Profile photo for Zachary Mcginness

My maternal grandfather use to own a car lot, he sold trucks and vans to businesses and stuff. I think he also junked some cars as well. Anyway he had this big fence protecting the lot, inside their two guard dogs (I think Dobermans). There was a Beware of Dog sign as well, yes that’s important.

One night this young guy climbed the fence trying to find stuff to burglarize him (I also want to make clear that the offices were inside the fence’s perimeter, he might of been looking for the cash). Unsurprisingly the two dogs find him, and jack his shit up. He got arrested for breaking and entering. A little later he tries to sue my grandfather claiming that he couldn’t read english and because of that he didn’t know of the dogs. He claimed that if he had a sign in Spanish that he would of never burglarized the lot, and because of that my grandfather was responsible for his injuries (he might of also tried to use that to plead his innocence, but don’t quote me).

The thief lost.

This one is less stupid, more sad, bit it was a worthless lawsuit nonetheless. My mother use to work at another car lot (kinda the same situation, mostly selling to contractors and stuff). This one was associated with Ford. Now in Delaware we have a 3 strikes your out rule. If you’re arrested for a felony three separate times, you can go to prison for life. This young guy, less than 25 yrs old, stole some parts off the trucks. He had two felonies, this was his third. He was arrested and they found the stuff on him. They also had recordings of him on the cameras popping off hubcaps. So obviously he was accused of theft. He then sued Ford, saying that they falsely accused him. I don’t know how it would of worked out for him if he had just accepted it. I don’t know if mercy could of been given, but this lawsuit meant they had no choice but to press charges and countercountercharge. That kid signed away his rights for sure when he sued them.

Full disclosure, I was in middle school when that happened, so it’s possible I misunderstood some details or misremembered.

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