Manager at State Bank of India (SBI) (2015–present) · Author has 52 answers and 109.5K answer views · 4y ·
Hey Hi,
I believe you have heard of beginner’s luck.
Whenever we begin with something new, we tend to perform better and slowly when we go deeper into the task, let’s say we practice more, we tend to perform worse, but this streak continues up to some extent only.
Point of the whole process is filtering out the half hearted ones. So if you want to be really really better at your task, your job is to stick with it.
You can use following tricks:
- Do not rush into the process. Imagine you are spending a whole day in the gym thinking of building muscles at the end of the day, will it work? Obviously not. Most probably you are practising again and again and getting frustrated due to unwanted results. in such situations, just wrap your books and focus on something else.
- Our mind has unique way of working. It is called as ‘Incubation effect’. When you are struggling with problem, just wrap your problem and focus on something else. when you are resting, doing something else, in that most unexpected of situations you will be presented with answers. So point is to give rest to yourself. Just like we rest after a gym workout.
- then after 1–2 days, get back to the task again.
- Repeat this process till you get better.
What you feel is normal, and everyone feels that way on one occasion or other. So till you get better, don't worry about results, just stick to the work for some time.
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