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Profile photo for Sadman Hossain

The substitution electrophilic unimolecular mechanisms are termed SE1 reactions. These mechanisms follow first order reaction kinetics with respect to the substrate. The SE1 mechanism is analogous to the unimolecular mechanisms for nucleophilic substitution (SN1).

SE1 mechanism

The SE1 mechanism involves two steps: the first step is a slow rate determining ionization step leading to formation of the carbanion. The second step involves fast combination of electrophile resulting in to the products.

Stereochemistry of SE1 mechanism

The stereochemical outcome of SE1 reactions are difficult to predict

The substitution electrophilic unimolecular mechanisms are termed SE1 reactions. These mechanisms follow first order reaction kinetics with respect to the substrate. The SE1 mechanism is analogous to the unimolecular mechanisms for nucleophilic substitution (SN1).

SE1 mechanism

The SE1 mechanism involves two steps: the first step is a slow rate determining ionization step leading to formation of the carbanion. The second step involves fast combination of electrophile resulting in to the products.

Stereochemistry of SE1 mechanism

The stereochemical outcome of SE1 reactions are difficult to predict owing to the complicated configuration of carbanions formed during the first step of ionization. The typical carbanion in theory may have a pyramidal (sp3) or planar (sp2) configuration or may be depending upon the substituent a configuration in between the two forms. On minimum energy grounds, pyramidal configurations are favored as the lone pair resides in sp3 orbital.

If the carbanion is pyramidal and it can hold its structure, then the product should be with retention of configuration. Even a pyramidal carbanion has been reported to give racemized products owning to pyramidal inversion (fig: 1) as is observed with amines (amines; R3N: and carbanions R3C- are isoelectronic).

If the carbanion has a planar structure than also the attack of electrophile might lead to racemization of products. Therefore, racemization is almost always observed for the products of SE1 mechanism (fig 2), although whether this is caused by planar carbanions or by oscillating pyramidal carbanions in equilibrium is not settled.

Common reactions involving SE1 mechanism

1. Decarboxylation of aliphatic acids

Aliphatic acids with certain functional groups, such as double or triple bonds at or β position undergo facile decarboxylation. The reaction proceeds via involvement of a carbanion intermediate that subsequently acquires a proton from the solvent or other source. For such reactions loss of CO2 is the rate limiting step. Thus the rate law for the following reaction is, Rate = k[Z-CH2COO-]

Where, Z= COOH, COR, Ar, NO2, CN, CH3

2. Halogenation of ketones

The acid/base catalyzed halogenations of aldehydes/ketones is a classical example of SE1 mechanism.

In unsymmetrical ketones, the preferred site of proton abstraction and halogenation is usually the more substituted carbon atom. The preferred order for halogenations being CHR2>CH2R>CH3. Under alkaline conditions one position of a ketone is completely halogenated before the other position is attacked and generally the reaction cannot be stopped until all the hydrogens of the first carbon have been replaced with the halogen atom. This is because the electron withdrawing inductive effect exerted by the halogen makes the -H atoms of the CH2X group more acidic than those of CH3. Therefore the second halogenation is faster than the first and the third halogenations are faster still.

Haloform reaction is a special case of halogenations of ketones where one of the substituent on ketone/secondary alcohol is CH3 group. In Haloform reaction in the presence of excess base and excess of halogen, a methyl ketone is first converted into a trihalo-substituted ketone.

3. Nitrosation

Compounds with acidic protons such as active methylene group in F3CCOCH2COCF3 can be nitrosated with nitrous acid or alkyl nitrites. The attacking species is either NO+ or a carrier of it. The initial product formed is the C-nitroso compound,that is stable only when there is no hydrogen that can undergo tautomerism. When the substrate is F3CCOCH2COCF3, the mechanism goes through the enol form as follows:

This reaction is often used to prepare amino acids since oximes and nitroso compounds can be reduced to primary amines.

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If you want to write better essays, it’s helpful to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. Instead of solely focusing on the grade you are given, focus on how you are being graded and how you can improve, even if you are already getting a high grade.

Development of Your Thesis

A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around this one central idea. Your thesis statement consists of the one or two sentences of your introduction that explain what your position on the topic at ha

If you want to write better essays, it’s helpful to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. Instead of solely focusing on the grade you are given, focus on how you are being graded and how you can improve, even if you are already getting a high grade.

Development of Your Thesis

A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around this one central idea. Your thesis statement consists of the one or two sentences of your introduction that explain what your position on the topic at hand is. Teachers will evaluate all your other paragraphs on how well they relate to or support this statement.

Strong Form

A good essay presents thoughts in a logical order. The format should be easy to follow. The introduction should flow naturally to the body paragraphs, and the conclusion should tie everything together. The best way to do this is to lay out the outline of your paper before you begin. After you finish your essay, review the form to see if thoughts progress naturally. Ensure your paragraphs and sentences are in a logical order, the transitions are smooth so that the paragraphs are coherently connected, and that your body paragraphs relate to the thesis statement.


Just as your clothes express your personality, the style of your essay reveals your writing persona. You demonstrate your fluency by writing precise sentences that vary in form. A mature writer uses various types of sentences, idiomatic phrases, and demonstrates knowledge of genre-specific vocabulary, all the while ensuring the writing reflects your authentic voice.


Conventions include spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar. Having lots of mistakes suggests carelessness and diminishes the credibility of your arguments. Furthermore, because most essays are written on computers these days, there is a lower tolerance for spelling mistakes, which can easily be avoided with spell-checking tools such as Grammarly. Beyond spelling, Grammarly can also help to weed out other major grammatical errors. Follow up with a close reading of your entire paper.

Support and References

Finally, your teacher will examine your resources. Select information from reliable websites, articles, and books. Use quotes and paraphrases to support your ideas, but be sure to credit your sources correctly. Also, always remember that copying five consecutive words or more from any source constitutes plagiarism. If you are concerned about unintentionally quoting your sources, Grammarly Pro offers a plagiarism detector so you can always double-check your work.

The grades you get on your essays are important, but you can never improve your writing if they are the only things you consider. Focus on improving your essays’ overall structure—the thesis development, form, style, conventions, and support. Learning to master these five elements will cause your scores to soar!

Profile photo for J. V. A.

First, if the reaction can spontaneously occur. This means there is enough available energy to even cause a reaction.

For example, two lone oxygen atoms in the atmosphere will spontaneously react to form O2.

Second, the types of atoms or compounds which exist in a reaction determine the type of reaction.

For instance, when a carbohydrate reacts with oxygen in the presence of heat, this forms a combus

First, if the reaction can spontaneously occur. This means there is enough available energy to even cause a reaction.

For example, two lone oxygen atoms in the atmosphere will spontaneously react to form O2.

Second, the types of atoms or compounds which exist in a reaction determine the type of reaction.

For instance, when a carbohydrate reacts with oxygen in the presence of heat, this forms a combustion reaction.

Third, the amount of a substance there i...

Profile photo for Dr. Sabiha Rashid

When benzene diazonium chloride reacts with phenol in which the phenol molecule at its para position coupled with the diazonium salt to form p- hydroxyazobenzene. This is known as the coupling reaction.A coupling reaction in organic chemistry is a general term for a variety of reactions where two hydrocarbon fragments are coupled with the aid of a metal catalyst. Ans : In this type of reaction, two different molecules react to form one new molecule. It is also known as hetero coupling reactions.

The coupling reaction is used in various applications, including the synthesis of new and complex co

When benzene diazonium chloride reacts with phenol in which the phenol molecule at its para position coupled with the diazonium salt to form p- hydroxyazobenzene. This is known as the coupling reaction.A coupling reaction in organic chemistry is a general term for a variety of reactions where two hydrocarbon fragments are coupled with the aid of a metal catalyst. Ans : In this type of reaction, two different molecules react to form one new molecule. It is also known as hetero coupling reactions.

The coupling reaction is used in various applications, including the synthesis of new and complex conjugated polymers and natural products. It is also used in the manufacture of new pharmaceutical drugs. Many conjugated polymers are made with the aid of a metal catalyst in coupling reactions.

Profile photo for Amara

Many reaction occur in single step which is also the rate determining step and the other reactions occur through a series of steps but one of these steps is the slowest step which is the rate determining step of the reaction,It determine the rate of the reaction and the other are called intermediate steps.Concentration of the reactants in rate determining step is equal to the order of the reaction.Reaction intermediates are formed in one step and then consumed in a later step of the reaction mechanism.

Many reaction occur in single step which is also the rate determining step and the other reactions occur through a series of steps but one of these steps is the slowest step which is the rate determining step of the reaction,It determine the rate of the reaction and the other are called intermediate steps.Concentration of the reactants in rate determining step is equal to the order of the reaction.Reaction intermediates are formed in one step and then consumed in a later step of the reaction mechanism.

Download “The Definitive Guide to Retirement Income” to learn seven ways to grow your wealth.
Profile photo for Dr. Albert Chemist,

Synthetic is a term used to describe the starting point of a product. Fully synthetic molecules may have naturally originated versions found in the natural world. Synthetic means that a skilled chemist manipulated chemical constituents to form the same molecule as the naturally occurring one found in nature.

The advantage of fully synthetic molecules is that it is much easier to synthesize isolate and purify, as well as develop dose specific medicine by removing the need for extraction of the API and it's time consuming and depletion of the resource reasonable for producing the active desired a

Synthetic is a term used to describe the starting point of a product. Fully synthetic molecules may have naturally originated versions found in the natural world. Synthetic means that a skilled chemist manipulated chemical constituents to form the same molecule as the naturally occurring one found in nature.

The advantage of fully synthetic molecules is that it is much easier to synthesize isolate and purify, as well as develop dose specific medicine by removing the need for extraction of the API and it's time consuming and depletion of the resource reasonable for producing the active desired alkaloid. Many if not all plants, or bacterial samples used in the initial extractions contain many different undesirable alkaloids that need to be identified and removed.

The difference in the reaction technics used while constructing a molecule differ from other reactions employed in a laboratory. Addition reactions, substitution reactions and the rearranging of atoms are mainly focused on the adding of a atom or functional group to a specific location in the molecule. All the the work of a skilled chemist.

Also the mass-produced pharmaceuticals available today are all the products formed from synthetic formation routes. The ability of companies to offer quantifiable doses of the smallest active measure are only possible by synthetic means.

Profile photo for Yusif Yasser Qabil

I am not really sure what you mean by “which way” do you mean uphill or downhill ? Or do you mean predicting the mechanism of a reaction ?

if you mean the former , we use thermodynamics to determine the delta G of the reaction and then we can predict whether it is exergonic or endergonic.

The latter is much more complicated ,

you have about 4 main reaction types in chemistry





There are archetypes of each type , you can predict what happened by looking at your products whether any of the following occured. Next you have archetypes of each of the four , whi

I am not really sure what you mean by “which way” do you mean uphill or downhill ? Or do you mean predicting the mechanism of a reaction ?

if you mean the former , we use thermodynamics to determine the delta G of the reaction and then we can predict whether it is exergonic or endergonic.

The latter is much more complicated ,

you have about 4 main reaction types in chemistry





There are archetypes of each type , you can predict what happened by looking at your products whether any of the following occured. Next you have archetypes of each of the four , which you determine by knowing conditions such as temperature , pH media , nature of the reactants (good nucleophile , weak nucleophile) steric factors , electronic factors , resonance forms , regiochemistry , solvent And many more ! You learn about each factor individually and then connect everything and then you can predict the way reactions proceed just by studying your reactants very well and the conditions. It is like having a mind map and making decisions according to the conditions given.

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Profile photo for Salwa Salah

The acid/base catalyzed halogenations of aldehydes/ketones is a classical example of SE1 mechanism. In unsymmetrical ketones, the preferred site of proton abstraction and halogenation is usually the more substituted carbon atom. The preferred order for halogenations being CHR2>CH2R>CH3.

Profile photo for Mike Jones

The steps for a chemical reaction can be called the “mechanism”, or the “reaction pathway.” I’m sure that there are other terms that some people use.

There are myriad ways that chemical reactions may take place that involve reactions between different molecules or the same molecules, or with molecules of intermediate compounds, or with catalysts.

A hypothetical reaction of A and B in the presence of Q, a catalyst,

2A + B → C

A + Q → X
B + X → Y
A + Y → C + Q
2A + B → C

Q is a catalyst. It is a reactant in an early step and a product in a subsequent step. X and Y are intermediates.

But of cou

The steps for a chemical reaction can be called the “mechanism”, or the “reaction pathway.” I’m sure that there are other terms that some people use.

There are myriad ways that chemical reactions may take place that involve reactions between different molecules or the same molecules, or with molecules of intermediate compounds, or with catalysts.

A hypothetical reaction of A and B in the presence of Q, a catalyst,

2A + B → C

A + Q → X
B + X → Y
A + Y → C + Q
2A + B → C

Q is a catalyst. It is a reactant in an early step and a product in a subsequent step. X and Y are intermediates.

But of course that is only one mechanism. There may be others.
A + A → X
X + Q → Y
B + Y → C + Q
2A + B → C

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.

Overpaying on car insurance

You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.

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Consistently being in debt

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Missing out on free money to invest

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Having bad credit

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How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Guy Clentsmith

[math]\text{Acid + alcohol}\rightarrow\text{Ester + water}[/math]

And thus it is a condensation reaction, i.e. the reaction of two chemicals with the expulsion of a small, stable molecule, here water…and for examples…see the reaction of acetic acid, and ethanol…

[math]H_{3}CCH_{2}OH + HO(O=)CCH_{3} \rightarrow H_{3}CCH_{2}O(O=)CCH_{3}+H_{2}O[/math]

Now this is an example of a carboxylic ester, i.e. ethyl acetate…there are many other examples, which you will find in your text. Longer chain carboxylic esters tend to be beautifully scented.

Profile photo for Quora User

Quora seems to be picky about adding a bunch of text and not just the answers to simple questions. They also do not like web links with short answers. So below is the answer to your question and if websites are appropriate, you will need to do the searches yourself based on the information in the answers.

Answer - Turning chemical monomers into polymers so you can have clothes. Search Wiki and google for thousands of pages.

Profile photo for Hcbiochem

Q, the reaction quotient, has exactly the same form as the equilibrium constant for the process you are examining. However, the concentrations used to calculate Q may or may not be equilibrium concentrations.

So, for a dissolving, write the expression for Ksp and use that expression to calculate Q solution. Likewise, for a reaction, write the expression for Keq and use that to calculate Q reaction

Profile photo for John Mills

They are used to take one molecule and change it into another. This usually means taking a simple molecule and, through many different synthesis reactions, making into something more complex. The drugs you take were designed by the use of synthesis reactions. Many fabrics, materials and house products are the result of synthesis reactions. Basically if a molecule is not found abundantly in nature, it was synthesized.

Profile photo for Guy Clentsmith

To heat our homes…

To cook our dinners….

To drive our motors…

To have a bath or a shower…

Profile photo for David Shobe

Mostly they are used for synthesis.

The correct reaction conditions (temperature, solvent, concentration, etc.) depend on whether the mechanism is SN1 or SN2, so it is important to know which mechanism is likely for a given nucleophilic substitution.

Profile photo for Benjamin McCauley

Reaction go through intermediary steps and the short lived products of those steps are called “transition states”. These are characterized mostly by electronic rearrangement whether that’s free electrons or atomic rearrangements.

Profile photo for Mark Thomas

There are Many Naturally Occurring Exothermic Reactions !! Simply Burning Wood on a Fire is an Exothermin Reaction and it can be Controlled by Adding or Depleting the Fuel Source so it is used for Heating and Cooking !!

Profile photo for Kushal Sacheti

The question is too broad and general for a specific answer. An exothermic reaction produces primarily thermal energy which can be harnessed variously for variety of purpose, if required. Besides,these may also occur in certain chemicals production processes.

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