Yes. I have been married for 23 years. And within a week I realised I had married the wrong person - a selfish, self-centred man who was totally insensitive about my feelings. He always suspected me of infidelity and over the years grew more and more abusive - both verbally and physically. To make the marriage work I gave up friends, relatives, hobbies...everything...but realised much later that it was futile.
People who see us together in public think we are the ideal couple because my husband puts up a fantastic act when in front of others. And my confidence comes from not the respect I get at home but from what I get at work, my professional achievements as an architect. And I had to fight at every step to keep my job. He had problems with my financial independence. I was not allowed to drive because he felt it would give me freedom. As. for he being well groomed the credit goes to him completely. I don't bother about looking after him. Don't feel like doing so.