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God is an OOPS programmer

God is omnipotent, merciful, forgiving, almighty and a bunch of other things, but at heart he was an OOPS programmer, and he created the concept. Let us understand how this guy created humans, after his initial forays with algae and bacteria.

Class: He first created a class called Human. Added some attributes and functions. Attributes such as eyes, ears, brain, legs. Functions such as walk, talk, think, sleep etc.

Inheritance : He next created 2 sub classes - Man and Woman. They inherited the attributes and functions of class human. However he added some attributes and functions specific to these classes. For the man and the woman class, he added attributes specific to their anatomy. Like a special Adam's apple for the man, the breasts for the woman and a few other specific ones. He added functions specific to these classes, for instance he gave the function "GiveBirthToNewHuman" to the woman class. It was a complex function intended to spawn new objects and he did a great job there.

Polymorphism : God gave both classes some polymorphic capabilities wherein they could act differently based on the input given. For instance, the function "ConsumeThroughMouth" could behave differently based on the type of input given. If food was given, the function has extra logic to use the teeth to grind it. It milk or water was given, the function used the lips in a pout shape instead of using the teeth. So different use of attributes. So God patented this fancy sounding term and further also brought in a new associated term called function overloading as he was overloading multiple capabilites onto the function "ConsumeThroughMouth"

Abstraction : God thought it would be good if not many details and only what was necessary was given to the external world. For instance the woman and the man can talk. The internal details of how the neural network in the brain processed the signals received and in turns sends a signal to produce a sound is not exposed to the recepient or the outside world. Hence the paradigm of abstraction.

Encapsulation: God's idea of combining the data and functions together to make it a working unit. God patented it with a fancy name "Encapsulation" for that, since he was on a roll with the names already - polymorphism, abstraction and what not!

Object: Finally, it was time to have some fun, and create some instances of the classes made. And viola, God created Adam, Eve, Rishi, Chunnu, Munni, Raveena, Sunny, Mary, Salman, John, Samuel, Anoushka, Rama and many many more. And that's how this OOPS programmer created Human Life.

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