Author has 4.3K answers and 10.2M answer views · 5y ·
My parents had some absolutely asinine “rules”
- When I got money from anyone on my birthday or Christmas, it was immediately confiscated. That stopped when I had my own bank account because I could go to the bank myself and put it in my account myself and there wasn’t squat anyone could do about it.
- I had no say in how my bedroom looked, my parents chose everything. Ironically when I was a “tween” I got to choose how my room looked and would have stayed with that same look later had my voice been heard. I was stuck with pink carpet (which even my friends now can’t believe they EVER had that color and agree with me about it!) until finally I wore my mom down enough that when we redecorated the house my room was first!!! I got the navy carpet I had been wanting, along with some other kinda “hip” early 2000’s trends. It stayed that way until I moved out years later, after which mom promptly “neutralized” the entire house, making everything pretty much neutral colors, even though the bathroom is still the same “underwater” look I picked out when redecorating, after plastering calendar pictures of various sea creatures over that horrible trendy wallpaper my mom had picked out.
- I had to order off the kids’ menu even when I was too old according to the restaurant’s own rules!!! Talk about embarrassing!!!!!!
- I had to be in by 6 every night and was not allowed outside again after dinner (even if it was a nice cool night and I wanted to do my homework outside on the back deck table) during daylight saving time
- I had to change my clothes even if I wanted to wear what I had on if there was one thing my parents didn’t like. My mom for example hated me wearing anything denim to church even though my friends my age did just that.
- same asinine rule applied when we went out of town. My mom had to approve every outfit in my suitcase and often snuck around behind my back and repacked it with what she wanted me to wear
- If we were going to someone else’s house for the holidays I was required to wear a dress, even if after dinner activity would not be appropriate for such a thing
Those are just SOME of the stupid “rules” I endured.
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