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Both are phenomenal but I'll have to go with Edward’s Hulk.

Now this isn't me bashing any of the actors not at all but merely giving my honest and personal opinion on what i think.

Edward Norton only had one movie to showcase what he was about and capable of and he was far more impressive. Ruffalo has had more screen time but hasn't really impressed me(don't get me wrong he's amazing but there's just something off).

Now yes Hulk has looked different in lots of comics but there are certain aspect of the character that stays the same(which is what makes hulk all the more compelling).

I'll start with my first point:

Looks: Looks isn't everything but in this case it kind of is.

This is Ruffalo’s Hulk

Now Ruffalo’s Hulk has changed looks over the course of the Avengers movies. My favourite look of Ruffalo's Hulk has got to be Ragnarok. He looked so much better there(but the voice was a no no, Hulk shouldn't sound Auto tuned, he sounded like a robot,seriously go and listen to him talk in Ragnarok, this was the first time Hulk spoke in the Mcu and they had him talking like T-pain? C’mon now, this isn't really an issue but it's something that threw me off even more).

Now this is Edward’s Hulk:

In your honest opinion tell me which of these faces is truly monster like. That's not even what i want you to focus on in terms of looks.

Look at the frame of Ruffalo's Hulk:

Now look at the frame of Edward’s Hulk:

Now of course preferences differ and there's nothing wrong with that but personally Edward’s Hulk not only physcially looked far more terrifying but also had that gravitas to him.

Edward Norton’s Hulk just in one movie showed us things that all the combined screen time of Ruffalo’s hasn't:

Hulk’s iconic Phrase

Hulk’s iconic Thunderclap.

Hulk getting stronger via rage.

These are the little things us Hulk fans ask for but we never seem to see in the Mcu.

Appearance goes to Edward’s Hulk. Yes Now the CGI is a bit better but can you imagine Edward’s Hulk with the current CGI?? He'll look far more impressive. Incredible Hulk still looked better Imo, you could see every veins, you could almost feel the skin.

Edward’s Hulk made you feel that seriousness and kept you at the edge of your seat:

Ruffalo’s Hulk has been made into more of a comedic relief character and that's just wrong.

The only time we had serious ruffalo Hulk was in Avengers(2012) most especially the first scene we see him in that was amazing to see. But since then They keep making Hulk job at every fight,the fear the character of Hulk commands at this point is non existent. Hulk is someone who you simply can't run up to, you had to be careful of him.

Let's take a look at the Banner aspect:


Ruffalo was/is an amazing banner, he does an amazing job at portraying the character but something just feels off:

The only time i truly liked his banner was once again in Avengers(2012)

Banner in this scene above made black widow(someone who never gets scared,someone trained to never lose her cool in situations) scared, he made her feel an emotion she had never felt in a very long time. That was the Banner i loved but ever since then that banner just got lost and became someone different.

Ruffalo also showed you his scientific and smart aspect on the character,which was amazing.

Let's get to Norton’s Banner:

Edward is such a superb actor, his banner was every thing. I mean merely looking at him you'll see he looks like a photocopy of the comics banner

Edward embodied the role, he captured the character like it is. He wasn't one to joke around(due to obvious reasons, when he joked he did only in few scenes and those scenes were justified and it didn't feel forced). His banner tho didn't have much showing of his scientific side and this was for a good reason: he was on the run.

Edward made the character come to life, his acting skills is totally worth it if you ask me.

Personally Edward is just a much more better Banner.

Yes they had issue with Edward Norton(he was trying to change the script in the middle of shooting and all that, but we truly don't know the truth). Who knows if Edward wanted them to treat the character proper and with respect, he most likely saw something that felt off and felt he needed to speak up. We really can't know what really happened, we only listen to what was said and some simply concluded Edward was in the wrong without much reasons and solid proofs.

And just as i said Edward Norton had only one movie to showcase what he could and he did an amazing job, meanwhile Ruffalo has had far more screen time to develop but in my opinion i haven't been impressed with the direction of the character.

Character development is important, of course but is the development proper and justified?? Or is it forced simply to suit the theme Mcu is trying to paint. Something to think on.

Anyways I've rambled long enough but personally i perfer Edward Norton’s Banner and Hulk. ✌🏴

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