I was contacted by a client who told me that her car was hit by another motorist while the car was parked and claimed she was injured as a result; she wanted to sue for her injuries. This sounded quite routine and told her, sure, no problem. Come to my office and let’s talk some more, get the facts down and we will take it from there.
After about 10–15 minutes of discussing the details, I came to find out that my client’s initial description of what happened (I.e., my parked car was hit by another motorist and was claiming injury) was factually true, but she was not in the car when it was hit! She only witnessed her car being hit and was so emotionally distraught over the ordeal she fell to the ground and claimed injury yet neither sought medical treatment nor manifested any obvious signs of being hurt.
OMG! What I did next was evil. I told myself I would not accept the case because it was all bullshit, but I did not tell her that. What I did tell her was that this case needed the attention of an attorney who was steep in experience with this very fact pattern. So, I recommended my law school classmate, a very close friend with whom we reciprocate referrals (and also play practical jokes on one another).
I told her that her case should not go uncompensated, it was an egregious act of negligence on the part of the driver who hit her parked car, and that the harm she suffered was quite foreseeable (yes, I am evil). I recommended she call this attorney renown for his expertise with such cases ASAP (not disclosing he was my good friend); he is the only one in town that can help you.
She thanked me and looked quite encouraged. However, before she left, I told her that the attorney I recommended was quite busy and that he will probably decline to take the case claiming such “busy-ness” or some other excuse. I told her do not accept any excuse. You should stand your ground and be unyielding in getting him to take the case.
A few days later I got the call I expected from my friend, “You SOB! You are a complete asshole. Remember, paybacks are a bitch!” A smile on my face for the rest of the day!