Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, ex-IITian · 4y ·
I think these are the Best books for Music Production. I am giving the links as well ( Don’t worry, these are ‘NO Affiliate links’). Happy Production.
- All You Need to Know About the Music Business: Ninth Edition
- Audio Effects, Mixing and Mastering: Metin Bektas
- Audio Engineering 101: A Beginner's Guide to Music Production
- Composition Book - Michel Hewitt
- Harmony Book - Michel Hewitt
- Home Recording Musicians - Jeff Strong
- Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Producers
- Master Handbook Acoustics
- Mastering Audio - Bob Katz
- Mixing Mastering ITB - Steve Savage
- IK Multimedia - Bobby Owsisnki
- Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices, and Tools - Izhaki, Roey
- Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio - Mike Senior
- Modern Recording Techniques : Huber, David Miles, Runstein
- Music 4.1: A Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age (Music Pro Guides) - Bobby Owsinski
- Music Production: Learn How to Record, Mix, and Master Music: Hans Weekhout
- Music Theory for Computer Musicians: Michael Hewitt
- Rick Rubin In the Studio
- David Gibson’s Art of Mixing
- Richard James Burgress - Art of Music Production
- Art of record Production Vol 1
- Art of record Production Vol 2
- Geometry of Musical Rhythm
- The Mastering Engineer's Handbook 4th Edition - Bobby Owsinski
- The Mixing Engineer's Handbook 4th Edition - Bobby Owsinski
- Music Producers Handbook Second Edition - Bobby Owsinski
- The Recording Engineer's Handbook 4th Edition - Bobby Owsinski
- The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music - Miller Puckette
- Zen and the Art of Mixing: REV 2 (Technical Reference) - Mixerman
I hope if you read all the books here and at the same time apply the knowledge (acquired) to your Production/Mixing/Mastering, you will feel the improvements yourself.
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