This happened when I was in nursing school.
We were learning dosing calculations and how to measure drip rates for IVs.
My professor was asking students to go up to the dry erase board and figure out the answers. Afterwards she asked that you explained how you came up with the answer.
It was my turn. Now, I’ve always been good in math. Hell, I even had to go to a school for gifted kids, solely for math. This simple math didn’t faze me.
I went up to the board, listened to her describe a medication scenario, and set off to find my answer.
She tsked me when I finished. “Wrong answer! Go back and check your math!”
Embarrassed, I erased my answer and started all over again. Same answer.
She shook her head “no” slowly as she sucked on a cough drop. (She always had a cough drop in her mouth. It’s clearly something I’ll always remember because it’s been 22 years now and here I am complaining about it.) “Check your math again!”
I stepped back, looking for my mistake. Nope. Same answer.
My professor started, “It’s still wrong. I’m looking at the answer right here in my book.”
My embarrassment changed into anger. My answer was right.
“The answer in your book is wrong.”
Turned out, she was looking at the answer to a different question. Seems as if she didn’t even know how to calculate dosages and drip rates herself. And her ass was teaching the subject.