Well this didn’t happen to me but to my mother long before I was born. Back in the 80’s when my parents were newlyweds they went to some event where they ended up being seated next to John Kerry and Robin Williams (lucky them!).
Anyway my father had always been the very friendly and talkative type so he quickly began conversing with Robin Williams who was extremely funny (of course) and really nice and friendly. Now apparently Robin Williams took a fancy to my mother who back then was this beautiful young curvy Puerto Rican woman (total opposite of my super white red haired father).
As the night progressed Robin Williams began hitting on my mom and making jokes to my father that he was going to steal her away and asking him/her what she was doing with a guy like my father (only jokingly of course) my mother just laughed it off and my father took it as the biggest compliment that Robin Williams was hitting on his wife. My father then proceeded to brag to everyone that his wife was so gorgeous Robin Williams tried to pick her up right in front of him. My father was probably one of the only men who would take it as a huge compliment when men would try to hit on my mother or check her out, he was always so proud to show her off to the world.