Lived in France · Upvoted by , lived in France (1993-2016)Author has 232 answers and 886.8K answer views · Updated 8y ·
During my travels in the USA, Europe, Northern Africa, Australia, I missed :
- Of course bread and cheese.(and my baker, my fromager, my boucher-charcutier...)
- Real mustard, moutarde de Dijon, without sugar, honey or spice.
- Cornichons extra fin. No, it's not pickles !
- Curry and cumin, they tend to contend more cinnamon than in France.
- Yogourt. Plain,whole milk , in a humanly sized recipient. No zero fat, no vitamin added. Not a half liter.
- Honey, 100% made by bees. Once in Australia, I bought a small jar of honey.(I love picnicking in my hotel room) It was weird. I finally read the ingredients: half of it was added sugar.
- Real ham. For me, the king of the ham is jambon de Paris. Outside France, it's bacon, turkey or chicken ham (burk) or heavily processed ham, with a lot of sugar and preservatives.
Without that, can't have my jambon-beurre ! ( my favorite sandwich)
- Metric system. Sorry, I can't use Oz, miles and inches properly. Oh, and Fahrenheit ! Same, so sorry.
- Walking. I once was with my siblings in a small surbub of Richmond VA, walking on the side of the road. Two cars in less than a kilometer stopped and asked if we wanted a drive. It was very kind of them, no doubt. But it was sunny, during the day. And the town is very small. We felt inappropriate... And on some occasions, I have been forced to stay indoors, because no car and nowhere to go in the neighborhood. I miss parks and forests,and the sea !
But mostly, I miss speaking french and telling jokes with cultural references. Pas de bras, pas de chocolat !
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