So, since you are your twin flame, and your twin flame is you, there is no reason to “RUN” if you are in a state of being of “Harmony”.
Which part of you is “feeling like running again”? That is not your soul aligned self (which is the energy of your Twin Flame - which is harmony) The one who wants to run is your small self- that is existing in a state of being of separation.
When you are in UNION… aka soul aligned and in Harmony - there is nothing to run from.
It’s really up to you to stop the cycle of running and chasing - in truth it’s just your “small self - the one who is in a state of being of separation” and who is trying to run and you are only really ever running from yourself. Just make a choice to stop running.
In the meantime you can check out the 12 Myths & Mistakes you are making that are keeping you in Twin Flame Separation: 🛑 Access My Free 12 Myths Masterclass: