Profile photo for Gwen Shapira

The producer sends a Metadata request with a list of topics to one of the brokers in the broker-list you supplied when configuring the producer.

The broker responds with a list of partitions in those topics and the leader for each partition. The producer caches this information and knows where to redirect its produce messages.

Profile photo for Umesh Chaudhary

In addition to Gwen's answer : In case of failure while producing, failed broker's data (topics and its partitions) dynamically linked to existing replica which is present on another broker via topic's replication and new leader's information is communicated to the client (producer).

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.

Overpaying on car insurance

You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.

If you’ve been with the same insurer for years, chances are you are one of them.

Pull up, a free site that will compare prices for you, answer the questions on the page, and it will show you how much you could be saving.

That’s it. You’ll likely be saving a bunch of money. Here’s a link to give it a try.

Consistently being in debt

If you’ve got $10K+ in debt (credit cards…medical bills…anything really) you could use a debt relief program and potentially reduce by over 20%.

Here’s how to see if you qualify:

Head over to this Debt Relief comparison website here, then simply answer the questions to see if you qualify.

It’s as simple as that. You’ll likely end up paying less than you owed before and you could be debt free in as little as 2 years.

Missing out on free money to invest

It’s no secret that millionaires love investing, but for the rest of us, it can seem out of reach.

Times have changed. There are a number of investing platforms that will give you a bonus to open an account and get started. All you have to do is open the account and invest at least $25, and you could get up to $1000 in bonus.

Pretty sweet deal right? Here is a link to some of the best options.

Having bad credit

A low credit score can come back to bite you in so many ways in the future.

From that next rental application to getting approved for any type of loan or credit card, if you have a bad history with credit, the good news is you can fix it.

Head over to and answer a few questions to see if you qualify. It only takes a few minutes and could save you from a major upset down the line.

How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Gwen Shapira

First, Kafka has only a single controller, and it always starts first.

The controller has a list of live brokers, and for each partition it has a list of "in-sync replicas" - that is, replicas that are guaranteed to have all the latest changes committed to the partition.

If there's a live broker containing an in-sync replica, one of these replicas will become the new leader.
If there's no live broker with in-sync replica (i.e. all replicas on live brokers are out of date), if the admin enabled unclean leader election, one of the out-of-sync replicas will be elected leader. This will lead to dat

First, Kafka has only a single controller, and it always starts first.

The controller has a list of live brokers, and for each partition it has a list of "in-sync replicas" - that is, replicas that are guaranteed to have all the latest changes committed to the partition.

If there's a live broker containing an in-sync replica, one of these replicas will become the new leader.
If there's no live broker with in-sync replica (i.e. all replicas on live brokers are out of date), if the admin enabled unclean leader election, one of the out-of-sync replicas will be elected leader. This will lead to data loss, which is why admins have to configure this option.
If there's no live in-sync replicas and unclean leader election is disabled, you'll get an error and the partition will be unavailable.

Profile photo for Susan Bertolino

I just finished teaching a Kafka story called “The Judgment”. I may focus on that one a lot, but it is quite close to certain aspects of “The Metamorphisis” and “In the Penal Colony”.

  • The Exalted Father as God: In “The Judgment” Georg, the main character, is sentenced to death by drowning. Georg sees his father after many months of avoiding his room. Georg’s mother has died. The father is grieving, while Georg is thriving: the business his father started is doing well, Georg sees prospects in his life, plus he is engaged to a well to do young lady. However, his father sees through a facade Geor

I just finished teaching a Kafka story called “The Judgment”. I may focus on that one a lot, but it is quite close to certain aspects of “The Metamorphisis” and “In the Penal Colony”.

  • The Exalted Father as God: In “The Judgment” Georg, the main character, is sentenced to death by drowning. Georg sees his father after many months of avoiding his room. Georg’s mother has died. The father is grieving, while Georg is thriving: the business his father started is doing well, Georg sees prospects in his life, plus he is engaged to a well to do young lady. However, his father sees through a facade Georg carries, emulated through a friend of his who lives in St. Petersburg during the Russian Revolution. The friend is lonely, without prospects and living poorly. The father accuses Georg of inventing this friend, then tells him that he is the son he would have preferred. This story is autobiographical as much of Kafka’s isolation stemmed from his complicated relationship with his real father. He was never good enough for this man. His father despised his art. He was never able to be who he was. So Kafka himself is sentenced to death when he works at an insurance company (he was trained as a lawyer), meaning he had little time for his writing. Kafka lives the life of his friend in St. Petersburg because his father disliked his creative side, but also ridiculed his daily work. Georg is completely overpowered by the personality of his father, and rejects the good life he had created for himself because he fears his father.
  • Unappreciated For His Work: In “The Metamorphisis” Gregor Samsa is perhaps the best example of isolation and unappreciation as the character works as a salesman to provide for his parents and sister. When he wakes up to find himself changed into a grotesque insect, he eventually faces ridicule and even gets an apple thrown at him by his father, which injures his bug body. The family see him as a burden and want him to die. No one appreciates his new state of being or feels responsible for him as a member of the family. It is perhaps Kafka’s most upsetting story as he slaves for his family until the work and stress turns him into a rejected parasite. They owe him nothing; they resent him and rejoice in his death. He is alone as an insect, but he was already alone when he worked as a man, helping his family.
  • The Machine State Against the Individual: This comes out in his unfinished work, The Trial, set against a bureaucracy in which man cannot even fathom his charges or know how to prove his innocence because the system is too dense and nonsensical. A similar theme is found in the story “In the Penal Colony”. The characters don’t have names, but are known by their roles like Soldier, Officer, Condemned and Explorer. There is an absurdist humor in both works. In the story, the machine writes the crime of the condemned onto his body over a 12 hour period. The pain is excruciating, yet brings forth a mystical awareness. The machine pronounces judgment through inscribing the crime on the condemn’s body in which he feels a change of consciousness. The experience is both dreaded and desirable because the truth lies in what the machine depicts and how it inflicts the law onto the body, making the individual one with the state of justice. It is just an incredible idea. Joy Division wrote a song that was influenced by this story, called “Colony” on the album Closer. The person accused is always guilty—always. So there is pain, pleasure and an almost religious fervor in suffering for one’s guilt against the system, personified in the “machine.” As I write this, I marvel at the brilliance of this concept, and think of Winston’s Smith’s last thoughts on how much he loved Big Brother as he faced the bullet. It is both absurd and real.

I don’t think there are too many writers who can top Kafka in making one feel misterable about living in an industrialized and now technological world.

Profile photo for Assistant

In Apache Kafka, a producer identifies the leader of a partition by following a specific process involving metadata requests. Here’s how it works:

  1. Bootstrap Servers: When a producer application starts, it first connects to a set of bootstrap servers. These are Kafka brokers that the producer uses to get the initial metadata about the Kafka cluster.
  2. Metadata Request: The producer sends a metadata request to one of the bootstrap servers. This request asks for information about the cluster, including the list of topics, the partitions for those topics, and the leader broker for each partition.
  3. Leade

In Apache Kafka, a producer identifies the leader of a partition by following a specific process involving metadata requests. Here’s how it works:

  1. Bootstrap Servers: When a producer application starts, it first connects to a set of bootstrap servers. These are Kafka brokers that the producer uses to get the initial metadata about the Kafka cluster.
  2. Metadata Request: The producer sends a metadata request to one of the bootstrap servers. This request asks for information about the cluster, including the list of topics, the partitions for those topics, and the leader broker for each partition.
  3. Leader Information: The response to the metadata request includes details about each topic and partition, specifically which broker is the leader for each partition. The leader is responsible for all reads and writes for that partition.
  4. Partitioning Logic: When the producer sends a message to a topic, it determines which partition to send the message to (either by round-robin, based on a key, or some other mechanism). It then uses the metadata to find out which broker is the leader for that partition.
  5. Sending Messages: The producer sends messages directly to the leader broker of the designated partition. The leader will handle the request and replicate the message to its follower replicas.
  6. Updating Metadata: If a broker fails or a new broker is added, the leader information can change. Producers periodically refresh the metadata to stay updated on the current leader for each partition.
  7. Error Handling: If a producer tries to send a message to a broker that is no longer the leader (due to a failure or reassignment), it will receive an error. The producer can then automatically refresh its metadata and retry sending the message to the new leader.

This process ensures that producers are always aware of the current leaders for partitions, enabling efficient message delivery within the Kafka ecosystem.

Profile photo for Fiverr

The reason you should hire a digital marketing freelancer is that it can be very overwhelming trying to do this on your own–which is why so many people and businesses outsource that work. Fiverr freelancers offer incredible value and expertise and will take your digital marketing from creation to transaction. Their talented freelancers can provide full web creation or anything Shopify on your budget and deadline. Hire a digital marketing freelancer on Fiverr and get the most out of your website today.

Profile photo for Sohail Munir Khan

In my head, high-level steps will be:

  1. Setup a Kafka Cluster / Platform (Confluent made it easier to work with Kafka: Confluent Platform 3.3.0 documentation)
  2. Create the output topic (Let’s take the real-world example of streams-wordcount-output as shown here)
  3. Write any Java / Scala / Python / R / CLI / … / etc. process to push data into the topic you created above: Endless examples / scenarios -> IoT or MobileFeeds or Speech or Sound or literally any “real-life” event can be a topic and source of data)
  4. Find a way to consume that distributed “stream” of data listening on the same topic (like shown h

In my head, high-level steps will be:

  1. Setup a Kafka Cluster / Platform (Confluent made it easier to work with Kafka: Confluent Platform 3.3.0 documentation)
  2. Create the output topic (Let’s take the real-world example of streams-wordcount-output as shown here)
  3. Write any Java / Scala / Python / R / CLI / … / etc. process to push data into the topic you created above: Endless examples / scenarios -> IoT or MobileFeeds or Speech or Sound or literally any “real-life” event can be a topic and source of data)
  4. Find a way to consume that distributed “stream” of data listening on the same topic (like shown here)

Some alternatives to Kafka (Stream or otherwise): Santosh Rout's answer to What are some alternatives to Apache Kafka?

Disclaimer: Please check each language (Java / Scala / Python / R / CLI) link separately. I have done the research now to combine some libraries that are good with both Input/Output (Kafkacat for CLI, rkafka for R, kafka-python for Python) and others for Input only (Java & Scala example above)

I hope this answers a very (most superlative) generic question about the power of Kafka. It’s the future. Embrace it :)

Profile photo for M Husnain M Husnain

Kafka is a distributed system consisting of:

  • servers and
  • clients

that communicate via a high-performance TCP network protocol.

It can be deployed on:

  • bare-metal hardware,
  • virtual machines, and
  • containers in on-premise as well as
  • cloud environments.

Kafka is a distributed system consisting of:

  • servers and
  • clients

that communicate via a high-performance TCP network protocol.

It can be deployed on:

  • bare-metal hardware,
  • virtual machines, and
  • containers in on-premise as well as
  • cloud environments.
Procurement agility can drive financial health and resilience for manufacturing businesses. See how.
Profile photo for Kai Wähner


Apache Kafka is an event streaming platform. Kafka processes and stores events in guaranteed ordering. Events can be processed in real-time (in milliseconds end-to-end) or also later in batch or via request-response interfaces.

Kafka is a combination of messaging storage (for real decoupling and backpressure handling), data integration (Kafka Connect), and stream processing (Kafka Streams, ksqlDB):


Apache Kafka is an event streaming platform. Kafka processes and stores events in guaranteed ordering. Events can be processed in real-time (in milliseconds end-to-end) or also later in batch or via request-response interfaces.

Kafka is a combination of messaging storage (for real decoupling and backpressure handling), data integration (Kafka Connect), and stream processing (Kafka Streams, ksqlDB):

Profile photo for Sarnath Kannan

That is why there are topics. You read certain topics depending on your need. And producers write to a certain topic. If you need any further identification, the producer can put that info inside the message. The consumer can then know who wrote it.. But you cannot route messages based on that data becuase the message is really opaque to Kafka.

You have consumer groups and partitions to increase the consumption bandwidth... That's all.

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Profile photo for Satadru Mukherjee

Thanks for the A2A😊

Amazon MSK stands for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka.

Amazon MSK is is a fully managed service that allows users to build and run applications that use Kafka in order to process streaming data.

If you want to explore AWS MSK using Python & integrate with other AWS Services like Lambda , API Gateway , s3 , Kinesis etc. you can refer the below answer —

Hope this will be helpful!

Thank You for reading.

Happy Learning 😊✌🏻

Profile photo for Emil Koutanov

Kafka messages (or records, in its terminology) are uniquely identified by the combination of the topic name, the partition number and the offset of the record. This is effectively the primary key of the record, if you want to use a database analogy. That said, you’ll soon find that the database analogy is a poor one when it comes to Kafka.

You can retrieve a specific record by connecting a free consumer (without specifying a consumer group), assigning it the partition in question and seeking to the offset of the record that you wish to read. Of course, this assumes that the record exists. (Kaf

Kafka messages (or records, in its terminology) are uniquely identified by the combination of the topic name, the partition number and the offset of the record. This is effectively the primary key of the record, if you want to use a database analogy. That said, you’ll soon find that the database analogy is a poor one when it comes to Kafka.

You can retrieve a specific record by connecting a free consumer (without specifying a consumer group), assigning it the partition in question and seeking to the offset of the record that you wish to read. Of course, this assumes that the record exists. (Kafka truncates old records based on its configured retention policy.)

This is a bit of work — unfortunately, Kafka does not provide you with a straightforward way of reading a specific record. And there is a good reason for that: Kafka is not designed around individual record retrieval. Kafka’s strength is in the processing of unbounded streams of records. Still, it can be done.

Finding arbitrary records, on the other hand, is not a trivial task, as Kafka is not a database, despite what people would want you to believe. In other words, Kafka does not provide you with an efficient means of searching for records based on arbitrary attributes, as this requires a user-definable secondary index (which Kafka does not have and probably never will). If you need to locate arbitrary records, you essentially have two options at your disposal:

  1. Topic scan. Brute-force read through all the records in the topic, filtering the ones you need. This may work for small, compacted topics; however, it is impractical for any decently-sized topic.
  2. Materialised view. Consume the records and populate a separate read-optimised view that will support the types of queries needed by your use cases. This takes a bit more up-front work but pays dividends down the track. This is also the idiomatic way of finding historical records. We’ll come back to this in a moment.

But what if you need to locate records in real-time, as they arrive? This seems like it should be right in the ballpark of Kafka’s capabilities, being an event-streaming platform. And in fact, it is. There is an excellent open-source project designed to augment Kafka with SQL-like capabilities called ksqlDB. It is an event streaming database for Kafka. Like the platform that it is built upon, ksqlDB is distributed, scalable, reliable, and (near) real-time. It combines the power of real-time stream processing with the approachable feel of a relational database through a lightweight SQL syntax that should hopefully be familiar to most developers.

If you think about it, there is little difference between real-time stream processing and the processing of historical records. From a consumer’s perspective, everything is historical. But as we learned, processing historical data is slow, amounting to a full range scan. If only we could cache this data as we process it, to make subsequent queries faster? It turns out we can: ksqlDB allows you to define materialised views over your streams and tables. Materialised views are defined by what is known as a persistent query. These queries are known as persistent because they maintain their incrementally updated results using a table.

  1. CREATE TABLE hourly_metrics AS 
  2. SELECT url, COUNT(*) 
  3. FROM page_views 

Results may be "pulled" from materialized views on demand via SELECT queries. The following example will return a single row:

  1. SELECT * FROM hourly_metrics 
  2. WHERE url = '' AND WINDOWSTART = '2019-11-20T19:00'; 

Hopefully, this gives you all the answers to you need to be able to query Kafka for records. If you would like to learn more about Kafka, I would recommend my book: Effective Kafka: A hands-on guide to building robust and scalable event-driven applications. It focuses on the core platform and covers a broad range of topics, ranging from beginner to advanced skill levels, with lots of examples. Happy learning!

Profile photo for Ashok Kumar

What are brokers in Kafka?

A Kafka cluster is made up of multiple Kafka Brokers. A broker is a Kafka server. As the name suggests, the producer and consumer don’t interact directly but use the Kafka server as an agent or broker to exchange message services. Kafka cluster typically consists of multiple brokers to maintain load balance. Unlike other message systems, Kafka brokers are stateless. So they use ZooKeeper for maintaining their cluster state. One Kafka broker instance can handle hundreds of thousands of reads and writes per second and each broker can handle TB of messages without perfor

What are brokers in Kafka?

A Kafka cluster is made up of multiple Kafka Brokers. A broker is a Kafka server. As the name suggests, the producer and consumer don’t interact directly but use the Kafka server as an agent or broker to exchange message services. Kafka cluster typically consists of multiple brokers to maintain load balance. Unlike other message systems, Kafka brokers are stateless. So they use ZooKeeper for maintaining their cluster state. One Kafka broker instance can handle hundreds of thousands of reads and writes per second and each broker can handle TB of messages without performance impact. Kafka broker leader election can be done by ZooKeeper.


Profile photo for Otis Gospodnetic
  • Producer
  • Broker
  • Consumer

Producers put data into the Broker. Consumer get data from Brokers. Kafka also uses ZooKeeper.

Profile photo for Stan Campbell

Of course, a quick search on StackO will get this:

Send bulk of messages Kafka Producer
I'm using Kafka. I have a list with 10k jsons. Currently I send the Jsons as follow: for(int i=0 ;i< jsonList.size(); i++){ ProducerRecord<K,V> record = new ProducerRecord(topic, json...

And from the Confluent docs, a little more detail:

Kafka Producer for Confluent Platform
Kafka Producer for Confluent Platform ¶ An Apache Kafka® Producer is a client application that publishes (writes) events to a Kafka cluster. This section gives an overview of the Kafka producer and an introduction to the configuration settings for tuning. The Kafka producer is conceptually much simpler than the consumer since it does not need group coordination. A producer partitioner maps each message to a topic partition, and the producer sends a produce request to the leader of that partition. The partitioners shipped with Kafka guarantee that all messages with the same non-empty key will be sent to the same partition. Important If you explicitly set the partition field when creating a ProducerRecord, the default behavior described in this section will be overridden. If the key is provided, the partitioner will hash the key with murmur2 algorithm and divide it by the number of partitions. The result is that the same key is always assigned to the same partition. If a key is not provided, the partition is assigned with awareness to batching. If a batch of records is not full and has not yet been sent to the broker, it will select the same partition as a prior record Partitions for newly created batches are assigned randomly. For more information, see KIP-480: Sticky Partitioner and the related Confluent blog post . Each partition in the Kafka cluster has a leader and a set of replicas among the brokers. All writes to the partition must go through the partition leader. The replicas are kept in sync by fetching from the leader. When the leader shuts down or fails, the next leader is chosen from among the in-sync replicas. Depending on how the producer is configured, each produce request to the partition leader can be held until the replicas have successfully acknowledged the write. This gives the producer some control over message durability at some cost to overall throughput. Messages written to the partition leader are not immediately readable by consumers regardless of the producer’s acknowledgement settings. When all in-sync replicas have acknowledged the write, then the message is considered committed , which makes it available for reading. This ensures that messages cannot be lost by a broker failure after they have already been read. Note that this implies that messages which were acknowledged by the leader only (that is, acks=1 ) can be lost if the partition leader fails before the replicas have copied the message. Nevertheless, this is often a reasonable compromise in practice to ensure durability in most cases while not impacting throughput too significantly. Most of the subtlety around producers is tied to achieving high throughput with batching/compression and ensuring message delivery guarantees as mentioned above. In the next section, the most common settings to tune producer behavior are discussed. Kafka Producer Configuration ¶ The full list of configuration settings are available in Kafka Producer Configurations . The key configur

The same configuration can usually be passed at runtime when creating the Producer as in:

kafka API
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You should be able to optimize using compression as in:

Optimizing Kafka producers
You can fine-tune Kafka producers using configuration properties to optimize the streaming of data to consumers. Get the tuning right, and even a small adjustment to your producer configuration can make a significant improvement to the way your producers operate. In this post we’ll discuss typical tuning considerations for Kafka producers. Optimizing Kafka producers Obviously, we want our producers to deliver data to Kafka topics as efficiently as possible. But what do we mean by this, and how do we quantify it? Do we base this on the number of messages sent over a set period of time? Or on how producers are set up to handle failure? Before starting your adventure in optimization, think about your destination. What are the results your are hoping to achieve? Think long enough about this, and you might find competing requirements. For example, by maximizing throughput you might also increase latency. Be prepared to make adjustments to your adjustments. How is your producer performing? It’s only when you have been monitoring the performance of your producers for some time that you can gauge how best to tune their performance. To begin with, you might start with a basic producer configuration in development as a benchmark. When you start to analyze producer metrics to see how the producers actually perform in typical production scenarios, you can make incremental changes and make comparisons until you hit the sweet spot. If you want to read more about performance metrics for monitoring Kafka producers, see Kafka’s Producer Sender Metrics . When you start investigating how you to tune the performance of your producers, look at how your producers perform on average. For example, broker restarts will have an outsize impact on very high (99%) percentile latencies. So you might concentrate on tuning your producer to achieve a latency target within a narrower bound under more typical conditions. Basic producer configuration Before looking at the properties to use for fine-tuning your producer, let’s assume we have a basic configuration. Something like this. bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092 key.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer value.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer = my-client compression.type = gzip This configuration specifies the bootstrap address for connection to the Kafka cluster, and the serializers that transform the key and value of a message from from a String to its corresponding raw byte data representation. Optionally, it’s good practice to add a unique client ID, which is used to identify the source of requests in logs and metrics. Compression is useful for improving throughput and reducing the load on storage, but might not be suitable for low latency applications where the cost of compression or decompression could be prohibitive. More on compression later. In our basic configuration, acknowledgments only confirm that messages have reached the broker, and ther

So, depending upon your stack and particular use case, there’s basic support for what you’re asking. Don’t forget to think about the message formats themselves and any serialization you’re going to be doing on produc

Of course, a quick search on StackO will get this:

Send bulk of messages Kafka Producer
I'm using Kafka. I have a list with 10k jsons. Currently I send the Jsons as follow: for(int i=0 ;i< jsonList.size(); i++){ ProducerRecord<K,V> record = new ProducerRecord(topic, json...

And from the Confluent docs, a little more detail:

Kafka Producer for Confluent Platform
Kafka Producer for Confluent Platform ¶ An Apache Kafka® Producer is a client application that publishes (writes) events to a Kafka cluster. This section gives an overview of the Kafka producer and an introduction to the configuration settings for tuning. The Kafka producer is conceptually much simpler than the consumer since it does not need group coordination. A producer partitioner maps each message to a topic partition, and the producer sends a produce request to the leader of that partition. The partitioners shipped with Kafka guarantee that all messages with the same non-empty key will be sent to the same partition. Important If you explicitly set the partition field when creating a ProducerRecord, the default behavior described in this section will be overridden. If the key is provided, the partitioner will hash the key with murmur2 algorithm and divide it by the number of partitions. The result is that the same key is always assigned to the same partition. If a key is not provided, the partition is assigned with awareness to batching. If a batch of records is not full and has not yet been sent to the broker, it will select the same partition as a prior record Partitions for newly created batches are assigned randomly. For more information, see KIP-480: Sticky Partitioner and the related Confluent blog post . Each partition in the Kafka cluster has a leader and a set of replicas among the brokers. All writes to the partition must go through the partition leader. The replicas are kept in sync by fetching from the leader. When the leader shuts down or fails, the next leader is chosen from among the in-sync replicas. Depending on how the producer is configured, each produce request to the partition leader can be held until the replicas have successfully acknowledged the write. This gives the producer some control over message durability at some cost to overall throughput. Messages written to the partition leader are not immediately readable by consumers regardless of the producer’s acknowledgement settings. When all in-sync replicas have acknowledged the write, then the message is considered committed , which makes it available for reading. This ensures that messages cannot be lost by a broker failure after they have already been read. Note that this implies that messages which were acknowledged by the leader only (that is, acks=1 ) can be lost if the partition leader fails before the replicas have copied the message. Nevertheless, this is often a reasonable compromise in practice to ensure durability in most cases while not impacting throughput too significantly. Most of the subtlety around producers is tied to achieving high throughput with batching/compression and ensuring message delivery guarantees as mentioned above. In the next section, the most common settings to tune producer behavior are discussed. Kafka Producer Configuration ¶ The full list of configuration settings are available in Kafka Producer Configurations . The key configur

The same configuration can usually be passed at runtime when creating the Producer as in:

kafka API
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You should be able to optimize using compression as in:

Optimizing Kafka producers
You can fine-tune Kafka producers using configuration properties to optimize the streaming of data to consumers. Get the tuning right, and even a small adjustment to your producer configuration can make a significant improvement to the way your producers operate. In this post we’ll discuss typical tuning considerations for Kafka producers. Optimizing Kafka producers Obviously, we want our producers to deliver data to Kafka topics as efficiently as possible. But what do we mean by this, and how do we quantify it? Do we base this on the number of messages sent over a set period of time? Or on how producers are set up to handle failure? Before starting your adventure in optimization, think about your destination. What are the results your are hoping to achieve? Think long enough about this, and you might find competing requirements. For example, by maximizing throughput you might also increase latency. Be prepared to make adjustments to your adjustments. How is your producer performing? It’s only when you have been monitoring the performance of your producers for some time that you can gauge how best to tune their performance. To begin with, you might start with a basic producer configuration in development as a benchmark. When you start to analyze producer metrics to see how the producers actually perform in typical production scenarios, you can make incremental changes and make comparisons until you hit the sweet spot. If you want to read more about performance metrics for monitoring Kafka producers, see Kafka’s Producer Sender Metrics . When you start investigating how you to tune the performance of your producers, look at how your producers perform on average. For example, broker restarts will have an outsize impact on very high (99%) percentile latencies. So you might concentrate on tuning your producer to achieve a latency target within a narrower bound under more typical conditions. Basic producer configuration Before looking at the properties to use for fine-tuning your producer, let’s assume we have a basic configuration. Something like this. bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092 key.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer value.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer = my-client compression.type = gzip This configuration specifies the bootstrap address for connection to the Kafka cluster, and the serializers that transform the key and value of a message from from a String to its corresponding raw byte data representation. Optionally, it’s good practice to add a unique client ID, which is used to identify the source of requests in logs and metrics. Compression is useful for improving throughput and reducing the load on storage, but might not be suitable for low latency applications where the cost of compression or decompression could be prohibitive. More on compression later. In our basic configuration, acknowledgments only confirm that messages have reached the broker, and ther

So, depending upon your stack and particular use case, there’s basic support for what you’re asking. Don’t forget to think about the message formats themselves and any serialization you’re going to be doing on producer or consumer sides.

Plus plus.. du coup… You might look at partition-based batching setups to find your producer/consumer hotspots and balance things. :0)

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Think about the main themes before.

When I think about Kafaka on the Shore I immediately think about two things:

the constant struggle between reality and fiction

The importance of the opposite, the ability has a human being to define yourself by actually being exposed to complete differences. Real change and understanding comes not by being exposed to more of the same - people that have similar ideas, thoughts values but actually make you debate others and yourself about your beliefs and values.

Where do you take it from here? that’s up to you, but I think both main themes have enough into them t

Think about the main themes before.

When I think about Kafaka on the Shore I immediately think about two things:

the constant struggle between reality and fiction

The importance of the opposite, the ability has a human being to define yourself by actually being exposed to complete differences. Real change and understanding comes not by being exposed to more of the same - people that have similar ideas, thoughts values but actually make you debate others and yourself about your beliefs and values.

Where do you take it from here? that’s up to you, but I think both main themes have enough into them to hold a great collage / painting / video whatever medium you’ll choose.


I am pretty new to Kafka myself.

Kafka works on producer - consumer mechanism.

Real world example would be whatsapp.

You want to send message to your friend(In Kafka when producer produce any data it is produced to a Topic,The consumer listen to this topic).

Assume your friend phone number is the topic and you(Producer) send data to this topic(his number). The data is persisted(In broker).When your friend(Consumer) comes online (or listen) he gets all the data you sent.

So kafka is not different then producer.Producer,consumer and broker makes up kafka framework.

Profile photo for Ashish Kumar Singh

The fundamentals of Apache Kafka will help to understand the concept of broker and leader.

Producer will be publishing the messages into the respective topics which are partitioned and replicated across the brokers.

consider one topic name top1(3 partitioned + replication factor 3) all the three replicas across 3 broker will be in sync called as ISR(In Sync Replicas).

Zookeeper will elect one of the brokers as leader and other in sync replicas as leader once the leader went down follower will take the charge.

Answer: One broker will have only one leader per topic so one broker can have multiple le

The fundamentals of Apache Kafka will help to understand the concept of broker and leader.

Producer will be publishing the messages into the respective topics which are partitioned and replicated across the brokers.

consider one topic name top1(3 partitioned + replication factor 3) all the three replicas across 3 broker will be in sync called as ISR(In Sync Replicas).

Zookeeper will elect one of the brokers as leader and other in sync replicas as leader once the leader went down follower will take the charge.

Answer: One broker will have only one leader per topic so one broker can have multiple leaders from different topics.

Hope this will help to understand!

Profile photo for Grant Guo
  1. // Scala code 
  2. import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.{Admin, NewTopic} 
  3. import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._ 
  4. val admin = Admin.create(kafkaProps) 
  5. admin.listTopics().names() 
  7. admin.createTopics( 
  8. List( 
  9. new NewTopic( 
  10. topic, 
  11. number_of_partitions, 
  12. replication_factors 
  13. )  
  14. ) 
  15. ) 
Profile photo for Sachin Gupta

After having run away from home, he chooses the new name "Kafka", in honor of writer Franz Kafka. Kafka is described as being muscular for his age and a "cool, tall, fifteen-year-old boy lugging a backpack and a bunch of obsessions" . He's also the son of the famous sculptor Koichi Tamura.

Profile photo for Hussain Rizwan

The Kafka industry encompasses various sectors, including literature, academia, film, theater, and cultural studies, all revolving around the works and legacy of the renowned author Franz Kafka. It involves not only the production and analysis of Kafka's writings but also adaptations, interpretations, and scholarly research exploring themes, symbolism, and impact of his works on modern literature and society.

Profile photo for Ashutosh Shukla

a. Scalability

Apache Kafka can handle scalability in all the four dimensions, i.e. event producers, event processors, event consumers and event connectors. In other words, Kafka scales easily without downtime.

b. High-Volume

Kafka can work with the huge volume of data streams, easily.

c. Data Transformations

Kafka offers provision for deriving new data streams using the data streams from producers.

d. Fault Tolerance

The Kafka cluster can handle failures with the masters and databases.

e. Reliability

Since Kafka is distributed, partitioned, replicated and fault tolerant, it is very Reliable.

f. Durabil

a. Scalability

Apache Kafka can handle scalability in all the four dimensions, i.e. event producers, event processors, event consumers and event connectors. In other words, Kafka scales easily without downtime.

b. High-Volume

Kafka can work with the huge volume of data streams, easily.

c. Data Transformations

Kafka offers provision for deriving new data streams using the data streams from producers.

d. Fault Tolerance

The Kafka cluster can handle failures with the masters and databases.

e. Reliability

Since Kafka is distributed, partitioned, replicated and fault tolerant, it is very Reliable.

f. Durability

It is durable because Kafka uses Distributed commit log, that means messages persists on disk as fast as possible.

g. Performance

For both publishing and subscribing messages, Kafka has high throughput. Even if many TB of messages is stored, it maintains stable performance.

h. Zero Downtime

Kafka is very fast and guarantees zero downtime and zero data loss.

i. Extensibility

There are as many ways by which applications can plug in and make use of Kafka. In addition, offers ways by which to write new connectors as needed.

j. Replication

By using ingest pipelines, it can replicate the events.

Profile photo for R Gupta

All Big Data Technologies are based on parallel execution on multiple servers.

In Kafka, each working server/node that is part of the entire cluster( entire processing system used by your Kafka code ) represent a broker.

The name broker is given because they are facilitator between producer and consumer of your running Kafka program. They hold data produced by the producer and made them available to the consumer.

The presence and processing of data in different brokers is managed by some configuration manager which is generally zookeeper in Kafka.

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Profile photo for Arun Samanta

Kafka is run as a cluster on one or more servers that can span multiple datacenters.

The Kafka cluster stores streams of records in categories called topics.

Each record consists of a key, a value, and a timestamp.

Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data between systems or applications

Building real-time streaming applications that transform or react to the streams of data

Profile photo for Imesha Sudasingha

Kafka consumers in the same consumer group will read a given message (in a given topic) exactly once. This comes in handy when you want to process Kafka streams using multiple clients while ensuring each message is processed exactly once.

See Apache Kafka Consumer Group Example for in depth explanation.

Profile photo for David Roldán Martínez

Follow this process:

  1. Create an instance of the ProducerRecord class.
  2. Call the ProducerRecord. headers() method and add the key and value for the header.
  3. Add another header
Profile photo for Saad Naseer

Here are the best key features that this incredible software has to offer to its clientele.

  • Scalability
  • High-Volume
  • Data Transformations
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Durability
  • Performance
  • Zero Downtime
Profile photo for Indrajeet Gour

A Broker is a Kafka server that runs in a Kafka Cluster. Kafka Brokers form a cluster. The Kafka Cluster consists of many Kafka Brokers on many servers. Broker sometimes refer to more of a logical system or as Kafka as a whole.

Profile photo for Barathan K

Kafka is a low latency messaging architecture which also be used as an event log. Whatever service that post data to a topic in Kafka is considered a producer and the service that consumes that data from a Kafka topic is called Consumer. There is a whole set of example in github that can help you get started.

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