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For obvious personal reasons I am answering this anonymously. I belong from Haldia.My whole family has taken initiation (mantra diksha) from the said organization. The members of the satsang brainwash the innocent people by telling them made-up stories to instill fear in their mind and forcefully manipulate you to join their cult group.Once you are trapped you will have to worship all their family members without a question and treat them like god's. Each morning you must donate a small sum of money individually (daily donation in crore's) that will be collected at the end of every month by their representatives.Here, you will be forbidden to read all the sacred holy books of Sanatana Dharma which are the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita,Puranas,they will enforce their twisted idealogies in every aspects of your life in the form of their books,rituals, ceremonies not abiding by which you will become subject of mental and emotional torture. If you openly criticise this cult they will send goons and mafia after you and using political connections make your life a living hell.One of my close friend who was in the secretive inner circle told me they use black magic and do very evil nasty things to gather followers.Please for God's sake stay away from such nefarious Evil cults.

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