I once responded to a Craigslist job posting and I went to interview with a company that just fired almost their entire team. It was a small company and I was looking to do programming work. The guy seemed pretty friendly and talked about the kind of work I’d be doing which was completely different from the ad. Red flag #1. At the end, he offered minimum wage part time work and said that, “after 3 months, we can talk about increasing your salary.” Red flag #2. Don’t imagine that a company starting you at minimum will move up very much from your original salary. He also didn’t read my email which stated that I was only looking for summer work, so I wasn’t going to be around for 3 months.
Anyway, I told him that I’d think about it. The next day, I wrote an email saying that I decided to reject his offer. He reponded with something like, “Well we already found a guy that was better than you!” I wasn’t aware that people would get offended by rejecting a job, not at advertised, at minimum wage.