Profile photo for Alon Unger

1. Unmanned Systems (especially Drones) are here to stay.

2. The economic and social effect of the unmanned system is larger than we can expect.

3. Defense (Military & Security), Civil (Commercial and institutional) & Public use are related to each other and should work for synergy.

4. Smart unmanned solutions are the need (Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Defense, Security, Delivery & Urban Air Mobility, Entertainment, etc..)

5. Nations should support the assimilations of unmanned systems with a holistic approach and programs.

6. Not enough people see the opportunities that come with Drones and focus mainly on the threats.

7. Unmanned systems are great IoT devices - from information to intelligence (knowledge) is the direction, therefore we deal with "camera on an aircraft" and not "aircraft with a camera". Smart Data, AI & Autonomy is part of this revaluation.

8. It will take time but we are heading toward UAV (Unnamed) and Drones world and less RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft). Therefore, for now – it's still very relevant to deal with Operation, Training & Support.

9. It will take a long time (if ever) until UAV's will replace completely Manned Aircraft, for now, it looks like the one who knows how to combine them is the one who will win.

10. The majority of the regulation limitations will be solved and the next 5-10 years. The world authorities learn more and more about this revolution and react to it more accurate.

11. UAVs are System of Systems and therefore – it is an Aerospace industry and large scale economic forces. We will see more and more M&A and large companies into it.

12. More and more New Tech, Innovation & Investments organizations\companies will be interested in this domain.

13. Unmanned solutions will combine different dimensions – Air, Ground, Naval and they should work together as simple as possible.

14. Unmanned Systems are professional domain and therefore – education and academy is a key for the future.

15. The systems will be used for negative use as well (e.g. Counter UAS Threats), and because they are vulnerable to cyber and communication hacking – we need to learn also how to protect our society from the misuse of it.

16. Unmanned systems can be used for fun and we need to build the right environment and regulation for it (privacy, racing and gambling laws, infrastructure, insurance etc..).

17. "What if drones never crashed" is the way of thinking we should embrace, and strive for this regarding technology and operation.

18. Drones (Multirotor) are part of the UAVs domain and not "something different" and the "Last Word" regarding the different shapes of UAVs hasn't been said yet.

19. "Big Scale" and "Big Numbers" of platforms working together is what we are heading, and not in the far future.

20. UTM is real and one of the most important layers for future aerospace, but it's difficult to achieve.

21. Drones will be operated in the Urban Environment – Smart Air Mobility trend will lead to it.

22. BVLOS was solved a long time ago and it will readapt soon.

23. First "Unmanned Taxies" experiments will fly before 2025, and it means that it will break the paradigm that "Unamend\Remotely Piloted systems are not transporting people".

24. A great economic force will push to MTCR\ Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls update.

25. We will deal more with Ethics, privacy, and law.

All subjects above are part of the "Future of Unmanned Systems" that will be discussed during the Nov. 7th - UVID 2019 Conference

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