A few years ago, I spent 8 months abroad with my brother, and I expected to miss a few things after a while, and of course I did. I may reinforce a few stereotypes...
The very first thing I started to miss after only a few weeks is simply bread. We've been in many countries in South America, Oceania and Asia, and barely came across anything a French can call 'real good bread'. But of course, as French bread has a huge central place in our everyday meals, we're biased in what we expect to be a good bread loaf or a crusty baguette. Special mention to Bolivia and Japan though, where we found some bread which was quite decent to our taste.
The second thing I missed, and ended missing *a lot* overall my trip, was cheese. There was by far not a single competitor on this subject among the countries I visited this time, really. Similar to bread, we did not come across anything a French would call only 'real cheese', and honestly, I would not consider any bias here.
Then of course we missed family and friends. Thanks to the Internet we managed to exchange news from time to time, and it's awesome and practical, but it's not the same thing... Plus we tried to enjoy our time abroad at maximum, and we hadn't any mobile phone, smart phone, or laptop, so we only had an hour in an Internet café every 10 days more or less, likely on a rainy day...
Then I have to mention wine. Not that there wasn't good wine, in fact we had good wine in Argentina, Chile and Australia, but we had only varietal wine, and it was expensive, so we had really few. In France, I'm used to more complex wines (mixing several grape varieties) that are cheaper.
Beside that, it was a wonderful and marvelling experience, and none of the above points was not even close of a stopper. Travelling abroad is awesome, and I will do it once again without thinking twice.