Digital Marketing Consultant at Fiverr (company) · Feb 20 ·
When it comes to language learning with Netflix, the main difference between dubbed and subtitled versions of a movie lies in how the language is presented and absorbed:
- Dubbed Version: In a dubbed version, the original dialogue is replaced with voiceovers in the target language. This can make it easier for beginners or people who are not yet comfortable with the language to follow along without the distraction of reading subtitles. However, dubbing can sometimes lose nuances of the original performance, and it may not be as effective for learning pronunciation and listening skills.
- Subtitled Version: With subtitles, the original audio remains in the movie's native language, while translations of the dialogue are displayed as text on the screen. This method helps learners improve their listening skills, as they hear the original pronunciation and accent. It also allows learners to see how words and phrases are used in context. Subtitles are generally preferred for those looking to immerse themselves more deeply in the language.
In summary, if you’re looking to improve listening and comprehension, subtitles might be more beneficial, while dubbing can be a good option for a more relaxed viewing experience.
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