear of sexual inferiority
  • Fear of inferiority in mental fortitude
  • Fear of inferiority when it comes to physical prowess
  • Fear of intellectual inferiority
  • Fear that they are less cool, less funny and less desirable
  • Fear that they can't succeed as easily as before because of all these laws that take away their built in advantages that were simply based on color.
  • White replacement theory 👀
  • Finally.. Fear of retaliation

Well…fear leads to hate.

And hate(mixed with self righteousness, leads to White Supremacy and violence)

Profile photo for Lynn Fredricks

Let’s put this into context with your other interests. Here’s a selection of your questions.

First, you really have to define what ‘white supremacist’ is. If it is based only on ideology, how will you measure something which is entirely within someone’s heads? Or is it based on reported hate crimes? Let’s look at that - with statistics from 2021 to 2022.

Facts and Statistics
FBI Releases 2023 Hate Crime Statistics On September 23, 2024, the FBI released the hate crimes data from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program as reported by law enforcement agencies across the country.  Those agencies reported 11,862 hate crime incidents involving 13,829 offenses.  More detail is available below and on the FBI Crime Data Explorer . Victims of Hate Crime Incidents 11,447 single-bias incidents involved 13,857 victims There were 415 multiple-bias incidents that involved 559 victims Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2023 Go to description of image Reported Hate Crimes, 2022-23 Go to description of image Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data Explorer Use the FBI's Crime Data Explorer (CDE) to discover more hate crimes data including visualizations, downloadable tables, and other large data files covering multiple years. READ MORE Visit the 2022 and 2021 Hate Crime Statistics pages to view FBI hate crimes data for 2022 and 2021. Description of images on this page Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2023: This is a pie chart showing the percentage of bias motivation categories for victims of single-bias incidents in 2023. They are as follows: Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry 52.5% Religion 22.5% Sexual Orientation 18.4% Gender Identity 4.1% Disability 1.6% Gender 0.9% Back to the image Reported Hate Crimes in 2022-23: This is a bar chart showing the 2022 and 2023 data for reported hate crimes. They are as follows: Bias Motivation Categories 2023 2022 Incidents 11,862 11,634 Offenses 13,829 13,337 Victims 14,416 13,711 Known Offenders 9,739 10,299 Back to the image

Among hate crimes, just based on race we have: 51% white, 21% Black, 17.4% unknown. Only looking at what is known, the number of hate crimes identifiable by white people is disproportionately low.

But I guess it

Let’s put this into context with your other interests. Here’s a selection of your questions.

First, you really have to define what ‘white supremacist’ is. If it is based only on ideology, how will you measure something which is entirely within someone’s heads? Or is it based on reported hate crimes? Let’s look at that - with statistics from 2021 to 2022.

Facts and Statistics
FBI Releases 2023 Hate Crime Statistics On September 23, 2024, the FBI released the hate crimes data from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program as reported by law enforcement agencies across the country.  Those agencies reported 11,862 hate crime incidents involving 13,829 offenses.  More detail is available below and on the FBI Crime Data Explorer . Victims of Hate Crime Incidents 11,447 single-bias incidents involved 13,857 victims There were 415 multiple-bias incidents that involved 559 victims Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2023 Go to description of image Reported Hate Crimes, 2022-23 Go to description of image Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data Explorer Use the FBI's Crime Data Explorer (CDE) to discover more hate crimes data including visualizations, downloadable tables, and other large data files covering multiple years. READ MORE Visit the 2022 and 2021 Hate Crime Statistics pages to view FBI hate crimes data for 2022 and 2021. Description of images on this page Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2023: This is a pie chart showing the percentage of bias motivation categories for victims of single-bias incidents in 2023. They are as follows: Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry 52.5% Religion 22.5% Sexual Orientation 18.4% Gender Identity 4.1% Disability 1.6% Gender 0.9% Back to the image Reported Hate Crimes in 2022-23: This is a bar chart showing the 2022 and 2023 data for reported hate crimes. They are as follows: Bias Motivation Categories 2023 2022 Incidents 11,862 11,634 Offenses 13,829 13,337 Victims 14,416 13,711 Known Offenders 9,739 10,299 Back to the image

Among hate crimes, just based on race we have: 51% white, 21% Black, 17.4% unknown. Only looking at what is known, the number of hate crimes identifiable by white people is disproportionately low.

But I guess it all comes down to what you are trying to identify, right?

Another consideration is that tracking of hate crimes or ‘bias crime’ is sporadic and, some states have only in recent years made ‘bias crime’ an actual crime.

Profile photo for Anonymous

This is a tough question and having not lived in every country, it is hard to say why the USA is different in this regard. I have lived in several parts of the US and in Mexico and this leads me to believe certain things:

  1. It is easy to not be racist or have racist tendencies when you live in a homogeneous area.
  2. It is easier to become racist or have racist tendencies when you live in a racially diverse and divided area that is undergoing bouts of violent friction.

Having lived as a white minority in South Chicago, and as a white majority in Alabama I got to experience two sides of a very nasty

This is a tough question and having not lived in every country, it is hard to say why the USA is different in this regard. I have lived in several parts of the US and in Mexico and this leads me to believe certain things:

  1. It is easy to not be racist or have racist tendencies when you live in a homogeneous area.
  2. It is easier to become racist or have racist tendencies when you live in a racially diverse and divided area that is undergoing bouts of violent friction.

Having lived as a white minority in South Chicago, and as a white majority in Alabama I got to experience two sides of a very nasty coin. This "nasty coin" is the sad fact that racism exists and causes harm from both or all sides. Whenever people are treated as lesser members of society or even worse, when they are beaten and abused simply because of the color of their skin, it is a travesty.

Later in life, living in liberal areas in Arizona, where folks talk a lot about racism, but do not have to live with it on a daily basis because of a lack of diversity. Many folks there believe a black man cannot be a racist, but they have never been beaten or attacked simply because of pale skin. I know firsthand, racism can come from or be directed toward just about any race. It should never happen, but it does happen when one group outnumbers another and grievances and prejudices get mixed.

In Alabama I felt closer to my fellow black students and they quickly became my best friends. I saw them being treated the same way I had been treated when I was in Chicago and in the extreme minority. I knew it wasn't right and I was willing to stand with them. Odd how life lessons can get beat into you at such a young age.

Listening to folks talk about racism, especially white folk, that have never experienced life as a minority is like trying to learn about coral reefs in the desert. There is no firsthand experience and it is all too easy to become overly judgmental when looking down from such a high horse. We are all on this ride of life together, sharing this time. We need to learn to live, laugh and love one other as individuals. Disregarding preconceived notions of people based on their appearances. Do this often, but do so carefully, with eyes wide open. Practicing this will help you see and attract the best in others, but it will not always keep you safe.

I hope this personal experience regarding racism makes sense.

Profile photo for Quora User

It’s always been there.

They just hide it beneath the surface.

Take for instance Quora User he was very good at hiding what he felt, until he slipped up. He said that African nations MUST follow western nations on LGTBQ else they will be left behind. Quora User doesn’t like me very much for spotting this and blocked me.

He’s essentially saying this

That all non whites must be led by the master race!

There are many many people like Richard Lock.

John Cate for instance, he didn’t like being corrected by an insect! So he blocked me.

Most of the western world are closet white supremacists. We see how the

It’s always been there.

They just hide it beneath the surface.

Take for instance Quora User he was very good at hiding what he felt, until he slipped up. He said that African nations MUST follow western nations on LGTBQ else they will be left behind. Quora User doesn’t like me very much for spotting this and blocked me.

He’s essentially saying this

That all non whites must be led by the master race!

There are many many people like Richard Lock.

John Cate for instance, he didn’t like being corrected by an insect! So he blocked me.

Most of the western world are closet white supremacists. We see how the majority cheered for the genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan and loved Abu Ghraib and how they cheer for the killing in Gaza.

Profile photo for Asian Libertarian

America is such a white supremacists country that Jewish people (depends on whether you count them as white or not) dominates academy, and finance, black people dominates sports and entertainment, made test so racially unfair that Asian students routinely score higher than whites. An economic system so racist that the highest earn group is Indian Americans. It is such a racist country that hundreds of thousands of Latinos risk their lives to illegally come and stay here just for the opportunity to be oppressed by the white men…

yeah… sure

Profile photo for Mark Moroney

There has not been a rise in any white supremacy movement in America that I’m aware of and I’m white and live in the South. I think the media would like you to think that there is and somehow tie that to Trump and his followers to politically damage him. But I’d say that the few idiots who believe in white supremacy are a dying breed of low intelligence and thank goodness. I certainly don’t know any and I think that anyone who is would be shunned socially in this day and age.

To be a conservative in the USA is to believe in the party of Lincoln and that all men are created equal and deserve equ

There has not been a rise in any white supremacy movement in America that I’m aware of and I’m white and live in the South. I think the media would like you to think that there is and somehow tie that to Trump and his followers to politically damage him. But I’d say that the few idiots who believe in white supremacy are a dying breed of low intelligence and thank goodness. I certainly don’t know any and I think that anyone who is would be shunned socially in this day and age.

To be a conservative in the USA is to believe in the party of Lincoln and that all men are created equal and deserve equal opportunity. And that is how it has always been.

Profile photo for Lee Jacobson

It’s a symptom of Progressivism.

Oikophobia - Wikipedia

Essentially, and in this context, once a nation begins to run out of serious problems, the ‘elite’ find themselves in a difficult situation. Oikosphobia is a solution that allows the elites, those who consider themselves to be morally and intellectually superior, to differentiate themselves from the commoners (aka the ‘deplorables’). It requires a rejection of all that is considered one’s own culture or race in favor of the Other, or even an inimical culture. You can see this by the anti-Americanism, such as the modern penchant for the revi

It’s a symptom of Progressivism.

Oikophobia - Wikipedia

Essentially, and in this context, once a nation begins to run out of serious problems, the ‘elite’ find themselves in a difficult situation. Oikosphobia is a solution that allows the elites, those who consider themselves to be morally and intellectually superior, to differentiate themselves from the commoners (aka the ‘deplorables’). It requires a rejection of all that is considered one’s own culture or race in favor of the Other, or even an inimical culture. You can see this by the anti-Americanism, such as the modern penchant for the revisionist history, to show the US in the worst possible perspective, which is very lively on university campuses, long bastions for those who consider themselves to be elite.

Furthermore, it is in some respects a Leftist reaction to the Right wing: “my country, right or wrong”. The Left has adopted the equally inane and distasteful, “any other country, right or wrong.” A racial analogue is an implied, but never spoken, equivalent.

Exampe: An analysis of Chomsky’s position clearly shows a strong tendency to support any despotic, disfunctional regime so long as it exhibits sufficient animosity towards the US. This easily ports to the racial identity of the majority of Americans.

Profile photo for Quora User
  1. “Only Europeans are responsible for the growth of Western Civilization.”
  2. Giving credit to only the Greeks for things they borrowed from existing cultures.
  3. “Racism has existed forever, therefore we shouldn’t try to address it in the present.”
  4. “Non whites need my help.”
  5. “I am a separate race from people with darker skin or curlier hair than me.”
  6. “White people should be in charge because it’s the best thing for everyone.”
  7. “If a white person can’t do it a person of color definitely couldn’t have achieved it.”
  8. “Even though my ancestors murdered and hurt people. It was acceptable at that time so that’s why
  1. “Only Europeans are responsible for the growth of Western Civilization.”
  2. Giving credit to only the Greeks for things they borrowed from existing cultures.
  3. “Racism has existed forever, therefore we shouldn’t try to address it in the present.”
  4. “Non whites need my help.”
  5. “I am a separate race from people with darker skin or curlier hair than me.”
  6. “White people should be in charge because it’s the best thing for everyone.”
  7. “If a white person can’t do it a person of color definitely couldn’t have achieved it.”
  8. “Even though my ancestors murdered and hurt people. It was acceptable at that time so that’s why I look up to them.”
  9. “Non white people don’t think like me.”
  10. “I have to teach non white people how to express themselves correctly.”
  11. “A person of color could never be more intelligent than I am.”
  12. “People of color are too emotional and not rational enough.”
  13. “Blonde hair and blue eyes is objectively attractive to most people.”
  14. “White skin is objectively attractive to most people.”
  15. “There are more white people on planet earth than people of color so it makes sense why white people have power.”
  16. “People of color don’t work as hard as me.”
  17. “People of color aren’t as capable as I am.”
  18. “White people should be the default in all situations.”
  19. “White people are more cerebral non white people are more physical.”
  20. “I’m white so when I give my opinion it should be considered as authoritative.”
  21. “If people of color say something that I don’t agree with then that’s reverse racism.”
  22. “It’s more likely a white person is qualified than a person of color.”
  23. “My child didn’t lose his spot in college to a person of color because the person of color was more qualified than my child. My child is obviously more qualified based on their skin color and because I think they are smart.”
  24. “Critical race theory isn’t about examining race it’s a class to destroy white people.”
  25. “White people and culture are going to be destroyed by anything I’ve been told by other white people it will be destroyed by.”
  26. “White culture is obviously more valuable than any other culture Europeans have already erased from history.”
  27. “White is the most evolved form of a human being.”
  28. “White societies run by white people are objectively considered the best by all people.”
  29. “White kids are more fragile than children of color.”
  30. “White people are more sensitive than people of color.”
  31. “When I enter into a discussion with a non white person it is my job to assess how intelligent they are.”
  32. “I desperately want to meet a person of color who changes my opinion on people of color but they always disappoint me.”
  33. “People of color have come so far and I’m the best person to assess that.”
  34. “Why can’t people of color act more like white people.”
  35. “White people make mistakes but people of color are born that way.”
  36. “Single black moms are society’s burden single white moms need our protection because they probably have a good reason for being single.”
  37. “If a white person didn’t validate it, it can’t be right.”
  38. “If a white person didn’t think of it, it can’t be any good.”
  39. “White people have the ultimate authority in any and all academic subjects.”
  40. “If a person of color contradicts what a white person says, the person of color is obviously wrong.”
  41. “People of color don’t know how to draw sound or rational conclusions from data.”
  42. “Any data or statistics about racism that contradicts my worldview have a conspiratorial agenda against my worldview. “
  43. “I like to watch historical tv shows and films because times were better back then when non white people weren’t around.”
  44. “European history is the only history that really matters.”
  45. “I don’t understand or like non European centered cultures so therefore they are inferior with little value to add to anyone.”
  46. “I am part of a superior race of human beings.”
Profile photo for Greg Streib

I cannot get past the term “white supremacist,” as the definition keeps changing to fit different circumstances. What I conclude mostly is that some try really hard to make that term stick.

This is what I get from the online dictionary: “a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people.”

As per the common definition, the whole idea is that America is a white supremacist country is deeply offensive. That is true even with a histor

I cannot get past the term “white supremacist,” as the definition keeps changing to fit different circumstances. What I conclude mostly is that some try really hard to make that term stick.

This is what I get from the online dictionary: “a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people.”

As per the common definition, the whole idea is that America is a white supremacist country is deeply offensive. That is true even with a history of slavery, which never was an exclusively white thing. Indeed, there is slavery in Africa today (way more slaves than were ever brought to North America), so what does that make them? There is willful ignorance involved in virtually every white supremacist allegation.

Thus, from my perspective, this prevalent white supremacist claim is an obvious attempt to undermine the normal political order. Seeing racism behind every bush and calling it “white supremacy” is mostly lunacy and it disrupts normal activities in all walks of life.

Of course, racial relations need constant monitoring in modern, multicultural societies. Yes, there are problems and abuses. We need appropriate laws and they need to be enforced. This is an ongoing project. However, to continue to tolerate this term appearing constantly is becoming a problem.

Profile photo for Feifei Wang

There're racist people EVERYWHERE.

But US is somewhat unique because:

US is more racially diverse. US is a immigration country with a long and painful history of slavery of black people. As a result, US is not a racial homogenizing nation like many European and Asian countries. Take China for example, while we indeed have 56 ethnic groups, most of the "minorities" look, act, behave very similar to the majority Han Chinese. I'm a Manchu, but unless I self-identify as a Manchu, no one will be able to tell. I look like Han Chinese, I speak the same language as Han Chinese, I eat the same food, ha

There're racist people EVERYWHERE.

But US is somewhat unique because:

US is more racially diverse. US is a immigration country with a long and painful history of slavery of black people. As a result, US is not a racial homogenizing nation like many European and Asian countries. Take China for example, while we indeed have 56 ethnic groups, most of the "minorities" look, act, behave very similar to the majority Han Chinese. I'm a Manchu, but unless I self-identify as a Manchu, no one will be able to tell. I look like Han Chinese, I speak the same language as Han Chinese, I eat the same food, have the same history, share the same culture. We discriminate against those who are different from ourselves. Less different people are from each other racially, less racism you see in a society. (And you end up seeing a lot of other kind of discrimination and prejudice. Again, take China for example, xenophobia is really bad, as well as class discrimination).

US is more racially aware. US has a long history of racial conflict, starting from abolishing slavery to civil rights movement, to the current Black Lives Matter, there hasn't been a time period when racial conflict was not at the forefront of social issues. As a result, what might be considered OK in other country, are criticized and people are more aware of what they do and/or say when it comes to race. And because of the criticism is more vocal, you get the impression that racial issues are worse in the US. But from my personal feelings, comparing US with China, US is a lot better at identifying and criticizing racial discrimination.

For example, during the aftermath of 2014 Kunming attack, many Muslim people were asked by their landlord, sometimes by the local police to vacate their apartments or close their shops. Many street vendors were driven out of the community. Chinese Muslims are mostly from minority ethnic groups as well (Hui People, Uyghur people). While there are anti-Islamic protests in the US, a landlord can not ask a tenant to move out of the apartment simply because their race or religious beliefs. It is against the law. But there's no such law in China to protect these people, or if there is, no one is enforcing them.

While I've been very vocal about American's racism, I'm also grateful that at least this nation acknowledge and willing to face this problem, and look for solutions. It's a lot better than turn your face away from minorities and pretend it doesn't exist.

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

Watching the Tyson Fury versus Deontay Wilder fight was quite an experience, last night! Two huge men, experts at their craft, great fighters… slugging it out for many rounds, getting knocked over, getting back up again. A modern day round of gladiatorial combat sans swords.

When the match was done, Wilder knocked out by Fury, most people just… appreciated the show. The spirit, the heart these men had shown. End of story! But I noticed some black commenters online getting WAY too pissed off that “a white man” had beaten “their guy”. Likewise I noticed a few white guys getting way too thrilled “

Watching the Tyson Fury versus Deontay Wilder fight was quite an experience, last night! Two huge men, experts at their craft, great fighters… slugging it out for many rounds, getting knocked over, getting back up again. A modern day round of gladiatorial combat sans swords.

When the match was done, Wilder knocked out by Fury, most people just… appreciated the show. The spirit, the heart these men had shown. End of story! But I noticed some black commenters online getting WAY too pissed off that “a white man” had beaten “their guy”. Likewise I noticed a few white guys getting way too thrilled “their guy” had beaten “that black dude”.

If you reduce an athlete, a talented athlete, to nothing more than their skin tone, and you feel proud simply because of something they accomplished, or ashamed because something they failed to accomplished… well, that’s pretty damn racist, in my opinion. Belittles the athletes, and belittles the sport.

Just because a great big white dude who’s trained for decades to be at the top of his game succeeds in his sport, does not make you, a mediocre spectator, any better, or any worthier. And that goes of course for all races and creeds — you’re just the dude watching. You’re nothing. Just enjoy the show and don’t get any ideas.

Profile photo for Greg Streib

I relate this phenomenon to two factors: a decline in critical thinking skills and media manipulation. I will flesh out these two issues a bit.

Critical thinking has many elements, but I think asking questions, seeking answers, and considering other points of view are the most important. Mind you, I am not saying that there are no white failings of that we should not strive to be better people. However, I do think we are constantly buffeted with complaints, accusations, and characterizations that deserve some scrutiny.

As an example, let’s go back to Don Lemon stating more than once that white m

I relate this phenomenon to two factors: a decline in critical thinking skills and media manipulation. I will flesh out these two issues a bit.

Critical thinking has many elements, but I think asking questions, seeking answers, and considering other points of view are the most important. Mind you, I am not saying that there are no white failings of that we should not strive to be better people. However, I do think we are constantly buffeted with complaints, accusations, and characterizations that deserve some scrutiny.

As an example, let’s go back to Don Lemon stating more than once that white men are the greatest terror threat in the country today. There is much that can be said about this. For a start, whites are the largest “racial” group in the country. All things being equal, well we ought to commit more acts of terror. However, even that is not true. Actually the white murder rate compares with Northern Europe. There was a kernel of truth to what Lemon said, based on an ADL study, but the blunt retelling was pure showmanship. The response was tepid, though, and I encountered many white people who happily repeated this odd claim.

We might ask why it is that smart capable people do not question or examine claims made about people somewhat like them. This is where I think the media plays a role. They define reality to a certain extent. They set the boundaries for public debate.

Based on the Lemon comment, anyone questioning this confidently asserted fact would face some sort of a backlash…or at least fervent disbelief. Most of us do not have a captive audience. So, this complex issue is very hard to engage in a meaningful way. Society moves on, but this claim remains unchallenged. Over time, many unchallenged claims accumulate. Some are deliberate misrepresentations, some are oversights, some are not fully explained, etc.

Perhaps the most damning thing the media does is that news reports are now modeled after Facebook. Our world is a series of events that lack context. We almost never see the big picture.

There is a commercial now where a young lady is at an aquarium talking on the phone about vacations. She sees a shark and abruptly abandons her plans to go to a beach. This is exactly how we think today. Suddenly, someone standing on dry land now has to face her greatest fear of being eaten by a shark. Crazy!

We take this back to Don Lemon and consider the context. There have been some crazy white crimes, and this is emphasized. The population differences are not clear to people. Nobody asks any questions. You can see the result. The so-called harsh truth is hard to bear.

What could we do? We need to stop doing crazy stuff, of course. But we also need to be active participants in the shaping of public perceptions. This is happening, but more on the fringe. We all have a role in observing what is going down.

Profile photo for Jon Mixon

Question: Why are there so many racist people in the US?


  1. A history of chattel slavery which has never been addressed effectively - Had chattel slavery ended sooner and been dealt with effectively when it did, we would have fewer racial issues than we do.
  2. A genocidal history with regard to the Native population here - The White settlers who moved to Midwest and the West fought a series of skirmishes and battles with the Native population, while also engaging in actions which clearly fight the definitions of “ethnic cleansings” and “pogroms”. Very few of these matters have been addressed by th

Question: Why are there so many racist people in the US?


  1. A history of chattel slavery which has never been addressed effectively - Had chattel slavery ended sooner and been dealt with effectively when it did, we would have fewer racial issues than we do.
  2. A genocidal history with regard to the Native population here - The White settlers who moved to Midwest and the West fought a series of skirmishes and battles with the Native population, while also engaging in actions which clearly fight the definitions of “ethnic cleansings” and “pogroms”. Very few of these matters have been addressed by the current social or political leaders and so we are dealing with the legacies of that now.
  3. There was legalized White supremacy for nearly 100 years - This was a lengthy and detailed, but suffice it to say that unless you were a non-Hispanic White you were forced to pay taxes and obey laws in a society where you were marginalized. This is still ongoing in many areas, although it’s no longer codified as it was in the past. This also has not been addressed by the political and social leaders of this nation.
  4. Violence against minorities was tolerated until very recently by the legal system and is still not punished in the same manners that violence against Whites is - There are fewer sanctions when White Americans harm minorities than when minorities harm Whites. The legal system doesn’t seem to have too many problems with this, especially in the American South and areas where the minority populations are exceptionally low.
  5. There are relatively few social sanctions for being a racist in many areas around the country - If being a racist was viewed the same way as being a child molester or murderer, then things might change here. However, there are MANY areas of the country where using racial epithets or even stating an open dislike or even hatred of a minority are not sanctioned by the social or political leaders of the community.
  6. Minorities are often too tolerant of racists and racism - While there are social and economic penalties for not tolerating racism, they often pale in comparison to what happens when you do. Frankly, if minorities grew to be completely intolerant of racism, it would move further underground, or be dropped by many as being untenable or unwise.

As other answers have noted, racism exists EVERYWHERE. Even places which pride themselves in their alleged “tolerance” (Looking at you Canada and Scandinavia!) have serious problems with race, and even sectarian bigotry which is often race-based. However few countries have the unique history that the United States does, and so they don’t have racial problems as profound or as virulent as we do.


White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

White Nationalist

A History of Slavery in the United States

Genocide of Indigenous Peoples

Dan Rather: America Is Stuck in the Purgatory of Tolerance

Profile photo for Bill Safford

I am only 75, so don’t have a lot of experience here. I have met many racists. Some were white, most were black or Japanese. I only met one white supremist - a fairly nasty mouthed DEMOCRAT KLANSMAN from West Virginia. I was 10 or 12, he was probanly in his 60’s, so that woukd have been about 1957–1959. He hated - quite verbally - blacks, Jews, and Catholics. And in ascending order. Blacks were easy, they could be recognized by color. Jews were worse because they were hard to recognize. Catholics were the worst because “they disguized themselves like normal people”. He is one of my very few me

I am only 75, so don’t have a lot of experience here. I have met many racists. Some were white, most were black or Japanese. I only met one white supremist - a fairly nasty mouthed DEMOCRAT KLANSMAN from West Virginia. I was 10 or 12, he was probanly in his 60’s, so that woukd have been about 1957–1959. He hated - quite verbally - blacks, Jews, and Catholics. And in ascending order. Blacks were easy, they could be recognized by color. Jews were worse because they were hard to recognize. Catholics were the worst because “they disguized themselves like normal people”. He is one of my very few memories of that time.

Black! You do not see white supremacists on tv. However black supremacists are! I’ve seen Louis Farrakhan on liberal TV stations such as CNN and MSNBC. Even though he calls whites devils. Sharpton is another racist that is on these stations. Unfortunately many Blacks are indoctrinated into the idea that they are nothing but former slaves. They will never get anywhere without government assistance. It is used as a tool by a the Democratic party to keep them in line and fuel hate for the white majority and Republicans. Some men have even used this tactic to make money from this. Under the guise

Black! You do not see white supremacists on tv. However black supremacists are! I’ve seen Louis Farrakhan on liberal TV stations such as CNN and MSNBC. Even though he calls whites devils. Sharpton is another racist that is on these stations. Unfortunately many Blacks are indoctrinated into the idea that they are nothing but former slaves. They will never get anywhere without government assistance. It is used as a tool by a the Democratic party to keep them in line and fuel hate for the white majority and Republicans. Some men have even used this tactic to make money from this. Under the guise of civil rights they ask for your money and bitch and bitch and bitch but nothing gets done. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, ect are perfect examples. Yet the ghettos of the 60’s are the same ghetto areas of today.

Profile photo for Nick Ford

Far from creating a 'polite society' the threat of a lethal armed response from the public has escalated police anxiety levels, fuelled antagonism, and facilitated the persistent use of excessive force.

The police have militarized because they are unwilling to admit they're frightened and think they're in an arms race.

The police don't 'need' to be racist to create these outcomes, but there is no doubt that entrenched social prejudices will manifest itself catastrophically in high pressure situations.

These horrific events are a consequence of American society, not simply isolated bad cops.


Far from creating a 'polite society' the threat of a lethal armed response from the public has escalated police anxiety levels, fuelled antagonism, and facilitated the persistent use of excessive force.

The police have militarized because they are unwilling to admit they're frightened and think they're in an arms race.

The police don't 'need' to be racist to create these outcomes, but there is no doubt that entrenched social prejudices will manifest itself catastrophically in high pressure situations.

These horrific events are a consequence of American society, not simply isolated bad cops.

America does not have a disproportionate number of bad people.

America keeps making bad decisions.

Profile photo for Charlie Fortin

Progressive identitarian politics.

Before that, we were all Americans believing all men are equal before the law. And justice was blind. And everyone was innocent before being proven guilty.

We did punish the successful, but it wasn’t so bad that the rich felt singled out. They did it voluntarily, because they loved the country. It doesn’t look like that will be true in the future if progressives take office.

It is shades of 1933 Germany. I worry that the next superior race will come out of this thinking, and then we are all in deep trouble.

Profile photo for John Wagner. “There’s a Reason I Don’t Drink at Parties”.

Who cares. There aren’t any white supremacists anymore. Someone said there are 4000. Ok. Out of 330,000,000 people. That comes down to about one out of 80,000. So. In a fair sized city you have one white supremacist?

It’s crap. It’s a liberal lie.

Profile photo for Erick Emmersen

Why are there so many delusional leftist imbiciles that believe everything the corporate media points their eyeballs at?

The center and the right have been screaming that Biden was barely functional for years. But the leftists were so completely convinced by their chosen “information” sources that “the ultra-right extremitsts” were just making things up, using AI to create the illusion, taking things out of context…

And then they saw it, themselves, on their own source, with their own rules - when their chosen “leaders” decided it was time to let them in on the joke.

And they were shocked.

Not at

Why are there so many delusional leftist imbiciles that believe everything the corporate media points their eyeballs at?

The center and the right have been screaming that Biden was barely functional for years. But the leftists were so completely convinced by their chosen “information” sources that “the ultra-right extremitsts” were just making things up, using AI to create the illusion, taking things out of context…

And then they saw it, themselves, on their own source, with their own rules - when their chosen “leaders” decided it was time to let them in on the joke.

And they were shocked.

Not at the realization that they’d been lied-to by the people they trusted for so long.

They were shocked that Joe had declined so badly in a week, since they’d seen his last (AI-enhanced, staged, telepromptered, drug-fortified) performance, and it looked just fine. (Like Javier Melei gave his speech at the WEF last in English… in his own accent… with his lips moving as if speaking English. Amazing how that works.) They were shocked that his condition had deteriorated so fast, since the last time they’d seen him. Even Joe Scarborough said, not a month ago, that he was fine, better than ever…. They were shocked that their great pants-pooping hair-sniffing pedo had gone so obviously sideways… Surely those evil (everyone who does not agree with them about men using the girls’ bathroom) had faked all those reports about Joe being utterly dementia-addled. Surely it had not been their own side, the side of goodness and light, that had been cherry-picking moments of clarity, it could not have been their own side that had been doctoring video feeds to enhance what they had seen… Surely, it was the other side that was doing what their media truth-speakers said they were doing…

No one mentioned that those close to him had to have known, all along.

No one reminded them that this was the man they elected, the one, supposedly, with the nuclear codes, making decisions about how to ward China off of Taiwan, how much more “aid” to print and send to the Ukrainian dictator, how to manage the illegal alien flood in 1500 American cities, and who’s phone to bug next. Sharp as a tack, as Newsome and Scarborough claimed, two hours before we saw the reality (again).

Then we were told he had been over-prepared. For a week (was everything else on his plate put on hold, because he was practicing)? And yet, the reality that you’ve been lied to for a long time has not sunk in.

You believe there are “so many white supremacists” for three reasons:

You believe that the only white non-supremacist is a human who is supplicant, obedient, docile, and apologetic for his or her existence… someone who does not stand up for her or his heritage, does not push back on lies and disingenuous narrative. In short, the only ‘good’ Caucasian is either a simp, or dead.

You believe that the people feeding you “information” about the world, its history, your place and role in it, and what it means to be “moral,” all have your best interest at heart.

You believe that words do not have pre-existing meaning, and that those meanings do not change quickly or evenly - even when someone with green hair insists that it’s been re-defined. That is, what you believe the meanings of “White” and “supremacist” are, are not the meanings that most others have understood them to have been these last 500 years. It’s rather like the re-definition of “racist” or “Fascist.” The people using these words as derogatory slurs do not know the actual meaning because they’ve made-up their own and now use the words, arrogantly, as they intend. They do not know or acknowledge what the words have meant since they were created; they only know that it means “bad person.”

All three of these beliefs are profoundly false, and promote profound delusions of moral and intellectual superiority. These are the beliefs that garner nothing but ridicule and contempt when you attempt to gaslight others into your delusional worldview.

Profile photo for Terry JoWan Taylor

Sometimes the attitudes we receive are a reflection of the actions we exhibit. Helpful people receive help from people. Kind people receive kindness. I realize that a lot of people in our country are very stressed with busy schedules. When I am in public, I practice kindness towards everyone. It amazes me how many people stop and go out of their way to help me. I am handicapped and every time I go shopping someone offers to help get items for me.

Profile photo for Ashley Riggs

It’s not racism. It’s police power tripping. They think they’re the law and what they say is the law even if it isn’t, and they think what they did is their job.

Shooting and killing a father and son, and lying about it.

Shooting and killing a deaf man

Pulling a gun on a customer who he thought was stealing candy. Will not admit he’s wrong and makes the customer leave the store.

Didn’t like a man video taping him, so he pulls out a gun and forces a confrontati

It’s not racism. It’s police power tripping. They think they’re the law and what they say is the law even if it isn’t, and they think what they did is their job.

Shooting and killing a father and son, and lying about it.

Shooting and killing a deaf man

Pulling a gun on a customer who he thought was stealing candy. Will not admit he’s wrong and makes the customer leave the store.

Didn’t like a man video taping him, so he pulls out a gun and forces a confrontation.

Using their power to take care of personal business

Threatening and using profanity to teach a teen a lesson.

Shooting a scooter rider in the back and killing her. Then lying that the rider tased her so she had no choice but to shoot to kill.

Police executed a no-knock warrant…on the wrong house. But still arrests the home owner just in case they found something.

6 year old was a threat and can over power the officer, so handcuffs had to be used.

7 year old taken away by the police in handcuffs because he can over power the police officer.

13 year old with mental health issues and handcuffed beaten in the back seat of the police car.

Officer follows driver home to his driveway. Pulls a gun on a driver for seat belt violation. Then lies that there’s a crowd gathering to attack him and the driver is confrontational.

There’s way too many to put on here…maybe thousands of videos.

Profile photo for Casey Damian

They can’t blame anyone but themselves for falling for the BS they swallowed in Leftist universities.

Profile photo for Quora User

They’re emotionally disturbed. White supremacy really should be classed as a specific mental disorder.

They fear losing standing in the world if they can’t maintain it just by being white. They need unearned privilege and authority because they know they cannot stand on their own merits and actions.

They make no sense whatsoever; and while some of them retain enough mental function to understand that what they are proposing is wrong (witness the Charlottesville WS’s who were terrified of being caught on camera), others do not.

It would be pitiful if they weren’t also dangerous to others, if their

They’re emotionally disturbed. White supremacy really should be classed as a specific mental disorder.

They fear losing standing in the world if they can’t maintain it just by being white. They need unearned privilege and authority because they know they cannot stand on their own merits and actions.

They make no sense whatsoever; and while some of them retain enough mental function to understand that what they are proposing is wrong (witness the Charlottesville WS’s who were terrified of being caught on camera), others do not.

It would be pitiful if they weren’t also dangerous to others, if their fantasies didn’t include the elimination of equal rights at best, and violence at worst.

Profile photo for Gary Garrett

Category: White supremacist groups in the United States

This category includes groups who try/tried to advance white supremacy or white nationalism in the United States.




Pages in category "White supremacist groups in the United States"



Category: White supremacist groups in the United States

This category includes groups who try/tried to advance white supremacy or white nationalism in the United States.




Pages in category "White supremacist groups in the United States"


















This program provided free food to Black and other oppressed people. The intent of the Free Food Program was to supplement the groceries of Black and poor people until economic conditions allowed them to purchase good food at reasonable prices, according to Hilliard. The Free Food Program provided two basic services to the community: 1. An ongoing supply of food to meet their daily needs. 2. Periodic mass distributions of food to reach a larger segment of the community than can be serviced from the ongoing supply. The community was provided with bags of fresh food containing items such as eggs, canned fruits and vegetables, chickens, milk, potatoes, rice, bread, cereal and so forth. A minimum of a week’s supply of food was included in each bag.

  • People’s Free Ambulance Service

The service provided free, rapid transportation for sick or injured people without time-consuming checks into the patients’ financial status or means. The People’s Free Ambulance Service operated with at least one ambulance on a 24-hour emergency basis, and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a nonemergency or convalescent basis, according to Hilliard. People were transported to and from the hospital or doctor’s office in a modern, comfortable ambulance by courteous, efficient and knowledgeable attendants.

  • The Breakfast Program

The free breakfast for schoolchildren program was set up in Berkeley, California, in 1968 by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton. It was the first significant community program organized by the Panthers, and perhaps the most well known. By the end of 1969, free breakfast was served in 19 cities, under the sponsorship of the national headquarters and 23 local affiliates. More than 20,000 children received full free breakfast (bread, bacon, eggs, grits) before going to their elementary or junior high school.

  • Health Clinics

The clinics were called People’s Free Medical Centers (PFMC) and eventually were established in 13 cities across the country, from Cleveland to New Haven, Connecticut; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, to Los Angeles. Women, according to sociologist Alondra Nelson, were the backbone of the effort —not surprising, considering that approximately 60 percent of Black Panther Party members were female. Some of the clinics were in storefronts, others in trailers or hastily built structures, and most did not last long. But they offered services such as testing for high blood pressure, lead poisoning, tuberculosis and diabetes; cancer detection screenings; physical exams; treatments for colds and flu; and immunization against polio, measles, rubella, and diphtheria. Nelson reports that many of the women and men involved in the PFMCs went on to become credentialed health care professionals.

  • Youth Institute

The Intercommunal Youth Institute was established in January 1971 by the Black Panther Party. In 1974, the name was changed to Oakland Community School. The Black Panther Party goal was to get children to learn to their highest potential and to strengthen their minds so that one day they would be successful. The school graduated its first class in June 1974. In September 1977, California Gov. Edmund “Jerry” Brown Jr. and the California Legislature gave Oakland Community School a special award for “having set the standard for the highest level of elementary education in the state.”

  • Seniors Against a Fearful Environment (SAFE)

SAFE, a nonprofit corporation, was started by the Black Panther Party at the request of a group of senior citizens for the purpose of preventing muggings and attacks upon the elderly, particularly when they go out to cash their Social Security or pension checks. Prior to approaching the Black Panther Party, the seniors had gone to the Oakland Police Department to request protection. There the seniors were told that they “should walk close to the curb” in the future, according to a Panther report by David Hilliard, who served as the Party’s chief of staff. The program offered free transportation and escort services to the residents of the Satellite Senior Homes, a residential complex for the elderly in Oakland, California.

The Black Panthers were actually doing good for the black community. I'm guessing that was one of the main reasons white people decided to bust it up.

Profile photo for Matt Held

Show some evidence of the “rise”. The media and democrats have spent the past 4 years CLAIMING there is shocking and rampant white supremacy, but they’ve failed to even offer a cogent definition of WP, let alone provide evidence.

Profile photo for Quora User

Racism is originally a ideology of White Supremacy. Although anyone can have animosity toward any group of people. Racism and the concept of race was designed around the notion that Europeans are superior to all others. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach is credited as the inventor or race.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Wikipedia

He categorized different groups into “Races". ALL African became Negroid, considered Inherently inferior. Mongoloid, also consider genetically Inferior, And Caucasoid, consider inherently superior. This also caused Europeans to categorize themselves into sub categories. The Ir

Racism is originally a ideology of White Supremacy. Although anyone can have animosity toward any group of people. Racism and the concept of race was designed around the notion that Europeans are superior to all others. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach is credited as the inventor or race.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Wikipedia

He categorized different groups into “Races". ALL African became Negroid, considered Inherently inferior. Mongoloid, also consider genetically Inferior, And Caucasoid, consider inherently superior. This also caused Europeans to categorize themselves into sub categories. The Irish/ Celts were considered inferior Their sometimes bushy hair and facial features were consider Negroid, the belief was that Irish people were of African decent and not of Caucasian decent, hence the use of the term “Niggers of Europe “.

A book was published in the 1930’s called the Races of Europe. This book categorized non Nordic European as superior to other Europeans (Slavs, Iberians, Irish). This book also reinforced Hitlers beliefs and helped inspire him.

America, Australia, and South Africa were hailed as a White Mans Paradise. Where the dark skinned people will cater to Europeans:

We can see the effect of this “Race” Ideology in the Hierarchies of Western countries and countries that were colonized:

Minorities in countries have shown racial backlash against the groups in power or toward the groups above them however often they have very little political, or economic power. They also lack the ability to commit wide reaching change without the help of the groups in power. This is seen with African American in the US:

Attack of Reginald Denny during the L.A. Riots:

Post Slavery hundred of thousands of African American were rounded up and put in prison for violating new laws that targeted Black people. These laws were called “Black codes” and “Jim Crow Laws”. The laws said thing like: If a Negro isn’t gainfully employed or doesn't own a home they can be arrested and put in prison.

Many African-Americans attempted to escape the persecution. When they did build their own town. They built schools, Universities, Hospitals, and business. However because of the racial hierarchy sucessfull African-Americans were seen as an affront to the order of things and racist burnt African-American towns, Schools, churches, and business to the ground in the early 1900’s:

December 1922. Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia

1921: Tulsa, Oklahoma

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Profile photo for Lyndal Bruns

It’s illegal to be a white supremacist in Australia.

If you know any white supremacists I’d call the Police and have them arrested.

Here’s the law: Australian Human Rights Commission

In the last census the proportion of Australians who were born overseas has hit its highest point in over 120 years, with 28 per cent of Australia's population born overseas, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). That’s over a quarter of our population.

3412.0 - Migration, Australia, 2014-15

Having said that it would be remiss not to recognise there are a small minority of wh

It’s illegal to be a white supremacist in Australia.

If you know any white supremacists I’d call the Police and have them arrested.

Here’s the law: Australian Human Rights Commission

In the last census the proportion of Australians who were born overseas has hit its highest point in over 120 years, with 28 per cent of Australia's population born overseas, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). That’s over a quarter of our population.

3412.0 - Migration, Australia, 2014-15

Having said that it would be remiss not to recognise there are a small minority of white supremacists in Australia.

White supremacists are getting press because of this one crazy lady.

Australia did have a ‘White Australia Policy’ that was dismantled between 1949 and 1973.

Why there is a minority of white supremacists is mainly because many older Australians remember WW2, Korea and Vietnam. In war the enemy is demonised so men can kill.

Below is an interview with an Asian journalist and a young Australian who was once a white supremacist. It might explain one of the reasons why. But it’s a much more complex issue.

Source: My interview with a white supremacist

"For me, I was against Asians because my whole family had been over in like either Vietnam, or World War II fighting the Japanese," Matt said. "Just hearing all the stories of just what my grandfather went through in prisoner of war camps and stuff like that. You probably don't really need to know when you're a young fella."

I wonder how many other Australians grew up with those stories.

"I had a pretty strong hatred, and my father had a pretty strong hatred, because he lost his father from the prisoner of war camp," Matt says.

"So, yeah, I just, I guess I took on that hatred because that's all I heard at home. And then, at the same time, other kids, you know, when you're at school you don't learn about, it was always the Japanese invasion, there was nothing about, you know, the Germans or the Turkish, you know? You never heard anything about that stuff."

It's pretty remarkable that a younger Matt could have an impression of World War II in which the Germans didn't really feature.

And Matt is very honest about what his impression of "Asia" was at that time:

"I didn't even know there were all these different countries in Asia," he said.

"At the time, especially in Western Sydney, we were just told that, these Asians are trying to take over like they did, you know, the Japanese tried to take over," he said.

"So, you know, they're just trying it again, but this time they're trying to come in and live here, you know. Buying up all the property and all that sort of stuff. So, just because we have that background anger and the whole community going on about it, that's why we only targeted Asians."

When he says "targeted", Matt means it.

He says he grew up poor in Blacktown, and angry, and fighting. From Year 8 on, he took a crowbar to school with him. And as a young man, he developed a solution for both the anger and the racism:

"I was just so angry, I had too much anger from being beaten my whole life up until then. I just sort of cracked, and then anyone who looked at me I just went and took on. But then I found that I got respect from that. So then guys actually started to keep away from me. And then more guys joined my group, because they kind of wanted to hang out with someone who was so highly respected, I guess, by fear," he said.

So, as a young man, Matt started to create what would become a group of violent extremists.

He was the leader, and he developed an ideology for that group - a reason for it to exist.

"The whole idea of 'Let's get all the Asians'. Let's just get all, you know, I didn't say it to them, but let's get out my anger, really out on the Asians," Matt said.

This led to two or three years of street violence. And after that, it meant planning a massacre, in Sydney.

Matt and his group had stockpiled weapons, and had worked out target areas and weapons caches.

"I just wanted to go out and get as many Asians or the Lebanese homeboys that we could get. There wasn't any number. It was just until my ammunition ran out, I guess," he said.

"Just kill as many people as possible?" I asked him.

"Yeah. It's pretty sad to say, but yeah," he said.

"So, you were basically planning a massacre," I said.

"Um, yeah. Yep," he replied.

I hadn't really planned for what would come after that question. I was a little stunned by his answer. I think we both were. Because oddly enough, Matt hadn't thought about his actions in those terms before: as planning a massacre.

"Had you thought much about killing people?" I asked.

"No. Not at all," he said. There was a pause.

"Now, I realize I would be killing people. Back then, I was just filled with anger and I just wanted to take that anger out."

It sounds shocking. And of course it was. But sitting there in the kitchen, I had respect for Matt. These things are not easy to say, particularly to a journalist. It is not easy to admit to just how racist you were. It is not easy to admit to racist violence, particularly to someone who, let's face it, you probably would've hated back then. And Matt has never told his story to any journalist before.

Matt came back from the hatred. He had a reality check.

One day he was alone at a bus stop, without his followers, and Matt was randomly attacked by some guys who wanted money. A stranger, an Asian man, waded in to help him.

"After that I was just like, oh that's it. We're going around beating up all these Asians, and we want to kill them all, but this guy just saved my life pretty much," Matt said.

Considering that the fight started with Matt's head being bashed against the wall, he could be right.

Matt stopped what he was doing. He de-escalated his group. It took about a year. Then Matt went to work on himself. He found a job and a different path. He tried to channel his energies into other things. He tried to get rid of the hate which had ruled his existence since childhood.

"How many years did it take to get over the hate?" I asked him.

"Probably, maybe another ten years? I mean, realistically I could say that I never got over the hate," he said. (A flash of panic went off in my head.)

"I got over the hate only really recently, you could say. You know, it'll always be there," he said.

Source: My interview with a white supremacist

Profile photo for Duke Makedo

I’m not a white supremacist.

As far as I can tell, I don’t know a white supremacist.

As far as I can tell, there aren’t any serious White Supremacists in my region.

Profile photo for Quora User

In my experience, people join these groups for similar reasons as people who join most (non-religious at least) groups.

There are three main categories, the true believers, the generally hateful, and those who are mainly looking for somewhere to fit in.

The generally hateful are really just looking for an outlet for their hatred, and potentially violence. They could have just as easily chose Communism, progressivism, or something else, but they for whatever reason chose white supremacy. It's a pretty good ideaology as far as hate goes, it gives plenty of opportunity for hatred. And for the small

In my experience, people join these groups for similar reasons as people who join most (non-religious at least) groups.

There are three main categories, the true believers, the generally hateful, and those who are mainly looking for somewhere to fit in.

The generally hateful are really just looking for an outlet for their hatred, and potentially violence. They could have just as easily chose Communism, progressivism, or something else, but they for whatever reason chose white supremacy. It's a pretty good ideaology as far as hate goes, it gives plenty of opportunity for hatred. And for the small minority that craves violence, it offers plenty of willing opponents for them to fight. (As was seen in Charlottesville where they fought some of their own kind from other groups). These people typically don't have the best grasp of rhetoric, and they might switch groups if there aren't enough opportunities for violence or hatred.

As far as I can tell, these people are essentially random, and they just join the first thing they come across.

The true believers are where all the doctrine and theory comes from. This is where all the most convincing and hard to debunk recruitment material comes from. This group also consists of people who were swayed by logic and rhetoric. These people aren't necessarily motivated by hatred, they might just dispassionately believe that the Jews control various things, and they've read some statistics about racial IQ differences or something.

This is probably where trying overly hard to censor people like Charles Murray and his extensive research into IQ disparities, does the most harm. By any reasonable account, Murray isn't racist, he merely dispassionately considered all possibilities, and concluded that IQ differences were probably due to various factors.

But certain people's toxic rhetoric and rabid attempts to censor him were among the most powerful White Supremacy recruitment tools in decades. Attempts to censor someone only make people think that you fear what they have to say, and that is extremely convincing. It just tells people that you can't refute the arguments presented. Censorship is undoubtedly the most powerful tool for recruitment to extremist groups.

The last group is people who are looking for somewhere to fit in, or something to follow, because they have been ostracized from society. They might have been bullied or fired for some relatively harmless comment, or they might have been stalked by Twitter goons. They might have been on the news. They very likely experienced some kind of traumatic event, and were rejected or barred from other coping mechanisms.

These guys (and mostly guys in this group) more or less just float along, hang out in chatrooms, and usually don't do too much. Sometimes they move a bit further towards one of the other groups, but usually they just stay. These guys are the most likely to leave the group, if their general life situation improves.

These groups are just guidelines, and some people can be a mix of more than one. There are a few other reasons why people might join, like an overwhelming desire for leadership, without any other chance to lead in their life. They are the counterpart to those who are searching for something to follow.

The majority of recruits join to fulfill something in their life that is missing. It's not as simple as 'they are hateful losers'. That's not a particularly useful sentiment in any case. They will join for similar reasons as to why someone might join any other extremist group (maybe religious terrorists are different).

Profile photo for Quora User

Still lower overall percentage of population than any other country according to to Google.

Profile photo for Mike Lusicic

You are a victim of the media. While there are white supremacists in the US, there are fewer than the media would have you believe. It isn’t sensational to report the normal. White supremacists are more sensational. As a bonus, they can be used to attack Trump, a favorite enemy of the liberal media, so of course you are going to hear about them. A similar thing happens with shootings. The media does not like guns either.

Profile photo for Quora User

Why is it wrong to believe that the most important defining characteristic of any given person is how much melanin they’re missing?

Why is it wrong to believe that all melanin-deficient people are superior to everyone else, no matter what their actions, character, morality, or abilities?

Why is it wrong to believe that having a sparse amount of melanin entitles one to discriminate against others, to infringe on their rights, to control them and their free choices?

Gee. I don’t know. It all makes so much sense. /s

Of all the bone-stupid actions of which people are capable, I have to give a high awa

Why is it wrong to believe that the most important defining characteristic of any given person is how much melanin they’re missing?

Why is it wrong to believe that all melanin-deficient people are superior to everyone else, no matter what their actions, character, morality, or abilities?

Why is it wrong to believe that having a sparse amount of melanin entitles one to discriminate against others, to infringe on their rights, to control them and their free choices?

Gee. I don’t know. It all makes so much sense. /s

Of all the bone-stupid actions of which people are capable, I have to give a high award to anyone who proclaims himself so worthless and lacking in any redeeming qualities that he needs the world to give him extra credit just for not having much melanin - a factor over which he has zero control.

Profile photo for Quora User

These screwballs. Chicago had a big neo-Nazi problem in the 70s. You can look at the words themselves. White. Supreme.

Whites are the supreme, or superior, race. Or so a supremacist might think, though most have a hive mentality, so to me they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

A white supremacist is a racist. They can also be anti-Semites. Just as with the with the demonstration in Charlottesville, in 1979, there was a big deal made over a planned neo-Nazi march in Skokie, the largest Jewish suburb outside of the city limits. They weren’t the KKK marching against blacks, they were just a

These screwballs. Chicago had a big neo-Nazi problem in the 70s. You can look at the words themselves. White. Supreme.

Whites are the supreme, or superior, race. Or so a supremacist might think, though most have a hive mentality, so to me they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

A white supremacist is a racist. They can also be anti-Semites. Just as with the with the demonstration in Charlottesville, in 1979, there was a big deal made over a planned neo-Nazi march in Skokie, the largest Jewish suburb outside of the city limits. They weren’t the KKK marching against blacks, they were just a hateful group of white people that never wanted the status quo to change.

Make America Great Again! Trump’s slogan really does imply that things were better when neo-Nazis were congregating in parks and picking fights with random people and the KKK were more frightening. Now it is more frightening that some idiot will kill people by driving his car into a crowd.

While white supremacists hate blacks, they still make up their own rules as they go along. Hitler committed suicide. The South lost the Civil War. The true definition of a white supremacist is someone who cannot get the fuck over themselves.

Profile photo for Quora User

It’s far more common than you think. White supremacy is thought of as fringe and minor and people wearing white hoods and doing nasty things.

But white supremacy is far more common than you think.

My greatest case study for this is Colin Riegels. You can look up his profile on here, he’s a very prolific writer.

Colin Riegels is a middle class, middle income, middle career, middle age person in middle England. There are millions upon millions just like him, millions who think they’re good decent people.

The part that gave him away and of many others was his views on Iraq.

An enormous number people d

It’s far more common than you think. White supremacy is thought of as fringe and minor and people wearing white hoods and doing nasty things.

But white supremacy is far more common than you think.

My greatest case study for this is Colin Riegels. You can look up his profile on here, he’s a very prolific writer.

Colin Riegels is a middle class, middle income, middle career, middle age person in middle England. There are millions upon millions just like him, millions who think they’re good decent people.

The part that gave him away and of many others was his views on Iraq.

An enormous number people died in the Iraq intervention.

Yet what does Colin do? He simply dismissed all these dead people as ‘a mistake’ a mistake is when I calculate something wrong. A mistake is when I forget to bring my umbrella. Yet as above middle class, middle income, middle career, middle age person in middle England considers the deaths of millions of people to be as bad as when I forget to bring my umbrella.

That’s essentially their lives do not matter to him.

As I said before he’s middle class, middle income, middle career, middle age person in middle England and his views aren’t all that uncommon there are millions upon millions of people like him who think they’re good decent people.

When challenged about it he’s completely meh about it and generally dismissive of views that call him out for it.

That’s essentially non white lives are WORTHLESS!

Whatever western governments do is JUSTIFIED!

So what if BROWN people DIE!

If that’s not white supremacy I don’t know what is?


For those who think I’m bullshitting here’s the answer:

Profile photo for Ernest

They have always been there, but with the success of the Civil Rights movement they sort of went underground during the 1970s. Ronald Reagan's conservative revolution in 1980 brought them back again, and they have been getting stronger ever since.

The basic reasons they exist in the first place are slavery and conflict with the native Americans. White Americans despised both groups. Then when large numbers of Chinese and Japanese were imported as cheap labor, the whites learned to despise them too.

Profile photo for Ben

Caveman colonize that why

Profile photo for Nathaniel Howard

Because racism is a form of control and superiority. If you believe that you are superior over anyone, in your mind, you will think that you are touchable. When you meet the wrong person or a person that is more stronger than you, you will break down. Racist people regardless of face preached that their race is superior and that the system (Jews) are the enemies. They only do that because they don't want to blame themselves and rather have a target to blame others. As a bisexual black person, when I see black Supremacist be against homosexuality, race mixing, and unity, they are doing it as sh

Because racism is a form of control and superiority. If you believe that you are superior over anyone, in your mind, you will think that you are touchable. When you meet the wrong person or a person that is more stronger than you, you will break down. Racist people regardless of face preached that their race is superior and that the system (Jews) are the enemies. They only do that because they don't want to blame themselves and rather have a target to blame others. As a bisexual black person, when I see black Supremacist be against homosexuality, race mixing, and unity, they are doing it as shock value like their white counterparts. It is about control and a savior complex.

Profile photo for Dennis Manning

There are about 10,000 white supremacists in a nation of about 325 million.

The only reason they exist at all is because the USA endorses the right to freedom of speech even if their speech is offensive and controversial.

When only .0003% of your population is practicing openly as a white supremacist, that means it's pretty damn rare.

Most of them are old dogs with no teeth.

No soup for you.

Profile photo for Michael Safyan

Anti-Semitism, the irrational hatred of Jews, is not unique to a particular political ideology, religion, gender, race, or ethnic background. It is an irrational hatred and bigotry directed against Jews. Its irrationality often manifests itself as blaming Jews collectively for that which one hates. And, because it is irrational, Jews are often hated simultaneously for contradictory reasons; Jews have been, for example, simultaneously hated as “greedy capitalists” and “dirty communists”. Consequently, white supremacists (and the Nazis before them) who hate racial differences and those who are n

Anti-Semitism, the irrational hatred of Jews, is not unique to a particular political ideology, religion, gender, race, or ethnic background. It is an irrational hatred and bigotry directed against Jews. Its irrationality often manifests itself as blaming Jews collectively for that which one hates. And, because it is irrational, Jews are often hated simultaneously for contradictory reasons; Jews have been, for example, simultaneously hated as “greedy capitalists” and “dirty communists”. Consequently, white supremacists (and the Nazis before them) who hate racial differences and those who are not “Aryan” attribute characteristics to Jews that are non-Aryan; to the white supremacists, Jews are Middle Eastern / oriental / asiatic, and this can be seen in the kinds of caricatures that Nazis drew (and neo-Nazis/white supremacists still draw) of Jews that exaggerate non-European features such as elongated noses, large ears, etc. That is, even though Jewish identity is national not racial (Jews span a variety of racial backgrounds), in the minds of white supremacists, Jews represent a distinct (and inferior) racial group (including those who are lighter skin).

On top of the above, Jews have historically (and contemporarily, too) been politically aligned with feminism, inclusion, social justice, and other liberation movements. Tikkun olam, making the world a better place, is a major part of Jewish-ness. Judaism teaches to “love thy neighbor as thyself” and to “love the stranger”, messages that are at odds with the white supremacist ideology. In addition to these values of Judaism, itself, the lengthy and historical persecution of Jews has deeply sensitized the Jewish community to the suffering and marginalization of other communities, and this empathy — in addition to the teachings of Judaism, itself — drive compassion for other marginalized groups. Consequently, in addition to scapegoating Jews in an irrational manner for their own personal failings as all anti-Semites have done in the past, white supremacists also hate Jews for the Jewish community’s participation in advancing the inclusiveness, love, tolerance, and empathy of other groups that goes against their desire to instigate a “race war” and subjugate, ethnically cleanse, commit genocide against, enslave, or otherwise harm non-whites.

Although white supremacists view Jews as non-white, the opposite view, that Jews are white, can be found among those on the far left, a view that is also problematic, albeit in different ways. Suffice it to say that anti-Semitism attributes to Jews that which is hated most, and there are some on the far left who are similarly prejudiced against Jews and over-emphasize Jewish whiteness in order to associate Jews with white supremacy and historically erase and dismiss anti-Semitism in world view that over-emphasizes power dynamics and buys into anti-Semitic conspiracies of excessive Jewish power.

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Profile photo for Harry Olden

There aren't. Stop gargling the Democratic Party Kool-Aid. They're distracting you from the evil they’re actually doing to you.

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