Mom to a toddler · Author has 78 answers and 320.4K answer views · 9y ·
Do you want the selfish reasons? Or the selfless ones?
- When you have one of something you love, you usually want more. Like shoes. Only much, much more.
- I want both a girl and a boy - so that I can experience both. Including the baby clothing section of department stores part of having a boy and a girl.
- I think as children grow it's somewhat easier to have more than one, as they can to some extent keep each other busy.
- If I lose one I am left childless. I want to leave progeny. And even if I don't lose a child (that doesn't seem a solid reason) I still want to leave a larger, greater impact on the world.
- I want my child to have a playmate, or a few.
- I want my child to grow up in a world of coexistence, to prep him for future life.
- When life gets serious, especially in adulthood, siblings have the potential to offer a platform of support like no one else.
Those are just a few reasons. Most of the reason is heart not logic. And yeah, this is on a very shallow level.
(I have one son but want another child.)
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