Profile photo for Jeremy Stull

I was on a flight from Boston to Las Vegas for a bachelor party in the spring of 2019. It was on a crummy airline that we’ll call, I don’t know, Spirit Airlines. I was in the third row with bose noise cancelling headphones.

About halfway through the flight I noticed a big commotion and it turned out the woman behind me was having what the flight attendants thought was a stroke (turned out to be a series of seizures). The young lady in that row was a graduate student in a physician’s assistant program. She adeptly helped the flight attendants as we made an emergency landing in Chicago and they got on the intercom looking for a doctor on board (it was Spirit, didn’t ever think there would be a physician, but it turns out there are doctors as cheap as I am). The young lady and the team sprawled the woman out in the front row to administer oxygen and other care, displacing the people in that row.

Once we landed, the woman was greeted with paramedics and stretchered out. (as an aside, my friends already in Vegas called Spirit with my flight number and got me updated info on my flight before the on-board staff told us). After we took off and finally landed in vegas - only like 2 hours behind schedule - the flight attendants gave the displaced men from row 1, the doctor, and the young lady who helped out vouchers for a free flight. All of them, except the young lady, held on to them for about 10 seconds before handing it over to the young PA student who helped out. She was that strange combination of grateful and emotional and “i just did what anybody would do” all wrapped into one. So for helping out and plying her schooling, this woman now has four free flights.

This story has a happy ending for the woman with the medical emergency too (and how I know it was seizures). On my last day in vegas, my friends’ flights were before mine, so I was out walking the strip on my way back from a steak and eggs breakfast. I bump into the lady and her husband! She got treatment and they had just gotten into vegas the night before. She wasn’t 100%, she said, but they were determined to have a little R&R after all of that. She apologized for delaying my flight - which of course needed no apology - and said Spirit had been excellent and comped them their eventual flight out to vegas.

Edit: I forgot my favorite punch line for this story: Bose noise cancelling headphones work wonders!

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