Profile photo for Kai Spangenberg


I worked retail for 5 years for a discount store and it was not worth the pay of minimum wage.

• We had to walk around a huge department store for 8 hours, I would get home so exhausted, that there were times where I didn’t shower for days, sometimes I didn’t even eat for long periods of time, I would just sleep all day. I had no energy for literally anything and I was so unproductive at home.

• Not to mention the ridiculous hours like the store closing at 11pm and you having to be back at 9 am. When you work retail and you’ve been on your feet for 8 hours, you cannot go to bed right away. Your body is very awake and active, it’s almost impossible to go to bed at a normal time when you do the forbidden “clopen” shift. It was worse during the holiday season because we would get out at 1 am and have to be back at 7 am. Which is not enough time to go to bed. One time I was 2 hours late because my body would not sleep and I could not get up when I finally went to sleep.

• Corporate had unrealistic standards, they would want one person to complete a task in an hour, that would take four people to do in 1–2 hours.

• They never had enough staff, our goal would be to do returns, clean the department up, put merchandise out and re organize the shelves in an 8 hour shift. The baby department also only had old ladies running the department, so if someone wanted a crib, I had to go and help bring it to their car. Helping with cribs would take up to 30mins to an was always ridiculous and a time waster.

Because they never hired enough staff, we never had enough cashiers, so being a back up cashier, I’d end up ringing for 4 hours a day, add lunch to it and I was only in my department for 3 hours a day. Which would make getting my department in shape a rather hard task and we would have to just “throw” merchandise in areas that made some sense. I was the only person in the home department, there was no one else that worked in the dept with me. On days I was off, the department went to crap because no one else worked in it to fix it. 😑

• The mess! Due to having a skeleton crew, and the customers being absolute pigs, there was always a mess and no one to clean it up.

I had a super messy pic but I can’t find it now!

Forget about clothes being in any order at all, there was never anyone on to do it! Clothes were constantly in the wrong sizes and you’d find a mish-mash of the wrong departments mixed in because customers just threw things onto random racks they didn’t want. So you’d find kids and men’s clothes in the women’s section, because people are lazy and just threw them on the racks.

• Don’t even get me started with the customers! A good portion of customers should be institutionalized and should never be released into the world, they are nasty, rude, complain over the most ridiculous things, they’re pigs and throw merchandise on the floor, break items and run for it, they let their kids run around the store unsupervised, they will curse you out just for politely saying the shopping carts don’t go outside.

Customers are cuckoo birds!

Due to how I’ve been treated by customers in retail, I can honestly say I now hate people, humans are just a trash species who are mean to people they don’t know because they have a crappy life.

Retail and other customer service people don’t get paid enough for all the BS they have to deal with.

This is what it feels like working in retail, just done with the world. 😂

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