A brazilian lady had a lawsuit against Banco do Brasil (one of the largest retail banks in Brazil) because some old account her grandfather had opened in her name when she was a child, but the bank closed it without permission… so the lawsuit was based on all the interests for 50 years… but in those 50 years, Brazil had several periods of hyperinflation and currency changed some 5 times, each time it changed they would cut several zeros from the currency (like… $50000 Cruzeiros became $5 Reais)
Somehow, she and her lawyer came to a figure of 2 duodecillion Reais.
The news articles made fun it was larger than Brazilian GDP.
And that was actually such an UNDERESTIMATION of the giant value that it shows how people can´t really visualize such numbers.
Larger than the brazilian GDP?
It was probably larger than the value of the entire Galaxy. (value, not GDP).
Earth’s GDP is 100 trillion dollars.
So if we divide by…
You get… 20 septillion…
Meaning… that value is equal to 20 septillion Earth GDPs.
If the Milky Way had 100 billion Earths… that would mean the value would be equal to the GDP of 200 trillion galaxies, each one with 100 billion Earths.