When I was married to my ex, we had different work hours. I got up every morning at 4am to get ready and go to work, while my ex got up at 6am to go to work.
So one day, I was at work, doing my job…my cell phone rings. I see it is my mother in law, so I am worried it might be important. The only other time she called me at work was to tell me my father in law was on his way to the hospital because he had a heart attack. So I answer…she immediately starts in in me about the breakfast dishes that were in the sink. I could hear her footsteps, she was walking through my house! Before I could think of what to say, (since I was at work and there were customers around) she then says, in a disgusted voice, “why don't you ever make your bed!” I was so so so mad. I decided my customers might get a kick out of this situation. I put my phone on speaker…and I said, “sorry, you are breaking up, what did you say?” She proceeds to repeat herself…my customers are regulars, they are country folk and they do not take crap from anyone. So anyway.. I asked her how would she know if I didn't make my bed. Did my husband complain to her? 🤣 she replies no. At this point she realizes she just busted herself. I calmly told her to leave my house, and put the spare key on the kitchen counter. Then I asked her if she ever tried to make a bed with a full grown man sprawled in it. Silence…I told her to never set foot in my home again, unless she is invited and an adult is there. My kids were between 10 and 15 at that time.
I later learned that she had come over multiple times before while nobody was home. My neighbors knew who she was, and assumed that she was there for a good reason. Nope.