
Yes sure she can , it has noting to do with age

Yes sure she can , it has noting to do with age

Profile photo for Denise H

yes what do you think

yes what do you think

Profile photo for Michelle (Michael) Akins

I certainly hope so. I'm 54 now and I plan on wearing miniskirts for way longer than 6 more years. Interested to see how long I can keep wearing 6″ high heels.

I certainly hope so. I'm 54 now and I plan on wearing miniskirts for way longer than 6 more years. Interested to see how long I can keep wearing 6″ high heels.

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.

Overpaying on car insurance

You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.

If you’ve been with the same insurer for years, chances are you are one of them.

Pull up, a free site that will compare prices for you, answer the questions on the page, and it will show you how much you could be saving.

That’s it. You’ll likely be saving a bunch of money. Here’s a link to give it a try.

Consistently being in debt

If you’ve got $10K+ in debt (credit cards…medical bills…anything really) you could use a debt relief program and potentially reduce by over 20%.

Here’s how to see if you qualify:

Head over to this Debt Relief comparison website here, then simply answer the questions to see if you qualify.

It’s as simple as that. You’ll likely end up paying less than you owed before and you could be debt free in as little as 2 years.

Missing out on free money to invest

It’s no secret that millionaires love investing, but for the rest of us, it can seem out of reach.

Times have changed. There are a number of investing platforms that will give you a bonus to open an account and get started. All you have to do is open the account and invest at least $25, and you could get up to $1000 in bonus.

Pretty sweet deal right? Here is a link to some of the best options.

Having bad credit

A low credit score can come back to bite you in so many ways in the future.

From that next rental application to getting approved for any type of loan or credit card, if you have a bad history with credit, the good news is you can fix it.

Head over to and answer a few questions to see if you qualify. It only takes a few minutes and could save you from a major upset down the line.

How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Andy613

I do…I am almost 64

I do…I am almost 64

Profile photo for Brad Trapper

I’m over fifty 👍

I’m over fifty 👍

Profile photo for Veronica Jansen

I am 56.

Here some pictures.

You can judge yourself.

I am 56.

Here some pictures.

You can judge yourself.

Profile photo for Quora User

Absolutely! If you have managed your diet and health this far, you have every right to show it off!

Absolutely! If you have managed your diet and health this far, you have every right to show it off!

This search engine can reveal so much. Click here to enter any name, wait for it, brace yourself.
Profile photo for Quora User

I would have to say yes. I just started when I was 64 and I love it. Wore one yesterday to the hardware store and the pharmacy.

I would have to say yes. I just started when I was 64 and I love it. Wore one yesterday to the hardware store and the pharmacy.

I am 61 years old now but in this pic I had just turned 51. I have been getting a lot of slack over it but I felt good about myself for the first time since I was a teenager. I had just lost 80 lbs. unfortunately I have gained it back but would still wear it at age 61 if I lost the weight. For those asking how old should you be before you stop wearing short dresses, I say if you feel comfortable wear it. ❤️🌹🤗

I am 61 years old now but in this pic I had just turned 51. I have been getting a lot of slack over it but I felt good about myself for the first time since I was a teenager. I had just lost 80 lbs. unfortunately I have gained it back but would still wear it at age 61 if I lost the weight. For those asking how old should you be before you stop wearing short dresses, I say if you feel comfortable wear it. ❤️🌹🤗

Profile photo for Grammarly

If you want to write better essays, it’s helpful to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. Instead of solely focusing on the grade you are given, focus on how you are being graded and how you can improve, even if you are already getting a high grade.

Development of Your Thesis

A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around this one central idea. Your thesis statement consists of the one or two sentences of your introduction that explain what your position on the topic at ha

If you want to write better essays, it’s helpful to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. Instead of solely focusing on the grade you are given, focus on how you are being graded and how you can improve, even if you are already getting a high grade.

Development of Your Thesis

A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around this one central idea. Your thesis statement consists of the one or two sentences of your introduction that explain what your position on the topic at hand is. Teachers will evaluate all your other paragraphs on how well they relate to or support this statement.

Strong Form

A good essay presents thoughts in a logical order. The format should be easy to follow. The introduction should flow naturally to the body paragraphs, and the conclusion should tie everything together. The best way to do this is to lay out the outline of your paper before you begin. After you finish your essay, review the form to see if thoughts progress naturally. Ensure your paragraphs and sentences are in a logical order, the transitions are smooth so that the paragraphs are coherently connected, and that your body paragraphs relate to the thesis statement.


Just as your clothes express your personality, the style of your essay reveals your writing persona. You demonstrate your fluency by writing precise sentences that vary in form. A mature writer uses various types of sentences, idiomatic phrases, and demonstrates knowledge of genre-specific vocabulary, all the while ensuring the writing reflects your authentic voice.


Conventions include spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar. Having lots of mistakes suggests carelessness and diminishes the credibility of your arguments. Furthermore, because most essays are written on computers these days, there is a lower tolerance for spelling mistakes, which can easily be avoided with spell-checking tools such as Grammarly. Beyond spelling, Grammarly can also help to weed out other major grammatical errors. Follow up with a close reading of your entire paper.

Support and References

Finally, your teacher will examine your resources. Select information from reliable websites, articles, and books. Use quotes and paraphrases to support your ideas, but be sure to credit your sources correctly. Also, always remember that copying five consecutive words or more from any source constitutes plagiarism. If you are concerned about unintentionally quoting your sources, Grammarly Pro offers a plagiarism detector so you can always double-check your work.

The grades you get on your essays are important, but you can never improve your writing if they are the only things you consider. Focus on improving your essays’ overall structure—the thesis development, form, style, conventions, and support. Learning to master these five elements will cause your scores to soar!

Profile photo for Oli Ahmed

She should dress anyway she feels great!

I disdain individuals who have these "rules" regarding how you can and can't manage your garments or hair after a specific age.

Particularly once you're 50, in case there is ever a chance to act naturally and let go of the constraints of society, it is then, at that point. Last possibility!

I couldn't say whether it is a smart thought to post this. My eyes are on the whole crinkled in light of the fact that I had the sun in my face… yet I set out to wear things since I didn't when I was 30. This was two months prior. I'm 53.

Estimated time of arrival I pull

She should dress anyway she feels great!

I disdain individuals who have these "rules" regarding how you can and can't manage your garments or hair after a specific age.

Particularly once you're 50, in case there is ever a chance to act naturally and let go of the constraints of society, it is then, at that point. Last possibility!

I couldn't say whether it is a smart thought to post this. My eyes are on the whole crinkled in light of the fact that I had the sun in my face… yet I set out to wear things since I didn't when I was 30. This was two months prior. I'm 53.

Estimated time of arrival I pulled in more consideration than I expected with this post. I thank the individuals who have praised. Be that as it may, I understood something I didn't say, which is applicable to the inquiry. I destroyed this in broad daylight, to an extravagant café. Yet, this is likewise at a naturist (nudist) town on the coast here in South France. It is, truly, excessive for certain conditions, and I do regard the standards any place I might be. Class requires being delicate to such things.

Then again, my genuine point is-whatever is adequate in your current circumstance for a 30 year elderly person to wear ought to be similarly satisfactory for a 50. lady.

That evening there were more youthful ladies dressed much more provocative for what it's worth. In any case, strolling along the Port, with huge loads of individuals sitting at the bistros and bars outside, I had an enormous gathering of people begin acclaiming me as I strolled past. Sweetheart at the time was very pleased I was somewhat humiliated… yet I understood they don't have the foggiest idea about my age. It's anything but an element here. For what reason would it be a good idea for me to remain focused on it then, at that point?

Profile photo for Kim Dazy

Yes a woman 50+ can wear a mini skirt or dress. I am closer to 60 than I am 50 and still wear short skirts and dresses. They may not be a short as they were when I was younger but I can still wear them.

Yes a woman 50+ can wear a mini skirt or dress. I am closer to 60 than I am 50 and still wear short skirts and dresses. They may not be a short as they were when I was younger but I can still wear them.

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Profile photo for Zoelyta

Yes, absolutely! Age should not limit anyone from wearing what they feel comfortable and confident in. If a person over 50 feels good in a short dress, they should go ahead and wear it with pride. Fashion has no age limit and everyone should embrace their personal style regardless of their age.

Yes, absolutely! Age should not limit anyone from wearing what they feel comfortable and confident in. If a person over 50 feels good in a short dress, they should go ahead and wear it with pride. Fashion has no age limit and everyone should embrace their personal style regardless of their age.

Profile photo for Amanda Gordon

I’m 64

I’m going to update this answer , I’m66 Now. I’ve just bought this in a charity shop. Its MoTB suit, ( dress & jacket) However, although it is my size, I suspect it is from the “ petite “ range for shorter , stout women, I think it may be too short for me.

What do you think?

I’m 64

I’m going to update this answer , I’m66 Now. I’ve just bought this in a charity shop. Its MoTB suit, ( dress & jacket) However, although it is my size, I suspect it is from the “ petite “ range for shorter , stout women, I think it may be too short for me.

What do you think?

Profile photo for Caylee Thomas

I don’t see why not! If it’s something that you are comfortable wearing, why should age have anything to do with it?

I don’t see why not! If it’s something that you are comfortable wearing, why should age have anything to do with it?

Profile photo for Gerry Legs

Absolutely. Love them and I'm 61.

Absolutely. Love them and I'm 61.

Profile photo for Denise Tanner

Very much depends on the 60 year old in question. Some look great whilst others look dreadful! You can also say that about some 40 year olds and even 20 year olds though!

Profile photo for Tammy Allan

Oh yes!

Oh yes!

Profile photo for Quora User

I’m 70 and wear them daily.

Profile photo for Kalina

Why not? Has someone created a rule about don’t wear short dresses after 50?

Why not? Has someone created a rule about don’t wear short dresses after 50?

Profile photo for Erica Wallace

A 60-year-old can wear whatever the fuck they want to wear, and anyone who doesn't like it can keep their eyes averted and their mouth shut.

Profile photo for Ron Leduc

Yes I wear mini skirt , I'm 64 years old !

Profile photo for Angelina

She should dress anyway she feels good!

I disdain individuals who have these "rules" regarding how you can and can't manage your garments or hair later a specific age.

Particularly once you're 50, on the off chance that there is ever a chance to act naturally and let go of the limits of society, it is then, at that point. Last possibility!

I couldn't say whether it is really smart to post this. My eyes are for the most part crinkled in light of the fact that I had the sun in my face… yet I set out to wear things since I didn't when I was 30. This was two months prior. I'm 53.

I thank the individua

She should dress anyway she feels good!

I disdain individuals who have these "rules" regarding how you can and can't manage your garments or hair later a specific age.

Particularly once you're 50, on the off chance that there is ever a chance to act naturally and let go of the limits of society, it is then, at that point. Last possibility!

I couldn't say whether it is really smart to post this. My eyes are for the most part crinkled in light of the fact that I had the sun in my face… yet I set out to wear things since I didn't when I was 30. This was two months prior. I'm 53.

I thank the individuals who have praised. I destroyed this out in the open, to an extravagant eatery. However, this is additionally at a naturist (nudist) town on the coast here in South France. It is, as a matter of fact, excessive for certain conditions, and I do regard the standards any place I might be. Class requires being touchy to such things.

Then again, my genuine point is-whatever is OK in your current circumstance for a 30 year elderly person to wear ought to be similarly adequate for a 50. lady.

That evening there were more youthful ladies dressed significantly more hot in general. Yet, strolling along the Port, with huge loads of individuals sitting at the bistros and bars outside, I had an enormous gathering of people begin hailing me as I strolled past. Sweetheart at the time was very pleased I was somewhat humiliated… however I understood they don't have the foggiest idea about my age. It's anything but an element here. For what reason would it be a good idea for me to remain focused on it then, at that point?

Editted to add:

The limit respone to this truly shocked me, and a significant number of the remarks (particularly by ladies) are making me think. Women, in France, my body isn't extraordinary for ladies my age. There are significantly less ladies who are overweight. I'm bringing up this since you're causing me to recall what it resembled living in the uS. I was consistently somewhat overweight, however how much would shift. At the point when I would return visiting, I'd begin acquiring in the main week. Many remarks expect I make a solid effort to have a decent body. I'm heartbroken, it isn't correct. Americans consistently have faith in turning out more diligently for anything! This is what I see weight gain and terrible wellbeing frequently results from pressure, tension, and despondency. Living with worry over your monetary or employer stability, with nervousness due to the media taking care of us disturbing messages about risk everywhere, over incitement, outrageous polarization in the populace on all issues… this is awful for your wellbeing. The Americans laugh at the french "lethargy" in light of the fact that our lawful week of work is 35 hours (assuming you do an hour over that, it's twofold compensation), and ensured least of 30 paid get-away days a year, our public medical coverage and solid federal retirement aide net. Yet, it permits individuals to have a solid sense of reassurance and less restless. There is less strain to be a "great shopper". It brings about better wellbeing. We eat spread, cream, fat, cheddar and bread. However, when you are less anxious, you don't want to "nibble" between suppers, nor stuff yourself full at the table.

I don't deal with it. I go through my ends of the week out in nature climbing and swimming since it gives me joy, and in light of the fact that I find opportunity and harmony of psyche.

The "french conundrum", I suspect is regarding that. For this reason I'm bringing up this. Try not to tell yourself "it takes more work" since that will add to the pressure ou currently live with. I don't think most Americans are even mindful that they are living with a foundation level of tension constantly, in light of the fact that they are so accustomed to it! I didn't understand it until I visited home in the wake of being gone some time. Set aside the effort to disengage from the booming over-invigorating news broadcasts and social polarizations. Set aside effort to adore yourself and reach out to nature and quiet. There's just such a lot of you can do to get away from the social impact you live inside, I know. In any case, simply need to say, no, the way to satisfaction isn't in working harder and devouring more, to be a productive member of society. Only for thought

Profile photo for Quora User

I’m 68, I dress regularly at home because I love doing it. Of course it’s OK, you don’t hurt anyone and it’s not illegal. Just carry on and enjoy yourself. I don't fully dress everyday but I always have something on even if it’s only a pair of knickers, but normally a bra as well under my day clothes. I’ve not worn a pair of boys underpants since November and I have probably worn a bra most days as well and I have been fully dressed all day for about 2 to 3 days a week. So nice to get up in the morning and shower and get dressed and stay that way all day and at the end of the day put on a nigh

I’m 68, I dress regularly at home because I love doing it. Of course it’s OK, you don’t hurt anyone and it’s not illegal. Just carry on and enjoy yourself. I don't fully dress everyday but I always have something on even if it’s only a pair of knickers, but normally a bra as well under my day clothes. I’ve not worn a pair of boys underpants since November and I have probably worn a bra most days as well and I have been fully dressed all day for about 2 to 3 days a week. So nice to get up in the morning and shower and get dressed and stay that way all day and at the end of the day put on a nightie and sleep in it and do it all again the next day. Such fun. MMMmmm.

Profile photo for G. Vernon

My wife 62 and she is beautiful,I am 66. We are Grandparents of course. My wife just doesn't age I feel like I have robbed the cradle sometimes. Here is a picture of her at 60, her Mom is 82 and she doesn't look like it. I hit the jackpot when I met this lovely Lady 42 years ago. There are a lot of beautiful women in their 60s. We don't know how to act our age because we have never been here before. We walk we lift weights and try our best to keep healthy. We are both retired so we have time for ourselves ,Kids and, Grandbabies. We have truly been blessed especially me .. As for your question

My wife 62 and she is beautiful,I am 66. We are Grandparents of course. My wife just doesn't age I feel like I have robbed the cradle sometimes. Here is a picture of her at 60, her Mom is 82 and she doesn't look like it. I hit the jackpot when I met this lovely Lady 42 years ago. There are a lot of beautiful women in their 60s. We don't know how to act our age because we have never been here before. We walk we lift weights and try our best to keep healthy. We are both retired so we have time for ourselves ,Kids and, Grandbabies. We have truly been blessed especially me .. As for your question I believe you should dress in whatever you feel comfortable in….

Profile photo for Stephanie Mitchell

Of course! I’m 52 but I still wear whatever clothes I want like this one.

Of course! I’m 52 but I still wear whatever clothes I want like this one.

Profile photo for Karen Barrie

I’m 70 past and still enjoying short dresses.❤️❤️❤️

Never too old to wear nice clothes.

Karen xx

I’m 70 past and still enjoying short dresses.❤️❤️❤️

Never too old to wear nice clothes.

Karen xx

Profile photo for I am me, who are You?

Many do but not all look good in them. When I turned 60 I donated my last mini skirt.

Profile photo for Nwffun

Yes mine does it well at 57

Profile photo for R Anderson

At 70

At 70

Profile photo for Quora User

It all depends if your comfortable and your legs are fairly good , why not

Profile photo for Annemarie Greenfield

I do. I wear athletic skorts frequently. They're much more comfortable than shorts to me. Not sure why a 50+ year old woman couldn't wear them. I still wear a bikini to the pool and beach. My mom was wearing them into her 70's but has switched to capris for golf. She's 83.

Profile photo for Sexy Boy

My wife is 54 and looks smoking hot, love those legs 🦵

My wife is 54 and looks smoking hot, love those legs 🦵

Profile photo for Virginia Hobbs

Wear something that looks extremely good on you and something comfortable.

I believe when one becomes an older age, one can wear what they like to wear.
Actually, at any age these same facts that I mentioned applies.

Why not? You can do anything you like.

Please show your figure generously!

Black clothes with white bags(M I R B A G C O M), have a different flavor.

Why not? You can do anything you like.

Please show your figure generously!

Black clothes with white bags(M I R B A G C O M), have a different flavor.

Profile photo for André C

It should not matter the age you are you should be able to wear what you like when and where you want as long as you are comfortable. So I say go for and enjoy your life.

Profile photo for Quora User

What do you think?

What do you think?

Profile photo for Sharmila Babu

A 55 year old male politician wears T shirt to parliament. So why can't a 60 old wear anything?

Profile photo for Dreamer

Sure, if she has confidence and if she has pretty legs why can't she flaunt them like younger women do ?

Profile photo for Quora User

It’s all down to confidence. I was around that age when this photo was taken, and I always enjoyed wearing that dress and got plenty of compliments in it.

It’s all down to confidence. I was around that age when this photo was taken, and I always enjoyed wearing that dress and got plenty of compliments in it.

Of course! Anytime i see an older person wearing a mini dress it looks very cute! Its all about confidence girl!! If you like it, wear it!! 💅⚡️

Profile photo for Quora User


Profile photo for Jonathan Willis

Why should only young women be allowed to wear short dresses and show of their shapely legs,if a woman of 60 has good legs why shouldn’t she show them off like a young girl would by wearing as short dress

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