The ones saying that aren't interested in blending in, anonymity or a normal day to day life. If they were, they wouldn't be drawing attention to themselves at every opportunity.
The Gay Rights movement was originally about the right to disappear, to live as others do, to be unnoticed. It's since morphed into an appalling out of control locomotive purely to attention seek and demand special treatment.
Most of the people screaming for trans rights aren't interested in rights at all, because they've already got those. What they actually want is privilege, at the expense of everybody else. So whatever insane surgery they want paid for by the government, being trans classified as more normal than normal but with the kid gloves reserved for the insane and suicidal, to go through life never seeing or hearing anything with which they disagree, free money and housing, endless ego-boosting applause and “validation”, sex on tap, and punishments for anybody who dares so much as think differently to them.
These days, most everybody shouting for rights is really after preferential treatment, usually at the expense of people they dislike. The trans activists are just that in extremis, with a list of demands so outrageous and deviant they're stomach turning and hilarious in equal measure, but to these self-obsessed mental ill narcissists, the very fact that these demands are not granted right away and more, is proof of an existential threat and attempted genocide.
Basically, they're children in adult's bodies who never dealt with being told no.